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Everything posted by Sooty

  1. NEVER HEARD IT Souljer6!!!!!...Nice 1!x Not 'offensive'...but I think the music kicks a bit more on the Long John version....but Don;s voice....spot on......along with the banging bass for the 'twirls' in the middle....definate dancer!x thanx for posting!x LUV SOOTY X
  2. ...nicely put Roburt...and in general I agree not many Black voices can be emulated or bettered...X You have surprised me with your Georgie Fame plug tho'!!!x If u consider that 'acceptable' to your pallet....what about this.....which i think hits a groove for me.....but in NO WAY better than Ray.....!x LUV SOOTY X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd5Rft_HsNc
  3. Marv Johnson....! I was en route to doing a gig in Boston circa 97. Met friends in a Pub in Boston...all locals. We were chatting...then this tune came on the juke box as we wos leaving to go to the gig.....never heard it...but went up to the box and read the credit! I did the party....7 hours non stop...Northern and everything went on.....and a great time was had by all...BUT...after such a night....I was singing this tune in my head....from the Juke box...all the way back to Cambridge!!!.! I bought a copy for £15 whilst in Brighton a week or so later...! Never heard it spun on the radio or anywhere ever...to this day! It would make me all time top 100 tunes! I have a mint London copy....sorry about the crackles on this one via Utube!x LUV SOOTY X
  4. .....Woollies???!!!!! I've took the bu**ers home for years 'hoping' and never knew they were Woolies tunes!!!hehe! Nice 1!x I'll admit to keeping about 10...! The Typhoons do a few good Shadows covers and The Starlings do alright with Phil Spectre stuff....this being me favourite!x I like being innocent and learning Pete....it makes me laff too....thanx!x........now......Woollies.......i'll go see f they sell 'em still.....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  5. There is a complete genre i come across whilst rummaging which covered 'Soul' & Rock N Roll stuff throughout the 60's ......the Embassy records!x I see them all over and there are some decent covers of tracks by all kinds of club singers and B artistes of the day! Here's one of the few Motown covers they did....thankfully....hehe!! But at least u've heard it!!!x Rare record methinks.... Joan Baxter and the Beatmen!! ...i've heard most of the series over the years....and this is the best outta the bunch as far as a 'cover' goes! A rare record in its own right and sits nicely alongside the Ventures!x Steve stannard & His Orchestra....but on some foreign label?! ...off to launch me boat..........!x LUV SOOTY X ....walk don't run?...sink or swim.....hehe!x @@ ~
  6. ... .....I broke me own rules tday! I never pay more than a £5 for a record at a boot sale.....the joy is finding a tune.....for a £1 and under! That's me pleasure! But....the below was sitting in a 'dealers' box.....with £8 on it!!!....he took £7...! I have had the record since 1993 in me disco/wedding box stuff....all time classic init! I see the issue every week....for 10p.....! But a 'demo'....? Never seen one! Now...my copy has a sticker mark on it....which i moaned about and he took a quid off....! But I fooled him....and had me a bargaaaain!!! It wos the B side I wanted anyway....which is mint!!!! When I got the record home for me classic 60's stuff in '93....I played the B....as you do. LUV'D it since! I actually played it at an All Dayer in Kettering mid 90's....and at a Gloucester All Dayer around 97....but that's it!x Any Soulie that pops round gets to hear it among me stuff i play them 'obscure'....and no one to date had heard of it until i spun it to them! Here it is....Kiss n Run.....and I wanted to kiss the dealer......but I thought he'd add anuver £1 on....so i run.......and got away wiv it........!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMPNM4Mwt1I @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  7. ...i'm often surprised at Boot Sales as to how many 'covers' I come across by 60's bands on B sides etc! This one I found last year....I take them home to listen.....they either become frizbees...or stay in me box adjacent to the originals! Many of the above mentioned I have in my 60's collection and deserve a spot! This hasn't been mentioned........but it made the box......!x The above appears to be 'live' and is different to the 7"....but I liked the footage of folk and stuff...X Off to find some nuggetts at the Boot Sale!!x Have a happy day...X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  8. Left message on your answerphone Ady re Saturday...X LUV SOOTY X
