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....Pete's just got here and we is off in 10 mins to Stoke. What i'd forgot about and so had he was the 'samples' we made for reviewers/promo purposes!x He just brought them and we have 10 copy's of those left....with new covers as the above will be! Only the 'reviewers' got the Special Sample Copy covers.....12 of them in the WOOOOORLD we made!!!So...if you want a full product DVD tonight....first 10 get em @ £10 each and the £60 petrol to deliver 'em we'll waiver as a chrimbo bonus!!!!x SEE YAAAA THERE!!!!x Those who ain;t going...have a good time wherever u are....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Thanx for all your luvly Emails/PMs and honestly...it has been unexpected to the degree it's come my way...!x I have to go out and away from the net possibly until late evening. At present 1.30pm...there is the 100 reserved for Kings Hall....plus 96 copy's left of the available Xmas delivery stock! Based on your feed back....those whom you inform tonight at various functions need to be told be 'on it' before I go to Kings Hall tomorrow evening! Whatever stock is left for you today....may well be used for additional requirements there! Currently 31 copy's are reserved out of those 100....so i;m 'short' already!!!x Not selling...just telling....and don't want anyone to be dis-appointed if I can help it!x Thanx again for your support of...well...yourselves really! I'm just a messenger.....and present it to you on a DVD!!x Have a good day all...X LUV SOOTY X ...for those new reading this...see the excellent new 'Articles' front page of Soul Source to get more details....X (Thanx Mike....X)
...and after the Disco fades...i'd wheel u too your room....i'd empty ure colostomy bag and give u ure meds and you would smile at me as ure bestest friend Graham.....u would....!!x I would then go back to me decks....and as i'm putting the kit away....i'd leave playing just loud enuff for all of you to drift off to sleep too.......Welcome To My World.....Jim Reeves................a perfect ender.........!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...the future is what we make it....X There was a time when accepted tunes today were called Rock N Roll...not Soul..some of which was said 'innocently' by folk who have become 'respected' DJ's today and would consider them 'standard' Northern today.....20 years on.....! Tunes they were referring too??.....Betty O'Brian Shell be gone....Richard Berry Have Love....and yes I was told by 'hard core' Soulies whom I respected that the Diplomats 'Cards On The Table' was sh*te and nowt to do wiv Northern....in 1993!!! I still played it...and other Rock N Roll...................good job init!!x @@ ~
...and as it happens Len I will be playing stuff from that very obscure box at me annual local OAPs Xmas party....in between me bingo calling!x Got looooads like the above and from boot sales since last xmas.....and yes...3 of those Aaron posted would get spun there....and I may get a waltz outta a few of em...!x There is a time and a place for every tune! The art is in finding it and doing it right!x However...I would follow with his 4 tunes straight after ure spot at any gig and the room would be relieved mefinks!!!x Bring it on bro....X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...u ain;t lived until u've seen 2 pensioners dance to this......fit into any all-nighter.....goes faster and faster.....fit for a rave!!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbD4jmM8APU
Hi!x At long last... just in time to make the 10th Anniversary of the making of the Togetherness ‘fly on the wall’ documentary filmed at Kings Hall, Stoke...is now available for the first time ‘officially’ on DVD to order for a guaranteed Xmas delivery! You heard it here first on Soul Source! We have managed to secure a stock of 500 for distribution before Xmas. However there are only 227 copy’s left for those not already ordered from this initial Xmas stock! What’s on it...? I will leave that to independent ‘reviewers’ from the Soul Scene to share with you! Why release it now? Why not?!x The documentary was made ad-hoc at the time without any intention other than for me to personally capture the scene...as it happened! As a consequence and due to the ‘quality’ on offer by the film...Kev Roberts distributed 1000 copies of it on VHS and that was that in 2003! There hasn’t been an ‘official’ DVD made to date and no further copies on VHS have been available for 10 years. Based on the feedback of the reviewers below.....my decision to release it again....has been justified...I reckon!x It was done as a labour of love...for me...and that ethos continues with this new DVD!x The profits after DVD production and distribution costs are going to recognised Charity’s and the like...and here’s some up to date info on them...!x “I found it an interesting and enjoyable reflection of the scene, even although it was filmed in 2003. Some of the comments, however, could well have been filmed last week, as they still apply today”...”Quality was excellent and it was well produced.”...“You should make more.” (Souled Trafford on Soul Source) The first of interest to most Soulies will be ‘Charity Soul’....a relatively new concept driven by dedicated Soulies/Promoters and DJ’s coming together nationally to raise funds via the Scene for stem cell research to tackle the big C and other worthwhile causes. I was invited to review their concept and actions to date and was so impressed I have arranged for £1 to go to that growing pot from every official DVD that is sold. Their money as a collective is currently going directly to the renowned Professor Maitland’s own research project that is a world leader in such things. Upon meeting those involved and further discussions with University and medical folk based in Cambridge whom i’ve worked with in charitable ways and means over time...I decided his efforts are certainly worth supporting. The ‘Charity Soul’ folks motivation was based on their friends who have been lost to this diseases which is so close to being addressed to a resolve which will save thousands of UK lives...Soulies or