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Kathryn Magson

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Posts posted by Kathryn Magson

  1. 2 minutes ago, Stephen Houghton said:

    Great memories of this place Kathryn, and sadly like a lot of them going to the wall .

    It was so sad to see it in this state Stephen - I was expecting a building site but this was just beyond belief. 😢

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  2. Yesterday a friend and I took up the invitation to have a last look around the iconic Ritz in Brighouse - sadly, only a small handful of us were there. 

    We had no idea just what to expect - we thought the place would be something of a building site - but even then, we were both shocked & saddened by the sight that greeted us. From the outside, at first glance The Ritz doesn't really appear much different - a bit unloved & unkempt, run-down & in need of a bit of tlc - but otherwise no great change.  However, on entering the foyer we were in for a huge shock, with dirt, litter & rubble strewn everywhere & an overpowering smell of damp. mould & decay. Once inside the room there was no lighting, so we found ourselves in total darkness & were shown around by flashlight.  

    The current owner told us that they'd had very little interest from potential buyers, as both the business rates & insurance were so high that buyers were immediately put off. There have also been numerous burglaries, with lighting; sound system & copper piping all stripped out,. The most recent burglars had clearly spent quite some time there - helped themselves to drinks from the bar & left a few personal items - shoes etc - even a pair of nail clippers, so bizarrely someone must have found time for a bit of a pedicure!

    Even now, in a corner of the room there stands a boiler & more copper piping awaiting collection by the burglars (apparently the most recent burglary has resulted in 4 men in police custody - I'd already seen in the local paper a few days ago that they'd been arrested, all armed with machetes).

    It was so sad to see this once great venue reduced to this sorry state - I think many of us have fond memories of those storming nights at The Ritz & would love to see the place rise from the ashes, but any such hopes were thoroughly crushed as soon as we entered the building. 

    I thought some of you might be interested to see a few photos that were taken yesterday.





    370918998_10232735130620839_8087003997882818493_n (1).jpg


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  3. 1 hour ago, Woodbutcher said:

    I'm sticking the whole affair in the same box with the Jubilee NS float ... and burying it in the far corner of the garden hopefully never to be seen again.

    One word sums it all up for me  ... Embarrassing.

    I'll second that one - couldn't have put it better myself! 😢

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  4. 14 hours ago, Algsoul said:

    Dogs all my life    so sad when the time comes

    I've had dogs all my life too - losing them never gets any easier, but you have to put your pet first. You'll know instinctively when the time comes that you need to make that difficult decision. I've always been there to hold my dogs right to the very end - it's so hard, but your pet needs the reassurance of you being there for them. My heart goes out to you Wilxy - I've been there so many times. 💔💔

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  5. Such sad news - I saw Ike & Tina at The Wheel in the 1960s - one of my favourite acts - they just blew the roof off! Absolutely brilliant & so good that she survived the abusive relationship she had with Ike Turner to become the iconic singer that she was. We had no idea at the time how badly she was treated by him.  R.I.P. Tina


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  6. Not my post, but copied & pasted from a post on facebook - thought it could be an interesting debate as today is National DJ Day...🙂


    During a recent set, while I was back facing the decks, someone came by to check what I was spinning, quickly went away (faster than a ji*z, not even noticed), and shouted “bootleg” on the dancefloor.

    Reality is, I was spinning a Test Press of an original and affordable record (no need to outline in here seller, venues it was played before, etc.).

    Think I should have been asked the question in the first instance instead. Asker would have received a friendly and honest answer, and some more details about it.

    This farce has been highly disrespectful, in my personal opinion.

    Firstly to the dancers, enjoying themselves listening to the music and not to some random someone, shouting in the middle of a dancefloor, as if the World Cup was won. Probably they didn't even care about it.

    Disrespectful to my team, with whom I partner and work along with very well - in particular I think to who invites me regularly, putting a lot of trust and caring of me as a friend first, and for the music then.

    And lastly disrespected me, music passionate, and humble person.

    Who’s done it, already went twice through my boxes. Should have known what I own, my taste, etc.

    I am no soul police, nor I’m interested in getting involved with this kind of debates. I don’t care and I don’t judge what people play on their sets (OVO, reissues, boots, Mexican tostadas, pizzas, a piadina, porcelain dishes, re-vulcanised tyres, etc.) – their decision.

    I’m a friendly person who collects records.

    Someone likes me and/or my music, other don’t. That’s life.

    I’m wasting my time writing this to put hands forward, just in case bulls*it rumours have been spread out for my future, if there’s any. Because…

    In this mad and sometimes sad world, it’s so easy nowadays for people to shout angry (in person and on social media) to destroy reputations, to influence impressions on people you maybe don’t even know and make you basing your future personal interactions on this rubbish.

    Being passionate is great, but extreme willyw@ving might lead to (as in this case) willyw@nking.

    Peace & Love & Sausage Rolls


  7. 20 hours ago, Leicester Boy said:

    Rent out short term, don't act in haste. Good luck 🤞.


    17 hours ago, Amsterdam Russ said:

    I wouldn't sell if you're only going away for six months. 

    I think that's good advice - I'd consider renting out short term too. I wouldn't want to come back & be faced with starting from scratch all over again either. Good luck & safe travels wherever you go! 🙂

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  8. I'd recorded it & watched it last night - I knew that Detroit was very run-down & deprived, but even then I was shocked to see just how bad it all was. Spread over such a vast area - abandoned homes & factories made it all look like some post-apocalyptic film set! I feel so sorry for the people who have no option other than to carry on living there, but also full of admiration for those who are working so hard to improve the area. Hats off to you all!

    Just by coincidence I have a few friends over in Detroit at the mo - looking forward to hearing all their stories when they're back here in the UK.

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  9. I saw Inez & Charlie at The Wheel in the late 1960s - absolutely brilliant! They blew the roof off - I was there just about every weekend in the latter half of the 60s & they were easily one of the best bands I saw there. RIP Inez xx😪

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  10. It's not a new thing - I had my purse stole from my bag at The Twisted Wheel way back in about 1966! I had no cash left at all. so my mates all clubbed together to give me enough cash for the rest of the weekend & to catch the bus back to Bradford on the Sunday. Sadly it seems to be happening more & more often now though 😢

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