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Everything posted by Sooty

  1. Sooty

    lorraine silver

    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Interview with Lorraine Silver featured on my Companys production of the 30th Wigan Anniversary Video 2003! Held at the Kings hall Stoke!x
  2. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    ...Fingers from Huntingdon....who din;t have any....but he did have lots of digits attached to every tune he had!x
  3. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Naaaarwhich's finest...Kev Fev Featherstone!x Taught me well from 93-2000...X
  4. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    2004 somewhere!!hehe!x
  5. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Ciro from Kettering in the 90's!x
  6. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Cellar bar gaving the 4th Cambridge Stompers Anniversary nite!x
  7. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Suffering Shfty's first spot at Blackburn '97 ish!x
  8. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Hollinwood Dave who Died in Thailand a few years after this pic...Don't rest in peace mate....do your thing as always...X
  9. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Phoning a friend....whar next?!hehe!x
  10. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Bev from Nuneaton!x
  11. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

  12. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Presented by Ady Croasdell on beha;f of the 8 Clubs Soul Club members for services rendered!! I was just enjoying life!!x
  13. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

  14. Sooty


    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Mid 90's in the 100Club!x
  15. Sooty

    100 club

    From the album: THE 90's FULL ON!!!x

    Mid 90's in the 100Club!x
  16. ...first time of hearing it....and....it's punchy...and promotes 'something' for the scene even if it's just a 'venue' gathering!! Not offended by it and indeed let it spin to the end.....unfortunately! Thanx for posting!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  17. ...about time and all Patto!!x Why Do You Treat Me....I played at Cottons in Stockport and at Blackburn A/N depending on the situation! Both sides have their place...as a chill out floater...or get up off of the seat stretcher....and I'm Stuck always got me unstuck off me seat!x I played Ask Any Girl B side of Baby Love at S/Nights too and was regularly asked by folk what it was and by who?!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Edit....put up due to 2 pm's saying they'd never heard it and heads up thanx!!x So...for anyone else...!x DJ init....!x RuuuUUUUUUSSS!!!hehe!x @@ ~ ...and how come they survived not being splattered....amazing!!!hehe!x
  18. .....wow....nice to hear this tune mentioned.....one of me favourite spins in the 90's! Red copy...paid £12 for it about '95!x Going rate was probably £20 at the time!x Whatever you pay for it...it is a tune I reckon!x LUV SOOTY X
  19. ...that is close 2nd ScooterNik....my survey sez folk say Rugby,,,,then I ask them what kind....and they go pear shape!x That's why I stick to referring to Northern Soul/Wigan...then there's no confusion....and folk remember that easily!x LUV SOOTY X I played Rugby....but until you said that.....I never even thought of it.....honest!x ...erm...and 25 years later...I wouldn't be able to tell u if I played Union...or League.......and until you said League for Wigan....I would have had a 50% chance of getting it right......so i'm normal.......tell Swifty will yer!x @@ ~ ...dis-claimer....I got on for the last 3 minutes....first English/brown man to play for Bridgend......and the last! The ball came to me during those 3 minutes....I screamed....chucked it somewhere and spent the rest of the time asking the ref when he was gonna blow the whistle..........scaaaarey poo!!!!x @@ ~ ...the tune synonymous that very night....and I actually danced to it...remember it well......slid across the dance floor Norvern style and all the Welsh went baaaah.....happy days!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNxhbDnhEVk
  20. An interesting thing is this Zed1....I travel the country in all guises and vehidles. I meet 'the people' and hear their understanding of life. In my say 30 years of 'travelling' daily....I would say that Wigan is still known for Northern...than anything else! Those who danced to Weakspot and LJ Johnsons Your Magic Put A Spell On Me in youth clubs had heard of Wigan....I was one of them!!x So...the scene does have it's association firmly planted in the Nations psyche....my survey sez!x Like the Casino....i'm sure the football teams exploits will be remembered in 30 years time! But....by then...our grandkids will be talking about the casino....60 years on....!x The kids are the key!x Time may pass us by...and football matches....but the music will live on....I reckon...X LUV SOOTY X ...'ere Swifty.....if u get a copy of that LJ Joohnson....loooads at boot sales....slow it to about 20rpms.......and i swear....it's an Aboriginal chant....with authentic big pipes they use.....straight up!!! Speeded up it was a guaranteed 5000 year old dance 'hit'....I thought! Figured that in me bedroom in '74/5! There.....i'm keen!!x @@ ~