not. I felt it a worthwhile cause...and hope you agree...X “Having watched the DVD twice I feel confident to review it with an open mind. I found the whole package to be professional, informative and very entertaining with numerous interviews that were Humorous and light hearted but at the same time delivered with Passion and Fact. It was nice to see an Interviewer with great knowledge of the scene pose questions that are relevant and thought provoking, although the filming was done 10 years ago it’s still valid today. The film also captures very well the passion and excitement of the whole experience of a Nighter, from the queue outside to the action on the dance floor and of course The Music.” (Brav on Soul Sauce) The 2nd Charitable cause connected to the Scene has just ‘come on top’ this last week! Soulies successfully raised funds to ensure an ‘official’ Plaque was done for posterity commemorating the Wigan Casino and where it once stood. The surplus funds raised are being donated to a rehab centre in which a now departed Soulie worked at helping drug dependent victims some of which started their battle with drugs as a direct result of their involvement with the Scene back in the 70’s. I was made aware of this facility and intend to visit on the 12th December to meet its operators and patients to see if 50p from every DVD can go there to assist them with their good work on behalf of suffering Soulies and all. I will report back via SS as to the outcome of that meeting and hopefully UTUBE some interviews I hope to capture from folks who frequented Wigan and other fine venues back in the day and have their perspective on life for you to hear and add to your knowledge base of the scene...it’s folk...the positive...and collateral...out there. Another worthwhile cause methinks. The above intentions have been confirmed with those responsible for them. ”From start to finish I found it really engrossing”...”Having been there that night myself, and multiple times before and since, the buzz which the King's Hall has, was undoubtedly captured, not least by seeing Derek Allan dancing away behind the decks in the first few moments. Later on there's an interview with him, and the never ending enthusiasm that personified Derek, and one of the things we all remember so well about him beamed out. There is also a nice little RIP tribute to him, which quite moved me.”...”There are a number of interviews, Richard Searling, Ian Levine, Ginger, Sean Chapman, Chris King, Shifty (nice to see that) Kenny Burrell, Terry Davies to name but a few,”...”...all of which are worth a listen too.”....”Overall the balance of the film for me (I'll emphasise from my point of view) was excellent, in fact the best I've seen of its type.”.........”I'll say now that in my opinion, it's aimed squarely at the mainstream northern soul scene so I'd estimate at least 90% of people currently attending, who watch it, will enjoy it and of the other 10%, if you're open minded, there'll be something about it you'd like.” (Winnie on Soul Source) A 3rd potential benefactor I will mention here is the ‘Wigan Young Souls’. I have discussed with other Promoters and those responsible for Charity money the possibility of assisting these Young ‘uns and their future endeavours in some way. A further meeting in which this will be discussed is taking place the weekend of 8th/9th December and afterwards I would like to make an approach to develop such links with WYS....assuming they have a need! As yet I have not approached them ‘officially’ and so will report at a later date as to that outcome. I would like to think charitable proceeds could go to encourage Youth involvement in the scene in some way to assist with its long term continuation. They...along with other kids...are who we are all relying on to continue the longest running underground scene Britain has ever known. Those of us already initiated who were ‘there’ and kids at the start...have perhaps 20/30 years available to ensure that survives. After that...is where my focus is on with this ‘investment’. As said...I will report back via SS as soon as I have had a friendly meeting with those involved...hopefully before Xmas...or soon after!x “Unlike most of the “in the club” video footage that I’ve seen, here we have interviews with both the punters and the DJ’s and promoters on the night, nicely threaded together by DJ turned media man Sooty.”...”From the collector’s point of view, the film captures Kenny Burrell’s suppressed delight on acquiring a copy of the Mello Souls on the night. There’s footage outside the Kings Hall asking where folks had travelled from, what they make of the event and free tickets are on offer if they can name the labels on which a well-known oldie was released, which keeps an amusing, light hearted thread, running through the film. Would make a stocking filler to watch whilst the wife’s burning the Christmas pudding! (Back Street Blues Soul Source) “I loved the DVD”...”The deejay interviews were fantastic (all of them)”...”It is what it is, a perfect peep into a part of the scene from 10 years ago, a DVD that I enjoyed thoroughly, and that you made funny with your little captions and quiz in the queue ha ha ha!!” (Alison H on Soul Source) “I would like to say i enjoyed the DVD , thought Sooty did a excellent job of presenting it”...the people interviewed showed their passion for northern soul and there was a great soundtrack...” (Gogger on Soul Source) There are other charity/worthwhile causes benefitting from this DVD but I will explain more about that in a minute! For those who weren’t aware of this DVD...the backdrop to it was this! I had a Media Company rapidly expanding and a new cameraman who was gethering experience. On the day in question in 2003...without planning but pure circumstance...we ended up at Kings Hall for him to ‘train’! I didn’t know what I was going to film or who I was going to speak too if anyone! I had permission from Kev Roberts and Richard Searling to film something and that was it! I was genuinely gobsmacked at what had been captured when reviewing it all later! It included ‘Chats’ with Nationally recognised DJ’s/Promoters...and