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Everything posted by Sooty

  1. Your welcome mate...X Your a soldier Dan......and fiddlesticks coming from you made ,me pi** meself....JOB DONE!!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X These are 'ex soldiers' Dan....they look after profiled folk in Arab lands these days. If one of them swore in front of me I'd ram their gun up their ar*e sideways....if unjustified. Professional....or amateur? If they put it in print...after thought...and in charge of their digits.......I'd abandon them. As a Journalist....they value my connections and communication skills back here. Your young.....and perhaps I am a bit down the road.....and 'old school'....but the music mate.....and 100Club is our bond.....not soldiering.........so be free as u like...I respect that!x. EDIT....with that I;m off back to the Med....I;m peeling...and can't be turning white init!!x So have a super weekend wherever you all go and I will look forward to reading the latest upon my return in a week or so!x RIP Humanitarian Alan Henning...X
  2. I ain't seen them ones Peter but I do remember a few would be laying on the Humberstone mud flats when we used to go cockling in the 60's/70's!x Courting...blood fights and fangs.....naaaa....not for me!!!x I got a book for xmas...'Life' book about the Sea...had a Fossil one too....me mam got me them for xmas early 70's! I will never forget opening the books vivid picture pages and turning to the end where whales had been beached and cut open by whalers.....HORRIFIED. I wos...aged 10/11! Never liked seeing natures or mans wrath since! I don't kill any creature.....nearly kill meself when a rabbit or summink bolts in front of me motor!....!!x Same with humans....hate blood....especially me own....so always got one in first.....!!!hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  3. I was in Ireland in '97....based in Cork mainly. I used to go to Wexford on an evening to have a smoke along the beach and take some thinking time in. As I walked the first time...I noticed a large seal looking at me from about 200 yards out at sea. As I walked....it mirrored my every move! I walked about half a mile....he/she swam....kept popping his head up to see where I was.....then when I turned....it did the same....all the way back following me! I was there on and off for 7 months....and EVERY....EVERY time I went....the seal was waiting for me! It was the best friend I had....at those times....at hand! I haven't told many folk that one.....became personal...but I believe some of you in this thread would relate to it!x LUV SOOTY X
  4. That's where it was filmed Steve!x My Cousin in Hull is involved! The 'words' got out and it will be mobbed!x I have another super piece of footage of 'wildlife' here....I walked into it as I returned from my holiday.....the biggest.....hugest....spider I have ever seen....in the UK...sat on a pile of logs in me kitchen!!!! I filmed it.....will sort it out!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  5. http://youtu.be/498j4m_z2js Just for you Peter!x @@ ~ :IB SOOTY C<<< ...hehe...I need me specs or a light on!!haha!!x
  6. I have dived off of several Med fronted Countries in recent weeks.....but saw nowt like this....filmed in UK waters!x http://youtu.be/498j4m_z2js LUV SOOTY X
  7. SUPERB write up Dan!x Reminded me of my first 100Club and yup....it's still got it's 'magic I read'!x But...I would put it simpler.....it's a party!x Meeting Shaun and his Mrs upon arriving was a treat as it was for me seeing them last year for the first time at Kings Hall!x A dance venue if ever there was one and yup....your comment 'Ady Croasdell was putting Baby I Need Your Lovin’ back in his box '...made me laff with joy!x It was my lasting memory after my first 100Club...Ady putting on a classic Motown track on in his last spot......and because of that simple act of his.....we made friends back in 1993 and have remained so ever since......his 'it's in the groove' approach won my respect and support!x Thanx for making the effort to share your experience with us all Dan....and the only constructive criticism I can offer you is....there are Gals as well as Guys in here....and on the scene.....and as your a Soldier for which I thank you and your bro for.......then reel ure language in SHARPISH!!x Be proud mate...but remember what it should stand for too...an example...and with your eloquence in print....u don;t need it bruv....honest!x Thanx again for your enthusiasm and long may it remain...X LUV SOOTY X
  8. Deja vous.........20 years on!!!!!!!!x I've read the thread....and as someone pointed out...IT has 'flooded' the market without the 'foot souling' 'we' used to do! BUT....it don;t mean diddley squat....here's why!x The scene had been going for 25+ years in the way we know Northern nights when I went to my first gig....Keele Xmas 1992. I knew nobody and nowt about the scene. So...I went walking.....! Everything I have read in this thread....was being said back in '93. Too many gigs...not enuff variety....'cliques' everywhere and unhappy DJ''s spinning the same rare tunes. Another thing that was said was that 'opportunity' for new blood/DJ's....wasn't there....closed shop. I discovered that because of market forces....many venues had sprung up 'independent' of 'the scene'....and were having 'raves'....! Kings Lynn...Boston....Grimsby....Wellingborough....Rushden....Kettering....Peterborough.....Naaarwich.....Souffend......all