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Kathryn Magson

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Everything posted by Kathryn Magson

  1. After what seems like a lifetime in lockdown, it will be great to see everyone back at Lightcliffe to join us for an evening of blistering, storming northern, 60s classics & up-tempo R&B tunes - all played with the dancers in mind. The Lightcliffe Club has a large car park - fab sprung dance floor - friendly. welcoming atsmosphere & the bar prices are at WMC rates. Music's good too! All the staff - DJs etc - have all by now been double jabbed, but just to be doubly-sure we will all be doing a lateral flow test on the day. In order to try to reduce the risk of passing on infection, we are asking - not demanding as a condition of entry, but more in the way of a polite request - please could everyone attending also do a test on the day? We won't be demanding to see evidence - we will put our faith in everyone attending is confident in the knowledge that they are virus-free. We all need to do whatever we can to beat this thing don't we? For more info or to reserve tickets, please pm us either through Soul Source or on our Soul at The Lightcliffe facebook page. Due to covid. we will be limiting numbers in order to give everyone plenty of space. I can't wait!
  2. Copied & pasted from our Soul at The Lightcliffe facebook page:- Hi all - Kath here. First & foremost I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has contacted us to reserve tickets for Saturday night. After much debate between Laura & myself - plus talking to all the DJs & the club steward - we have reluctantly decided that we need to cancel this month's event as the covid infection rate in the local area is still very high. I know a lot will be disappointed, but we don't feel we can put on an event without risking people unknowingly passing on infection - we HAVE to put everybody's health & safety above all else. I've got a long list of people who have reserved tickets - I'm planning to keep it until next month & all those who have requested tickets for this month will be given first option for our next planned event at the end of August. So sorry to all those who are disappointed - hand on heart I can honestly say I feel gutted! Love from all of us at Soul@The Lightciffe
  3. Sprung dance floor - bar at WMC prices - fab, friendly atmosphere & great music! More info if you look us up on our Soul at The Lightcliffe Facebook page.
  4. During the 60s there was also The Plebs in Halifax, The Birdtrap in Brierfield (nr Burnley),The Top Twenty in Manchester & The String o' Beads In Bradford too. I went to all of them - but most weekends I was at The Wheel & then up to The Top Twenty on Sunday. The Wheel was just the best nighter EVER - wish I could turn back the clock & do it all again! Happy days!
  5. I think most promoters are fully aware that things could change & it's quite possible that we won't be allowed to put on events in June after all - but you have to look on the bright side. If no events are at all are planned then people would all be very disappointed if it turns out that the vaccines have worked like a dream & everything is hunky-dory. I reckon there will still be some sort of restrictions in place when things open up again - probably a cap on numbers/ masks/hand sanitizer et al. I for one certainly wouldn't want to be in a crowded room with no restrictions in place even if the government allows it. After the last 12 months we all need something to look forward to, so if events are planned & all goes well that's great, but if they have to be cancelled - even at the last minute - then so be it. My motto has always been hope for the best but also be prepared for the worst!
  6. I'm really missing all the social side of the soul scene - some friends live miles away & I don't see them very often - others I see at every event I go to - I'm just missing everybody! I can't wait to see all the people that I've not clapped eyes on for what feels like forever..........I can play music at home, but it's the cameraderie & the buzz of seeing a full dance floor that I miss most. Roll on June.......
  7. So sad to hear yesterday on the facebook grapevine that Andy Simpson has passed away - his was one of the names I remember from the crazy, madcap years of my misspent youth as a young Mod in1960s Bradford. I've not seen him for many years, as I lost touch with all my old soul mates when I left the scene & got married in 1970. It's always hard to lose a mate even if you haven't seen them for a long time - we all seem to have had to say our final goodbyes to so many of our friends during the last year haven't we?
  8. My first all-niter at The Twisted Wheel in 1966 - didn't call it Northern Soul - it was just "soul music" to us back then. I was sold on it all as soon as I walked in the door.........the music.......the crowd........the atmosphere.......the chemical assistance......the whole shebang! We used to joke "......can you just see us all still doing all this when we're in our 60s...........?" We used to joke about being on the dance floor with a zimmer frame each lol
  9. So sad to hear today that Andy Simpson - one of the names I remember as a well-known & very popular face from my crazy, madcap teenage years as a young Bradford Mod - has passed away. RIP Andy
  10. I saw James & Bobby at The Wheel in the 1960s - absolutely brilliant! I saw so many great bands there - way too many to mention - but The Purify's were up there among the best - they blew the roof off! R.I.P lads - thanks for the music & I hope you're both rocking it up there xx
  11. There's a "Hole in The Wall/Continental" Facebook page that you might find interesting Mick - you might find some of your old mates on there, I'm still in touch with some of my friends from back then.
  12. Happy Christmas & Happy New Year everyone - next year has GOT to be better than this one.....hasn't it?? Fingers crossed anyway xxx
  13. Thanks for replying Tlscapital - this one's deffo ov promo. I know the guy well - he's just been fitting a new fire for me, but he's also an old school DJ. I'm passing all replies on to him.
  14. Posting this on behalf of a friend - he's got an almost mint condition Silky Hargraves/Keep Loving Me Like You Do - Dearborn label/original promo copy that he's thinking of selling & asking for a value. Any ideas? Thanks for reading
  15. I've been into it all since the age of 15 - 1966 - It became my life for a few years. Burton Latimer would have bit too far for me to go anyway - Manchester was far enough - took me over 2 hours & 2 bus journeys. The homeward journey on Sunday was always a bit tortuous.....transport links today are so much better. .I would love to see it all go back to the atmosphere & underground feel it had back in the day, but sadly those days are long gone now. We all just need to find our own niche & enjoy what we have.
  16. Not everyone was there at the very beginning Monny, but I was - it was my life! 1960s Twisted Wheel - a tad in the way of chemical assistance & then a Sunday all-dayer - I just lived for the weekend - every single weekend. No more niters for me any more though - running my own soul nights now rather than spending all night on the dance floor, but still loving it all & missing it something rotten! Can't wait to see things start up again - but I have to agree - it would be great to see things going back to the underground feel of the smaller, dingy little clubs that I used to go to in the days of my misspent youth.
  17. Love it - thank you! Memories of my misspent youth come flooding back.......good times & I'd do it all again in a heartbeat!
  18. I run a small event along with a mate - about 130 in under normal circumstances - but I think we're probably looking at restricting numbers to about 60 when we can eventually get going again. We will just about break even on that - room hire & DJs etc to pay - if my pal & I can manage a couple of drinks each out of it we'll be more than happy. Just to see everybody having a good night out will be enough of a reward - no idea when that will be though...….
  19. I'll feel nervous about it, but I'll be out at soul do's as soon as I feel it's safe to do so - I hope I won't be the only one wearing a hazmat suit & goggles...………. & I'll run a mile if anyone rushes to hug me...….
  20. I've just come across some nice old photos taken inside 1960s Bradford mod club The String O'Beads - I'm not in any of the pics though - most of my all-nighters were in Manchester.

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