feedbck from Soulies in the behind the scenes build up that has perhaps never been captured on film in the way it has been before! As a Soulie...I was excited by the result and so was Kev! 1,000 copies were made available and sold back in 2003....and that was it! So...to release it now after 10 years is based on the truth that not many folk know of its existence really...or may have come back to the scene since! It is ‘unique’ as far as available products covering the scene goes...and therefore want to pass that gathered footage on.....and...an Anniversary excuse seems good enuff for me....as it has been for all of us on the scene celebrating this or that!!x As there was no ‘planning’ or real ‘professional’ approach to it....here and there....the footage is less than what anyone should expect from a DVD purchased in the shop and creaming you for your dosh! Nope...you have a warts and all job...which had to address the lighting issues on offer and the innocence of the cameraman who wasn’t confident enough to walk around the floor in your face so to speak! I’m glad he didn’t really. As a Soulie...I go to dance....and would have been put out if i’d have had a light or camera shoved in me face at 3/4am in the morning! So...respectfully done given the circumstances! Having said that....all the interviews done on the stage at close hand and chats with Soulies are of quality picture and sound and all is as you’d expect! I’m just being honest based on some of the ‘reveiwers’ comments!x “Yes some of the lighting was a little iffy, but it was made in 2003, so can you expect anything else? It didn't to me, dwell on any one element for too long and looks like a labour of love made for the people” (Winnie) “Loved it ! The rawness of it was refreshing.”...”Only real negative was the quality of the picture but in a backhanded kind of way gave it that lived in feel and like you were in the moment.”... ” Nice to see Sean nearly smiling and Terry, Kenny and Chris ( and the rest ) giving an honest response without being guarded or trying to impress.”...Loved the laid back nature of Sooty's technique and he looked as though he was thoroughly enjoying it.” (Tezza on Soul Source) “The actual dancing footage is used to segway between the interviews and is almost incidental to the gist of the film, which works for the initiated but is probably a little too vague and grainy for anyone buying the video to see that side of the niter.” (BSB) “The dance-floor shots pulled at my heartstrings, just a bunch of folk dancing their hearts out with only the music in mind and none of the tomfoolery you sometimes see today. The background music was right up my street (CD please Sooty :o) ) & it was nice to hear it subtly throughout the DVD.”...”There were so many other things I could have commented on (in a good & funny way) but didn't want to recite it all & spoil it for those who haven't had the pleasure of watching it yet. (Alison H)” So it isn’t a ‘dance lessons’ DVD’!!!x I hadn’t been to a function for 3 years and indeed surprised many friends on the night whom I had shared the floors and Decks with around the UK as a Promoter/DJ and Soulie through the 90s. Our friendship...banter and genuine ‘Togetherness’ came through I feel! It certainly epitomised what memory and feeling I had been left with by them all a few years earlier! How much is it for this 1 hour and ½ + Hours of excitement...knowledge and fun? “Would I pay £10 for it??? A big fat YES all day long.” (Brav) ”price i think mentioned was 10 pound bit pricey maybe but most is going to charity so who knows?”...”would definitely advise people to watch it...” (Gogger) “If I had paid for this DVD I would not be rushing back demanding a refund.”(Tezza) In conclusion I was given this video to review, the question is would I have bought it, and the answer is a resounding YES...(Winnie) “I personally will be buying a few DVD's to give to my friends as Christmas/birthday presents who appear on the flydoc as they will be thrilled & maybe horrified to see how they were 10 years ago.” (Alison H) Purchase Details £10 + £2.50 P&P for UK delivery...to include safe Xmas packaging....for Xmas!x €12 Euros + €5 P&P for Mainland Europe Delivery $16.50 + $9 P&P for USA wide Delivery For other destinations such as Australia/Asia and the African Continent etc please E-mail zoots@matso.tv for more details. Paypal payment goes to:- ZOOTS@MATSO.TV Address to send registered cash/postal orders etc:- Vertical Zoots, Unit 6 Road Farm, Ermine way, Arrington, Herts, England, Sg8 0aa PLEASE NOTE: The current available Xmas stock is PAL only and not NTSC format. However...I have 187 orders for NTSC copies prior to this launch and If you want an NTSC copy then they will be available in limited quantity in January/February 2014. Or...as soon as we have 250 ordered they will be produced and delivered....whichever comes sooner!x Payment can be made by cash/postal order sent by registered post...Paypal or Bank Transfer. The PAL DVD is intended to be off the production line on the 12th December 2013 when we hope to collect and start distributing that day or the next! I have taken on a young Lad called Sean who suffers with turrets and has had difficulty in getting a job since leaving school in the Summer. I look forward to hearing his profanity as he posts up to 500 hundred DVDs....meticulously!!! It will earn him some Xmas money and certainly keep a smile on his face doing the envelopes and things as he sweats away! Sean is as I say meticulous with his effort so please ‘chill’ with the delivery and it will get there for Xmas...I promise’!x UTUBE CLIP with snippets of the DVD!!x http://youtu.be/leJzCNWSyTo THE FREE BONUS!!! In addition to the above quality film...as a bonus...for free...we have added 4 brand new ‘tunes’ with vids made by The Zoots Collective....!! My friend Pete who is a successful Producer was inspired by my Northern Soul and general obscure 45s collection from the 50s, 60s, & 70s...20 months ago. It led to him making an album consisting of 16 new tunes! 