  9. Cleethorpes '96....I wos there!!! I remember Bub's set....rammed it as usual...and whilst I can't remember any particular tune...what I do remember is that he played more tunes off my 4 tapes with 100 tracks on that i'd had for the past 20 years in his set than i'd hear in any set...and perhaps any night.....in my 7 years of trekking! Needless to say....I was happy!x I went on the stage to say hi to him as he waved during his set! I had this new shiny shirt on....gave him a hug...and it instantly turned into a 'wet look' top!!!hehe!!x He did that to me wherever we DJ'd together....and....it was part of me night....luv'd it...and him!x Proper stuff folks....X LUV SOOTY X
  10. ....'ere Frankie......a question.....u reckon they'd go down well if we brought em over?...for a gig?! I do! I have only heard 3 of their tracks proper....and they is all in the groove methinks! Let me know what the CD's/tracks are like!x LUV SOOTY X Change of plan regarding Donations to Charity: I work with over 70 Charities both local to me in Cambridge and further afield. Having Stretch Limousines does attract interest....and rightly so!x I had said the money was going to a long term Charity i've supported...a Hospice for kids near me. Well...upon thinking on....and looking at the dosh that I believe these sales will raise...then I have decided to use it for 1 event instead. Then I can give Qdos to you Soulies who gave the money! I've worked with ex England and Arsenal Keeper Bob Wilsons and his wife Meg and their Charity for 10 years+...here it is... https://www.willowfoundation.org.uk/Home ...in memory of their daughter...the Charity funds terminally ill patients for days out. Originally I was approached to provide transport to arranged days but it evolved in me offering a 'total SOULution' and Bob leaving me to 'entertain' the folk for the day! It means I get a 'day off' too!! Generally it means collecting up to 8 family members...by Limo or suitable vehicle....take them to London....Tour...and history lessons....my versions!!...then FREE Dinner at The Ritz with friends/management of The Ritz all waiting for us to arrive to ensure 'special treatment' for the guests. Then Harrods/Hamleys with a donated £100 shopping voucher...and then we take in a FREE show...or FREE football match at any of the London based Prem Clubs...or have a FREE trip on the Wheel...depending on the families choices! It's their day! Due to the special relationships i've established around London over 30 years....it costs me to do it....about £250 in cash terms after I buy sweets/ice creams/petrol etc...with my time and vehicles donated free all in. For me to have a 'day off' in such a manner...is priceless...and full of incalcuable rewards...X. However...the figure it usually costs will equal the amount I envisage getting for these tunes. I had sold a few on Ebay already....and to date there is £183 in the pot. With what i've got left to sell then it will cover a trip for a day...and i will make it so. Therefore I will tell Bob I have a date free....and it will be funded by you all!!! I will get an article put in their website/mag or summink....and 'share the love' and get the scene plugged in the process....no probs! ok!x Thank you all...X They all get to go here.......THOUSANDS visit an attraction across the road every day....'The Wheel'...to 'see' London?!...yet none of them go to see 'the people'...at work! Every family have loved the experience and every time I go down the 'tunnel'...the last place in London that folk can 'graffiti' without fear of prosecution....the 'artists'....love meeting us all too! A 'happening'!x Up to 100 can be seen at the week-end spraying away....by those who value Britains youth and culture! Doing me bit!!x @@ ~
  11. EEEEAAsssee up!!! The Psychiatrist din't believe that I knew all these famous people and stuff Charlie and that there was an ex convicted peedo on the Night watchmans staff and...and ...and I had Magistrates,...Police...and loooads of others in high office implicated in a peedo ring.....there wos.....honest.....believe me.....neeenup boing!x Told him that at our first meeting the 2nd day i wos there 'voluntarily;.....he sectioned me there and then....and dis-appeared fr 6 weks!!!!!!! I went f***king laaaary!!!hehe!!! Granted I was confused after some good marijuana arriving with a friend from Jamaica coupled wiv stress of 17 impending Court cases for non producersall being fuelled by an over-active thyroid Charlie.....but not that off me rocker!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X The Psycho and Night watchman did 2 weeks longer than me.....! I went back and saved them...produced me evidence...the only 'producer' I was happy to accommodate..........kinda guy i am!x @@ ~ ....a new kind of lovin'.......Eden explains it well.....!!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akMn6yVR_4c FLAAAANNNNYYYY....everyones tunes have gone in the post.....but I ain;t got ure address......but had ure dosh!!! Just letting u know i'm off to Barbados.............ceeeya....!!x @@ ~
