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Everything posted by Stompingsevens

  1. Condition and price please, payment is immediate. Thanks!
  2. I prefer this one by them which I think is brilliant and the dancing is quite mesmerising and it's LIVE!
  3. Yes, saw that copy but I think the price is too high to begin with to start trying to get him to accept a reasonable offer.
  4. I've been playing for over 5 years now, I started when I was 55. It's so important to start slow in the first 8 weeks to get your muscles moving again and to put the brain in gear but it has changed my life for the better. The great thing about football is that you need to use your brain to make calculations constantly so it keeps the grey matter moving as oppose to the gym or solo sport.
  5. Condition and price please.........? Thanks!
  6. Try Walking Football, clubs and teams everywhere now. If you enoyed playing footy as a kid it's brilliant !
  7. I need to get a message to Ted Massey, is he a member on Soulsorce?
  8. Who's the member who does dubs of tracks from CDs, I'm looking for a few particular tracks. Any help appreciated.
  9. Another Franck Muller
  10. For all who are interested in high end watches and watch fairs abroad, try this. Please remove if inappropriate but I liked this, some amazing pieces.
  11. I like a Franck Muller
  12. Over 50's walking football has changed my life for the better, I've been playing twice a week for 5+ years now. Great exercise and great fun and there are now clubs everywhere. Thoroughly reccomended!
  13. The problem is I need custom made boxes in particular sizes and through the Ebay system they will not let me get his contact details to make the order.
  14. Hi, I am looking for the contact details of the Guy that makes the MDF record boxes who trades under the name 'Soulboy', email or mobile number would be brilliant as I need to order some units. Any help appreciated! Thanks, Jesse
  15. Check on your amp to see if there is a switch for the cartridge type (MC, MM etc) and switch through the choices to check it has correct chanelling. Just a thought!
  16. I collect records, I have a mental illness. I have a mental illness, I collect records. I only speak for myself.............
  17. Well you can always definitely 100% trust anything that an MP says so it must be true.
  18. Brexit - the joys!
  19. Hi Kev, Do you still have the Roosevelt Grier 45? is 'EX' better than VG+ but not M- ??? Jesse
  20. I got a copy of this in VG++, just fishing for some offers on other valuation groups. Let me know with an offer if you're interested.
  21. £'s waiting for a clean copy, PM me please. No 'offers', just a price please.
  22. PM me with price and condition please. Thanks!
  23. Let me know price and condition please. Thanks!
  24. Hi Neil, Did this sell please?

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