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Kathryn Magson

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Posts posted by Kathryn Magson

  1. I've just watched Doing Money on bbc iplayer - from 2018 I think, so not a new drama - but I've only just found it. A true story that makes for compulsive viewing - very well-acted but also extremely sad, disturbing & thought-provoking. Well worth watching.

  2. 2 hours ago, Simon T said:

    He did a series called 'Lost Worlds' ,last year, one covered Detroit


    Not bad, but a bit of a cover version, I remember the original 'Requiem for Detroit' is from 2010 which is worth checking out



    I saw his Lost Worlds series - I've got friends who were in Detroit a couple of years ago & they said it was bad, but I didn't realize quite HOW bad until I saw Lost Worlds! Sad to see. 😢



  3. 6 hours ago, Twoshoes said:

    Total Trust on iplayer, truly frightening documentary on how China uses and continues to increase its use of technology to monitor and control its people. CCTV taken to the extreme. I was left with mixed feelings about the civic pride aspect of the programme, it's one thing to monitor litter, parking etc but when again taken to the extreme it was rather worrying. I know a few people who would only be too happy to take on the power some of the people in the programme had in watching and reporting on their neighbours. 

    I'll have to look that one up - sounds interesting! Thank you 👍


    Just watched it - I've always known that the Chinese government were extremely controlling, but this is another level! Scary stuff - it's like 1984 on speed! 😮

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  4. 4 hours ago, Chris Turnbull said:

    Just watched second Kin season in one go, fabulous - outstanding cast, esp Francis Magee as Bren, proper scary 



    Just started watching series 2 of Kin 🔥🔥🔥!

  5. Has anyone been watching Breathtaking on ITV? It's a 3-part series (final episode tonight at 9pm) about the front-line health staff during the pandemic - well worth watching! It's a reminder of the difficult time the NHS staff had & the sacrifices they all made. I salute every single one of them.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Woodbutcher said:

    Nice story ... :thumbsup:

    But honestly I'd have been mortified if my parents had ever suggested 'escorting' me out on a Friday/Saturday night at 18.

    It was always a case of "Where you off to this weekend ... ?" ,  followed by "See you when you get back"... :rolleyes:

    Very different times back in the 70s/80s and I dare say before that.

    Me too, but this lad was keen to go with his parents so I'm not knocking him for it! His parents are both into the soul scene so he'd grown up with it all - it was his choice. I think they gave him the confidence to come whereas he might not have on his own. I thought it was good to see them out together - happy in each other's company & all having a good time. Would never have happened when I was young.

    My parents didn't often ask me where I was going - if they did I would have lied through my teeth! If they'd known the truth I would have had the crap beaten out of me & then grounded FOREVER!!

    • Up vote 2
  7. 17 minutes ago, Mike said:

    ok post moved from film topic

    its an 10 year old show that right?



    Sorry didn't notice how old it is - just found it recently. Next time I'll know to check

  8. Just watched The Monuments Men with George Clooney & Matt Damon.  (On BBC2 last night but I found it on the iplayer).  It's about all the artefacts looted by the Nazis during WW2 & the Allied efforts to recover them. You might find it a bit slow to start with but stick with it - it's a good film - very interesting & well worth watching. 👍

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  9. Bit of an update on the Ritz......I went past it this afternoon - the place was all taped off & surrounded by police vans! My thoughts were later confirmed by a report in the local evening paper........somebody has been using the building to grow something they shouldn't have been growing.........

    I'm surprised the place is still standing - the way the owner was talking last year, it sounded as though the bulldozers would be moving in the following week! So sad to see what was once such a cracking venue come to this 😢

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  10. 1 hour ago, Paul-s said:

    Just listened to entire thing and as you say it was Edwin at Hinkley. Guess 'up north' is a term used by anyone who lives south nowadays.

    More problematic for me was the (cod history) description of NS as just 'its from up north': Its being washed clean of its complexity: 'working class roots', its cultural politics, its reactionary beginnings, pharmaceutical liberation, the pioneering spirit of those who created it and basically its history. Its being cleaned up, like Brixton has been or soho.

    Eve started in the 80's as a mod she says (original 80's soul girl as Abby describes her), but seems to have left very little trace in terms of people who know her as a regular on the NS scene, particularly Stafford.

    She plugs a Stafford record as her favourite because they have "just brought it out on a single"

    The final part when they say "NS has left the North to make Bristol its home" is astonishing and totally ridiculous. Its gaslighting. Perhaps all the other clubs and actual all nighters may find that a shock. Wigan Young Souls, Rugby, 100 club, etc.

    Eve also says that they are taking NS into the 21st, as if the NS promoters have not done that through the  decades. Or as if we have not done that through the decades of dedication and knowledge. 2000 was 23 years ago and this outfit have started 7 years ago and don't run all-nighters or go to many despite the quotes about "going out at weekends to dance all night"

    As for the 'their album'?! Its a compilation and obviously to us, as we know if we compile an album, its about celebrating the music and musicians: Not us! There is no mention of musicians in any of this interview.

    Charly Records and others are trying to attach themselves to the manufactured celebrity (soulless some argue) to do what many have failed to do over the decades, to market a person or figure to sell their merchandise.They could not do it previously as it was about the vinyl and the original musicians and the incredible music, not celebrity.
    Now, largely due to the ability to fabricate provenance and celebrity on social media, they are selling NS not as the music, but as a product endorsed by another product who has been created precisely for that purpose.

    I have a lot of information and interviews about this, and as Ive said, I am writing a book about this souless co-optation of a soulful scene. I'm hoping to publish this year, we shall see. 

    Well said Paul - you've put all my rambling thoughts into a very succinct nutshell. Thank you! 👍👍

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  11. I agree - nothing much on tonight but I've got plenty recorded to keep me occupied. I won't be going out as my dog is scared of the fireworks.......aww poor me!😭

    PS - I saw Ike & Tina at The Wheel too - saw loads of brilliants acts there, but Ike & Tina were among the best.👍👍

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