  12. Glad to hear Salmon got the send of you all wanted for him....X One of my happiest gigs the Hollinwood Club and went whenever asked....super folk and nights....X Amother livly guy was Dave Boycott... We stayed friends long after I quit DJing on the scene and up until his early untimely death whilst abroad. If Salmon went to the Hollinwood....then we met as such. I hope so because at least then I had a chance to make a night 'happy' for him and his own too........X LUV SOOTY X ...The last time we were together after i'd left DJing on the Northern scene before Dave was killed....a private party in Blackpool with a 60's theme!! 11 hours we went non stop.....a happy night! He always kept me on me toes at A/Nighters....and if Salmon was of his ilk and approach to life....then i'm sorry we never met as we;d have got on no probs...X. Rest in Soul Heaven both of them....X I hope Jonas still having a go!x If Salmons folk are the same kind as what was at Hollinwood....then as said....i'd beg to come and do something to raise money for a good cause that his family see fit.....anytime!x 07521042699...we all need time out to enjoy life.....whilst we still can....I have no excuses for not.....I don't believe your end has either....let's do it.......X Nice to hear form you too Billy....X
  13. THANK YOU ALL...who bought the above...and a special X who went the extra few quid for a charitable cause!x The prices are as they are...and if you were the one who offered that price...it's yours!!! I or Mike will be in touch to supply you details for payment or PM me back supplying address details to forward the tunes...and they will go today/tomorrow!x I have about 20 more but dunno when i can give justice to them for you all! It perhaps will wait until next Sunday....and i'll leave em up for a few days!x Thanx sincerely again for your 'support'...X As a gesture of good will to all you folk who bought the above....the postage....is FREE!!!! This time only....!x Sooty's 'Sound' sales.....I said it din't I...and meant it....X LUV SOOTY X ...have a good day all....i'm off to kiss them all 1 last time........tissue anyone....?x @@ ~
  14. ...I say this as a compliment Ady...but it was the easiest place I found to DJ in!x Every record was received by the folk....and it epitomises what a dance floor and environment should be aiming for!x Getting me bucket and spade ready for Cleethorpes mefinks!!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  15. I've followed this thread and its machinations with interest....and here's my 'expeirence' to share...X Your property is YOUR responsibility. Any help to protect and do right is always a help....but ultimately...it is down to 'us'. This environment....the Soul Scene....whilst we would all like to think and hope we have a 'special' envirnonment.....and we have.....it is all encompassing and knows no prejudice! Each individual can dance as they like....or not. Collect what suits them....or not....and do whatever job in life they choose...or not! It also means it includes skally wags...craic heads...even some sexual deviants...and most definately thiefs!!! I live in the real world. This is a 'Community'....community sh*t happens. It did whilst I was 'living' among you each week. Be it an Eastenders episodes or informed educational one way chat from a Soulie chewing his head off....it wos all part of that Community...along with 'thrillers'!!! I had records stolen......and indeed knew who. But as Pete S comments above....sometimes it's wiser to keep your counsell....X It's served me well!!!x @@ ~ Now...whilst I speak of the Soul Community's 'downside'.....the biggest 'negative' I had regarding theft was the night of making the Togetherness film at Kings Hall 10 years ago....the very one i've been promoting as FANTASTIC!!! Yep! Here's why! I have a strecth Limo as a mobile office. A space was kept for me outside the front of the Hall as there is nowhere else to park....except in the loading bay just outside the doors! However...due to last minute changes...I went in me 'classic' BMW 730i I had at the time (I collect cars too!)