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Kathryn Magson

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Everything posted by Kathryn Magson

  1. "Really looking forward to this- making the most of our last night at the Low Moor.. sad to see it go as a venue and appreciate all the soul nights that went before.. let’s do it justice and give it some. I’ll be bringing some new tunes to my box from recent crate digging in Detroit, a few rarer tunes and some that you don’t hear played out much. And we’re looking forward to hearing top selector Jeff Robinson spinning the tunes" Well said Marc - the sale of the club will be such a sad loss - not only to those of us who enjoy the soul nights there, but also to the Low Moor community too. On a brighter note - can't wait to see what other goodies you've brough back from the States & also looking forward to finding a new home for the Soul Brew decks!
  2. Make sure you don't miss the last ever soul do at The Low Moor - it'll be a cracker! Everybody welcome - old friends & new faces too. We're still no wiser as to when the sale of the club will be all done & dusted & The Low Moor will finally close it's doors for good, but I suspect it will be shortly after the New Year. Here at Soul Brew we've been very busy shopping around for a new home for our soul nights - we've looked at quite a few, but still not found the right place yet - watch this space!! See you on the dance floor!!
  3. I saw Ike & Tina live at The Wheel back in the 1960s - they just blew the roof off - absolutely brilliant!! The Wheel was quite a small venue with the tiniest of stages, so the audience were literally inches away from the bands. The artists sometimes used the same bar (non-licensed of course lol) as the rest of us & we would often get chatting to them while waiting to be served, so it was a bit like seeing your mates on stage. Never did get to actually meet Ike & Tina, but I was lucky enough to chat to quite a few other artists who played there. Didn't realize just how lucky we were at the time! Happy days - I'd do it all again in an instant!
  4. That's so sad to hear - he was one of the founding fathers of the soul scene - I saw him a few times at The Wheel way back in the 1960s. Lovely guy & a proper gent. RIP Soul man
  5. The Low Moor Club has been sold - once the sale goes through it will no longer function as a social club. As yet we are not sure of the closing date, but sadly we believe that our Christmas do will be our final soul night there.
  6. I was really hoping that we would know more about the sale of the club by now, but after talking to the bar staff last week we're still none the wiser - they don't know any more than they did last month. In the meantime - here's some of the good feedback from our November event at Low Moor Club:- "Good tunes as always " "Just got back home from a great evening at soulbrew, low moor,was made to feel very welcome,great tunes from all the DJs,will be back for the next one ." "Fab night of tunes,danced my socks off, will pay for it tommorow" Sad to feel that December will probably be Soul Brew's last event at The Low Moor Club - but good feedback always puts a smile on my face!!
  7. Hi all - Kath here with a bit of feedback from last night. I found a few nice comments on facebook today - thought I would copy & paste some of them so here goes:- "Good tunes as always " "Just got back home from a great evening at soulbrew, low moor,was made to feel very welcome,great tunes from all the DJs,will be back for the next one ." "Fab night of tunes,danced my socks off, will pay for it tommorow " I would also like to say a huge thanks to all those who chose to support us last night - thanks for coming & thanks for dancing! As always your support is very much appreciated. Thanks & well done too to all the DJs - you played some amazing tunes guys! Our next event at Low Moor Club is on Saturday 17th December & sadly we think that by then the club's fate will be signed, sealed & delivered, so it will more than likely be the last ever soul night at the club. It would have been good to have a few more feet through the door last night, but then we were up against the footie! Hope you can all make it to the club on the 17th Dec - let's make LMC's last ever soul night an absolute blast!
  8. Tonight's the night folks - make sure you bring your dancing shoes!
  9. Here are the DJ times for tomorrow night:- 8pm - 8.45....Stuart Eastwood 8.45 - 9.30......Carl Eastwood 9.30 - 10.15.....Steve Yendley 10.15 - 11-15.....Stuart Arber 11.15 - close.......Soul Brew DJs Stuart Carl & Steve......TRIPLE DECKING! BRING YOUR DANCING SHOES!!
  10. I think that's good advice - I'd consider renting out short term too. I wouldn't want to come back & be faced with starting from scratch all over again either. Good luck & safe travels wherever you go!
  11. "Promises to be a top night.......recent additions from the Detroit a Go Go trip in the box.. including this one and plenty more ..... " Great find Marc - can't wait to see what other goodies you & Carl picked up while you were in the States!
  12. Soul Brew DJs Marc Silverside & Carl Eastwood did quite a lot of crate-digging while they were away DJing in Detroit recently - now they're both back in the UK & just ITCHING to play their new tunes to pack the dance floor!
  13. Soul Brew have been told recently that Low Moor Club is definitely closing & that the new owners won't be carrying on as a club, but we're still not sure of the exact date - it all depends on how long the sale takes to go through. My guess is that the club will go on up until the end of this year & then won't open up again in the New Year, so we only have our November event on Friday the 25th & then our Christmas do on Saturday the 17th December. Let's make both of them an absolute BLAST! It will be a sad day for all of us to see the club close, but watch this space.........Soul Brew have plans..........
  14. Thanks Craig - always like to catch your shows! I'll have a listen later xx
  15. I've only been on Soul Source since 2013, but been into my Soul music since I was a teenager in the 1960s - Twisted Wheel et al..........
  16. Made me curious so I googled it........well they do say you learn something new every day, so I guess this is my lesson for today!!
  17. Kathryn Magson

    Soul Incorporated

    Join Soul Incorporated at The Ukranian Club and see in 2023 with a storming night of across-the-board SOUL! SPINNING THE VINYL ON THE NIGHT WILL BE RESIDENT DJs: TODDY, DAVID INGHAM, MR JOE, BAGI & GLENN WALKER FOSTER Large room - holds over 400 - top quality dance floor & reasonably-priced bar. Large secure car park. DOOR TAX 10.00 & 7.00 FOR MEMBERS See you on the dance floor!
  18. I'd recorded it & watched it last night - I knew that Detroit was very run-down & deprived, but even then I was shocked to see just how bad it all was. Spread over such a vast area - abandoned homes & factories made it all look like some post-apocalyptic film set! I feel so sorry for the people who have no option other than to carry on living there, but also full of admiration for those who are working so hard to improve the area. Hats off to you all! Just by coincidence I have a few friends over in Detroit at the mo - looking forward to hearing all their stories when they're back here in the UK.

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