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Karl s

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Everything posted by Karl s

  1. So many faces from the past , wish i knew what they were doing now , a few old girlfriends as well really wierd to see this 30ish years on ,
  2. Dude your right also what wickid tunes , good pic you look cool
  3. This was a brilliant time hadgreat times at rsg dayers and nighters , mark bicknell do you remember me and addie gave you a lift home in my super boy racer mk 3 escort 1.3 , i did say boy racer you spent thewhole journey puking out theback window gave me a multi colour go faster stripe down the back of my car , also ate the paint away no joke when i jet washed it it peeled off god knows what you been eatin and drinking ,
  4. Dave my way of thinking completely , pete s i know well dodgy i dont know how to get off the horizontal maybe photogenic viagra will give me the vertical also if poss get my number from gene r , we are old mates would like to have a chin wag with you about boss tunage
  5. Duh your right dude still learning about all this forum thingy When i were a yout forum was a jazz mag
  6. Duh your right dude still learning about all this forum thingy When i were a yout forum was a jazz mag
  7. Any one after an original copy of the kingstonians lo on trojan i have a spare copy vinyl is really nice and it plays beautifully its got sufferer and hold down both top boss tunes unfortunately it doesn't have a cover but its the music that counts Isnt It. Ok the cover is a vital part too i totally understand but its gone unfortunately so if interested pm me
  8. Got any veras ...... Luvly
  9. Being a shaka ite thats exactly why i want one , trust you to have one bet you got a technic as well , seriously though thats beautiful dude , where did u get it revamped looks new
  10. I thought i was going back in time trying to get a garrard deck original sound man style
  11. Gene you never cease to amaze me especially when you were the one out of us lot who got the majestics , we were all jealous dude
  12. Very strange gene how on earth did you find this
  13. But dude its a 20 min flight very cheap , i stayed weekdays in tobago , and limed it in pos for weekends , worth a quick flight fof a day , maybe ring shop first to se if still got ware house be a shame not too , have a good time drink lots of carib , mind the hot sauce on the rotis its a ring wrecker good luck any way
  14. But dude its a 20 min flight very cheap , i stayed weekdays in tobago , and limed it in pos for weekends , worth a quick flight fof a day , maybe ring shop first to se if still got ware house be a shame not too , have a good time drink lots of carib , mind the hot sauce on the rotis its a ring wrecker good luck any way
  15. What a tune wish i still had mine a bloke called terry owned spinning disc in chiswick ( rock n roll shop) found a load of verve 7" in a warehouse in the early 80s he let them off to me and rodger stewart i got this and clara ward right direction And living a lie high keys all for £20 , couldnt believe it me and rodge were happy oh snd csl tjader soul sauce
  16. If your in trinidad in port of spain theres a record shop called rymers or rhymers , cant remember but when i went there in 2002 there was loads of soul in the back of the hot dark stifling warehouse . i was llucky as my uncle was a radio dj and got me access iwent through it over 2 days and cleared all the reggae studio 1 , coxsone , upsetter , black art , treasure isle , loads of ska , rock steady , roots etc it was amazing my uncle had it boxed and shipped back for me , i wasnt interested in the soul as there is so much of it , motown ja etc funk as well , only drawback was mr rhymer insisted on helping me all good except he kept farting all the time , propper wet an heavy in that heat and humidity no windows and massive mozzys every where felt quite sick but where theres tunes i am there , farts or not Seriously though there is a warehouse full of 60s 70s soul us and uk ,labels and west indian us and uk labels , they love bashment and soca so this music is nothing to them so its just piled up in his warehouse , good luck if any one goes there
  17. Your right It did pete I forgot , i have most boss tunes on ja originals due to a misspent youth in peckings and daddy cool
  18. Dont know what happened there its port o jam
  19. Theres a killer organ cut called mesh wire on port O jam studio one subsidiary
  20. Thats one boss selection without objection , tom drunk is a killer tune dug mine out yesterday and rinsed it through propper , only get to play my selection when kids are out they call it old man music though they love foey man and fat man , so they have some taste
  21. Dude you are the jedi master more info than i ever imagined thanks , you have made me very depressed though thought i could pick one up easy , though i do have chris and duke peckings as my secret search weapon , as they allways tell me when i am on the hunt relax karl soon come and invariably it does eventually many thanks again
  22. Also remember before i could drive 3 of us turned up after fighting our way through snow hitched all the way and was told it wasnt on , luckily one of the lads on the door drove us all the way home top dude allways remember good things like that
  23. Aargh i ll get me coat , this is a different page i am seeing , went off line came on again tapped iin wirrina this one came up and its not the one i cant find any more i was looking for earlier , must read before i pontificate never mind , confused i am
  24. Any one remember the bomb scare in early 80s Keith willcox nutter dj totally brilliant ,used to drive up from west london regular in my beetle , st ives , leicester odd fellows , hinkley , stafford , warrington parr hall , ashby de la zouch , manchester ritz , rotters
  25. If you a is 1210 or similar try a penny over the needle end held with blue tack , i do this ona lot of jamaican pressed tunes this makes it have it

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