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Karl s

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Everything posted by Karl s

  1. Hi guys going to Cape Town this week whats the chance of finding a lovely south african chapter five on orange cbs with cut out center ooh i can dream hey any record hunting tips for sa hope its the same as west indies cos i just followed my nose and came up trumps
  2. Allways will remember at locomotion a rockabilly called gary taking a slash off the stage on to dancers and the floor then jumping down and doing a rockabilly singing in the rain dance complete with splashing , he offered me some df 118s on the way there , glad i refused ,he got slung out obviously so we left just after , he expected a lift home so i told him to fcuk off and walk twat he lived past uxbridge
  3. Brian tilsley from corrie was a northern soulie in real life didnt he go to wigan
  4. Talking of rasta west indian center kensal rise early 80s john buck rsg did an alldayer , where i first bumped in to a very young gavin paige think it was keb and the usual mob as well
  5. How can whole film be seen online
  6. Havent got a clue how the kj bit appeared at the beginning of my post probably my big builder fingers
  7. Kj. Our west london local clubs were the white heart southhall where on a monday night toski played mod music and soul and i spun full on northern usually what i had acquired at a nighter at the week end i put record on and jumped down to dance to it . it was good because we worked off the comedown good crowd too toski was the ace face he lived and breathed mod and had a killer record collection both mod and soul , still in touch with him and the castle in richmond on a friday night really early 80s lot of scooterists cant remember who did it or much about it . It was next to cheeky petes where as a young chiswick mod in late 70s i discovered soul properly
  8. Remember going to a keb doo in the royal college of art on kensington gore A few of us west london soulies in attendance but the art students were a bit baffled and were piss heads mainly , it was good night and only 15 mins from home in chiswick sensible soul club was another place cant remember too much about it though great flyer of a dude supporting his torso on his hands only still got it somewhere didnt craig and chris brick do somewhere to do with Demob think baz riley and roger stewart were involved
  9. Comedy club Covent garden with the cammo jeep then lets not forget the northern night at at heaven pretty good a one off if my muddled memory serves me right not a massive turn out but interesting
  10. Clarkie did the function at the junction in clapham junction if i remember a great night on a friday i think and ady did one downstairs in a club back of oxford street on week day a rockabilly night was there also on sat nights good as well the greyhound on fulham palace road on a Sunday night roger stewart and keb spun tunes there The dirt box holloway rd?? the scala kings cross
  11. Its the souri pictured above if i remember 10 years since ive seen it
  12. Hi guys give me a few days and i will meet my mate who runs a sound and see if he still has the cutter and get imfo and hopefully some pics dont worry im on it
  13. Hi pete jah tubbys still cuts dubplates for shaka as he only runs plates and vinyl think there is a place in france still makes them 12” 10” 7” will try to find out there is also a plate cutter that mounts on to a 1210 , 1200 then a computer for frequency control
  14. Had one years ago think it had some green around the oliver bit writingwas green aswell i think never seen one like this though but im no expert
  15. Pete please tell us the full story of it As I for one don’t have Facebook or anything like that and am seriously dieing to know its story
  16. Also Total eclipse , six o clock on the imperial lp if i remember correctly been looking but cant find it so going from memory
  17. Bunny sigler , dont make me wait on the squeez box music thingy in my fullers west london boozer wtf
  18. See the dude attempting floor work in the (GUCCI) special dj copy northern soul blokka boots near end , hard work or what bet his legs were 2" longer a sad parody of ns indeed
  19. Hi ady its karl , roger stewarts old mate got a sparton copy and im in chiswick still hope this is helpfull
  20. I'll get me coat
  21. Bought a pair of camper boots for my girlfriend , realy nice in suede in original box boot leg stuffed withpaper to keep shape box size is quite big (bootsize) anyway what arrived weeks later was a box that action mans boots would have looked small in covered in ebay tape my original box gone the stuffing to keep shape gone the boots were scrunched up not even rolled so had creases and marks whenun scrunched pissed off to say least e bay global is crap
  22. Rip prince buster voice of the people king of ska & rock steady
  23. Sorted thanks
  24. Wanted Big Frank and the Essences , I Won't let her see me cry Blue Rock or phillips please let me know ktf karl

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