Hi Pow Wow Mik, The records I issue you refer to as 'boots' are in fact legal re-issues. Nothing more, nothing less.
The music if more than 50 years old and pre 63' is anyone's to 'sell' with impunity as in this country that is the law, if you have a problem with that I suggest you write to your MP.
The music I press that is post '63 is always cleared before pressing commences.
One should sometimes be careful who you accuse and of what.
I feel I better just say a few things up as I seem to be taking the rap for others and having my name dragged through the mud. I re-issue predominantly 50's R'n'B 45's on 'reproduction' labels. I always pay the MCPS royalties (you can check with the MCPS). Where possible I will also pay the artist (or estate thereof) a fee which is agreed by both sides before pressing commences. I stand by all my issues as the copyright law for music in the EU stands at 50 years for pre '63. This the law, if you disagree with it then I suggest you write to your MP. I am not the Guy who presses the Northern stuff, I am also not the Guy who masterminded the 60's Psyche stuff. I have done a few titles which cross in to the Northern scene (Charles Sheffield broke on the 50's R'n'B scene long before being a hit on the Northern scene — latecomers!).
I am a 50's R'n'B collector and enthusiast at heart, as anyone on this forum who actually knows me will confirm.
I got into records by buying 'boots' back in the 70's when I was a kid which due to availability and lack of pocket money at 14 years old was the only way I could hear the music I craved, I then progressed to searching for these same (and other) records on original pressings.
If you like and can afford originals then you’re very lucky and that's great. If you can't but still enjoy the simple process of spinning a few 45's then the repro's and re-issues are the obvious next best thing. The fact that a 45 has been re-issued does not make the original copies any less original, it just means that others who can't afford the original copies can also enjoy playing them. Yes, I make a few quid for my efforts but people who think it's easy and that there are thousands to be made should try it for themselves.
If you don’t like people playing re-issues ‘out’ then don’t go to those clubs where that happens but I don’t understand the need for criticism of people who play re-issues, it’s entirely up to the DJ that has been hired what he or she should play.
By the same token, if you feel that the OVO is the way for you I do not see the need for people to criticize this approach. At the end of the day it’s a personal decision and we are all different and as such, should respect each others idea’s and opinions.
I would just also add that your posts in general seem to be very angry, resentful and confrontational. Times and cultures change, scenes move on and we have choices. Some will make you happy and some will not, that choice is yours.