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The Happy Hooker

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Everything posted by The Happy Hooker

  1. Hi Guys, Just surfin' the soul scene when I came up this. I'm a old (very) Crystal Bowl attendee you may remember me as JAMMIE, I used to go to the Bowl with Roy Hicks and his sister Margaret, its great to read some of the comments on here about he 'Bowl. I keep telling her indoors (on the pic) how great it was. Fantastic times had, especially when Junior Walker and the All Stars actually did a gig at the Bowl, the Carlton Street and Albion Street were rammed. My personal 'high' was when Wynder K Frogg made an ACTUAL appearance ( see below) Great, great times and disappointments, especially when the acts booked by Ken Dougherty never turned up and we were left with the stand-ins, the Screen. Its good to see the photo of Howard Taylor who DJ'd at the Bowl. I've just rekindled my love for soul in the last fe years, attending Drax, Eggborough and the Crescent club in York, so much so that we've booked a weeks holiday at Soul In the Sun in Tenerife, where I've got 3 DJ spots With regard to the lady who is looking for her father, I knew a Dave Owens who was big pal of Terry Egan, he was a very, very smart turned out guy, who if my memory is correct was also something of a good amateur boxer Will be at Drax tomorrow, you not miss me crap dancer with white hair dave
  2. Flitations Little Darlin' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SWqGCvOuQ0 Listen to the words, heart stopping, playing this at SITS Tenerife, in March/April

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