3 of them are derivatives of Northern! Out of respect to you Soulies...and the scene...we present them here...for free...for yours and your kids/Grandkids delight...or scorn!!hehe!x We feel they ‘unite’ or connect generations ‘together’...and hope you see there is a place for them out there....somewhere!x At the very least we feel they pay respects to the originals...and as a Soulie...I wouldn’t have it any other way!x Enjoy them....as they are ‘free’! The Zoot tunes - Love those. (A.K.A Tezza on SS) I asked Lacey my 24 year old step-daughter for her opinion….she loved “competition liquidated” (T. Williams sample) and “Fred’s Rap” (Fred Hughes sample) and thought they were ripe for airplay on BBC Radio One Extra as she felt that they have enough currency a la RizzleKicks/Dizzy Rascal to go down well with the kids!! The other two tracks, she said, needed stronger and more emphasised rap-lyrics to elevate them beyond “TV advert backing tracks”…..and who am I to argue? (BSB) Now to the 4 bonus tracks at the end of the film, I’m not sure they have any relevance to the film but I found tracks 1 and 3 to be really good especially the video to track 3, tracks 2 and 4 I didn’t like very much but that’s not to say other people wouldn’t like them, purely personal taste. (Brav) Good luck with this and the Zoots Collective Work. I wasn't sure I would like how the tracks had been sampled but they were actually quite good, not "traditional" dance-floor material, but if you're looking for a younger and more commercial audience then you could be on to something. (Alison H) ...not sure about the zoots collection , i always say leave the original alone , but today’s youngsters may enjoy them and create some interest , not saying they were bad though, (Gogger) The Zoots Collective is Pete...a.k.a ZOmbie boy...and me soOTS...hence ZOOTS!!! There is a 4th track added stemming from a late 50’s bluesy instrumental which explains our feelings about the music industry today...Mr Cowell liked it!!!!x The Zoots first album will be available soon and we feel it will be of interest to Soulies and those who grew up in a ‘Soulful’ environment....whether you made your kids listen to your tunes or not!!!hehe!!x Talking of ‘kids’...the other charitable causes that this DVD is supporting are 3 Fans Trust organisations! Cambridge Fans United was donated the ‘Competition Liquidated’ tune....Cambridge City Trust have ‘Fred’s Rap’ and HIST...Histon FC’s Fans group...have ‘Hopez n Dreamz’ as their tune! We gave them the tunes over a year ago and as they are on this DVD...£1 from each DVD is going to each Trust. All cash raised for them I will ensure is invested into Community stuff focused on local kids connected to all 3 clubs! On that basis...currently....up to £5 is spoken for from any profit each sale generates to charitable causes! A respected Soulie...collector...record dealer and DJ...said this just this week....and it comes better from him... ”...anyone bootlegging a charity DVD is on the same level as someone stealing Poppy Day money from a collection box”...Pete S of Planet Records (posted 30th November on Soul Source) This ‘promotion’ is for the available Xmas stock...which is going FAST.....! There will be more after Xmas....but that’s it! STOP PRESS!!.....a late decision made this Monday 2nd means that 100 copy’s of the available 227 left will be held back and available to order at KINGS HALL THIS SATURDAY for the All Nighter! It began there...was filmed there....and when we thought about it...it’s respectful to ‘re-launch’ it there!!! We look forward to discussing any of the above with those attending and as said....there will be 100 available to you that night for guaranteed Xmas delivery! We will be there from 9pm start....until 2am...as i’m DJing at a Dayer on Sunday and need me Booty sleep...fank u!!!x Merry Xmas All!!!!x LUV SOOTY X @ * / @@ ~ The ‘Togetherness’ 2013 DVD is an independent product produced by Matso.TV and The Zoots Collective. No other person/Company or collective has any claim or responsibility for it! So there!!!x Mal C Dec 05 2013 09:01 PM Well, I'm simply Gobsmacked.. Mal.C Peter99Dec 07 2013 12:56 PM Yes Sooty - but how do you order one? SOOTYDec 07 2013 05:23 PM ?!x Erm.....depending on how u wanna do it Pete?!x Paypal pay zoots@matso.tv and leave your details which usually come to us for posting too! Send payment to the address featured! Send me an email to zoots@matso.tv to sort any other method out!x Currently...I put 350 available of the 500 for you folk via Soul Source first. That has been dwindled since the launch to now before I go to Stoke of 173 copy's left for guaranteed delivery for Xmas...including the 100 i'd set aside for anyone at Stoke! I have MY 150 for friends/family and free loaders unconnected to the scene.......which I can break into if I need too.....but....that's it before a proper Facebook/Ebay campaign or ad which will run from next Wednesday until the Xmas 350...or so.,..have gone!x Folk have PM'd me with an order/reservation too before the launch proper.....quite a few....ain;t figured their payment yet....but have their delivery details.......!!! Luv it!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Like
Hi!x At long last... just in time to make the 10th Anniversary of the making of the Togetherness ‘fly on the wall’ documentary filmed at Kings Hall, Stoke... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
Not just the media either Pete..X My mate Pete is part of the music industry's user groups who get access to what 'moguls' are saying...or into...for the day! There has been Emails circulating over recent weeks of lists of the top 100 Northern tracks...asked of by someone high up in the US connected to some global company....and then Execs have been passing round Utube clips of folk dancing in chip shops/shop aisles and the girl Alison H pointed out t'other day! That was about 4 or 5 weeks ago!! Ronnie Canada had just been to the States and returned to join our Studios....he said the 'thing' that was good to Edwin Starr is a real buzz among them all over there too!!!x Listen to mainstream music from Adele to Dizzy.....all 'northern' based sounds really...or can be identified as a 60's soul feel. It's been going on for at least a year or so this 'buzz'!x LUV SOOTY X
