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Steve S 60

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Everything posted by Steve S 60

  1. Apologies for the multiple posts. I think the site was playing up at the time.
  2. Big sound at the time. Did it chart, as it was on Top of the Pops? https://youtu.be/GjkztH6ulqE
  3. Mikey, get yourself down for the next series of Mastermind.....specialist subject - Clapping to Northern Soul Tracks - Late 60's to the Present Day.
  4. That's a bit naughty.
  5. The film will be released on DVD February 10th...... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Muscle-Shoals-DVD-Mick-Jagger/dp/B00E0JTL8O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1390219591&sr=8-1&keywords=muscle+shoals
  6. Move On Up and One Wonderful Moment finish with a crescendo. What about songs that fade out, only to fade back in again, such as You'd Better Believe It Baby?
  7. And me. Regards, The Traffic Cop.
  8. Anybody remember the Soundwagon from a few years ago? https://youtu.be/lEsOLbW2INM
  9. Here's some great footage of the man in action.... https://youtu.be/NBfFrcQKXEg
  10. Yes, sounds like Smokin' Joe. https://youtu.be/4KXRCXcEuto
  11. Plenty of room for the boys to breathe.
  12. Bjorn A Loser, more like.
  13. After just watching the video of King's Hall somebody posted in the "Please Put Me Out of My Misery" thread, 'The Tennis Player' can be added to the list of dubious dance styles. P.S. Poor timing, he'd have missed the ball.
  14. He needs to work on his forehand.
  15. I'm also a 'Side of the Dance Floor' kinda guy, so I get pissed off with "spectators" standing on the dance floor, but that's probably one for another thread. Pet Peeves?
  16. She's got three more years to get over it before you do the same again for her 60th.
  17. Anybody witnessed the "Thunderbird puppet", the "Riverdance" or the "Charlie Chaplin"? Very off putting if you're trying to dance next to them, and if you move to another part of the floor, they always seem to follow you. Watched one bloke the other week and he must have covered the entire dance floor on his walkabout as he weaved in and out of the other dancers.
  18. Price reduction for the box set on Amazon....... https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Motown-7s-Box-Set/dp/B00FGGTK5Y/ref=pd_sim_m_h__46
  19. Misfortunes we bring upon ourselves are doubly bitter. He is wise who is warned by the misfortunes of others.
  20. Here's a link to all 14 volumes. I think all the singles were issues...... https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=the+complete+motown+singles&tag=googhydr-21&index=music&hvadid=32177831889&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=s&hvrand=9932553381466256209&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_1gbra0s011_b
  21. For anybody interested, I've put together a spread sheet of the complete collection, broken down by volume and individual disc. Let me know and I can send by PM. Now I'm off to get a life.
  22. I hurt on the other side.......would that be port or starboard? An actor's life is not for me.
  23. More uptempo....presto, presto.

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