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Steve S 60

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Everything posted by Steve S 60

  1. If anyone needs a spread sheet of the complete collection (14 volumes over 75 discs), PM me. Includes all track listings, artists and running times by disc and volume.
  2. Have one on me Steve. Sorry it's unsigned......
  3. Another poster advertised on Poster Central was for the Four Tops concert at the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco. Produced by the same press as the Miracles one, so a very similar "Boxing" style. Big difference here is that it's autographed. Also, notice the misspelling of Johnny Talbot & De Thangs, who were local to the Bay area, recording on Oakland label Jasman. https://youtu.be/OE5NkN3yRSM
  4. What brings the authenticity into question is the fact that the Miracles didn't officially change their name to Smokey Robinson & The Miracles until after they had released "I'm The One You Need" in October 1966, at least four months after the advertised concert. However, Smokey's name may have been added to the front of the group's title for promotional purposes. Either way, what a great concert that would have been.
  5. Many of the greats played the Continental Club in its heyday.....
  6. Out on the 18th of this month, Marvin's first seven studio albums get a re-issue on 180g vinyl.... https://thesoundofvinyl.com/*/Pre-Orders/1961-1965/4DMM04D0000?utm_campaign=May&utm_content=UMGUK10009-403184&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=TheSoundofVinyl010515
  7. That guy has got a great collection of concert posters, including both the Tempts and the Four Tops at the Fillmore Auditorium, done in much the same style as the Smokey one. Nice.
  8. Steve S 60

    Ben E King Rip

    Sad sad loss. RIP Ben E.
  9. Yeah, but I still haven't found the time to watch the DVDs or read the book, and I know all the tracks.
  10. Trouble is I paid full whack on a pre-order, Ian. Never mind, it's only money.
  11. Just seen the box set for £62, £18 less than Amazon...... https://www.wowhd.co.uk/CD/various-odyssey-a-northern-soul-time-capsule-1968-2014-8cd-2dvd/dp/40528203/69790217#bc=bf36
  12. Well, the prodigal son has returned, but has decided not to grace us with his presence on the scene once more. Probably in talks with Nile Rodgers, hoping to hitch a ride on his coat tails. Never mind.
  13. Just pre-ordered this. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pied-Piper-Follow-Your-Soul/dp/B00VTN1CS6/ref=pd_rhf_pe_s_cp_46_JXPH?ie=UTF8&refRID=08FJMF65WXG636WKXEAN
  14. That's obscene. What was the original selling price?
  15. Thanks for that Kev. When I said Black Magic was Soussan's Label I didn't mean he owned it, but that was the outlet for some of his stuff.
  16. The only extra information about Deceived in the sleeve notes from the "For Millionaires Only Vol 2 CD" is that Martin Koppel is credited with discovering it.
  17. Was that the time they popped into the motorway services for something to eat on their way to Manchester? Ike was so incensed by the standard of food that he was moved to pen a ditty which he entitled "Knutsford Shitty Dinners". This he later amended to suit the American audience, and the rest, as they say, is history.
  18. House burglar?
  19. Well that younger crowd included me at the time. Considering my only income was from a job as an errand boy, Black Magic, Pye Disco Demand and Contemporaries were all I could afford.
  20. That was Soussan's label, wasn't it?
  21. But Levine, while not being totally unique in doing so, not only discovered the records, but played them to a large audience. Also, a lot of the first Northern sounds I was exposed to in the early 70's, being too young to attend venues, were on the Black Magic label.
  22. Interesting topic. Without the early pioneers like Levine or Soussan, would countless others have followed, crossing the pond to track down the records at source? Without the interest from UK collectors at that time, certainly kindled by Levine and Soussan, wouldn't a lot of this "unwanted" vinyl have found its way to landfill, thus denying others the chance to discover it at a later date? Obviously the archived stuff in the record company vaults would remain, but how long would the Northern Soul scene have lasted if solely reliant on British releases and the odd import?
  23. Got it on CD (For Millionaires Only Vol 2. PM me and I'll sort you out with a wav copy.
  24. Scene of the infamous Battle of Killington Lake, where Scottish football fans travelling down to Wembley were ambushed by the notorious Border City Firm.
  25. I tend to change on a weekly basis. Alphabetically by artist, so I'll have Al Wilson followed by Frank Wilson, or if by label I'll have Bell followed by Tamla. That's the advantage of only having two records. Hope this helps.

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