....ahhh...Okdokey!!x I will find someone suitable and get a pic for u to satisfy your requirements!x No probs!x LUV SOOTY X ...got 8 screens up at present and popping in and out.....was happy to send you one...along with all the other PMers who I'm replying too!x U get into a groove init!!x
.....your welcome Maslar!!x I am a man of my word...and your copy will arrive with the rest via a mutual friend of ours which means your anonymity remains and I respect such....X 216 left.....X LUV SOOTY X FINCHYYYY....jeeez.....I worked with a 'guy who was his double in every way...boss of a firm with over 100 folk near Blackpool late 90's!x He brought me in to take his place as he wanted to jet off to some foreign piece of land to live! Treated me as a Bruv really!!! Since seeing Finchy in the Office.....I swear he was modelled on Rossy!!!!x Super characters really.....and sorry for being a dipstick with memory loss!!x @@ ~
..Morning.......whistles away....sips coffee......calmly....... From: ppelce@paypal.co.uk [mailto:ppelce@paypal.co.uk] Sent: 05 December 2013 08:34 To: zoots@matso.tv Subject: PayPal's Office of Executive Escalations (KMM53048383V74761L0KM) :ppEU Dear Sooty Edwards, My name is Aoife and I work for PayPal’s Office of Executive Escalations. We recently received an inquiry in relation to your account and I will be reviewing the issue. A review of your account shows that it is newly opened and has been flagged for account level holds. Please note that PayPal may in its sole discretion (acting reasonably) place a hold on any payment. If PayPal places a hold on funds in your Account, we will notify you about it (including, without limitation, how long the hold may last) - the funds will be held in your Reserve Account and those funds will be shown as “pending” in your PayPal Balance. Your escalation cites that you are selling DVD’s with a portion of the funds received going to charity. You have explained that you have these DVD’s to hand and are expecting a further delivery in January. Mr. Edwards as a goodwill gesture I would be willing to remove these holds from your account however please note that I will review this account on a regular basis and should you receive any buyer complaint or reversals we may limit your account or close it. I would just like to notify you that you will need to verify this account especially if you are anticipating receiving a large amount of funds. I would suggest that you complete the process sooner rather than later to avoid any limitations on your account. Yours sincerely, Aoife Byrne Executive Escalations PayPal Copyright © 1999-2013 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. Société en Commandite par Actions. Registered Office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449, Luxembourg, RCS Luxembourg B 118 349 ...no apology in there but.........WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x Magic...as Mr Brent would say....and forgive me but I dunno who Chris Finch is....but I never flinched once.....!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X I am updating the web page featured for ordering and Mike is currently preparing an article which will offer the same...which i thank him for sincerely...X https://www.matso.tv/togetherness/dvd.htm As you here in Soul Source have 'suffered' my waffling about it.....then out of respect....I will not be offering the remaining available 127 copy's anywhere else such as Ebay/Facebook etc until Monday 8th December....where the remaining Xmas stock will go.....I reckon!!x THANK YOU ALL for...erm....putting up with me....!x Gemma from Paypal has a Posh film on it's way.......and your welcome Poppet.....!x @@ ~ Above all.....ENJOY THE DVD....it will be worth waiting for......7 out of 7 reviewers can't be wrong.................................!!!!x
...I appreciate your sentiments Ali....but it ain't a 'great' thing to do as such...for me!x Perhaps my approach to life is different to most...and yep...that shows in ways and means.....but.....I said at the outset I...me...don;t need your moneys! Never did when a Promoter and nobody can say different! Cheapest A/N in the Country....and still I believe the only Promoter to provide oranges for all half way through the night! A simple...obvious thing to do for me...being an 'entertainer' as such! But that simple act featured as the main point in an article in the then Black Echoes after reporters had come to suss our nights out!! They led with it...and referred to it throughout the article!!! They were gobsmacked at the gesture...or 'great thing' I think they called it!!!!!! I was scratching me head wondering how £20 outta the door money could have had such an impact on everybody!! I could have paid £150 for an ad and still not got that return for it!!! Still not done by anyone else to this day...as 'standard'...I don;t think!x From that perspective....i'm different...yeah....but it is naturally done...without thought.....just obvious to me! The film was sitting in me filing cabinet for 10 years...........nowt great about that......i;'m a dipstick for not getting it to you years ago....please accept my apologies for being slllllow wiv it!!!!x Been busy!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...ure copys are reserved along with all the PMers and stuff Poppet....and sorry for not answering all of you yet......but you are all down on the list for one...no probs!x LUCK Alison...in my book stands for...Labouring...Under...Correct...Knowledge! I have read all your reviews...and am confident now to face all....thank you!!!x @@ ~
Thanx for posting them Aaron....never heard any of them....and yup...I like them in the main and all would make my 'general' obscure collection....but only the 'My Love would make me playbox....for the right venue....where i;d get away with it! They remind me of tunes that are similar...but with 'BO**OX'...!x To me...that extra B is the Northern bit...!!!!!x Your learning yourself and coming across stuff as you do...and we all are only as good as the input we've had......what do you think of this....?x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7i-Njxg7YQ Great speaking with you today and look forward to seeing you at Kings Hall and further chats Sunday!!x I have an OAPs bus pass to Knottingley....but u'll have to pay......hehe!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