venues I visited in '93 run by enthusiastic 'kids' in the main....who nobody cared about really....apart from their 'in crowd of say 50-150 'regulars' who never travelled to other gigs really! Oops...when I found Shifty sheltering in a bunker at Southend....his crowd averaged about 20....until my minibus arrived with 17 each time to boost his attendance....true!!x That is what I found out after trekking for a year to about 30 different venues....Soul Nights and Nighters mainly in East Anglia but taking in Keele...Blackburn and 100 Club in the beginning. I said it before....I found a gap in the market....and filled it. Could do the same today........wiv a cuppa in hand and not leave me seat....easy life....pah!x I approached 8 of these young upstarts and said....would you like to DJ at an A/Nighter.....most hadn't...including Shifty! Of course they did. I took the responsibility to organise the venue....we shared the responsibility of marketing.....and hey ho....sell out our first 3 gigs at The Maltings...WITHOUT THE NEED TO PROMOTE 'externally' anywhere.....!.....and burst it's doors for us to then re-launch St Ives mid 90's....without 1 'name'....on the bill! Indeed I was probably the most 'known' name on the bill as I was the only 1 DJing 'Nationally' at the time with Blackburn....Winsford...Stockport....100 Club all regular places I was at! New kids on the block.....job done! We then 'marched' up t'norf and took our excitement wherever we went! It led to Ian Levine...Chris King and many other 'old school' to return to the scene.....by their own admission! The 'surge'...was simply that.....a concerted organised combining of talent...enthusiasm....and innocence......we all danced too which helped!x The 'Togetherness' all-nighters from '94-99 where a 'PARTY'...simple as. A place for folk to chill...no ego's....pretence or I have this tune bo**ox. Pure 'soulfulness' among all. I knew nowt else...and weren't looking for owt else!x Job done....and that happening was the fuel that ignited the resurgence of the scene which Kev Roberts and Richard took advantage of when we finished by kicking off 'Togetherness' at Kings Hall and down my way the residual has become a steady presence at St Ives ever since.....which was there to do for all! If Kev/Richard hadn't have harnessed that energy.....who else would have? Respect...X It can be done today......especially when there are so many venues to go 'select' from!!!!x All it needs...is a respected co-ordinator/workhorse. I volunteered after having a wonderful experience Xmas 1992...thanx Neil!x Some of you see overkill...I see opportunity. If I trawled the scene for the next 6 months....visited say 30/40 venues.....find a proper place to Party.....invite 10 'Clubs'...for 10 hour spots.....gel it together as we did.....and Bob's ure Aunt. I'd revamped the Federation of Master Builders and how they 'networked' along with a few other 'National' firms prior to arriving on the scene......it was obvious to me on the way forward!x Same jobby today.......I reckon!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X EDIT....due to a PM...here's the stats.....and 'solution'....! theee '9Clubs' Soul Club which promoted A Little Togetherness' at The Maltings and then at St Ives consisted of up to 30 Soul Clubs eventually that featured at our gigs. The only requirement I had for them to be included on a rota basis was that they were 'hacking it out there....like us.....attending functions and doing their bit. An established Soul Night/Club was required and yes.....that they danced.....!!!!! I was innocent.....but how could anyone DJ who didn;'t dance to their own genre of music....I thought! Also...'creamers' didn't get to cream our functions either....the kind that turned up wiv a bunch of mates late....did their spot and left or stayed 'Husky Joe Lifeguarding it' in the corner....BARRRRRED.....simple as. These policy's ran throughout our gigs and at my Soul Nights too! It kept the 'cool dudes' away....init....and I believe was succesful because the punters.....were like us.......!x As said....A Little Togetherness...for the little folk. Proud of that!x @@ ~
  9. Thanx Dave for your believable suggestion.....and I know Pete's name....but can't picture him at present...sorry!x I was at the time 'unique' to some degree as being a Suvverner as such....not many had mingled/developed relations 'Nationwide' as I did! It meant I made friends with many 'networks' and their 'group/in crowd'! I can't remember where Pete was based and how we knew each other....but we did....that i;m sure!x However.....during my time....there wasn't 1 record supplier...Promoter....or DJ....Nationally...whom I didin't get on with given the chance! That's what veered me towards Richard Serling....Chris King....Kev Roberts etc as the supplier as they stayed well clear of me during the 90's 'surge' we created and it was only after i;d left the scene that we struck up the friendships we have today! They would have sent it anonymously....but I can't think of anyone else who would needed to have done!x It isn't just that tune....all the double sider Motowns were sent anonymously too...in advance I recall!x As said...interesting!x @@ ~ L:UV SOOTY X Edit...Neil Clowes has been mentioned....and he stayed away from me too!x I can't believe he would have sent me one as his Keele nights from '93-96 were ruined i;'m sure because of countless folk going up to him all night asking 'When's Sooty getting a spot...?!'....I sent many...hehe!!x He held out which with hindsight gets my respect....but he wouldn't have sent me the tune....I don;t think!x @@ ~
