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Kathryn Magson

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Event Comments posted by Kathryn Magson

  1. Plenty of weekenders on this weekend & if you're going to one here's hoping you have a great time, but if you've decided to stay local to Yorkshire you're more than welcome to come & join us at The Lightcliffe - we are always happy to see new faces! :thumbup: :thumbup: 

    All our DJs are spinning the tunes simply for the love of music - not out to make money & no egos to boost - just the pleasure of seeing a floor full of happy dancers!  💃🕺 Hope to see you on the dance floor.🙂🙂

    Thanks to all who came to support Soul Brew at their first event at Lightcliffe. I heard lots of good feedback from around the room........"The music was spot-on"............."nice friendly atmosphere......."......."The dance floor's great - no need for talc!"....."Thanks - we've had a really good night & we'll be back." One couple left with a thumbs up & said "Impressed - see you next month!"

    So.....thanks & well done to all the Soul Brew DJs - it looks like you nailed it guys! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    On 18/05/2022 at 12:23, Lozbcscatlmc said:

    The absolute best of luck to the SB team for the 28th May! It was a shame for the S@L team having to call it a day but we're so happy it's started up again & in great hands too!

    Best wishes all the way from Sunny Scarborough 🌞 

    Thanks for the good wishes Laura - we're all really looking forward to tonight - if you happen to be back in the area for the weekend hope you'll be able to join us!  🙂

    The DJs are all raring to go - here are the DJ times:-

    8pm - 9pm - Stuart Eastwood

    9pm - 10pm Marc Silverside

    10pm - 11pm Steve Yendley

    11pm - 12.15 Carl Eastwood

    Bring it on! 🎶🎧 🕺💃

    On 12/05/2022 at 15:33, scubadog said:

    So glad that Northern Soul is back at this venue. 
    We can’t make it to the first one but we look forward to future dates. 

    We're all really pleased to see the Lightcliffe soul nights back up & running again too scubadog! Different DJ line-up, but still the same great atmosphere & fab tunes - hope you can make it there at some point in the future 🙂 🙂

    There seems to be some confusion as to the identity of Soul Brew - it's just four guys - Marc Silverside, Steve Yendley, Stuart Eastwood & his son Carl Eastwood - who make up Soul Brew. They have been around for the last five years or so & at the moment they run Sunday afternoon events at Jeremy's The Boat House in Brighouse, where the regulars prefer more popular, commercial soul. Now the guys are all really looking forward to playing some of the less well-known tunes that go down so well at Lightcliffe.🙂

    There appears to be an incorrect rumour doing the rounds that it's Halifax Soul Crew taking over the soul nights at Lightcliffe, but HSC & Soul Brew are totally separate groups with no connection whatsoever. I really wish people would get their facts straight before they try to spread rumours!!🙃

    Hi all - Kath here.

    Just want to say - what a cracking night we had on Saturday! Our DJs Steve Dalton & Mick Elsworth - plus guest DJ Steve Luigi - played some storming tunes right from the get-go & kept the dance floor busy all night. Well done guys - you nailed it!

    Thanks too to all those who came to support us - as always it's great to see the usual, regular faces, but also good to see people who had travelled from a bit further afield. We heard Barnsley - Burnley - Todmorden & Bristol mentioned to name just a few! Thanks for coming - thanks for dancing - we couldn't have done it without you.

    Oooh & one last thought - well done to DJ Mick Elsworth for gritting your teeth to play your most hated tune EVER - The Snake! I guess it must have been a request Mick - I really can't think of another reason for you to play it - I'm surprised you even had it in your box!!

    11 hours ago, Lozbcscatlmc said:

    DJ times for tomorrow night 👍
    8.30 - 9.15pm Mick Elsworth 
    9.15 - 10pm Steve Dalton 
    10 - 11pm Steve Luigi 
    11.00 - 11.45pm Mick Elsworth 
    11.45 - 12.30am Steve Dalton

    It's all looking as though Lightcliffe's in for a busy night tonight! Lots of chatter on Facebook & we've also had LOADS of msgs asking for info..........