Here is the link again Orotava...I took the original down until the Paypal pi**take is resolved..BUT....DO NOT ORDER or owt THROUGH PAYPAL until further notice...(doh...just took the Paypal addy out....simples!)...hopefully tomorrow! I have an alternative which will kick in if necessary but want it to go as I have first and foremost. Tomorrow is the day of reckoning...I reckon!x LUV SOOTY X https://www.matso.tv/togethernessdvd.htm ...a few changes/additions including only 133 left + 100 for the Kings Hall folk Saturday....first come first served....there from 9pm!x Look forward to seeing you and saying hi to all from Soul Source!!x @@ ~
Nice speaking with you Kev and look forward to seeing you Saturday!x Thanx for your support in allowing us to come and do as i;ve suggested...much appreciated and have a super night...X As I have said...Pete and I will be at Kings Hall Saturday to take orders from those wanting a DVD for xmas delivery...for OUR product. I have said throughout since I joined Soul Source that the product was 'independent' from the very outset and that Kev gave me permission to film at the time and that was his only involvement/input into the whole thing.....just to clear any folks misunderstandings up! It is MY product....filmed at his venue....and we have never done any other business or even talked to each other really for 9 years since I did the Wigan 30th....which wasn't as good and so I don;t speak about it!!!x Therefore I take full responsibility for the Togetherness DVD and its content and certainly do not wish to give credit/qdos or indeed burden any 3rd party with its contents in anyway shape or form! Everybody sorted now?!x You need to be.....I reckon. LUV SOOTY X
Whats The Difference Between A Good Dj And A Great Dj?
Sooty replied to Andy Jackson's topic in All About the SOUL
Good shout Len...X I had the real pleasure of meeting Nick Topsy Turvy t'other month at the charity All Dayer at Knottingley. My kinda guy! He did what would be considered a graveyard shift early afternoon too and smiled all the way through it and did his thing! Super guy and yes....folk like him make the effort of going to places worthwhile...X I will see him again this Sunday and will give him an extra hug from you!x LUV SOOTY X -
STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....hang on...swigs coffee......erm...just had an email arrive from Paypal welcoming me as a 'new' account holder to their service after setting up the new account yesterday to deal with the proceeds of the DVD. After the 'thank you's...the email went on to say.....b'cos i'm new.....I may have to wait up to 60 days....at least 21....before any funds in the account are released....................! Incidentally they have their 'cut' on ordered stuff already.....! I have just got off the phone too a luvly Geordie Lass called Gemma...Senior Management and pointed her to this website and the prepared article. After 3 calls yesterday to set it all up successfully....nobody told me about the delay in withdrawing funds anywhere! To allow the account to be set up....I dumped a 13 year established one due to conflict etc! I therefore have lost ALL me Paypal facilities of use to me...based on THEIR advice!!! I ain't a happy bunny! She is escalating it to Heaven I assure you as she definitely wants a Newcastle V Peterboro FA Cup film I made same time as thie above one really...for her Hard Core NUFC Dad for xmas....................the one with Bobby Robson interview which has received 'legendary' status up her way!!! The Nation waited via Sky to hear his after match comments...for 9 minutes! We were having a cosy chat similar to DJ chats on this DVD in a....erm....corridor....he loved it...so did I....so....she is on it!x Whilst we have this resolved I have pulled the page promoting the DVD! Some folks have already deposited money in there to secure their copy...no probs...you will get one! But...I can't have this way forward as I want to give folk money....soon as...and certainly before flippin' February!! What are they like? Well...currently they is analysing that precise point.....or they will make the papers tomorrow...'negative press' she called it.....she liked that bit!!! Good luck Gemma on a speedy resolve.....(She's reading this!!x)...a Kick up the backside as yer Dad would do if not....!!!x @@ ~ LUV URE PAL SOOTY X
Thanx Winnie!x Your bang on with your assessment. Whilst it may be a retro/nostalgic reflection for some....for others it will be an informative piece of work from DJ's heartfelt 'natural' comments which as many reviewers have said...is still valid today!x I have watched as many of you have over the years this or that 'prepared'...rehearsed' proggys on the telly or bits hanging around from back in the day! Paul Masons Culture show t'other week was one of the better ones....but even that didn't represent us folk fairly really! This didn't have any agenda or planning. I got the footage back home....edited it as it is.....you want see any comments cut from anyone....because they were that good and....infectious...yep....infectious to watch and listen to each word! I hadn't seen it myself until about 8 months ago for about 8/9 years....and was impressed again! Timeless.....and tremendous is all I can say from a Soulies perspective...X Nowhere have I seen such a....well someone used the word...'raw' a presentation as we captured here! Anyone who has flirted....been and gone....or considering coming back....or just interested as an outsider as to 'wot it's all about this Norvern scene'....then it is THEEEE DVD to have! I would say that before you all reviewed it being the 'salesman'....but 9 of us can't be wrong....as you all said the same thing independently!!!x It's a true 'Soulies' product....and I am about to put me goggles on and running a lasered copy off onto a disc used by the Hubble telescope for Steve S as we type........!!!x Aliens coming across it....would suss the soul Scene.....I reckon....he'll be alright!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....erm.........I have this 'follow up'...30th Wigan Anni VHS film....which will NEVER be re-released by me! However...there is some good stuff on it.....which I will pull off and Utube at some point. But that weren't a 'labour of love'....to some degree it was business....I was ill on the night.....and....and....yeah if I was after ure money......i'd flog it too. But I ain't...i'm after your happiness....the original...is best!!x
