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Steve S 60

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Everything posted by Steve S 60

  1. RIP Billy. Your music lives on.
  2. Took all my old stuff to a charity shop. I'd like to think there's somebody in Africa running around in a bowling shirt and baggies.
  3. Can't see why you wouldn't be.
  4. Restores your faith in human nature.
  5. The film is now showing on Sky On Demand.
  6. Where do you think you are, Butlin's?
  7. That's interesting. I've got a Seamaster Quartz that I bought back in 1982, tucked away in a drawer. I believe it's in working order, just needs a new battery. I think the last time I had the battery changed it cost me a quid on a market stall.
  8. I swear by Citizen Eco-Drives. Got three at the moment. Paid between £100 and £150 for each. Keep good time, don't need winding up or have batteries that need changing regularly. Just need a bit of light.
  9. Amazon must be selling these by the bucket load, No 1 Bestseller in Soul, No 2 in Compilations and No 4 Bestseller in Music.
  10. Wild horses wouldn't stop me.
  11. Thanks for reminding me why I don't watch Corrie anymore.
  12. Even more entertaining, the well meaning makeover team get rid of all the old vinyl and replace them with re-issues, or even better, CDs, thus freeing up more house room.
  13. A nice photo of the family pet Chester, taken by our Joe......
  14. Just been speaking to Beverley Knight's father-in-law over the phone, as I'm doing some work for the company he works for. He was saying that Memphis and Beverley have got a few nominations in the Olivier Awards.
  15. (Born A) Biggest Loser.......a group of overweight Northern Soul enthusiasts compete to see who can shed the most pounds over the course of a Soul Weekender.
  16. The opinion of a potential expert witness irrelevant? How do you think the jury formed their opinion? Sat down, listened to the two songs, yeah, that sounds the same, job done in five minutes.
  17. There must be thousands of sampled tracks around. Do the samplers have to get permission from whoever owns the rights first, and possibly pay royalties for it all to be legit?
  18. A new one on me, but they brought a pre-emptive lawsuit against the Gayes and Bridgeport Music, who owned the rights to Funkadelic's "Sexy Ways", which also influenced Blurred Lines. Was this a case of getting the first punch in? Seems like a bad move to me, as it's like an admission of guilt. We haven't ripped off your music, and we want you to admit we haven't before you try to prove we have. Only in America. Incidentally, George Clinton has gone on record as saying that "Sexy Ways" hasn't been ripped off.
  19. Slightly similar, but not $7.3m similar.
  20. Well the jury have decided and the Gaye family are richer to the tune of $7.3m...... https://news.sky.com/story/1442505/pharrells-7-3m-bill-for-copying-marvin-gaye
  21. Juno Records have it for £12 less than Amazon...... https://www.juno.co.uk/search/?q%5Btitle%5D%5B%5D=%22the+odyssey%3A+a+northern+soul+time+capsule+1968-2014%22&hide_forthcoming=0
  22. As long as you buy a minimum of 20 box sets.
  23. Wish I could lay claim to this fantastic shot..... http://news.sky.com/gallery/1437490/weasel-takes-a-ride-on-a-woodpecker
  24. Listened to all the CDs all the way through. Agree with previous posts, do like the running order and the quality is spot on. Now need to find time to watch the DVDs and read the book.

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