....and am in it to start the film! Due to our filming outside and kit access etc....i parked it there for the night anyway. It was convenient for the nearly 3 hours we wos outside capturing all your chat!!! Eventually...we went in about 12 ish. At around 2am....someone came up to me and said me cars been broken into!! I went outside......and yes....me drivers window had been smashed and a 'tramp' was seen running away! They'd taken me phone out of its harness on the dash! I was realllllly pi**ed off! It's the 3rd time it had happened in me life!! What happening???....well...I have never locked a car...house....or anything....in 32 years of driving or having such responsibility!! As a result I've had 1 broken into in '83...unlocked....smashed driver window...took stereo. Then...in Brighton circa 1995....had a drivers window smashed....car stolen....with me records in the back....car unlocked!!!! Then this occasion....Togetherness night! WHY SMASH THE FLIPPIN WINDOOOOOWWWWW....the car was 'open'???!!! So...does it prove it ain;t worth 'the stress' of 'have you locked the car love' and stuff'...??....for me....yes! In my experience....whatever i did...they wos gonna do it anyway!! I think the same can be said for thieves in the Scene....if they are that way inclined...it is gonna happen...whatever!x Just because it's the Soul scene...doesn't mean everyone is Soulful!! Look at yer last deal....be it records...drugs...or round to buy!!!! Possibly a Soulie init....was you really happy wiv it...and them???!!!hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...erm...me records??....a story in itself! But basically...the coppers colluded with me cos they couldn't do much....except gimme the details and address of the well known craic head tw*t! Me and Chris Eubanks and a few of his friends went steeeaming into the 'enclave' in his Yank lorry!!! I was there to help with his block of flats project...half way house for locals he wos funding and develoing...I was gonna do a gig for em at the time! A Community 'discussion' took place...and the car was recovered.....300 record box in back....opened....but not touched! the scallywag din't know wot they were!!! Just took all me clothes and stuff as I was heading for a hotel at the time! Me ties and socks trail lead to his house....dipstick!!!hehe!x Ah....and the phone theft outside of Kings Hall 10 years ago??? I wrote about it at the time elsewhere.....told the story of Kings Hall/Northern Soul...film...theft...and wot we discovered! .Read by over 180,000 including 540+ Councillors from me 5 District councils...cos I emailed em it!!!!!! Here is the essence of what i told them all! It was a few months into me becoming a research/investigation officer. I was pressing my Local Authority to pay up compensation for peedo victims in their care 20 years earlier! We had discovered many names of dignitaries ..ex mayors...Ex Mps...now Heads of Depts in Social Services...AND....several Police and Ex Inspectors ...and now Magistrates...who had 'buried'...and indeed some had taken part in this atrocity over 20 years. I was pressing them...blackmailing them to 'deal with the money'...or be 'outed'! In 2003/4....whilst making the film...I was stopped...17 times in 5 seperate Counties....and the coppers didn't know why they were doing it either!! My reaction....? I didn't answer the 'providers' etc which lead to court cases in 5 counties...non producers! I went to the first in Cambridge. Gave each Magistrate a letter prepared....naming and shaming EVERY ONE OF THEM and suggested it was the reason for my 'harassment'!!! That first occasion....only 1 out of the 3 magistrates returned! 2 of the others were 'compromised'...1 being married to one on the list!!!! Shaking..he said...we ain;t read it....and your free to go....!!!! The 2nd time a few weeks later i had an appearance in Norwich Magistrates! I went to them letters in hand......but I was seen in a Court room all alone....specially opened for me! 3 LUVLY Magistrates appeared...me...the Clerk....and they said....'we have reviewed this case of Non producing of documents...and decided there is no case to answer. We are sorry for your inconvenience...and...if there is any expense needs reimbursing then please let the usher know.'...he then finished with...'We wish you well with your endeavours..!" It seems the Magistrates have their 'Soul scene' too...with scallywags among them!!! The rest of the cases 'dis-appeared' and about 3 months after making the Togetherness film...230 victims got £4 million between them...no quibble...after 6 years of my Solicitor mate 'trying' through 'normal' procedures and paper trails!! The 'Tramp'...was discussed shortly after with 'friend's' in high places Police wise. They told me it was an undercover job to get my phone for info....!!! AN UNDRRERCOVER COPPER!!!....bet he'd never even heard of The Snake or owt!!hehe!x These police are just given a 'job'. They do it without question. That phone ended up my end to folk who were abusing their powers. All sorted amicably in the end....but