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Steve S 60

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Everything posted by Steve S 60

  1. Are you allowed to divulge information on anybody in the witness protection programme?
  2. Getting hammered on Solar Radio at the moment.
  3. I'd regularly got stopped coming off the train at Wigan North Western, then escorted into a side room so my bag could be searched. Quite happy for the plod to rummage through my dirty kit that I was taking home to get washed.
  4. So that confirms he's 62 now, and would have been 20 in 1973. I'll have first heard him play at the Casino when he was 25, which would have seemed old to me at the time, and I'm only 8 years younger than Russ. The Wikipedia article also states that over 4 million people passed through the Casino, so it must be right.
  5. No, he would have been 20 in 1973 if he is now 62.
  6. He went to the same school as Russ Winstanley. They were in the same remedial maths class.
  7. Reading the first article, 98% of Casino attendees were on drugs. The Drug Squad must have been pretty incompetent not to have arrested any of the 3,980,000 drugged up youths over the 8 year period the Casino ran all nighters.
  8. I think Russ is getting mixed up with the number of times he's played the 3 before 8.
  9. Great article. Just downloaded the Kindle version for £3.79.
  10. So if you have to go to the other side of the dance floor, that's Crossover? I think I'm starting to get the hang of this.
  11. Obviously new to the site. Don't worry mate, you'll get used to it. PS Nice to have you back Nice.
  12. Well that certainly looks like the scan KR posted. The seller has probably got a few dozen
  13. The scan of the copy on Mike's link looks in better nick than Levine's, if the scan KR posted is of Ian's copy.
  14. Sounds like a similar format to his Cellar Full of Soul show on Solar.
  15. Sounds like Post Traumatic Soussan Disorder. I would seek professional help.
  16. If Carlsberg did record auctions......
  17. £30 for six weeks. That's £5 a lesson. That money would be better spent on admissions to soul nights, then you can see how it's done in the real world, not some sell out "instructor's" version of how we all should be dancing, by numbers. These so called instructors need to watch their backs. Look what happened to Bruce Lee.
  18. Alternatively wait until the makers of the sequel to the Northern Soul film, set in the present day, start to advertise for 50 something year olds to attend dance clubs in order to play extras in the nostalgia night scenes.
  19. Could use the SS Hall of Fame as a starting point.
  20. Just listening to Richard Searling's Va Va's tribute on Sunday's Cellar Full of Soul. According to him, he managed to get hold of a copy of Lynne Randell to play at the last all nighter there, so August '73.
  21. Sure it's not a speed skating tutorial?
  22. Richard Ceiling, Emperor's Ballroom and the Tomagoes (sic). Ah well, I was warned.
  23. Thanks for the heads up. Just tuned into Radio 4 Extra.
  24. Credit where credit is due. Trouble is, Russ hasn't managed to move on since, and is very much living on past glories.
  25. My youngest lad Joe was up Helvellyn a couple of days ago, when he witnessed the Mountain Rescue Team in action when a lone 70 year old man got himself into trouble.....

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