......on it Tezza.....!!hehe!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ..Ex Relate Counsellor....ex School Governor....and with over say 400 functions under me belt......i'm sure we'll have time to discuss the finer ponts you;ve raised Tezza on our way up T'norf mate....!!!x @@ ~
Job done!x U ok to stay on Sunday night at a fellow Soulies hotel? Or need to get back for Monday? I;m easy as I have 2 'free days' before I go away for several 'busy' ones!x LUV SOOTY X 07521042699....text me and i'll call u back....save ure cred........ figured that before mobile fones......hehe!x @@ ~ ....it'll be easier to spot me at Kings Hall methinks....think i;m gonna be Santa.....me mate Pete insists!!!!!!x
Hi Aaron....and WELCOME to SS AND 'the scene'!!x You remind me of me when I was your age....mentally....in 1993.....but I was 32!!x I look forward to shaking your hand at Kings Hall....and would offer a lift for free but Pete...my mate...has never been to a doo in his life....he's 40_....but does nighters most weeks in his music studio!! However....he has his Mams birthday meal on Sunday so needs to get back for that and be in a fit state or she'll slap him!!....and i'm going to Charity Soul's All Dayer to DJ at Kellingley near Pontefract....so will be returning with Pete at 2am and will be off again Sunday morning for up t'norf! I am intending to stay over night....BUT....if ure doing nowt Sunday....i;'m passing Boro' on the way up....alone...and would happily pick you up and take you for the day and we'd return on the evening...late...if you have to return for Monday....otherwise....there is a warm hotel room waiting for you for free and we'd leave the next morning! Let me know mate.....it'd be a pleasure...X LUV SOOTY X The future of Northern Soul starts with folk like you....X
.......okdokey.....huuuummmm....X I have done a web page/article...ordering page for the DVD. It sits on my website at present but can't go nowhere with it! As soon as I do...copy it in here or anywhere else....is goes pear shape and ruins the 'look'/presentation I have spent HOURS doing to look nice!!x Mike is aware and coming back to me as to what to do. However...I am aware folk want to order and gurantee Xmas delivery. So...here is the link to the prepared page....which isn't 'interactive' yet....but it gives all the background info and where to send/make payment etc which can be done....but it ain't as 'smart' as i want it...yet! The Xmas stock is down to 247 copy's available of which 100 of those will be held back for Kings Hall orders this Saturday! That leaves 147 copy's left for THE WORLD...before xmas....and Alison H wants 3 or 4 of 'em!!!!x Enjoy the read and background as to where the dosh raised is going...and hope to have it all up and running soon as 'proper'....forgive the 'amateur' malarkey....but then again....a labour of love...is...a labour of love and u get wot u get.....hopefully before Xmas....sigh!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X https://www.matso.tv/togethernessdvd.htm
Whats The Difference Between A Good Dj And A Great Dj?
Sooty replied to Andy Jackson's topic in All About the SOUL
...ooops....wrong thread....leave u all too it.....!x @@ ~ LUV DJ SOOTY X -
Chalky....you are in danger of taking this down the route you say you don;t wanna go. Review my posts since Kebs 'disappearance' was announced on here. I led with concerns and well dones regarding Keb irrelevant of the subject I was talking on every time. I did....cos that's how I felt. It's there in print on this website. Within a few days upon my return I discovered he had surfaced...and it was the first thing I said 'good' on before sharing further info....and before Keb came out with his reality. Perhaps you've missed it...X Winnie missed a complete cover.....a few 'casual' words by me are easily missed. They weren't casually meant tho'. His friends whom I had communication with to help where possible will confirm such. I am going back as said next week. I will do my best to find time and meet Keb if he has the time and inclination and give him a hug on behalf of us all....what more can I do?x My input was to educate and enlighten...beyond the Kyle...which Keb has done in his way. I'm more than happy with everything he has said and reported back. I know there is more he could have said....but spared us all the reality he has dealt with. The telly does give a 'barrier' to events and indeed mainstream reporters whom you all generally take your knowledge from didn't go beyond Tacloban and a mile or so into the Countryside really. However....not many could.....so I understand that. None of them would be able to report as he has anyway. PCness would prevent that along with the fact they wouldn't dare go near it as he did. A different league and a different kind of human being. I align myself with Kebs types in life. It is those folk that get things done. I know many 'normal' folk...if we can call Keb that....who are doing as Keb does yet remain unsung. Don't have a go at me because some happen to be 'profiled' or have the money and freedom to do so at a hands off level. I haven't 'named' anyone....yet folk reading this know I could. It ain't about me mate...or who I 'know'...i'm writing about a human catastrophe and it's consequences...and asking where pert for you and all to assist in that. Nowhere have I shared the scenes I witnessed in Public since returning....I have left that to Keb....he does a far better job and indeed was deeper and closer to events than I was able too when i went. I hope to do more upon my return....but won't keep you posted....through here...or anywhere. I didin't