it don't change the fact that....it was a Copper....who stole my phone whilst at an All nighter!!!!!! I was handcuffed to a young un in 1979 as we were being transported to Wormood Scrubs! Me heading to Borstal for fighting...him for knicking outta lost property! I was 17....and never forgot who the next thief could be!!!x They are everywhere....but not as prolific in this community as out there....i'm sure!!x Sleep safe!!x Let's have a song to celebrate....which has some police interest!! The siren at the beginning....is my producer mates wifes police car....she switched it on for him to record....like the 1812 Overture with 'real canons'!!!hehe Here's The Zoots-Bumblebeez and Rudeboyz.....wiv REAL police siren......!x https://www.skooters.cc/zoots/bumblebeesnrudeboys.mp3 ...and when i say that night was 'time out'...it wos. My pi** off is that someone tried to bring my work to my chill out zone.....that pi**ed me off. Which is why I sorted it! End of. Keeping the Soul scene 'soulful'....X Most of the DJ interviews took place after this event.....it got me mind off more important matters...and it shows!....so thanx to the Police...abd theiving....YOU all got a SUPER happy film!!!x Coming soon.......!!hehe!x @@ ~ Right....1 hour to go before the tunes are up....then outta here for a few days!x I will enjoy catchng up when i return!x
  16. Thinking of you all...X LUV SOOTY X
  17. Morning all!x Still got sand in me box so may be a bit irritated this morning......!x............! Listen up all.......lesson for today.....hang on....now where's me platform....and sandals..........there....now close your eyes and ponder the following.... If you 'give'...it will come back ten fold........I have found this to be true in life..x Not always where it may be deserved or expected! It's biblical stuff...but....the last time I thought I had been chosen as a 'prophet' and had been touched by God....they sectioned me!!!!! How come 'they' all get away wiv it???!! So nowt to do wiv that malarkey........just a general truth in life I find. It has shown itself here too. I have declared that this dosh raised is going to good causes. From such an act....I have made over a dozen new 'friends' and indeed had my soul stirred....! Due to this 'happening'....I am inspired to ask my fellow brethren......WHY THE HELL HAVE I NEVER HEARD THIS IN 38 YEARS OF WANDERING IN THE WILDERNESS.....??????!!!....you heeeeeathens......share that lurrrve...it's good for the Soul....and taken wiv a spirit if u must............!!!! Now open ure eyes and pin back ure ears.....and be enlightened..... Thanx to our Scottish brethren for such inspiration...(X)........I feel as tho' I have been blessed...and so should many of you.!!!!x So rise good people.....go forth and make merry...multiply....(no boot legging mind)....fill ureselve's wiv spirits....it is ure destinys....and responsibilitys....deal wiv it......and there will be a place for you...................................at any of my gigs......I reckon..!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ooops...nearly forgot...offers for the tunes will end at 2pm...and all highest offers will be the price!x ...now where's me sandals.........and chaffing cream.......!x Now there is a bowl at the exit as you leeeeeave.....rumble rumble............echooooooooo........... ....................tight ar*es......a plastic middle in me pennies bowl........sigh. (Thanx buyers/bidders for the fellowship and banter....proper stuff to start the day....luv it...X) @@ ~
  18. Me mobiles died and an't got me charger with me..and seeing as i'm off quadding I go WOOOOOHOOOO!!!x @@ ~ Please wait until morning for any further chat on the above tunes...thanx!x LUV SOOTY X My kinda musselling.....!x @@ ~
  19. I have been swamped with PMs and phone calls...!!!!! I'm writing all down and those who offered first on a tune...will be given a 2nd chance if a higher offer comes in ok! I didn't write it in the above....but....the cash raised here is going to a local kids Hospice. Wasn't going to mention it...but it has ome out in chats already...so...there it is. I donate to Charity through things like this and me Ebay stuff. So forgive me faffing about a bit but i'm keen to get as much for the Hospice as is fair...please respect that and thanx for your positive responses to the sales!x LUV SOOTY X ...one Soulie has said 'good on yer Sooty...ain't seen a sale presented like that ever!!'.....my reply.....observe the masses and do the opposite!!! I never conformed in the 90's.....din't do me or 1,000s of Soulies any harm!!!hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  20. ......WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! Off to Barry Island now Barry....all happy!!! Straight up!!! Llantrisant on business...then quad along the beach for pleasure....happy days....eventually!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...chilled...x
