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The Happy Hooker

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Everything posted by The Happy Hooker

  1. Hmmmm ............................must ask Richard Cryer at Eggy to spin that NS inspired favourite(sic) 'Blackeyed Boy'
  2. No Tombstones.........................................
  3. When Tommy Hunt returned to the stage for the finale at Skeggy weekender, after earlier succumbing to the heat of the onstage lights, for a guy of 80 plus years this to me show's his dedication, professionalism and love of soul. Keep on keeping on Tommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:
  4. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/programmes/schedules/2014/12/26 been mislead all this time
  5. Would like confirmation if this is true........................as I was at an event where the DJ (?) was playing 'Wheel' only spins and when I asked for 'Stanky' was looked down on as if I was something that had emanated from the rectum of my dog
  6. Sad to say I was at the Unity and have posted my comments on the past Events page. The Unity Hall has been seriously revamped and renovated to avenue that has few better on the UK soul scene. Unfortunately it's located now on the worst spot imaginable in 'Wakey' ie Westgate, home to the infamous 'Westgate Run' and I can image the joy that the Handbaggers/Divvies/Zombies had when it was announced that there was 'Northern Soul' all-dayer on Saturday on Westgate, piss-up heaven. The local pubs, Black Horse I was told across from the Unity, was cashing in on the day (who can blame them in this dog eat dog world) by having cheap beer £1:50 a pint and playing 'soul' music The place was magnificent, dance floor brilliant no need for talc floor like an ice rink, climbing the stone stairs with polished bannisters was like stepping back 30/40 years in time ........................................then we were confronted with the handbaggers/piss artists/zombies/stiletto puppets-on- a string/ which totally took the gloss of the night ........................can put up with he queues for a drink but the Richard Craniums who totally ignored the DJ's pleas for 'no drinks on the floor please' should be shot with excrement. I got to think how much 'soulies' miss places like the Casino, Torch, Wheel etc, and when a place like the Unity rise like a phoenix from the ashes and is trying to regain a place on the soul circuit to be totally abused by Kn..b H...d Ethel/Elsies'/Doris is beyond belief. Unfortunately the Wakefield of 38 years ago is no longer the place we have now especially Westgate and I think it was inevitable that the night would be 'crashed ' by handbaggers as was pointed out by a previous poster. Going to local soul events that are well supported and attended, Drax, Eggborough, Manhattan, etc the location of these places means that only serious, dedicated and true officinardos of the soul scene make an attempt to get there and it is rare if at all that the 'happenings' that occurred on Saturday at Unity occur here. My heart goes out to Malc Burton for his efforts to promote this and to be rewarded after 38 years with shit from certain'people' is a sad reflection on modern day society
  7. The Happy Hooker


    SITS and Soul Lodge, Tenerife 2014
  8. The Happy Hooker


    From the album: Tenerife

  9. Still a place for instrumentals, the only place I've heard this: Pied Piper Players - That's What love Is Was at the Crescent Club in York, thanks Paul Dicko Other's that deserve spin mentions: ANY instrumental done by the Funk Brothers Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie - Rosemary Tempos - Sad, Sad Memories Total Eclipse - Six O'clock Andre Brasseur - The Kid Detroit Land Apples - I Need Help Wynder K. Frogg - Green Door ( seen the guy, fantastic) Arthur Wright Orch. - Lay this Burden Down and if this doesn't get you on the floor then consider a heart transplant: Willie Mitchell - The Champion pt. 1 Would feel short changed if I went to an event and there wasn't an instrumental spun!!!!! THH
  10. Went to see the film Showcase Leeds and thoroughly enjoyed it. As 'yoof' of the 60/70's can relate to some of the scenarios in the film. Parents despairing of you ever making something of your life, school problems, having a shitty, boring, mundane apprenticeship, queuing at the bus stop, in a boiler suit and donkey jacket getting soaking wet just longing for the weekend and music, dancing and other things . The locations shot well represented the mundane industrial north of the era, thought the drug part was a little to long, but during this time at most events you knew who and where to obtain some 'gear', and I had a quite chuckle to myself when the lads in the film identified an undercover DS cop trying to look 'cool', trying 'suss' out who was 'dealing'. This was a refection of what happened in the pub we used to attend before an event, an undercover DS guy, looking 'trendy' and dressing 'cool' ( or so he thought) would wonder around the place but EVERYONE would know who he was. The main lead characters were well portrayed and well acted and Elaine deserves plaudits for sticking to her guns and insisting on using unknown actors, as it was suggested that Daniel Radcliffe be used as the main lead part of John All in all the film set to achieve what it was meant to viz. to tell the STORY of two lads in a mundane industrial town in 70's who little hope of achieving anything in life, who find an escape in Northern Soul music but still cling on to a goal (unachievable?)
  11. Can vouch for everthing that Alan has said, is polite in asking for permission to photo and will present the recipient with a glossy professional image of the event, plus a first rate gentleman and Cas Tiger fan to boot

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