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Kathryn Magson

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Event Comments posted by Kathryn Magson

    Hi all - Kath here with a bit of feedback on last night.

    It was really good to see some new faces - also great to see some old friends that I'd not seen for quite some time.❤️

    All the DJS played cracking sets & kept the dance floor busy all night - well done Steve, Stuart & Carl - thanks & well done too to our guest DJ Dennis Convery. You nailed it guys!


    I think the icing on the cake was when a young lad came in with his parents. His Mum told me later that he'd been hassling them for a long time to go to a soul night, but they'd told him he would have to wait until he was 18. Yesterday was his 18th birthday, so where did he choose to celebrate it? You guessed it! That lad never left the dance floor all night - obviously been doing a bit of dancing on the carpet at home too cos he could really dance. He & his parents were among the last to leave so I had chance for a quick word - he had a big grin on his face & said he'd had a great night. Made my night!❤️👍🙂

    Thanks to all who came to support us last night - as always it's very much appreciated - let's do it all again next month when our guest DJ will be none other than Don Morris (Mopsey) Bring it on!!:thumbup:

    No Marc Silverside this month - lucky guy is on his jollies in Barbados! The Soul Brew DJs Steve, Stuart & Carl - plus guest DJ Dennis Convery - will be spinning the tunes for us to keep the dance floor busy. Bring it on guys! :thumbup:


    Well - what can I say? As always, everyone seemed to have a good night - I heard lots of great feedback from around the room "nice atmosphere..."....."cracking little venue"......"music was spot on" The one fly in the ointment was that the room was a bit on the cool side - we had to ask the manager to turn up the heating! Apart from that - it was a great night with most of the usual friendly regulars there to support us. It was nice to welcome a few new faces too!

    Big shout out to all the DJs - Soul Brew's Marc, Stuart & Steve - plus guest DJ Ian Smith - you absolutely smashed it guys! Well done - all played on original vinyl. 👍

    Thanks too to all those who braved the cold night to support us - thanks for joining us & thank for dancing. Let's do it all again next month when our guest DJ will be Denis Convery (Outwood soul club). :thumbup:

  1. Hi all - Kath here with a bit of feedback from last night at The George.

    IT WAS BLOODY FAB!!!! So good in fact that I thought - rather than me waffling on - I'd just share some of the nice comments that I've found on Facebook today, so here goes:-

    "really good night mate "


    "Great venue, "right" people and well worth a visit if "oldies" are your thing... Terrible Tom to Little Queenie & back again."


    "Great night great people"


    "George Hotel in Cleckheaton on a Thursday was fantastic.. Happy happy happy.. Great music great atmosphere and great dancefloor.

    This place is a winner.



    "Great night great people"


    "A great night out "


    "Loved it fab music, fab venue and fab people!!"


    Thanks everyone for the lovely comments - they mean a lot! Thanks too for supporting us - it's very much appreciated.

    Let's do it all again next month - Soul Brew will be back at The George on the 19th January, with guest DJ Ian Smith from Harrogate Soul Club.

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  2. Here are the DJ times for Thursday night: -


    8.00 - 8.45 - Stuart Eastwood

    8.45 - 9.30 - Steve Yendley

    9.30 - 10.30 - Jeff Robinson

    10.30 - 11.15 - Marc Silverside

    11.15 - 12.00 - Carl Eastwood

    12.00 - close - Marc & Carl double decking

    🎧 🎧 🎧 🎧 🎧 🎧 🎧 🎧 🎧 🎧

    Are we in for a storming night or what??? 


  3. What an absolutely BRILLIANT night! Thanks & well done to all the DJs - you all played storming sets & kept the floor busy all night!

    Here are a few bits of feedback that I've found -

    "Great night. Thank you"

    "It was fabulous!! Excellent DJ sets, great floor, some lovely friends old and new & danced for hours, happy, happy (birth) days !! Xx"

    "You played an amazing set bud. Well impressed"

    "Had a fab time xx"


    And a few pics too.








    Thanks to the hardy folk who braved that torrential downpour to support Soul Brew on Friday night. I thought when I saw the rain lashing down & all the deserted streets on my way to The George that we would have nobody there at all, but considering the weather - plus the weekender in Scarborough - we had a reasonably good turn-out in the end! It was great to hear people saying what a good night they'd had.

    Thanks too to all the DJs - Soul Brew's Marc Silverside, Steve Yendley & Stuart Eastwood - plus Eccleshill Mechanics' Ade Rushworth. You all played cracking tunes from the get-go - well done guys. 👍

    Thanks again to everyone who chose to join us last night - thanks for coming - thanks for dancing - we couldn't do it without you! Hope you can all make it to our next FREE event at The George - watch this space for more info.