  21. ....start again....and stop laffing Barry and Mr Rimmer.....you wicked wicked folk..........sigh...X @@ ~ Hi! Dunno what they are in the collectors market...what they is worth really...or even if they is 'real'!! I read the thread on Cashing In....looked at my copy...Bell Sound looks proper....but still none the wiser!!hehe!x But...they go up for 'offers' and I ain't interested in milking yer or taking your money...all I ask is u look after them! personal init!x I have looked through Ebay...and the 3 sections of me Record Collector...cough....and I have found 'rough' prices for them all. However....that is what is out there price wise....they are worth what YOU are wiling to pay for them! Make an offer....and you may be surprised!x I am consolidating my collection from 600ish to 500. I have not gone through my collection for over 10 years proper....and perhaps never in 20 years with a mind to sell this many! I will regret it tomorrow as you do! I have copy's of them all in some way shape or form....and therefore all are considered quality tunes...and not 'passed it' as such! Time and a place for every tune I find!x As for the condition.....every one is suitable for dJing vinyl wise...GUARANTEED. If you ain't happy.....then i'll give you your money back and you keep the record....END OF! Any chancers....go for it...if you dare!...no problem! However...the labels are as they are on some of them! I have uploaded pics of them all in photobucket and the link is here for your scrutiny!x https://s1276.photobucket.com/user/xSOOTSTERx/library/NORTHERN%20SOUL%20TUNES%20X?sort=6&page=1 As for dosh....once we've agreed a deal...then I will post the record. Pay when u pay....no probs!x In 15 years I have never taken a deposit or money up front for a Limo hire....£400 deal on average!!! Thousands have come through my system...and only 2 have needed addressing..in 15 years out of literally thousands of folk! The Limo indistry UK wide can't understand my 'casual' approach!!! They want ure muvver locked up with her purse intact until the jobs finished as security usually......! Why should I treat ALL as potential pi** takers...when it is just 'the few' in life?! I trust all...until YOU give me a reason not too!x Money can be paid straight into a bank account without fuss...to suit once agreed! It means then you can budget and buy from the next list too....!!x P&P £2 with proper packing!x More if you buy more than 1 but at less than cost to me and will be agreed upon. I want the tunes to be appreciated and cherished as i have....for up to 20 years for most of these!x Any opinions on whether these are 'originals' or if my estimated/discovered prices of these tunes are waaaay off base....higher or lower....I and potential buyers would be thankful of your input i'm sure!x Out Of The Blue-The Beachcombers DJ COPY RARE TAPE! As featured in the Best Boot Buys thread in the main forum!x Price??? Never been 'spun' and perhaps 1 of only a few made as a 'promo' back in 1996! I just want it to go to a tape collector who'd appreciate it!x PULLED!! When I shared this tune in me Best Boots thread...I said i'd put it on Ebay to giet 'exposure' for the tune and Caroline as she and the tune deserves. After me mishap with posting yesterday ....the 2nd time I was in 'robot' mode and was placing em up as they came on me pile....again! Now i've thought....then it will go on there so it will benefit from my 'following' that reads EVERY Ebay sale I do....cos they is 'different'...and generally informative but nowt to do wiv the sale! I got several thousand look at some Subbuteo stuff t'other week...who needs Twits when i get 'quality'....and will do it with this.....'share it'! I believe the tape would have done its intended.....17 years after its manufacture! The first Northern tunes back in the 70's had been waiting that long for their due 'respect' too over here! What goes round comes around...!'...I dunno wot it is...let's just stick it out there!!!!'...and such an act will remain true to mine and my Producer mate Pete's ethos.....job done!!x Methinks i'm gonna have a cigar..... 7" I've Had It-Lee Andrews and the Hearts...Crimson (Listed usually £15-20) Latest OFFER £10 SOLD That's Enough-Roscoe Robinson...Wand (£15-20 on Ebay i've seen!)Latest OFFER £8 SOLD Open the Door/Our Love-Darrell Banks...UK Stateside (Seen go for £10-50!!)Latest OFFER £5 SOLD All Over The World-Chuck Jackson...UK Nightmare (Seen on Ebay for £10+)Latest OFFER £5 SOLD Wait Til My Bobby/Today I met...