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Kathryn Magson

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Everything posted by Kathryn Magson

  1. Cracking atmosphere - storming tunes & free entry too! What's not to like?
  2. Is anyone watching Into The Congo with Ben Fogle? It's on Sunday nights on Channel 5 - I always find his programmes interesting & worth watching. He seems like one of life's nice guys!
  3. I'll have to look that one up - sounds interesting! Thank you Just watched it - I've always known that the Chinese government were extremely controlling, but this is another level! Scary stuff - it's like 1984 on speed!
  4. Is anyone watching Too Good To Be True on Channel 5? It's a 4-part drama - last episode tonight. Much better than I expected it to be!
  5. I remember green & clears very well - my favourite sweets for a niter back in the day lol
  6. Just started watching series 2 of Kin !
  7. Has anyone been watching Breathtaking on ITV? It's a 3-part series (final episode tonight at 9pm) about the front-line health staff during the pandemic - well worth watching! It's a reminder of the difficult time the NHS staff had & the sacrifices they all made. I salute every single one of them.
  8. Me too, but this lad was keen to go with his parents so I'm not knocking him for it! His parents are both into the soul scene so he'd grown up with it all - it was his choice. I think they gave him the confidence to come whereas he might not have on his own. I thought it was good to see them out together - happy in each other's company & all having a good time. Would never have happened when I was young. My parents didn't often ask me where I was going - if they did I would have lied through my teeth! If they'd known the truth I would have had the crap beaten out of me & then grounded FOREVER!!
  9. I would just like to share a little something that made my night on Friday. I was at my usual soul night when a young lad came in with his parents. His Mum later told me that he'd been hassling them for years to let him go to a soul night, but his parents had told him he would have to wait until he was 18. Friday was his 18th birthday & where did he choose to celebrate it? You guessed it - with us at our soul do. What a nice lad he was too - thoroughly enjoyed himself - he danced & danced & danced - he never left the dance floor! They were among the last to leave, so we had chance for a quick chat with him & his parents - lovely people & really nice lad. Such a refreshing change to some of the cocky, arrogant younger people that I keep hearing about on the soul scene recently - we could do with a few more like him! Just thought I'd share that with you - not all the young ones on the soul scene are so full of themselves - just a few that give the rest of the younger ones a bad name.
  10. Hi all - Kath here with a bit of feedback on last night. It was really good to see some new faces - also great to see some old friends that I'd not seen for quite some time. All the DJS played cracking sets & kept the dance floor busy all night - well done Steve, Stuart & Carl - thanks & well done too to our guest DJ Dennis Convery. You nailed it guys! I think the icing on the cake was when a young lad came in with his parents. His Mum told me later that he'd been hassling them for a long time to go to a soul night, but they'd told him he would have to wait until he was 18. Yesterday was his 18th birthday, so where did he choose to celebrate it? You guessed it! That lad never left the dance floor all night - obviously been doing a bit of dancing on the carpet at home too cos he could really dance. He & his parents were among the last to leave so I had chance for a quick word - he had a big grin on his face & said he'd had a great night. Made my night! Thanks to all who came to support us last night - as always it's very much appreciated - let's do it all again next month when our guest DJ will be none other than Don Morris (Mopsey) Bring it on!!
  11. No Marc Silverside this month - lucky guy is on his jollies in Barbados! The Soul Brew DJs Steve, Stuart & Carl - plus guest DJ Dennis Convery - will be spinning the tunes for us to keep the dance floor busy. Bring it on guys!
  12. It's a guess but thought it might be The Chi Lites?
  13. Couple of photos from last month - place is filling up nicely!
  14. Sorry didn't notice how old it is - just found it recently. Next time I'll know to check
  15. Just watched episode 1 of "What Remains" on BBC iplayer. Decent 4-part drama with an excellent cast.

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