upon returning from Egypt/Syria and area a few weeks ago. Folk knew i was going back to Manila the day I returned. I was asked to DJ and it came up. They have been kept informed of my movements out of respect for their function and the like. Since then...Keb has surfaced.....and if I had said nothing.....then there may well have been surprise from Soulies reading that I didn't...because they know i can....'constructively'. But they will be the first to tell you....i'm being 'reserved' and leaving the detail out.....as best I can. I have replied out of courtesy to you Chalky...and I sincerely apologise for any misunderstanding my comments may have generated and plead that you see my intentions were sincere....X My input in this thread has run its course....and repeat again.....please give whatever you can...it WILL save lives. If Kebs story has resonated....you should have done so already whoever has read it...I reckon. His 'small print' could easily be overlooked too. 'Donate' he begged. So in case folk got carried away with the drama...and forgot...I have supported his casual request in my own way by asking in every post since and hope it has produced a result as he has hoped for...X Again...what more could I do...in here? What I will do....is leave this thread ok!x Sorry again if anyone is or has been offended by owt I said or meant to say...X LUV SOOTY X
Morning Chalky...I endorse what Tony says and have done exactly that....kept it topical and expanded to give some insight. My posts have been to get folk to focus on donating...giving....which is all you can do....on the whole. I have been reserved as to the detail precisely to avoid any suggestion of 'hi-jacking as such. There is a fine line I ride mate which I contemplated on before posting in this thread. There are respected Soulies who know of my involvement here. There are those reading who aren't part of the scene too who look for snippets to serve their own purposes. I try to satisfy and be sincere to both. The detail? Briefly... which I will not elaborate on....but thanks to Indian connections...FedEx and established relationships of a Commercial nature then we landed at Mactan Cebu Airport via private Jet. The Philippine Air Force via their 220th Helicopter crews flew us and colleagues who had been looking after Charity workers from a security perspective in Afghanistan to Tacloban. After a few hours sorting a command and supply post they set off to face humanitarian issues in the immediate surrounds with volunteers from the Mactan base. I and others then carried on to Manila to arrange logistics for Charity's requirements and liased with local officials the ability to do such. Fortunately....it was all done whilst folk were in shock. Nobody had a chance to have protocol or permissions hinder such necessary action in the face of adversity. I then returned back to Mactan and returned in the manner we had arrived. I left over 20 friends there facing what Keb has shared in stark detail. Some were supplied Kebs details when there was concern as to his welfare. Unfortunately they did not get beyond 3 miles from their drop off point....about 20 from Hernani coastline. I hope that satisfies your curiosity. I will not be posting in this thread again but ask that if it all means anything beyond 'chat'...then give something through a recognised UK based Charity... Thanx...X LUV SOOTY X
Hi Kev!x You have me wrong mate.....nowt to do with Keb as I stated above...X His story/reality just adds to what I knew and shared my understanding and interest which compliments Kebs. I was there before Keb was found to be safe and dealing with the reality he has experienced his end but in a different manner.. I made reference to it in a post in freebasing or somewhere a while back. There are more than 15 'Mayors' and higher that are considered 'rogue' elements in 5 regions alone. We see tragedy...they see opportunity....c'est la vie in life and death.....wherever...globally...I find. It takes money....serious amounts...to address the front line issues affecting the populace of any disaster. It also takes firm action to get it done. There is a group of lottery winners and as said profiled folk with dosh....making a visit and meeting some Americans of similar status gathering to see what can be achieved and being informed as to what needs to be done. ALL are aware that the Philippine infrastructure...National or Regional...on the whole...cannot be trusted to do the right thing. Therefore...'negotiations' take place...with negotiators...to operate successfully in an area with full autonomy which is required. It was achieved in Afghanistan with the poppy growers as well as with the Triads when Hong Kong was being given back to the Chinese....and closer to home...it was achieved with the IRA. There will be in excess of £200-300 million arriving over the next year or so to fund immediate requirements through Charitable sources that I am aware of. There is a responsibility to police that and ensure it gets best 'value' for each £1. It don;t just happen. Keb's story is 'standard' with all respect when put in context regarding Mayoral attitudes and attributes towards their own. it is not shocking to me....even in the face of such carnage as Kebs pics I assume show. I haven't seen them....perhaps i've become desensitised to it when seeing it regular as I do when on humanitarian missions globally which i;ve devoted time and my experience to over the past 6/7 years. I intend to [interview' up to 10 Mayors whilst there....to see who they are and and ask questions to be able to give feedback here to wealthy folk on who is to be worked with...and who ain't. Like the DVD...I spoke to DJ's.....u make ure own decision as to whether you'd support them....or not!!x Someones gotta do it....and...as the reviewers say.....i'm alright at it!x Applying meself in these grander settings saves more lives......and hopefully puts into context for you all what the DVD means to me.....fun....and funds for Charitys. I do business...elsewhere....X I hope that's cleared it up mate...X Keb can handle himself...I reckon...X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X