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Karl s

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Everything posted by Karl s

  1. Any one got a copy ofbig frank and the essences for sale ? Let me know k
  2. Karl s

    seanadams & micksmith

    Can only agree gav top bloke hi gav its karl how the hell are you long time dude
  3. Karl s

    nice girls @ 100

    Hey karen its karl simmonds by the way Top try good you remembered though how are you lena king i think her name was , do you see her or know whats happened to her ? atb karl
  4. i have some genuine LEVIS which are made in the 1940 to 45 war time style brand new with labels s501 XX W 38 L 36 shrink to fit so they will end up a 36 ish waist and 34ish on the legs though i dry clean mine so no shrinkage i like mine with big turn ups original war time style as well to show off the selvedge if you know what they are you know the look £215 in shops that stock the LEVIS vintage range £150 a pair last 2 pairs message me for images and more details if interested
  5. primark next
  6. In the early 80s a few of is from west london used to go to warrington parr hall amongst other places , we got pally with some of the wigan lads in their late teens early 20s like us and used to go to their gaffs after for a cuppa and a puff before going to a dayer or what ever any way one morning they wanted us to have wigan scooter club patches as thats who they were we were well up for them then another dude asked if we wanted some old casino stuff he had lying around in his mums or aunts garage / shed cant remember exactly , he went off on his scooter and came back with a carrier bag full of original patches and proceeded to dole them out to me and my mates we had about 10 to 12 badges each propper embroided ones and posters of all the people envolved in the casino he pointed out his relative so the stuff from the casino was deffo stored around the gaffs of the people envolved for a good while after it shut , maybe still there who knows
  7. Hi ssorry if this has already got to you but I don't think I pressed the right button to send it in the first place but if this is the first time you got this message is this record still available please kindest regards Karl
  8. Hi is this still available as am interested Kindest regards karl
  9. Hi any one have a spare copy of twelve76 , the way you make me feel Many thanks karl
  10. Dude im sorry about that , as i said just trying to help a dude out , when i am desperate to get a tune i will take any format so i thought i would help ,i only quoted what came out of peckings mouth this morning i Will see peckings on saturday he really should know his own product ( obviously he dont ) , as i said i dont know his own new product , i only deal in his original studio 1and other labels he deals with For over 30 years been going there , this re working old riddims thing is not my cup of tea at all Again one million apologies to all
  11. Oh , i had no idea , chris peckings told me different this afternoon , chinese wispers , im sticking to my original tunes i am at home there Ill get me coat
  12. Mr toad chris p just called me back he told me brother man is not on cd only peckings 7" so we are both musically educated propper , Blake h and jordirip chris is going to burn it to cd for me hope thats good enough for you to forward the music , bitty has only got his own copy on 7" .big seller fe true , as i said chris may repress he is thinking about , let me know if this is ok for you
  13. Ok i am not in to peckings new productions my self , so i dont know a lot about them , didnt know it was on cd i am trying to help some one out , i go to peckings for rare music studio 1 dubplate style so my interest in new product is mimimal Again just trying to help some one out
  14. Also he said he might repress no guarantee
  15. Dude im still on it spoke to chris 5 mins ago he is phoning bitty now to see if he has a spare but if all else fails chris said he can run it to cd ,
  16. What a tune got my dr bird copy for 10 p in a oxfam shop in chiswick when i was 15 got the whip as well so 20p in all Ps you know its an early line up of the silvertones
  17. Yes stacey was totally cool , oddfellows was my favourite nighter loved it and wirrina / st ives as well they were the dogs for me
  18. Yes when i said blond i meant gingery bits yes used to share medicinal compounds with him at oddfellows and hinkley a good lad indeed had some top laughs with my mate addie and him he used to dance like a cat about to spring a real prowler , is he still around allways tried to persuade him to come to the 100 club he never did , talking of notts does any one remember seven inch sid , (no nothing to do with the size of his appendage ) used to go to notts palay
  19. With mad blond bits in his hair oh and wore a huge crombie
  20. Was he west indian
  21. Any one remember a bloke at odd fellows called stacey got drummed out of the army because of his excessive northern souling , or curley from hinkley , wickid dancer
  22. I used to take a sony linear tracking portable player to niters with me will dig it out take a photo of it its very cool
  23. Yes mark it was deffo the energizing disco larger that done it , top laugh though oh to be young and carefree no pressure and strains of modern life , the music was smazing not like the manafactured pop pap our kids listen too
  24. Wow thats totally wickid , when i was 11 we had a rasta decorator called paul from shepherds bush he gave me tighten up on orange trojan this changed my life completely gone were my mums beatles and pink floyd , it was reggae all the way for me till this day im 49 in a few weeks Northern played a big part for me too from 1980 till now

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