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Everything posted by Sooty

  1. Morning!x Just scrolled through the pics posted since I last popped in a week or two ago....and sorry i can't click 'like' to them all as i'd be here all day....but SUPER stuff and thanx for sharing!x Here's a funny moment i've had since I posted my last lot of pics.....my baby girl 'givin it laaarge'.....until i told her a Tiger was coming...hehe!!x LUV IT...and her!x Linton Zoo near Cambridge!x Popped in t share another 'film' that is overdue...the 1st Comedy Carpet event back in 2015.....now able to be edited and released to my satisfaction!x I said it would....and will drop a taster in one of the forums...coming soon for all those who featured and were there...!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X tigercoming.mp4
  2. Was spinning the Hyperions in the mid 90's...£400 back then...but always sounded a £1000 pounder and dances like one...!x LUV SOOTY X @@ ~
  3. Hi all...and wow...just realised I haven't been in here possibly this year....time flies and all that and hope you are all well!x I Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
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  4. Hi all...and wow...just realised I haven't been in here possibly this year....time flies and all that and hope you are all well!x I do contribute to forums and the like elsewhere but am busy so do forget to pop in here. However...I don't go to many doo's these days possibly 3 or 4 a year mainly Charity based functions on a National scale so perhaps don't have much to say in here....'hard core' you lot is!!x So..it is a Charitable event that brings me here...The Printworks. I have been involved since day 1...SUPER folk and no hassle...however after 2 years of being stuck in the Bierkeller for 16 hours DJing...LUV'd IT mind...I have chosen to be a free spirit these last 2 years and make an independent film of it....and it goes down MASSIVE!!x I am sure I put last years in here...170,000 watched that...well chuffed...and in just 2 weeks...50,000+ have watched the 2018 one....and I present it here for your enjoyment!!x Incidentally...the 'Togetherness' of Kings Hall in 2003 film has surpassed 1.6 million views since putting it on line in 2014!!x On that basis...whilst I don't say much anymore....what I have done and said....looks like resonating...forever....! There's quantity...and quality...I do prefer the latter!x I actually was at Kings Hall last week...friend owns a business behind it....gobsmacked to walk around the corner and there it was...!!x Wishing you all a SUPER 2018...or Xmas now.......as I say time does fly when one is happy out there!x Thanx for reading X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X 48,000 came through the Printworks on the day...and so far £30,000+ has been raised from this years event with more coming in...and that...is Official.....job being done...X Click here for film>>>> MSF The Printworks 2018...according to Sooty!!x
  5. I asked Mike if you lot are causing any grief and he said no....so things are quiet Steve!!x Sorry I ain’t been making any noise in here but I restrict it to the real world these days...still got Grenfell...Peedo activity in the football world catching perpetrators and bringing to account wrongdoers on me plate...and manage to fit in 1400 mile treks around the UK sorting all kinds of things out...which keeps me mellow tbh!x However I have had discussions with folk now running Blackpool’s comedy carpet....and theee comedian has been removed at long last. I now believe that function can go forward and reach its potential and may invest some of my spare time into helping that happen...so still got my hand in so to speak and indeed buying tunes.....dunno where I’m gonna spin them tho’...hehe!x I popped in to share info on another function I’ve been involved in since Frank Byrne (RIP x) started it....the Printworks! I couldn’t post the link to a film I made which has had 50,000 hits in 2 weeks but Mike has sorted it so it will be an article as such which he is featuring on the site this evening!x All good and great to hear from you!x LUV SOOTY X
  6. You too Martyn...I like folk who are always buzzing and make an impact...hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  7. Hi all!x I popped in a year or so ago...and looked at your pics....LOVE THEM!x I take about 100 a week when out there of all kinds of things...and last week i did a 1400 mile trek around the UK and choose the sunrise at Saltburn from the pier end out of that journey!x 2nd pic I came across these minis heading for some car rally somewhere at a service station on the M5! 3rd pic is of the Newport Transport bridge in Wales....great piece of engineering and captured its Victorian heritage in the early morning mist methinks!x 4th is of my local Town St Ives...besides promoting successful nighters in the 90's there...it also has a wonderful Medieval centre and bridge...caught here in panoramic view at 8am 2 weeks ago!x 5th and 6th and final for now is of my baby girl Lexy!x We spend a day each week together...I come back for it wherever I am in the World...end of. We do all kinds of things...visit museums...go canoeing...and she loves climbing and daring/scarey stuff...oh and insists on wearing wellys wherever/whatever...but her fav is...going on a bus! This is our trip on an open top bus with good friend Shane as the driver!!x All my pics are done with an Ipad...the recent ones done with the new Ipad Pro 10.5"....it does me...I reckon!x Keep clicking...I like pics!x LUV SOOTY X