                                                                                              🎵🍻🎶 🎧💃🕺🍷

    After a storming night on New Year's Eve at Soul at The Lightcliffe, we are now looking forward to our next event on the 29th January. Our DJs Mick Elsworth & Stephen Dalton will be joined on the decks by guest DJ Steve Luigi, where they will be playing a cracking selection of fab oldies for us all to dance away those January blues!  🎧💃🕺

    Now for a bit of sad news - our Dj Stuart Eddie Woodhead has made the decision that he needs to take a break from DJing, so he will no longer be a part of our team of regular Lightcliffe DJs.😢 You will be sadly missed Stuart - fingers crossed you will be able to join us for a guest spot at some point in the future.

    Stay safe everyone - avoid the dreaded lurgy & hope to see you all on the 29th! 🙂xx

    Well where do I even start! What a fabulous NYE event, thank you so much to each of you for supporting us

    A big thank you to the DJs, Stuart Eddie Woodhead, Mick Elsworth & our special guest DJ Stuart Arber! Each of them carefully selected OUTSTANDING tunes to keep the dance floor buzzing all night & challenge achieved I must say

    We counted down to welcome in 2022 (note to self choose a longer version of Auld Lang Syne next time ) and it was so lovely to see you all come together to celebrate

    Get well wishes to those that had to miss out but we do hope to see you soon. Can I take this opportunity to once again wish you all a Happy New Year from all of us at S@L!

    Best Wishes,

    Laura x

    Here are the DJ times for tonight:- 


    8.30 - 10.00 Stuart Eddie Woodhead

    10.00 - 10.45 Stuart Arber

    10.45 - 11.30 Mick Elsworth

    11.30 - 12.15 Stuart Arber

    12.15 - 1.00 Mick Elsworth 


    Bring it on - I can't wait!!


    Hi all - Kath here. We're all really looking forward to celebrating New Year's Eve at The Lightcliffe!

    Now for the boring stuff!

    In order to protect the health & safety of others, we would be really grateful if everyone attending could follow the government's advice & please do a lateral flow test on the day. (We're not asking to see any proof of results)

    If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please feel free to do so.

    Sorry but there will be no pay on the door available on New Year's Eve & tickets are now sold out.

    Well - that's the boring bit done - now roll on NYE! xxx

    Hi all - Kath here.

    Thanks & well done to all those hardy souls who chose to brave last night's Arctic weather to join us at The Lightcliffe!👍👍👍

    Hats off too to all the DJs - Mick Elsworth, Steve Dalton & guest DJ Dianne France - every single tune that each of you played was a cracker - storming sets from all of you from the word go! 👏 👏👏

    Roll on New Year's Eve - fingers crossed that the weather is a bit kinder to us then!🙂🙂

    Looking forward to Saturday night - as always it'll be a cracker so bring those dancing shoes! :thumbup: :thumbup: 

    Here are the DJ times:-

    8.30 - 9.30 Steve Dalton

    9.30 - 10.30 Stuart Eddie Woodhead

    10.30 - 11.30 Dianne France

    11.30 - 12.30 Mick Elsworth


                    💃🥳 🎉 🍷 🕺 Don't forget - our next event will be on New Year's Eve, so this is your last chance to get your tickets! 🎉 💃 🕺 🍷 🥳


    Hi all - Kath here. First of all Laura & I would like to say a huge thanks to all who came to join us at Soul at The Lightcliffe last night.👍👍

    All the DJs - guests Stuart Arber & Mike Eastwood - plus our resident Stuart Eddie Woodhead - worked their socks off all night, playing us some cracking tunes from the get-go.👌👏

    The atmosphere was great - the music was fab & it was really good to see quite a few new faces joining us for the first time! They all seemed to enjoy themselves & everyone left at the end of the night with big smiles on their faces & saying "We'll be back!"

