One means could be selling rarities to people you know / are known in the scene. I also reckon that those funds, etc. won’t hang around here, so selling and buying through soul-source should be fine as well in order to keep them from getting stuff..
Yeah, I think I should be patient. I had one 3-months delivery from the US already during lockdown earlier this year. I was just hoping things got better now and obviously they did get better but not for any individual shipment.. let's see and hope for the best.
This is one hell of a tune and from what I know has just more than doubled in price (which is clearly the JM effect here)..
Reading his descriptions here and there brought me to the conclusion that the items for auction are at least to a certain extent not his..
Jamaican singer Dobby Dobson, well known for his Rock Steady hit 'I am a loving pauper' has passed away on 21 Jul following complications of COVID-19..
Hi everyone
This one sits on my wants list for quite a while now, would appreciate if someone could help me out with an ex or better copy.. please PM me if you have one for sale!
Many thanks,
Hi folks
Trying the impossible, I know. But in case anyone does have a spare copy of Kenny Gamble - The jokes on you (Arctic, preferably white demo) in EX or NM condition, please PM me..
Thanks for looking,
Very sad news, indeed. I second what some have already written here, there are not many to have a debut like she had, especially taking into account her very young age at the time. 'Paralyzed' stands up there..
Hi folks
Anyone got a spare copy of Vibrations - Cause you're mine (Epic, white demo) in EX or NM condition?
Please PM me if so.
Thanks for looking,