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Everything posted by bobkayli

  1. Hopefully this will work. Thanks for the advice! First Miracles EP in France. Could be the first ever Motown EP since released prior to UK equivalent. Sleeve notes attribute the record to Talma U.S.A.
  2. Can anybody advise how to upload onto this thread? I'm having trouble scaling to size the scans i have. Any suggestions welcome (polite ones preferred)
  3. Does anybody know of any Blinky recordings that are worthy from a Northern Soul perspective? Talking on Motown blogs, Oh How Happy with Edwin Starr and Rescue Me from the Cellarful of Motown 2 CD were suggested but I'm not so sure. The duet with Edwin seems a bit too well known and the intro on Rescue Me would probably empty the dance floor before she gets going. The reason for the question is that, as fans, we are trying to stimulate an interest in getting Motown to release some of her work since there remains quite a lot of unreleased stuff in the famous Motown vaults. Obviously NS interest would give another angle to this. All help appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the advice on Detroit. People's Records was as described and Brad Hales really helpful and knowledgable. only my wife stopped me setting up home in the shop to go through all the unsorted records. I found her a cool cafe and a vintage shop to keep her amused but even this wore thin after a while. Logan Hardware in Chicago, Corner Records in Grand Rapids and Satellite Records in Kalamazoo were also places that I picked up a lot of stuff at good prices. Again crate digging and test playing the records were the key to success.
  5. I'm doing Chicago, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo on a Motown/Chess/Jazz theme over the next couple of weeks. Any advice of places to go would be welcome. i like the idea of the thrift stores. Are the records generally sorted and price or is it simply digging in to the piles and hoping some soul turns up?
  6. The title to this thread is lacking Rs. Not something that I would normally associate as lacking in the ample Martha.
  7. He couldn't help himself.
  8. Am just off to a nice bottle of Pouilly Fume and some oysters, Stanley Turrentine's Blue Hour will be playing in the background followed by Coltranes Love Supreme and the delightful company of my wife. Enjoy your Saturday evening too!!
  9. I seem to have touched a nerve. Your analysis comes with passion but many generalisations which do not hold up in the real world: - You continue to make many prejudgements about me which are simply not true(highlighted above in red) - You make glib assumptions about other people which are one dimensional and superficial (highlighted above in blue) - You arrive at conclusions which seem based on incomprehension that someone who enjoys music may demand quality (highlighted above in green). Quality is subjective and in the eye of the beholder. Where the line is between commercial interests and quality is very difficult to discern, they both play their part in all music to a greater or lesser extent. The view you are approaching of musical idealists who know best and the rest are herd-like is naive and quite frankly offensive. Feelings come a lot into the perspective of what music is liked by an individual. Since we all have feelings, these should be respected. That I should be expected to respect someone more because they have appointed themselves an elite is arrogant and something better persons than me have fought wars over. Interesting debate though Paul.
  10. You don't know me so how can you prejudge what I understand and my views on pubs and the BBC? BTW who is 'mr murdock'?
  11. you could be right. but there is a point where passion and intolerance become intertwined. passion is following a cause and I understand that because i'm passionate about the music myself, intolerance is belittling others because they do not follow your cause, that I don't understand, everyone has the right to follow their path. That point has been passed in several of the posts to this thread.
  12. As a fellow football supporter you can probably understand how difficult it was for me to write something positive about Liverpool. THat said, whenever I come to Anfield, I put flowers at the gate for the 96 and pay my respects. In the end, we are all the same even if we like to pretend otherwise.
  13. Fair comment. Unfortunately Skeggy is a long haul for me so i'll have to pass on going back so quickly. I did come to a Skeggy weekender 4/5 years ago in a hotel in the town and really enjoyed it. There were no Kermits at Skeggy but my attention was drawn to a hen party dressed up as Marilyn Monroe in her white 'blown up by the underfloor air blast' dress. Had me on the dancefloor quicker than a rat up the drainpipe. The missus helpfully reminded me that 'you look with your eyes and not your hands' in that tone that leaves no doubt. Looking back she probably did me a favour and saved me from making a bigger fool of myself than I normally do.
