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Everything posted by doubletee

  1. doubletee

    Northern Soul Revival

    Northern Soul and Motown Revival. Presented by Tommy Taylor Your Requests Welcome
  2. Thanks Dean for a constructive reply. Tommy
  3. Ok everyone. First been a member since July 2013 and been a working Dj for 45 years and still am. Northern Soul has always been my passion and still is hence the internet radio show which I am not paid for. Our trip is for people who love the music and that's all. It is a weekend away and will only involve the people on the trip. It is sad when so called lovers of the music turn on people they don't even know. I hope this and the music picked by listeners proves we are not trying to upset people but promote the music. Thanks for the opertunity to reply Tommy Taylor
  4. Have a listen everyone. Anything we do is for the love of the music. Nothing else. Love and Peace Tommy Taylor KTF

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