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The Happy Hooker

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Everything posted by The Happy Hooker

  1. This is how NOT to wear a Pork Pie Hat.................. exit stage left if the wife gets to know..........(the one on the RIGHT)
  2. A general 'Soulful' thanks to all the clubs we've been to recently (and emptied your pockets) with contributions to our fight against Prostate Cancer. Special mention must go to the soulies Muriel and Sandra at Houghton - le - Spring who helped us raise £800.00, and all the guys at Shafton WMC who contributed sums of money over £1,000.00. The cummulative sum of £60,000.00 has been achieved over sixty months since Charity Soul's inception, with a lot of heartache, headache and not a little personal expenditure but it was all worth it in the end. Again to everyone who has contributed no matter how small, as the actress said to the Bishop, every little bit helps. THANKS Dave
  3. LOCAL COMMUNITY WMC's FANTASTIC DONATION EVENTS FOR PROSTATE CANCER RESEARCH Charity soul would like to say a big thank you to two community WMC's who have held fundraising soul music nights for Prostate Cancer research. These closely knit community clubs moved heaven and earth to organise these well attended events for at which members of Charity Soul were also in attendance. The fundraising started sequence started here: SHAFTON WMC . BARNSLEY Friday 2nd February Chartiy Soul were invited, through Tim Michaels of Next PLC (Doncaster) and Melvin Colbourne, to assist in the running of a fundraising event at this local club. Our role was to supply equipment and play music for the evenings entertainment which would be accompanied by 'Horse Race Meeting' The evening was fantastically supported by the local populus with in the words of club steward ".... t'clubs full to bustin' " . A great night was had by all with some fabulous raffl prizes donated, even better was the total amount on money raised during the evening This amounted to a whopping £1,028.00, which was beyond our expectation, as the entry to the nights entertainment was free. This figure was rounded up to £1,100.00 by club steward Peter Makinson. A wonderful gesture and it rounded off a great night And so on County Durham. COMRADES CLUB, HOUGHTON -LE - SPRING, Nr SUNDERLAND Saturday 17th Februarary This lovely little club has supported Charity Soul with numerous fundraising events in the past, and another event was organised for us. Dave and Jenni Johnson represented Charity Soul at this Tamala Motown fundraiser, having been invited by Muriel Coxon, one of our North East fundraiser volunteers. This club was well supported in fundraisng efforts with dj's and people travelling from as far as Middlesbrough to be part of the entertainment. Our thanks must go to everyone for making this event a success, but especially to Sandra and Muriel, who worked tirelessly through out the evening Again this tighly knit community club came up trumps with a brilliant evenings entertainment with the dj's playing a great mix of music for the attendee's. It must be stressed that all the dj's gave the evenings work for no monetary reward, just the fact they wanted to help with our cause. The donations for the night were supplemented with a raffle of a framed soul picture donated by famous soul artist Graham Fairhurst, a keen supporter of Charity Soul. Total donations for evening amounted to £755.00 for which everybody was 'over the moon' So on behalf of all members of Charity Soul a big big thank you to all concerned Dave Johnson Secretary/Administrator Charity Soul

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