  14. Reading the replies to my thread, some do bite! Your scene sounds fun and Northants is not out of my wavelength. If you have any dates, I'll see if me and the missus can make one. (However don't tell that Penny I'm coming, I want to get home in one piece)
  15. Some observations in reply - The music on offer at Skegness was all Northern Soul and no doubt enjoyed by all on this site at one time or another. To call it crap implies a convenient loss of memory - some of your comments show the same sheep-like unimaginative conformity you are intolerant of, - Northern Soul does not belong to a select group of self-appointed Brits. The music comes generally from African American artists who seem to appreciate greatly the recognition that their efforts are bringing albeit 40-50 years too late - I love the music and do not consider myself elite in doing so. How you can judge whether someone loves it more than me when you have never met me nor know me leaves me puzzled - that the music was brought to life by a number of people on this site (but also by the much maligned Mr Winstanley) is not in dispute and much appreciated. It does not give these people a monopoly on it's use nor the right to prescribe the manner in which it is used. (unless I've misunderstood copyright law all these years) - Since many of the sounds we all love come from the 60s and 70s, I do not know where you consider moribund nostalgia begins and ends. To suggest it belongs to people who went to Butlins but not to people who claim to be the Northern Soul elite is open to debate. I wouldn't say that the term belongs to either of them. - it's not only fascists that are intolerant - music is to be enjoyed and by the more, the merrier
  16. My local club is Maidenhead United who I go to watch as often as the Blues. Not quite pub football but well on the way seeing the state our centre-forward turns up in following Friday night in Stripes. I enjoy it, different crowd and atmosphere, much more personal. So the footballs not so good but it's a good crack. In a strange way i enjoyed Chelsea also when they were getting beat 6-0 at Rotherham in the old Division 2. I like the success of course but even if it disappeared, I'd still be there. The same with the music. It's not only about being intense, it's also to be enjoyed. I love finding rare records and debating the hell over matrix numbers and is this a first pressing etc. But the Do I Love You moment at Skeggy was an incredibly emotional release which I wouldn't have missed for the world. THe weekend was much more than the stereotypes portrayed on this thread by people who didn't go. I had never been to Butlins in my life until last weekend but would recommend it. The only caution i would offer is that one needs to go with a smile and not an introverted snarl to get somethnig out of it.
  17. Yikes, there's some scary guys on this site. Intolerance seems to be the keyword. I hardly drink, do not wear fancy dress and I'm at the 'Dad Dance' end of the scale. However I love the music and have done for 15 years since re-discovering it, I support the events and also like to have a good time and certainly don't object to others who have paid a lot of money to attend to enjoy themselves even if Chuck Woods floats their boat. The Skegness promoters did try to keep beer and stupidity off the dancefloor very actively and largely succeeded I would say to Ady Croasdell that there are some reviews of the weekend on the Yahoo Motown Treasures website. However I understand the risk of generating a range of elitist back-wash by mentioning this since the M-word is probably sacrilege to some. Why not come out and attend some of these events? You'd be welcomed and no doubt the promoters would respond by playing the sort of music you are looking for. Unworthy newcomers like myself could also learn the error of their ways from such distinguished company and the music could be kept on track by your deep knowledge. To paraphrase the great Bill Shankly: you can't influence play if you're not on the pitch. (btw at the risk of further fury, I'm a Chelsea fan but appreciate greatness in whatever colour shirt it comes)
  18. Thanks for putting up the video. Was at the week-end with my wife and we had a fantastic time. Just to add that Brenda Hollloway was also present on the video. Talking to her she is determined to learn more of her northern soul classics before she comes across to these shores again. Where Did You Go, When I'm Gone and the first verse of Reconsider weren't bad starts though. On Saturday night Chris Clark gave us Do I Love You as a finale to her act with the same backing band and singers. Also a wonderful moment. A great weekend which was maybe less hardcore and intense than Prestatyn or Bridlington which i also attend but really enjoyable with the range of acts, music, things to do (including northern soul dance lessons). Incredibly friendly atmosphere. However as I'm a Southerner and never went to Wigan Casino, what do I know about such things.

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