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Everything posted by Stompingsevens

  1. Top price paid!
  2. I want the 45 but I'm not on facebook! Arrrgh.......... Jesse
  3. Can't get hold of Nils, do you have an email address for him? Thanks, Jesse
  4. Hi Nils, A lot of your topics seem to be locked, I would like to buy the copy of Freddy Butler you have for sale, I also have a spare of 'Freedom Riders' if you still need it, let me know please. Jesse (stomping@hotmail.com)
  5. Hi, I'll take them both. Please hold the Sonny Til and what's the price on the MLW??? Do you take paypal? Let me know ASAP please. Jesse (stomping@hotmail.com)
  6. Des, Still not heard from you..............?
  7. Des, Can you email me at stomping@hotmail.com please. Thanks, Jesse
  8. I'll pay over the odds for a clean copy!
  9. Hi, I'll take the Count Ferrell on Astra for £26. if you still have it. Jesse (stomping@hotmail.com)
  10. Hi, I'll take the Hooker if you still have it. You can email me at stomping@hotmail.com Thanks, Jesse
  11. Hi Mace, I'll take the Lorenzo Holden on Mambo for £30. Thanks, Jesse
  12. Hi, If you still have the 45 would it please be possible to get proper label scans please (300psi) before you post it out sent to my email, I'm happy to pay you £30 via paypal for the trouble! Let me know........... J
  13. Anyone know who or what this is, I picked it up at the Allentown show in the USA, it's pretty good! Any help is appreciated.
  14. Any one know who or what this is? I picked it up at the Allentown show in the USA, it's pretty good! Any help is appreciated...........
  15. Can anybody help me with a clean copy of this please?
  16. Hi, I'm new around here, does anybody have a copy of this for sale please?

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