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Daren Howle

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  1. Not Looking for a minter good playable copy vg+ will do fine.
  2. One on rarenorthernsoul.com
  3. Thanks Steve,i think about 500-600 sounds about right to me.
  4. Thanks for your input everyone,think I might have a punt on it,personally I think its a great record even I must admit, he looks a bit odd.
  5. Value please on this .Solid VG. I have a chance of buying but don't know what to offer.
  6. It is truelly, a fine piece of music.
  7. Sorry Gilly,just that one.
  8. Many thanks guys for your input and help.
  9. Apologies for this,had trouble trying to load soundfile to my original thread.
  10. I got it from a batch I bought off one of my friends recent trip to the states,the seller in the states did not know who it was either,i think it is really good too,thankyou Robbk.
  11. Hi,i have managed to download soundfile,but its on a new thread,regards daz.
  12. 20170301_191935.mp3
  13. Soundfile downloaded to facebook page.
  14. You could be right.

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