The nuance that screws this up is that the price immediately jumps to the top of your bid amount even if 2nd place is a country mile behind, other auction sites don't do that as it actually then becomes a different economic model which from a buyer's perspective is totally unappealing, means takes every last penny you bid even if nobody else has any interest in the 45, no possibility of a "bargain", etc. On the flipside it's the ideal model for a seller as it extracts maximum value from all bidders every time. But as we're the buyers here it's a straight disincentive to make an initial high bid if may not be needed. Incidentally John's auctions go higher mostly as lets bidders see they've been outbid even at the "end" and then his twist to extend the auction a few more minutes each time dangles the bait psychologically and gets folks to go against their initial would-be maximum and go higher / get competitive - it's sometimes like watching the guy in the pub keep digging deeper in his pocket for more coins after already losing too much on the fruit machine. Difference between the 2 models is his needs at least two bidders to push a price up, here you can do that all by yourself.
(Looking for their auction terms on the site to see/confirm the small print but not seeing any listed?.)