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Kathryn Magson

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Everything posted by Kathryn Magson

  1. Just watched The Monuments Men with George Clooney & Matt Damon. (On BBC2 last night but I found it on the iplayer). It's about all the artefacts looted by the Nazis during WW2 & the Allied efforts to recover them. You might find it a bit slow to start with but stick with it - it's a good film - very interesting & well worth watching.
  2. I wouldn't really want to see a whole floor full of couples dancing together at a soul night - that's not what it's all about - but on some occasions it's nice to see. I know of at least one couple - regulars at soul events in my local area for many years - where one has been ill & no longer has the balance that they used to have. Does that mean they should stay off the dance floor? Like hell it does! It's really good to see them both enjoying a night out & a bit of a dance, even if it does mean that one needs a tad of support from the other. Much love & respect to them both.
  3. Bit of an update on the Ritz......I went past it this afternoon - the place was all taped off & surrounded by police vans! My thoughts were later confirmed by a report in the local evening paper........somebody has been using the building to grow something they shouldn't have been growing......... I'm surprised the place is still standing - the way the owner was talking last year, it sounded as though the bulldozers would be moving in the following week! So sad to see what was once such a cracking venue come to this
  4. Well - what can I say? As always, everyone seemed to have a good night - I heard lots of great feedback from around the room "nice atmosphere..."....."cracking little venue"......"music was spot on" The one fly in the ointment was that the room was a bit on the cool side - we had to ask the manager to turn up the heating! Apart from that - it was a great night with most of the usual friendly regulars there to support us. It was nice to welcome a few new faces too! Big shout out to all the DJs - Soul Brew's Marc, Stuart & Steve - plus guest DJ Ian Smith - you absolutely smashed it guys! Well done - all played on original vinyl. Thanks too to all those who braved the cold night to support us - thanks for joining us & thank for dancing. Let's do it all again next month when our guest DJ will be Denis Convery (Outwood soul club).
  5. Just seen the news - very sad. RIP Marlena & thank you for the music.
  6. Looking forward to another storming night at The George - can't wait to see what new tunes the Soul Brew DJs have been splashing the cash on..........
  7. Well said Paul - you've put all my rambling thoughts into a very succinct nutshell. Thank you!
  8. Wouldn't it be good if the taxman chased after some of the REAL tax dodgers with the offshore accounts, instead of going after the little guy eking out his pension by selling a few tunes? (Michelle Mone is one that comes to mind - selling off all her assets so she can store the money in some Swiss bank ac now that she's finally been rumbled........)
  9. It gets worse - even Lucozade's cashing in on it now!
  10. Happy New Year everybody - whatever you're up to tonight, stay safe & have a good one! Love & peace to all, Kath xxx
  11. I agree - nothing much on tonight but I've got plenty recorded to keep me occupied. I won't be going out as my dog is scared of the fireworks.......aww poor me! PS - I saw Ike & Tina at The Wheel too - saw loads of brilliants acts there, but Ike & Tina were among the best.
  12. Hi all - Kath here with a bit of feedback from last night at The George. IT WAS BLOODY FAB!!!! So good in fact that I thought - rather than me waffling on - I'd just share some of the nice comments that I've found on Facebook today, so here goes:- "really good night mate " "Great venue, "right" people and well worth a visit if "oldies" are your thing... Terrible Tom to Little Queenie & back again." "Great night great people" "George Hotel in Cleckheaton on a Thursday was fantastic.. Happy happy happy.. Great music great atmosphere and great dancefloor. This place is a winner. Hoorah" "Great night great people" "A great night out " "Loved it fab music, fab venue and fab people!!" Thanks everyone for the lovely comments - they mean a lot! Thanks too for supporting us - it's very much appreciated. Let's do it all again next month - Soul Brew will be back at The George on the 19th January, with guest DJ Ian Smith from Harrogate Soul Club.
  13. Here are the DJ times for Thursday night: - 8.00 - 8.45 - Stuart Eastwood 8.45 - 9.30 - Steve Yendley 9.30 - 10.30 - Jeff Robinson 10.30 - 11.15 - Marc Silverside 11.15 - 12.00 - Carl Eastwood 12.00 - close - Marc & Carl double decking Are we in for a storming night or what???
  14. I've almost finished watching The Fall on BBC Iplayer - if you haven't already seen it, it's well worth watching - definite thumbs up from me!

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