Hi Quinvy, I find this comment interesting, why are you so against re-issues? Do you think the only people who should be able to appreciate or 'play out' these records should be the few people who are lucky enough to be able to afford to lay out hundreds or thousands of pounds on a record? What about all the people to don't have that kind of money but still have the passion for the music. Try to look at the world beyond the end of your record box buddy, music is for everyone and it's important to 'spread the word', I don't know how many young people are getting into your scene just now but the 50's scene needs the next generation of collectors and enthusiasts to come through pronto and in my experience the best way to achieve that is to let them access great 45's that they could otherwise not afford at a fraction of what an original may cost. It's also part of the mystique of the 45 to see it on an original label, albeit an obvious copy, this is educational for those who want to learn but don't have the finance. As for the re-issues affecting the price, this is simply not true, if anything the prices will rise as more people get to hear and want to own original copies of the 45's. If the only reason you like original records is because of the money they command or because no none else owns a copy I think you may need to take a few steps back and have a good long hard think about, well, everything really. Imagine if no one was able to run prints of Salvador Dali paintings and only the person who owned the original could gaze at the beauty of his work, or a Rembrandt........? Music is a gift and should be shared as such!
It is also a mis-conception that the people who issue these 45's 'make millions', do you have any idea about the production costs of pressing 500x 45's is these days? People press these records as enthusiasts for other (less wealthy) enthusiasts.
I would also add the following quote -
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs. There is also a downside" - Hunter S. Thompson