  8. Found this I made for the intended 'release' last Xmas...!!x The trailer came from a warped video which is all I had at the time!!!x It WILL be up in full for this one.....X Definitely outta here and will be back for Xmas....!x By the way Geeselad...Nick Knowles of SOS DIY fame LUVS his Northern too...!!x He came to me with £20 Million and 100 workers for the Grenfell folk...he knew i'd helped organise/co-ordinate the people surrounding Grenfell since day 2 and since his approach I have found the dosh/donations to match it from Global contacts. So it will be an ongoing telly project for the next few years....and I err.....imagine his luv for it will proliferate....a kind of assisted DIY....to save his Soul!!!x As I say above......priorities take me elsewhere....and Grenfell is me 'chillout'....honest....but I do miss you all....and I will leave Lexy to say it for me....she is my alpha and omega....and there is nothing left to say.....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X p.s...the VHS copys are not for sale....!!x Kev Roberts sold out within 4 days I think I recall...all 750 copys back in 2003...!!x The film is going up for free for all...enjoy!X
  9. BRILLIANT....luvly to read folk are still respecting our roots with quality tunes!x I first heard Dance Dance Dance in my school youth club aged 14 mid 70's. Luv'd it....made me dance. When I made a decision to DJ on the Northern scene it was among the first 100 records I bought...from Robyn Gourlay...!x That was '93. By 94 I had a mint Roulette demo and was dead proud of it!x So...I get asked to DJ at the 100 Club Xmas Party '94/5 or it could have been '96....!....and I kick off with it after Butch....hell yeah. The place was LAUNCHED....and half a dozen late teens/moddy types came legging up to the decks after they had danced their ar*es of to it to ask WTF WOZ THAT???!!!x I....was overjoyed with its success that night....and I was 15 again....job done!! A tune....will always be a tune....I reckon!x I'm outta here....and I leave you with Lexy's 'dance lesson videos'....!!!!!!!!x We all gotta start somewhere!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  10. Thanx Patto and all...X I do miss popping in and can say the same for many other personal/chillout forums/websites featuring interests I have. In essence...I devoted myself to some National tragedy's in the past 2 years.....and a moral 'crusade' against some National outfits protecting peedo and other degenerate types of abuse. Politics plays a part too...and carries responsibility. I travel 2000 miles a week UK wide on average visiting 20 +_ Towns/Citys and Valleys......I luv it don't get me wrong...but I have to remain 'focused'!x I only see my new Baby Gurl Lexy once a week.........more than what I saw my first two 28 years ago!!! Some of that was down to the Northern scene back then....!....I digress!x Got it all in order....but ....it takes me chil;lout time up and leaves me little time to 'engage'....and I don't like to be ignorant.....the net is a two way thing....and I like to reply. However....I find if I don;t say owt...or get involved...it don't happen....!!!!x With that...gotta say me bit in anuver thread.........!....see what I mean.......it can take your life over.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....been there done that.....7 years HARD CORE.....and no regrets....X Great to be with you all again and will pop in for Xmas with a link to the free Wigan 30th link......and thank Mike and all at Soul Source for keeping on this facility for us all...X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  11. I can say without hesitation he certainly was Geeselad....and the 'evidence' is confirmed on the Wigan 30th as good friend and 'hard core' Soulie features on there in an interview I did with him.....his job then...and for 20 years??......roadie for Motorhead!!!x He sat in the gantries Worldwide sorting the light show out from a laptop....headphones on listening to Northern as Lemmy Aced the spade from the stage....!!!x Tony collected records wherever touring in the US and Lemmy always took an interest in them....and had tapes made of the music!x So....yup!x I can name hundreds of 'stars' that do too