    Once again - thanks for supporting us - thanks for dancing & thanks also for all the great feedback! Hope to see you all next month when our resident DJs Steve Dalton & Mick Elsworth will be back with us & our guest DJ will be Dianne France.:thumbup::thumbup:

    Well.....tonight's the night - bring it on! :thumbup: :thumbup: 

    We've had a few people asking about Steve Dalton (one of our resident DJs) as he has been missing from our Lightcliffe events recently. Steve has had health problems over the last few weeks (not covid related) but he has assured us that he will be back with us & in the peak of fitness at our next event on the 27th November. Get well soon Steve! :wink: 

    Looking forward to yet another cracking night at Soul at The Lightcliffe! :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Here are the DJ times:-

    8.30 - 9.30 Stuart Eddie Woodhead

    9.30 - 10.30 Mike Eastwood

    10.30 - 11.30 Stuart Arber (Crigg Soul Club)

    11.30 - 12.30 Stuart Eddie Woodhead


    A few tickets for New Year's Eve are still available  - if you already have tickets reserved with us, please could you collect them as soon as possible. (Cash payment only please) Thank you xxxx 🥳 💃 🕺 🎉

    • Up vote 1

    Thanks to all who came to join us at Soul at The Lightcliffe last night - everyone seemed to be having a great night - we had lots of good feedback from around the room. Thanks too & well done to regular DJs Mick Elsworth & Stuart Eddie Woodhead, plus guest DJ Jeff Robinson - you all played some cracking tunes guys! :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Roll on our next event on the 30th October!

    Looking forward to our second event after the end of lockdown! We have no Steve Dalton this month - we will miss him, but he will be back with us for our event in October.

    Our DJ times are:-

    8.30 - 9.15 Stuart Eddie Woodhead

    9.15 - 10.00 Mick Elsworth

    10.00 - 11.00 Jeff Robinson

    11.00 - 11.45 Stuart Eddie Woodhead

    11.45 - 12.30 Mick Elsworth

    PS - Covid is still very much with us all! We  are hoping - not a condition of entry, just a polite request - that everyone will do a covid test before attending. Last month we had 2 last-minute cancellations as some had done a precautionary test & found to their surprise that they were covid-positive, but didn't feel in the least bit ill until a couple of days later - well done guys & thanks for doing that test!👍👍

    if anyone feels more comfortable wearing a mask, please feel free to do so.😷

    Roll on the days when we can all look forward to a packed house with no worries!

    Hi all - Kath here.

    Laura & I would like to say a massive thanks to everyone who came to our event at The Lightcliffe last night - you all helped to make it a great night. Hope everybody had a good time - we certainly did!

    Big thanks too to the DJs for playing all those fab tunes - Mick Elsworth ; Stuart Eddie Woodhead & Stephen Dalton - the music was spot-on - you nailed it guys! Laura & I both heard lots of good feedback from around the room.

    We had deliberately kept the numbers fairly low - enough to give a good atmosphere, but low enough so that nobody felt too crowded. Roll on the days when this covid thing is over & we can look forward to seeing all the dance floors packed to the rafters again!

    Once again - thanks everyone for your support. It's you - the dancers - who make the night what it is!

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    • Thanks 1

    Well folks - tonight's the night - the sound system is all set up now - ready for action & sounding great!💃🕺💃🕺

    No guest DJ for our first event post-lockdown - while our regular DJs have been kicking their heels during the pandemic, they have all been splashing the cash on lots new tunes & they want the decks all to themselves!🤣😂🤣😂

     Here are the DJ times:-

    8.30 - 9.15 Steve Dalton

    9.15 - 10.00 Stuart Eddie Woodhead

    10.00 - 10.45 Mick Elsworth

    10.45 - 11.00 Stuart Eddie Woodhead

    11.30 - 12.00 Mick Elsworth

    12.00 - 12.30 Steve Dalton

    Tickets are almost sold out now - just a few still available. Any remaining will be up for grabs on the door tonight - first come first served!

    PS - if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please do so. I'm sure you won't be the only one! 😷

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