-Darlene Love...UK London Demo (Listed in RC 2012 part2 @ £15...for issue!)Latest OFFER £10 SOLD Love Runs Out/Lend a Hand-Willie/Bobby...UK ABC (Listed usually £10-15...this is miint!) Latest OFFER £15 SOLD I Have Faith/SOS-Edwin Starr UK Polydor (On Ebay over time at £25...din't sell but!!!) Has label tear on SOS side. Latest OFFER £5 SOLD Cause Your Mine-The Vibrations...CSP (Saw 1 sell for £22 in 2012 on Ebay!) Latest OFFER £15 SOLD Secret Home-Willie Mitchell...UK London (Usually listed for £5-8) Middle missing Latest OFFER £1 SOLD Philips x 3 Black is Black/Paul Mauriat/Youre Ready Now/Frankie/Love Love Love/Bobby Hebb..UK Philips. Latest OFFER £3 SOLD Arabia/Many's The Slip-Delcos/The Present...SOS Latest OFFER £1 SOLD I Can't Get Enough-Johnny Sayles...St Lawrence (Me dj copy looks the same!) ....! Latest OFFER £45+ 1 kiss!!!!.....! SOLD Cool Off-Detroit Executives...Pameline (Orange) (Seen listed for £60...put it up on Ebay for £30...no takers?!) Latest OFFER £40 SOLD Never For Me-Millionaires...UK Plastic label Mercury (Listed in RC 2012 as £15...seen it on Ebay for £45!!) Latest OFFER £10 SOLD If You Ask Me-Jerry Williams...1973 Calla. (1 sold on Ebay for £30 recently. Seen it listed for up to £100?!!) Latest OFFER £30 SOLD LP's They owe me nothing...given by a friend as a thank you...best offer secures!x The Motown Sound Vol 7-16 tracks...UK Motown (Listed in RC 2012 @ £18...1 on Ebay for £30 BIN!) Latest OFFER £5 SOLD E Pluribus Funk-Grand Funk Railroad (Round Sleeve!) (Listed in RC 2012 @ £20) Latest OFFER £5 SOLD Jools/Brian-Driscoll and Auger...UK MFP (Listed £18 in RC 2012...on Ebay now from £5...£15!) Latest OFFER £1 SOLD LP SOUL PACK-Various x 8! (Collectively valued at £50+ in RC 2012) Latest OFFER £10 SOLD There you go! I have about 20/25 more to go and will put them up later this week!x As said...all GUARANTEED players...and as i'm clueless about all this...happilly so....then be gentle!!x Call me on 07521042699 to discuss any of the above or PM me in here....or E-mail m.edmunds@hotmail.com Mike is a young lad given the task to 'manage'/Post this lot for us all!!x All I ask...is you look after the tunes.....20 yeaaars i've cherished them.......I better go before I change me mind....!x OFFERS WILL END AT 2pm Wednesday...and successful folk will be informed of their win...X These then go back into my box...for anuver 20 years....gladly!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...now.....copy just in case.......push post new toooopiiiic......backsides twitchinggggg...................
  22. Hate...hate?? Your mellow init!!hehe!x Threw me record Collector Book which was on me lap at the time about 20 feet ....I am now the proud owner of 3 Record Collector 2012....sections....................................!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...i perhaps would have been sectioned too if one of me psycho mates had witnessed it!!!hehe!x
  23. I wasn't sweating Barry......but I am now.....! Just spent an hour putting a post together of records for sale in the sales forum.....and....aaaannnd.....just went to review it all.....clicked....froze....go back....gone.....F*****************************************************lippin eck. @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...coffee time.....8 sugars and lots of biccies....stop me sweating....hehe!x
  24. MR ROOOOOBEEEEERTTTTSSSS!!!!!!!! Poo.........gonna pull it and do it again....can't have Dave Rimmer taking the P in anuver 10 years.....!x....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  25. ....not being pedantic or owt....just confused!!! When putting the Togetherness video together 10 years ago....I asked how to spell Richards name!! I was told it was 'Serling'...by folk who should have known! I needed to know as I wanted to pay my respects on the video credits to him and Kev Roberts. I have just finished editing....and sent it off for duplication...the new DVD of that video......annnnd...I left the spelling as it was.....Serling!!! I have seen both spellings f it on here...but was confident of my 'sources' insistence 10 years ago! Nobody has said a word about it either when the vid went out....or since! Plllllleeeease tell me i've been informed right....in the beginning....or i've repeated that same mistake twice over 10 years....innocently! If i'm wrong in my spelling....sorry Richard!x If i'm not...then i'm happy.....!x LUV SOOTY X ...my mate Paul Donnelly pointed out name spelling to me recently...and it is important and I always try to use folks names correctly....basic init! So...just keeping it right and I thank Paul for the kick up the ar*e in this personal area!x If i;ve done wrong agaaaain...please fogive me!x @@ ~

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