from all aspects of life....many of whom i've 'turned' over the years!!x We are not alone....!!x Now...I will add a 'happening' that occurred this year which gave me some fantastic personal satisfaction!x I first heard Northern as a 5/6 year old....'66/7. Me Mam had one of those wire racks of records....argggghhhh...I know...but...there was about 20 records in there...Conway Twitty...Gene Pitney...Elvis....Beatles....and....as her name was Pamela....she had Wayne Fontanas Pamela Pamela!!! I played the records often....both sides......so at 6ish...I heard Something Keeps Calling Me Back.....and discovered nearly 10 years later when attending me school Youth Club Friday disco that it was reeled into the Northern Soul sound!!! So..........imagine when i met Wayne Fontana....possibly the first ever 'singer' i'd heard....and had had in my life for 50 years!!x I told him so too....and he was well chuffed....and have become good friends!x Here is a chat i had with him at The Printworks and a little film of the event....for myself and posterity...well chuffed....and you know what...he can still sing it as was....respect!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  12. ...I play it EVERY time I dj at party's.....and used to at my Soul Nights in the 90's........to myself.....whilst packing away with the lights on.....since I added it to my collection in '93!x I was prepared.....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  13. Hi all!x Sorry I haven't popped in for over a year I think....been busy UK wide doing this and that in the real world...oh....and trying hard to remember from 29 years ago how often to change a nappy and the like due to a very late addition to my family in the form of a baby Gurl named Lexy who is now 22 months old...with a ready made Bro of 29...Siss of 27 and is an Aunty to a 5 and 3 year old........and it kicks off when the Furby comes out among em all with Aunty Lexy dominating proceedings...hehe!!!!x I have been to a couple of venues and National events to keep my hand...and ears in!x However....for all my ramblings I use my FB page and stick with that these days as far as 'social' stuff goes on the net and occasionally pop into FB forums covering the Soul scene for a bit of banter and chillout!x So sorry for missing birthdays and the like if I did...and hope you are all getting from the scene what you seek and hope for!x I have added a Birthday song for all of you whom I have missed...sung by Lexy.....on it!!x My reason for popping in is that I have got into a luvly chat with friends who live in Detroit. They have music interests and connections in different genres to mine in general and I began to explain my interest in Detroit and its music industry from a Soul perspective! I was just about to explain our Northern Soul scene and its history to date....and thought i'd post my reply here......especially as I have many Soul friends UK wide who may be interested in my reply!!x Have a happy day all....and THANK YOU for your continued positive/happy remarks re the 'Togetherness' Documentary! I have the Wigan 30th Anniversary video master in full on my editing computer waiting for me to have a spare day to upload onto the net for the first time ever...by me....and that will be done...for free for all for Xmas......so have a good un!x @@ ~ X ------------------ Unfortunately Janeene my exposure to the many Motown/Soul stars over the past 25 years either DJing/hosting with them or chauffeuring them when visiting the UK leaves me with more than just their 3 minute song for which we all appreciate!x I know many of their truths....of the environment the women in particular grew up in....and to be honest......watching a 'show' of them doesn't reflect my understanding of the 'genre'...and their commercial tunes don't do it for me really!x In essence....I have too much information.....sigh...X The Soul scene over here who appreciated the non commercial songs is now the longest running 'underground' music scene in the UK!!x It's roots began in the late 60's and 'raves' using their music...much coming from the Detroit backstreets...proliferated Nationwide during the 70's!x We call it 'Northern Soul' because in the main the tunes began being spun up the North of England in the beginning!x The scene was dying slowly through the 80's as the many 'kids' of the 70's got married/kids etc....like me!x However...like me...in the early 90's our kids became 15+ and didn't want to be seen with their parents.....so we began going out to doo's again....sparse as they were back then!x I started my Soul night which ran for 7 years in '93...and many more began springing up around the UK run by folk who loved the music and wanted to revisit their youth! Today....25 years later.....we are now Granddads and Nannas.....and 1000's are heading out UK wide to revived...yet dignifiedish....Soul nights playing the generally unknown