  21. ...lifes to be enjoyed Swifty...X I think Salmon would echo my sentiments and wish him and his family well.....X LUV SOOTY X ...now jump aboard Swifty....the partyyyy is starting in about 45 minutes...round mine......so a phone call just said....!!!! On it....!x @@ ~
  22. ...for Wigans chosen few....I like the underdog....being a non league fan I have no choice!!hehe!x But seeing as nobody else dare spin it.....come on...get ure sox off and wiggle them toes to celebrate a happy day for....'the people'...the underdog....football won for once!x LUV SOOTY X ....I put it up elsewhere for a laff....and over a dozen posters said the y ain;t heard it for over 30 years! When will Wigan win the FA Cup again???!x Like it or lump it....it is part of our 'heritage'!x @@ ~ P.S....had many happy days more than nights in Wigan throughout the 90's! On the way home from Blackburn I would steer the mini bus and convoy to Mick Lyons place ..The Temple Of Sound'. I was the only one he allowed to refer it to as The Temple of Doom'....because it was,,,, unless you were 'hard core'!x As you walked in at 9am Sunday morning ..it was 'banging' upstairs with LOOOOUD D&B....!!! Then in the back of the ground floor there was Jungle kicking and plinking! Then...we went down t'pit! A winding stair case to the basement...King Colemannnnn style!x Decks....chill areas...all sorted and waiting ...for the dayer! Me...i'm sure Shifty and a few others who were DJ's had a go first to get things going...and it was a free for all....with about 100 there by 11am! We'd leave to come back South about 12.....and loved every occasion! So Wigan...for me...has many happy memorys....that add...compliment....many of those had by you fortunate to go to theee Wigan...when it was 'happening'!x We did our bit to jeep the name flying...!x A happy day....and can't be ars*d to do the records on Ebay now either...so....tomorrow...a new day!x Have a good evening!x @@ ~
  23. ...I've stuck to Felix Len...since i've been awaaaaay.....!xhehe!x I do get confused so stick to keep it oats so smple! When we was about 'hacking it' around the Country....R&B...was only heard at Norvern gigs! Since then...they reckon they is playing it in every Night Club and it's across the charts???? I keep listening......and watching....but nope....it ain;t R&B as me Norvern R&B....NOWT like it....so I LOVE Northern Soul....and tell all about it...end of! No variants then init?!x @@ ~ LUV STODGY X
  24. I have completed all the pics and stuff of the LP's and will be putting them on Ebay after 4pm today! Many 'buy it nows' at a real cheap price! I'm after your happiness not your money!!x Those who want a 'bargain' you have been forewarned be it an LP or one of the 30 odd 45's i've sifted from my collection as they are 'doubles' ie I have a demo/issue of it or 2 different labels of the same tune! Each tune has a 'story and was played somewhere around the land in the 90's!! For those interested my account is xsootyx on Ebay...100% in 12 years!x FREE P&P too!x LUV SOOTY X P.S...the proceeds from these records will go to the following....the LP dosh to my mate who is paying for his daughters wedding...in Barbados...and the singles cash will go towards my next purchase done to consolidate and enhance my 500 tunes!x The next purchase is Sweeter Than the Day Before on Chess...to replace the one I swopped in 98! £200 it will cost for a minter....I got £125 in swops for a copy 14 years ago....?!...i'm happy!x Gonna get it anyway....but recycling is the way to go...I reckon!x Happy Bidding!x @@ ~
  25. ...sorry folks...but I am confused as to why anyone should 'hide' their love for the music...or scene?! In 40 years of following/supporting it...not 1 person has ever said owt wrong to me about my following of it or their preceptions of it in a ridicul;ous manner! Why I ask myself? Is it because I look them square in the eye unapologetic? Is it because i believe in my music and they daren't mess with it...? Whatever their reason for taking me serious...it's worked!x I do mention the telly ads.....they like that and it makes it 'normal' for them i suppose!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X PROUD NORTHERN SOUL SUPPORTER...!x

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