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Everything posted by Pomonkey

  2. I was 2nd bidder so liked it more than all but one person it seems, haha, ironically of sorts was also the 2nd bidder a couple of years ago on the acetate of the flip that Butch won, go figure.
  3. "Rare on a US demo"? - all of $20 regularly over here Pete, have at least 2 buried in old sales boxes, having said which seeing what a couple have gone for recently maybe time to snaffle a few up to flip!
  4. All well here Dazz good fella Did have a spare copy of this sitting around but it's long gone, yes def prefer the vocal side, I'm not a musician but it's in a really strange meter/time, fun watching the dancers getting into knots trying to figure it out haha!
  5. It's "Just a little groove", the instro for My baby confuses me - Little Nolan & the Soul Brothers on Ty-Do 711 (one that needs to get more exposure, know myself and Finewine play it here in NYC...)
  6. Thanks for the kind words on the Dig Deeper flyers, since Day 1 way back in the summer of 2008 they've all been done by our good friend Marco, would highly recommend him to any of you looking for design work, you can hit him up at soulmarcosa@earthlink.net. And most of them are still available for purchase as posters, thick glossy stock and look great, know a fair few friends around the world have done a "wall" of them, drop a PM if you're interested!.
  7. Sold a clean Quality issue of this several years back for $500 Rob, seemed the right price then haven't had one since, can't remember who took it off me or would point you their way, g'luck!
  8. Flip side is a KILLER, huge Dig Deeper spin here in NYC
  9. Here you go Robb, got both copies separately back when but didn't know how obscure it was until saw a thread several years back on the Soulful Detroit forum, always sounds great out, hope scan is useful, ATB.
  10. In my box for tonight so will try remember to scan for you tomorrow Robb, great record, sold my spare to my DJ partner so funnily there may be 2 copies in the same venue later....
  11. Not letting mine go but you're on the wrong site for this one, decent little garage record, go on G45 you should have more luck
  12. Delights version on Delaware is way better, punchier and less fratty, decent flip too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQevZZ6iX9Y
  13. Do play Ronnie Baker over here in NYC but purely as an early doors record, total quality but would never get a US crowd on the floor for it sad to say!
  14. I tracked her down a few years ago Nancy, lovely lady, was seeing if she'd any interest in doing the track live for us but didn't pan out even with the offer of her being on the same bill as Don Gardner - imagine them doing a his and her version of this on stage together, ah well!
  15. EH1029 then 29 inside a circle then delta triangle 71667-X b/w EH1028 circle 29 delta 71667 (1st is LMTYWIW side)
  16. Betty Harris - "Show it" $249 and counting! https://www.ebay.com/itm/BETTY-HARRIS-Show-It-STOMPING-northern-soul-M-US-promo-45-r-b-dancer-LISTEN-/330988105173?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item4d106dadd5
  17. How about the PW by him on the same label, totally in your face uptempo belter that think is great too, just don't see it listed too often (are they all on blue vinyl?), Mr Stanley Lippitt sure made some killer records.
  18. See this come up every now and then, wimpy Mexican version https://www.ebay.com/itm/LOS-HITTERS-higher-higher-LATIN-SOUL-1968-MEXICO-jackie-wilson-/281151290095?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item4175ec3aef
  19. I've sold a Precious Three for more than that, not a bad price for the buyer
  20. Finally got a clean one of these not long ago from Thorsten, maybe you could talk him into selling his personal copy (but I suspect he's holding onto it!!)!
  21. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/british-firm-turns-human-ashes-vinyl-records-article-1.1413520?localLinksEnabled=false Any volunteers? May be difficult for you to give feedback once you're "covered up" mind you...
  22. Finewine plays both of these, not as crazy about the Jimmy Forrest one, there's a few copies of the Breakthrough one around, the flip is just as good, I have a minter and know where 3-4 more copies are in collections.
  23. Really happy that you guys back home will get to see John, a ton of Dig Deeper regulars told us en masse last month that he was simply one of the best singers we've ever been proud to put on stage, certainly blew both Honky and myself away from start to finish, not just the Lyndell 45 but several songs amazingly he'd never sung live before, and can promise when it gets to "I'll be loving you" there won't be a dry eye in the house, look forward to reading the posts after the shows
  24. Clearly not time to change it's title to "Worth every penny"!
  25. Hahahahaha uk300 for Hal Blaine!! That's the instro we've used for the live act coming on stage at every Dig Deeper for 5 years. It came out on Dunhill as "Beverley Drive" and sometimes sells for as much as, ooh, $20 at record fairs here. Uk300 isn't taking the piss, it's distilling it and calling it champagne, that site's always comedy reading in between sadly hobbling by on hawking "2nd issues".

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