tunes by the populace!!!x In fact the scene has more supporters today than it ever has had......although the downside to that is the 'underground' element for which many of us had pride in...is now becoming 'commercial'...and songs that were 'commercial' are creeping in....and some are playing our prided records off CD's!!!x That....was never part of my scene since aged 14.....and pride myself on playing records to this day....whatever genre you want!!x I don't attend Soul doo's anymore other than National Charity events....love the music and always will....but if I want to have a 'party'......then i'd rather spin me other collection of classic 50's/60's/70's from all genres....for 7 hours at a wedding or summink and sling half a dozen well know Northern Soul songs in there!!!x I always went out on the scene to enjoy myself with good music and like minded folk....that ethos....remains!x Today....every day....hour...there are now telly ads featuring 'our' music in which the general populace had never heard before....yet we've been dancing to them since the 70's!!x Bob Geldof...and even Johnny Rotten all sold out eventually....init!!!x Here is a film that I made Janeene which explores our scene for folk like you who have no clue about it!!x 1.5 Million have watched it Globally in the past 2 years since I put it on line! There is a lot of our music played in it and as I say....many of the tunes were made by kids in your locality....and many of them don't even know their records are revered 50 years later! They made them stoned...one Summers day....and forgot about it in the main!!!x Enjoy!!x Oh....and Lemmy of Motorhead RIP....LOVED Northern Soul too......I kid you not!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  14. ......there you go Chris!!!x https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=302095115098#ht_500wt_1282 @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...dosh will eventually find its way to support a function for a foottball fan who was beaten senseless and left a 'cabbage' for the rest of his life.....Thanx...X
  15. SUPERB stuff TOC and all and give my regards to the Prof....!X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  16. WOOOOHOOOO....hope your well Topsey and super to see you still rocking!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  17. Hi all!x Just popped in for the first time this year...in fact I think since last June as that is the last message i answered and apologise to you folk who have messaged me since with no reply...X I popped in to read up for research purposes on 'regulars' opinions on Sport and Politics and popped in here to enjoy the pics....which I miss although my regular haunt these days FB does cater for my interests in life when it comes to pics and stuff...!x As i've mentioned 2 topics then here's some pics that relate to them and my comments are Keep Calm and Carry On for pic 1....and re-assurance that good friend Dan Ashworth at the FA is 'on it'...and has been for a while...pic 2/3!!x There........that should update folk who been asking where have i been!!!x Loving the tunes across forums out there and indeed see regular references to this site and wish you all continued success with it!x Sad news about Frank Byrne and I look forward to seeing you folk at Manchester's Printworks to ensure his legacy carries on.....as i promised to Diane his wife at the wake....X I think that's it.....ooops.....nearly forgot.....last pics.......had a baby since I last visited too!!!x Lexy....5 month old now and a right giggler....she keeps me busier!!x The last pic is of her at Wembley last week with her Mam....Coldplay.......she luv'd the white noise....and slept soundly!!!x She wiggles to Northern....and is asleep before I get me pirated copy's out......i'm on it!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  18. ...hi all...off to see some luvly sights on a trek along the South Coast from Worthing to Weston Super Mare......but popped in here to see some 'quality' stuff before I left!x Brill pics of our Wildlife and plants....X I have loooads to share at some point but pick these pic for now...!x Sad story to go with it i'm afraid....and a warning to all as we head out there during the Summer weather!!x This is Llantwit Major...South Wales. I took these pics 2 weeks ago. I know the family who run the cafe on the beach and own the Land....good friends for years...since 1988 to be precise! I have seen over the years Maria's Dad 'landscape' the area 'for' the people...at his own expense. In his last years....Council came along with a compulsory purchase order on ha;lf their land. They said they needed to 'look after' the area. That...was 5 years ago......they have never seen anyone from the Council...or workers of any kind....attend the Land since...apart from a serious breach after a thunderstorm....out of 6! A Charity I know is going to help them win back