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Chris Burton

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Everything posted by Chris Burton

  1. Chris Burton

    Soul -On-Trent

    Celebrating 60 years of Soul music in Stoke -On -Trent @ The Kings Hall Stoke Now added. : The Annual Torch Revival with Mopsey : Ian Cunliffe : Johnny Beggs
  2. At the stage when the booking of DJ`s was required Jez was out of the frame as a partner, please refer to my report on the situation
  3. Now that you are hopefully aware of the true facts I will be more than happy to replace the tickets for Jan 24th for you, let me have your address and the ripped tickets when it is convenient for you..... Chris
  4. Kev Roberts is a valued friend of mine and he has the knowledge of what DJ`s to book to provide a different nighter to introduce DJ`s that have not played in the area before, Ray the owner has no knowledge at all in terms of the right DJ`s to book, any input from Kev has been purely advisory and I may say helpful.
  5. That is correct it is the owner who asked me and I a memo from the venue owner with his position clearly stated, at this stage I was under the impression that Jez was aware, it is only when I found out the real facts that I immediately cancelled everything, which I believe was the right thing to do, don't you.
  6. Hi Jez Your comments are Cleary at odds with the facts and I am not going to write any further comments, as your memory does not recall the facts as they were. I have a memo from Ray the owner of the venue to confirm the arrangement he had made with you in respect of his future policy requirement's and that memo clearly states you had agreed to his proposals, when I was informed that it was not the situation I immediately withdrew from the promotion, cancelled the tickets and flyers and announced the basic facts on facebok with a copy to your self. I had a meeting today with the owner of The Box to discuss a series of promotions that have nothing to do with Northern Soul at all however I was asked again to promote a series of Northern events at The Box I refused to be involved in any Northern Soul events due to the circumstances that have been created and he accepted my decision. All The very best to you and The Box with your Northern Soul Sunday promotions Chris
  7. Hi Vinny apologies for spelling your name wrong, the kicked out story came from Jez .. See you December 20th, Have a good one Chris
  8. Worcester is 137 miles away and does not have any effect on Chris Waterman`s excellent promotions
  9. How does a venue 137 miles away effect Chris Watermans excellent promotion
  10. Thanks for your understanding of the situation I found myself in....Totally unprofessional is an understatement .....Chris
  11. No problem Steve.... The facts have to be know............ Regards Chris
  12. Please refer to the report I have posted to Mace......... that's the truth of the situation ...Chris
  13. Please refer to my report posted to Mace earlier tonight........ That's the truth of the situation ...Chris
  14. Hi Chris please read my report to Mace....... This is the truth of the situation I was led into.............. Regards Chris
  15. Refer to my content posted to Mace a little earlier ........ That's the truth Steve .. Chris
  16. This is my facebook posting and a copy was sent to Jez
  17. Hi Mace good to hear from you. Basically Jez introduced me to the owner the Sunday that the owner kicked Winnie out of THE bOX and he asked me if I would take the Sunday sessions at The Box, I told the owner in front of Jez that I could not be involved however Jez and I had several discussions in terms of how we could increase the numbers from the 60 that were attending at that time, I suggest later on that Saturday All nighters might help to raise the profile of the venue, I proposed a deal to Jez and he stated that he wanted to proceed doing it his way. Moving on several weeks the owner contacted me to advise me that he had agreed with Jez that Jez quite rightly wanted to continue with his Sundays and that he has reached agreement with Jez that I could assist with 2 all- nighters a year a position that I thought would work because Jez had agreed, I now realise that Jez had not been informed until last Sunday, I commenced advertising on facebook yesterday not knowing what had actually happened, when I was aware of what had happed I immediately withdrew my advertising, cancelled the flyers and tickets for March 14th and informed the owner that I could not be involved due to the circumstances that had presented them selves The owner had confirmed all the key points I have referred to me in writing and if this ill informed campaign against me does not stop I will take the legal action to stop it. I have done my very best within the soul scene for over 40 years and my reputation is still very important to me and thanks to the support given to me I hope to continue to do so for a few more years See you soon Mace
  18. As far as I am concerned no further help can be given to The Box, The venue can be more successful, I wish The Box and Jez all the very best in the future please be aware I have today been offered the venue twice by the owner and I have explained why I can not be involved and why I will not be involved.
  19. Jez Jones knows the truth about how he introduced me to the owner , all I have tried to do is help out to realise the true potential of The Box, well no more help will be offered from me and I will certainly not be in involved in any further discussions
  20. I have been offered the Box twice today and to take on the Sundays as well from January 2015 by the owner and I have refused to be involved in any Northern Soul promotions at his venue
  21. My personal reply to all the situation with Crewe is posted on the Staffs Cheshire Soul scene page and that is the truth of the situation

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