  10. WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! Morning!x Whilst away my post Lady sorted mail for me at my main place. When I returned she had left a box of records that she'd had since her teens lare 60's! She'd promised me them for aaaages and I rifled through them last night.....and this tune......is it....FOR THE WEEKEND!!!! I've been to Brixton Academy and heard what Drum n Bass 'state of the art' malarkey is...Shadows riffs everywhere.....pah....and was happy to find the above yesterday at the Boot Sale....but....BUT....this 'gem' which i'd never heard......was waiting for me to discover since I returned from hols 2 weeks ago.....and has done me!x Don Fardon's Indian Reservation done me in 1974 when my mate Wayne spun it out of his box of Northern when we bukked school one dinner time! 'Haunting' tune methinks....thanx Postyess!x @@ ~ Tim Rose on British CBS 1967....mint....and marvellous methinks.....!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i50t5Azgyxg Have a super day.....I will and will be humming that piano......FOREEEVERRRRRR!!!!!x LUV SOOTY X
  11. ...jeeez...there's more new lines of inquiry opening......I was narrowing it down to Mansfield area.....now Pete Lowri's 'network' is thrown in there.....?!x Dirk Tiggler.....as originator of this thread....I hope you are happy invading me life with your need to be sure.....!x LUV SOOTY X Dear Santa.....please leave the name in my stocking of who sent the record Reconsider to me in Marchish 1993 which I took Nationwide so I can send them a thank you note for making my 2014 so....exciting!x @@ ~
  12. Got to a Boot Sale this morning for an hour and found 2 tunes one on British Mercury and t'other the US copy of a 70's Northern track!!x I have featured Brook before in this thread and explained I have 2 copy's 1 UK and a USA but the take I really like I heard on a cheap CD....but never heard it yet on vinyl.....probably don't exist!x I have read there are 4 'takes' of this on vinyl from 1959 to 1960! The US is different to the UK! Possibly a '78 of it?! Dunno what it is about the tune that 'got me'....just a nice ditty which is nice floating across gardens on a Sunday afternoon when I can get an hour or two spinning me stuff to the neighbours!x Seller was asking £7.....got it for £3 as it was a shiny mint copy and my UK is 'hissy' now at the beginning so upgraded!x https://youtu.be/1sWABf7gXR4 This Idris Muhammed tune I found among a 70's Funk collection of regular 'classics'! I had never heard the tune until hearing it here on Soul Source some months back. Nice shuffler i'd imagine but won't get spun by me but thought i;d rescue it for a Soulie somewhere!x I know he passed away recently again thanx to Soul Source folk and your posts and thought i'd pay my respects to him and his music and spin it here for your delight!x The label scan is the tune I have and I will put it up for sale....dunno how much they are?!x Willing to be guided...mint- not a mark on the vinyl!x I've scanned the flip side by mistake but the part 1 side is the same condition!x RIP Idris...X https://youtu.be/jLLBo0fWu3Q LUV SOOTY X
  13. Casualeers dance dance dance roulette Respect Trev...X I played it down the 100Club xmas Party '95 or 96......biggest tune for the night from the dancefloor end. Many came and asked what it was. For me...it was the first time i'd played it in public since dancing to it in my bedroom aged 15...20 years earlier...!x THANX ADY.....a dream come true.....honest!x Classic....and Northern Trev!x You deserve spots for being so 'brave'.....hard core mate........X LUV SOOTY X ...then u go and get smart wiv the Dickie Wonder.........proper....!x @@ ~
  14. John Kingan.....well that's nice of him Chalky!x He din't get me one and he did give me some suuuper tips and tunes during me time! I think I came across John a couple of years back via Ebay....super guy and hope he's well!x I'd have thanked him and he knows it!x So...i was sent one after they hit Mansfield.....within about 2 weeks! Wilko weren't it...nor John.....or Rob/Robbie who was gonna have a sex change but not then a year or two later! Not Rob Smith as we dealt face to face always....or Kev Roberts cos I asked him! Rob Wigley's pulling the 5th amendment....so who sent me it..........?!.....frustrated of Cambs!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  15. ....hmmm....and I was in Mansfield when I got my copy of the LP.....without cover but wiv insert!!!!! Still none the wiser as to who I should thank tho'....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...off to chew on a stick of Clacton rock......I like mystery's....!x