that trust and respect the family have earned by their Community over the past 50+ years so they can carry on...as they were.....looking after us all.....without the Councils 'help'. We had talked about casualties so far this year due to rock fall etc. There had been 3 but no fatalities...as yet. Maria said keep clear of the corner cos it is 'moving'. She's grown up there for 50+ years....knows the craic...and any crack!!!x I did as was advised....I do when i respect folks judgement on matters. Took me pics and went onto Cornwall. Next morning....on the news.....a Lady had been killed during her early morning walk......rock fall.....that corner.....RIP...X As said....stay safe.....and enjoy our Heritage.....X If your down there....pop into the cafe and say hi from me....you'll be welcomed with a smile.....and they have YOUR life in their interests.....my kinda folk...X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  19. Hi all...X I am glad to say I am gonna be puter bound doing editing and stuff for the next week or so and will take coffee break time to catch up on your pics!!!x I do see stuff on FB...but....yours are more 'quality' stuff on the whole!x I've averaged 2000 miles a week in recent weeks around the nation top to bottom and sideways....sometimes in the same day!! I have gathered many pics of beautiful...historic....and unusual sights from around Britain! I will get some together and put them in here for your pleasure!x This was last week....passing Hexham way about 5.30am......that mist went for miles and looked as tho you could walk on it!x The second pic is at 10.40pm....approaching Glasgow.......look behind....pitch black....ahead....'daylight'....great spectacle as the sun was giving it's last smile!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  20. I have passed the Angel of the North hundreds of times...on the A1M. But never stopped and walked around it. AWESOME experience and recommend it to all...X Had the pleasure of driving past as I headed out of Gateshead last week and actually turned back at the A1 junction to go and have a look....such was the 'magnetism'...and glad I did....X A few hours earlier I was greeted with this sight of the Isle of Arran......all in all a happy and humbling day!X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  21. Correct Mate....they weren't practicing...init!x I had 2 Grandads with my Nanna Stanton. Grandad George who looked after her from the early 70's until her passing in the late 90's. 30 years. before that she was married to Jimmy Stanton....since 1940...till '70-71. Amazingly...both of me GD's met...at Margate....during my suggested time frame....to become lifelong friends. Jimmy was in the Black Watch. George was in The Navy. They both saw what happened. Jimmy made it from the 'exercises'...but returned to be a socially drunk......horrible nasty man tbf. Jimmy and George returned from the war to be in Grimsby and here is his picture. Me Grandad George as a family friend loved my Nan since the 40's....watched her get battered by Jimmy and everything during their 8 kid marriage. Jimmy and George were at sea most of those years.....but as a 4/5/6/7/8/9/ 10 year old...I remember jimmy kicking off.,....every xmas afternoon. So.....a 'love' story of sorts....but it puts 2 folk in the same place at the same time....and different 'reactions' to such circumstances. George always forgave Jimmy as did me Nan....cos of the war. Jimmy lost around 30 Scot mates who he grew up with in Glasgow. Their 'story'...is all I know. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share such. I do have connections Woodbutcher...........but the ones that mean the most to me.....are the unsung...forgotten folk. It's why my 'connections' can't look me in the eye. I know too much of 'the peoples' suffering if u like. I let them know too.....as I said to Nige and his entourage when they commented on me UJ shoes jestingly......"I wear the UJ 24/7....not just every 4 years for a day....." Not 1 of them dare say owt. 100 year sh*te??? None of what i know about Margate will feature.......and they are the saddest tales and pictures.....honest....X Me nan with her 'soul mate' George enjoying life after they had endured enuff...I reckon!x LUV SOOTY X
  22. Sorry WoodButcher....I didn't give all the 'detail'. It was for a week leading up to Ddays landings from round t'corner. A decoy they were. The Black Watch and Irish in the main were put through there.....canon fodder init. Supposed to be on a training run. Some things I ain't proud of being British. But then again....there is always a greater good to be had....I keep finding...X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X I'll leave you with a 'unique' as opposed to a 'great' pic. It is one of the only pic that came out of UKIP Headquarters during the count!! The rest are on my FB!! I was the only 'independent' allowed down in the 'basement'. No Journalists were allowed and besides 2 security men I was the only non white in the room! Welcomed by all too....which is not so unique......enjoy!x