    Kath xx 🥰

    Unfortunately, Soul Brew were told at our June event at The George that - during a very recent change of management - our bookings for July & August seem to have got lost during the handover & the new manager now has a couple of weddings booked in for the dates that we thought were ours, so it's left us with no other option than to cancel our July & August events.😭

    So sorry to anyone who was looking forward to it - we're all feeling pretty gutted about it too - but our regular events at Jeremy's in Brighouse will all be going ahead as usual & we will be back at The George on Saturday 16th Sept, when Stuart Arber will be joining us for a guest spot on the Soul Brew decks. Hope to see you then! 

    Unfortunately, Soul Brew were told at our June event at The George that - during a very recent change of management - our bookings for July & August seem to have got lost during the handover & the new manager now has a couple of weddings booked in for the dates that we thought were ours, so it's left us with no other option than to cancel our next two events.😭


    Hi all - It's Kath here with a bit of feedback from last night at The George. As expected, numbers were a tad down with regulars away enjoying themselves at the seaside and who can blame them in this weather? All the DJs played storming sets & the atmosphere was just electric! Massive thanks & well done to Soul Brew residents Marc Silverside, Steve Yendley & Stuart Eastwood, plus our fab guest DJ Mopsey. You nailed it guys! Thanks too to Chris Hill for helping to set up the sound system.

    The feedback that we heard from around the room last night was fantastic ...... "The music was absolutely mint..."........"Great dance floor..."......."Great, friendly atmosphere..."........."We both loved it & we'll be back next time..." Massive thanks to everyone who made the lovely comments - all very much appreciated! I've also spotted a few very positive comments on Facebook today, so overall we're chuffed with how things went.

    Unfortunately, due to the recent change in management at The George there’s been a mix up on bookings with a couple of weddings booked on the dates that we thought were ours, so we’re taking a break in July and August, although looking to be back in September. Meanwhile our Brighouse second Sunday sessions continue at Jeremy’s in Brighouse..

    Thanks again to everyone who chose to join us at The George last night - as always your support is very much appreciated! Hope to see you at our next events - watch this space!

    Regards to all,

    Kath xx

    PS - Here's a bit of extra great feedback that I found on Facebook from our guest DJ Mopsey.🙂

    Big thanks to Kathryn Magson for the invite to spin a few at the Soul Brew Soul Night . Like Kathryn and Chris Hill have said it was a Fabulous night . The Residents Marc Steve And Stuart all did Fabulous spots . Numbers was down but the Music was outstanding. Great to meet up with a few old friends who I haven't seen since covid and they all looking so well , I even made some new friends and this is what it's all about , going out and having a great time no matter what . Once again thanks for the invite, you've got a Smashing little club I loved it . Mopsey

    Here are the DJ times for Saturday night:-


    8.00 - 8.30: Stuart Eastwood

    8.30 - 9.00: Marc Silverside

    9.00 - 9.30: Steve Yendley

    9.30 - 10.30: Mopsey

    10.30 - 11.00: Stuart Eastwood 

    11.00 - 11.30: Marc Silverside 

    11.30 - close: Steve Yendley 



                   💃 🕺 💃 🕺 💃 🕺 💃

    The management at The George has recently changed - we were all bit shocked at our March event when we found that the new guy had raised the bar prices quite steeply, but we've managed to sweet talk him into cutting us a bit of a deal for future soul nights.  Here are a few examples of the new prices:-

    House Lager - 4.00

    Madri - 4.75 

    Pale - 4.75

    Hells - 4.75

    Medium glass of house wine Red/White/Rose 5.00

    House spirit with mixer 5.25

              🍻 🍷 🍸🍺 


    Everybody that I spoke to last night said they'd had a great night. It would have been good to have a few more feet through the door, but we had some really nice feedback from those who came to support us. Great atmosphere - the music was good - the dancers were happy & the bar prices are good now that we've managed to strike a deal with the new manager, with some special offers on drinks promos. Big thanks to Soul Brew DJ Marc Silverside, plus guest DJs Sue (Steve Lawson's Legacy) & Joe Burnside for spinning the tunes for us. 👍 👍👍

    Thanks everyone for coming & thanks for dancing - your support is - as always - very much appreciated!

    All in all, it's a big thumbs up for The George!:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    PS - Thanks to Chris Hill for the pics of our guest DJ Sue in action on the decks! xx





    🎧 🎵 🎧 🎵 🎧 🎵 🎧

    8 - 9pm - Marc Silverside

    9 - 10pm - Joe Burnside

    10 -11pm - Sue (Steve Lawson's Legacy)

    11 - Close - Marc & Joe double-decking

            BRING IT ON!!

