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Everything posted by soul58

  1. Hi Steve yip I’ll take it send a email with details to mirrwood @sky.com
  2. looking for a copy of the above
  3. happy birthday keith remember asking him for jimmy helms romeo and juliet at prestatyn many years ago within 10 min he sent a guy to the his room back he came with one nothing was to much trouble for him have a good one mate
  4. it epetones her big man loved her music to mike rip jackie
  5. hi there is it lonely days of my life your after i have a mint copy of it somewhere in a box mike
  6. looking for a copy of this on motown
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  7. looking for a copy of somebody please on ronn records
  8. looking for a copy of this on soul clock
  9. so sad to hear known fran from our wigan days used to travel with her to the casino on many trips RIP fran GOD BLESS
  10. looking for a copy of i guess god wants it this way thanks
  11. thanks for geting back to me got one from the states a great sound thanks again mike
  12. wanted eugene smiley its you girl
  13. looking for this not sure if it was released on a single or not think about 1972

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