  16. Ouch.....top ten on the 90's....by demand....generated thanx to Rambler of Cambridge....in his bedroom....1993! !x I took it from him with his advice as an oldie that had never been given 'stick' and raaaan with it Nationwide! Din't play that one last year tho.....gave it away 1999!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  17. Happy...Pharrell Williams!x At one time a couple of weeks back we trawled through 40+ radio stations catchable in the middle of the Med.....and whilst scouring....14 had the tune on....independently! We couldn;t believe it...so went through the channels again...and yup...14 were spinning it randomly out of 40 stations.......wanted to jump in the sea and float away....honest!x I am a happy person....I am....but.....they've deaded it. @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...amazingly folk...as a newbie attendee arriving at the heart of the scene in '93.....the most regular comments I heard was....play 'Where were you'....and....try spinning Nolan Porter If Only I could....as it had been a forgotten oldie I was told! I spun both Nationally...and both went 'massive' for me! Nolan Porter hadn't been spun at major functions I understood and so it got plugged wherever I went! Same with Jimmy Frasier....or the YOPS issue I had! The instru had been done back in the day as such I was told but the vocal had been left behind! Probably the biggest 'revival' record I had success with in the 90's and was demanded at the time! Let Her Go Otis Smith was the other big 'revival' tune I was asked for wherever I went...and...i'm So Happy....which became a signature tune to kick off with at me spot....'93-99.....would I get away with em today??!!! I gather not!!!hehe!x BUT I DID!!!! Last time out...last year....rammed the floor with all 3 still....! Time and place for every tune....just takes a DJ to know when that time is....I reckon!x @@ ~
  18. SUPER Rob...!x So who sent me a copy out of that first batch?! I got it around March/April of '93 same time Mick got his from Neil! Sent anonymously via royal mail!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  19. I knew more than I did this morning now...thanx to you...and Mick Lyons Toad!x Willing to learn....always have been! Such a trait got me spots every 'happening'all-nighter in the Country when I was a 'student'.....i'm happy! It's to be supported mate....not frowned upon...I suggest!x Step outside of this scene...and perhaps I may be able to assist you with your knowledge base too!x I still stand by the thought that Andy was a dedicated 'purist' and indeed am surprised it was on his playlist back then!x He ain;t gone down in me estimation like.....just surprised he did!x I was young...er....and eager....perhaps gave too much respect to some and not enuff to others! Easy done....forgive me!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ..Andy Rix....Dave Flynn....'Gods' to me music wise.....is all I remember! Drugs were better back in the 90's too.......happy days!x Or am I confusing Andy Rix with Andy Dyson?!.....doh!x @@ ~
  20. ...hmm....Andy was deeply involved in the Shrine stuff in '93...and 94 I remember! I would be surprised if it was Andy who made it....or played it! I think back then it would have been considered a 'boot' or the like.....and Andy as I remember him would not have gone near it! I do remember his sets during the time too....'unique'...but no recollection of any familiar Brenda Holloway among his set!x Interesting name to come up with tho' Toad...and nowt would phase me as to the truth........!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  21. Correct Dave...X Wilko was flogging all the issues that came about in '95....I remember it well!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  22. Wilko was part of the 'in crowd' getting the latest tunes I recall Ted!x I didn't get mine from him as he would have handed it to me as we were good friends throughout!x I do recall seeing the Barbara McNair on 1 B side but I think that may have been the 2nd issues...bluey tint? My copy sent anonymously was a 1 sided tune....blank on the other but had the grooves! That's what led me to suggest to Chalky it may have been a 'test copy' of the first boot! I haven't ever got involved in the technicalities of pressing s or owt and just offer my innocent memory of it all!x Ain't seen or spoke to Wilko since the late 90's....is he about still?!x LUV SOOTY X ...still leaving....!x
  23. ...old stock then.....given a new lease.......!x I was happy with it in 1994......2014???......some tunes never die.....get on it!!!!hehe!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...an hour late on leaving.....but happy with it!x @@ ~
  24. ! I arrived at me mates house....1994.....have the exact date as I was on other business documented and popped into my friends for 'chill out' and these had just arrived and I believed 'new'! That's all I know...or remember!x He had boxes with 50 of each of the 45's....all Motown stuff as I described! Perhaps the 'promotion' of the new 45's had inspired a re run of the LP? It wasn't Rob Marriott's I was at.......so have no clue as to the answer!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  25. THAT'S IT Chalky!!!!!! That insert was in the sleeve! Eddie Holland kicking it off......FANTASTIC!!!x The other tunes i;ve mentioned not on there were issued as just 45's then...?!x Reconsider 'original' boot...white with thick viyl fat grooves @ £20 pressed in early 93 at the latest....and LP perhaps a year later? I am genuinly happy that I've found the tunes again! Never seen some of them or heard them other than on here! Eddie Holland I used on a football vid briefly the other day....yet this was the first time i;d heard it! Brilliant!x Bugged Kev Fev in Norwich for it for months afterwards.....! Nice 1 mate......can sleep soundly tonight in Newport knowing I ain't gotta think of sheep!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X

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