    💃 🕺 💃🕺 💃 🕺 💃

    The management at The George has recently changed - we were all bit shocked last month to find that the new guy had raised the bar prices quite steeply, but we've managed to sweet talk him into cutting us a bit of a deal for future soul nights. 😉 Here are a few examples of the new prices:-

    House Lager - 4.00

    Madri - 4.75 

    Pale - 4.75

    Hells - 4.75

    Medium glass of house wine Red/White/Rose 5.00

    House spirit with mixer 5.25


    On 17/04/2023 at 17:18, Kathryn Magson said:

    One of our DJ friends (Steve Sowerbutts) is undergoing chemo at St James's hospital at the mo - his son-in-law Callum has set up a Just Giving page & is currently raising funds for Maggie's Cancer Care Centre at St James's - he is running 10k every day while Steve is receiving treatment. Steve has in the past raised money for cancer charities, but as he is unable to run while undergoing chemo, Callum is running for him.  At Soul Brew's event at Headley Golf Club, Thornton, Bradford, we held a bucket collection & managed to raise 106.09 to add to the funds. I will have my bucket with me at The George on the 29th, so if anyone would like to donate - any amount large or small - it will be very much appreciated. Every single penny counts!


    Here is Callum's story:-

    I’ll be taking on 490k of running, starting Wednesday 5th April. See my Story below which is also on my Justgiving page;

    Stephen (Lois’s Dad) has recently been diagnosed with a stage 4 Head & Neck Cancer. He raised money himself for Maggie’s Leeds back in 2021, running 50 miles in 31 days, As he is unable to run himself to raise funds again for Maggies, I will run for him.

    On Wednesday 5th April, Stephen will start his 7 weeks of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. In that time I will run 10k every day, with the last day being 23rd May, when he will reach the last day of treatment.

    This is by far the biggest challenge that I have decided to do. A challenge I feel I need to do, for a charity that is very close to mine & Lois’s families hearts at the moment.

    Please help me raise as much as I possibly can to support this amazing Charity.


                                                                 ❤️❤️❤️GO CALLUM - YOU'LL SMASH IT LAD!❤️❤️❤️


    After our event at The George I will do a final count up & pay the money collected into Callum's Just Giving page.


    I counted up how much we had in the collection bucket for Maggie's Cancer Support at St James's Hospital - we made 122.49p. I've just paid it into Callum's Just Giving page. Huge thanks to all those who chose to donate - every single penny is very much appreciated by this worthy cause! ❤️❤️

    On 17/04/2023 at 17:18, Kathryn Magson said:

    One of our DJ friends (Steve Sowerbutts) is undergoing chemo at St James's hospital at the mo - his son-in-law Callum has set up a Just Giving page & is currently raising funds for Maggie's Cancer Care Centre at St James's - he is running 10k every day while Steve is receiving treatment. Steve has in the past raised money for cancer charities, but as he is unable to run while undergoing chemo, Callum is running for him.  At Soul Brew's event at Headley Golf Club, Thornton, Bradford, we held a bucket collection & managed to raise 106.09 to add to the funds. I will have my bucket with me at The George on the 29th, so if anyone would like to donate - any amount large or small - it will be very much appreciated. Every single penny counts!


    Here is Callum's story:-

    I’ll be taking on 490k of running, starting Wednesday 5th April. See my Story below which is also on my Justgiving page;

    Stephen (Lois’s Dad) has recently been diagnosed with a stage 4 Head & Neck Cancer. He raised money himself for Maggie’s Leeds back in 2021, running 50 miles in 31 days, As he is unable to run himself to raise funds again for Maggies, I will run for him.

    On Wednesday 5th April, Stephen will start his 7 weeks of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. In that time I will run 10k every day, with the last day being 23rd May, when he will reach the last day of treatment.

    This is by far the biggest challenge that I have decided to do. A challenge I feel I need to do, for a charity that is very close to mine & Lois’s families hearts at the moment.

    Please help me raise as much as I possibly can to support this amazing Charity.


                                                                 ❤️❤️❤️GO CALLUM - YOU'LL SMASH IT LAD!❤️❤️❤️


    After our event at The George I will do a final count up & pay the money collected into Callum's Just Giving page.

    Well tonight's the night folks & I'll be rattling my bucket for this very worthy cause.! Please try to add a few bob to it if you can - remember every penny helps & is very much appreciated. 🙂

    I think we could well be in for another busy night so please make sure to arrive early! This is Soul Brew's second event at The George - at our first event we had a full house by 9pm. Don't forget those dancing shoes.........💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺

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