First met Ian 15 years ago, got on with him instantly. He had so much knowledge about soul and always had time to discuss it. We started Ramsbottom Cricket Club 11 years ago and Ian was our first guest DJ. He arrived with all his troupes, and boy did they set the place alight. We have so many happy memories with the "Soul Master". He used to stay at our house, saved him driving all the way to Chesterfield. The first time he stayed, he says to me, Des, is it OK I've got 3 dogs with me, we didn't have a dog. My youngest son Dean comes home, half cooked, to be greeted by the dogs, he nearly had a heart attack. After our soul nights we used to sit at the table and laugh for ages before we went to bed.He was a very special person to me Bev and our boys. We were honored to call him a friend and will miss him dearly.
Ian,No longer suffering. God bless you Bro, set heaven alight with your uptempo classics. People call me Diamond, but to us you were the "real GEM",miss you always.
Des & Bev.