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Steve S 60

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Everything posted by Steve S 60

  1. I wonder what Billy Davis would have thought if he knew that 45 years after he "funked his stank" (or should that be "stanked his funk"?), his seminal stomper would be the subject of much heated debate amongst a group of Brits on their home computing devices? For my part, I'd be interested to know who or what was Stanky, and why he /she or it needed to get funky in the first place.
  2. Already got this pre-ordered. Amazon will probably drop the price before the actual release date, but even so, not a bad price for eight CDs, two DVDs of never seen before interviews and a book. Great to see the tracks arranged in chronological order of when and where they were played. Nice one Ian.
  3. Thanks for that Kev. Thought the track was more akin to something P T Barnum would have come up with.
  4. Co-written with a bloke called Barnum. Did Bailey arrange the music?
  5. Too many off topic posts in this thread. Stanky didn't even make it into the "Top 20".
  6. Just read that Elaine Constantine has been nominated for Best Breakthrough British Filmmaker by the Critic's Circle..... https://www.criticscircle.org.uk/film/?ID=404 Good Luck.
  7. Joe Tex "You Better Believe It Baby" would be a good track to spin to.
  8. Yellow, second hand (came from a mate of a mate), covered in Sellotape (sounds like a mail order bride).
  9. Got them from Amazon on the day of release after pre-ordering. Nice looking box set. I'll give them a spin over the weekend.
  10. Caught some of the show Candi Staton was presenting on Radio 2 on Tuesday night, dedicated to the great man. Must see if I can get it on I-Player. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04t0syd
  11. It's probably knack all to do with most of us, but the original poster decided to air it on a public forum. Don't know if he did it off his own back, but the moment he posted it he invited all and sundry to comment. PS I'm not Spartacus either.
  12. Thanks for that Kev. Second time this year that the Box has been the subject of discussion due to "misunderstandings". Should be renamed Pandora's Box.
  13. Why would a promoter trying to organise a Torch revival want a DJ to run a modern room, or am I missing something?
  14. Throw into the mix some evil bootleggers, and one of the original artist's young grandson and his cute puppy.
  15. Done. Nasty and nice in equal measures.
  16. Wonder if they'll keep this to a limited run. Universal are currently selling the "un-numbered" Volume 1 Boxsets off for £20.
  17. Stamp collectors are philatelists, beer mat collectors are tegestologists, I wonder if there's a name for collectors of speed......amphetamologists?. Nice to hear he was a collector of British releases.
  18. Never mind chasing down tribute acts. I think Universal need to learn how to produce vinyl records properly, as they're giving the brand a bad name after the Motown 7s debacle.
  19. Especially with over 350 posts in the last thread. Anyway, it's nearly time for a Christmas song thread.
  20. This topic came up just over a year ago and there were loads of great instrumentals posted up.....
  21. Should be renamed the Crossley Soundbuggerer.
  22. Thought I'd post a link to this camera footage of London taken from the back of an eagle...... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-30114824
  23. RIP Jimmy. A great loss.

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