  23. To commemorate VE Day....i did this picture of Margate. To the right is the harbour and far right the white building/outcrop is the Winter Gardens roof. I took it on Thursday...E Day. My Grandad George was in the Navy on a minesweeper off of Gibralter for most of WW2. He then fished out of Grimsby docks on trawlers for 40 years after the war and ended up as a maintenance man at Immingham docks working on Nuclear subs until retirement!x He told me this....from the rooftop of the Winter Gardens in Margate....12 years ago....RIP...X The beach featured in the pic was used as an impromptu First Aid area....during the embarkation for D Day! He said there were thousands of troops lined up in 4 columns being shuffled onto ships taking them to France. Where those tankers are moored.......troop ships that had just left the harbour....bulging with young lads...and lasses....were being hit....sunk....by bombers/fighters flying overhead from the Luftwaffe. The First Aid post was set up to deal with those managing to swim back or be rescued by little tugs scouting for survivors among it all. He said the majority of lads in the FA area were there because they had 'lost it'....whilst in the queue to get on the next ship. Not many bombed soldiers were rescued...all within sight of all. It is a story that isn't told....and pictures of it were banned as it was too horrific to show back in the 50's. the pics of the situation are under the 100 year 'secret' rule. Not many made that category when 'censorship' was being applied to the horrors of WW2. Not every picture tells a story....does it?x The second pic was of us being escorted off the premises after being told 'we can't go there'....after taking pics when breaching the security for the Winter Garden/Farage election result venue!! I turned around and said calmly.....'do not tell me I cannot take a pic of where my GrandDad left these shores to go fight for us all....' He must have got my sincerity in my voice and posture....and calmed down. Good job too....he got camera shy....init!x Sheeesh. @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Not a Political point or anything really....just a fact.....the 'meeting point' used by many UKIP staff/support crew and the like....as well as reporters....was this venue sporting proudly Northern Soul paraphernalia....just a fact!!x @@ ~ X
  24. Hi all!x Super pics i've seen for the last half hour and stopped pressing like cos me finger hurt...!x I went through the route of the Yorkshire Tour last week. Otley/Ilkley and Askwith. This pic is taken from the Ot/Ilk road looking across the valley to Askwith......last Wednesday hottest day i've had so far 'out there' this year!x I used the 'panoramic' feature on the ipad....!x I then went to York Minster and was privileged to go behind the scenes and visit the folk who are restoring the famous East window in the Minster. Nick the gaffa and Mel here are part of a 12 folk team making new panes of glass that 'mirror' the original 600 year old panes and 'seal' them by putting these squares in front! They take 2 days to make each new pane and will last an estimated 200 years! There are 700 individual squares like this.....and each original takes 3 weeks to clean and make ready for 'sealing'....!!x I managed to get a fingerprint on the front one.....for posterity!!!x These last pics are of Sutton Bank near Boltby on the edge of the North Yorks Moors. Apparently it featured on the 'secret Britain' progamme of late with hang glider nutters jumping off it!x Amazingly this scene and more is only 7 minutes from the A1.....a secret indeed!!!x ...a unique view from Ravensthorpe Manor....100+acres and featured in the Doomsday Book!!x Privately owned mansion and grounds and this is the rear view back to the A1 and Thirsk from Boltby!x England at it's best methinks all the above!x St George would be proud....as am I....delight....without any Turkish...or anyone tbf!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...off tae Edinburgh and a private Castle to deliver wedding paraphernalia for some Russian Billionaires sons wedding who is on the telly in some soap in Russia apparently...all secret so can't say owt.......but will get what I can and bring the best!x These 100 year old apple picking ladders from York are part of the props for the wedding pics...as is a 100 year old croquet set....by Jaques of course...which I collected in Cornwall some months back!!x The Russkies luv proper English stuff....or are trusting of a good Brit who knows the craic......yawn!!x For those interested in the Minster etc there are more 'behind the scenes' pics on me timeline on FB...X Have a happy week all...X

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