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Everything posted by Sooty

  1. I'm ignorant as to the history of tunes etc. It has served me well. My being in a bubble as such for the first 25 years of the scene meant when I became active in 1993...it was all 'new' apart from 100 obvious tunes from the Wigan/Torch and disco era. Any tune I heard....that got me as 'Northern Soul'....was up for playing. BUT...I travelled around the UK. Not many have done that....or hadn't. The 'big names' did it all through the 70's....others came thru their era and carried it on into the 80's and 90's. Folk like myself...Shifty....Len....and the Sean's...Russ's of this world came thru in the 90's......with a 'hybrid' approach of all that had gone before....and been discovered since. When I got involved...the discussion was are u a 60's or 70's Soulie!!?? Then over the decade it went to 60's/70's 'newies' or oldies Soulie!!?? I played all.....but at different venues I did different things! I could play a set in Daventry...go up to Oldham....swop 8 records out of the set......then go onto Blackburn A/N and play perhaps 6 of the 40 odd i'd played earlier! Therefore....those who heard me up t'north....will tell you one thing about the tunes I played....and then down Souf....they'll say I played a different tune/s. The scene is 'different' around venues and locations I found...and therefore I played different at each......which is wot being a DJ was from my perspective! A record I played at say the 100 Club...I may not have played at Blackburn....the 2 biggest venues with 'hard core' Qdos back in the 90's. At my own Soul Night in Cambridge which ran monthly for 5 years non-stop.....I played stuff I never played anywhere else.....! So who played what where...can get 'lost' in all that maneuvering!!x We as Soulies and DJs...are unique...music is 'personal'. If that's respected and appreciated by all...then these he said she saids wouldn't be so important...would they?x I heard Richard Berry Have Love Will Travel around a mates house who had an amazing collection....but never spun it anywhere! I got a copy...played it '93 around Cambridge way.....'old school' told me it was Rock N Roll....yet I took it up to Manchester/Stockport and everybody loved it! 25 years later it's become the longest running advert using the tune via Liverpool & Victoria ads...and derivatives of it! The 4 Tracks...Like My Love For You....played it at Blackburn 94'....absolutely BOMBED first time out!!! 100 Club creamed it the following week!! Never played it at Blackburn again! So...what a DJ plays may not be 'what they are about'....! I played Mel Torme Coming Home Baby from '93'-99 and was the most consistent record I played nationally.....because the ex Mrs liked it! Same with 'That's My Girl Dee Clark....I got 'known' for them.....but they weren't 'my' choices!!!!hehe!!x I heard Fats Domino 'If You Don't Know What Love Is' on a tape on a Thursday....found it in a junk shop Friday.....played it first time at 100 Club Saturday..........kicked off with it.....cos it wos me tune of the week...it went ballistic...yet never played it anywhere ever again as I swopped it at the 100 Club that night!!! But I was the first to play it there....possibly the last??!hehe!x Who knew that?...does it matter? I don;t think so....unless it was theeee only copy or discovered on an acetate or summink etc. Had it been played before in the 70's??....nobody has ever said so! But it got played after I played it at gigs I recall! There's possibly 20+ records I spun for the first time at All Nighters....but were never played again! Have they been brought back...been re-discovered....20 years later??? I don't go to gigs to find out! But....i'm sure i'd hear summink considered 'new'...yet I've heard it played...or played it meself.....at some point in the past 35 years that i've been listening!x Choice is good....and I like 'difference' and acknowledge innovation and recognise 'firsts' always.....but am chilled with it all whoevers playing 'the' tune...and recommend it to all!!x LUV SOOTY X
  2. "l will make one observation without being rude (in a personal way) you say seans a bangin dj with passion and commintment.....well how come i,ve NEVER seen him at a venue as a soul fan/punter and how come the only records he dances to are his own set...never anyone elses...as i,ve said have nowt against the fella ,but action speak louder than words and l observe what l see not always what people tell us." I had half an hour Gordon...so devoted it to you to assist with your future assessments...X Before i show it....i;'ll tell it as it is...I got a dis-claimer. Sean's from Grimsby.....I lived there as a kid for years too and many of my relatives live there. He looks like he could be me Cousin Mark...spit and image of him...so I naturally have warmed to him since we first met. Sean came to my gigs when he re-visited the scene in the 90's after serving his Country globally within our armed forces....and has done throughout the 90's and 2000nds. Being the decent chap he is... he was one of the many who actually came up to me and thanked me for re-kindling his faith through the functions and approach I had towards promoting/entertaining and music policy. We are of similar ilk I found. He was excited then...danced to all...that's what I saw. For 9 years I see him get involved.....collect.....become 'active' and indeed i gave him spots at my does to reward his re-commitment to the scene. I left him with it in 2000. That was my experience of it and him for those 9 years I was 'active'. 2 Years later....i'm in some town somewhere up t'norf......and found a gig was on. I popped in for half an hour. By co-incidence....Sean was DJing. He was rocking the joint. I went and gave him a hug....and left. It made me proud to know i had a part in that 'progression'....I had never heard one of the tunes he played whilst i was there....!!!x A Year later....I turned up to Kings Hall and nobody knew what i was doing...I just did it. Here is a section out of the film I came up with......and as Sean doesn't contribute to 'chat' in these threads.....i'll let him do his own talking....albeit 10 years ago....but still valid...I reckon...!x https://youtu.be/asz2cdRcXuY LUV SOOTY X ...in essence Gordon....your comment above is perhaps a worse character assessment and'efforts' of Sean than you made of mine in another thread which I ain;t asking u to qualify...in my opinion mate!x So.....not being rude in a personal way...it's an opinion based on just wot i know...!x @@ ~ I'll leave you wiv a message from one of 'our' own....and trust you are all carrying that torch still around his way....and look forward to finding out for meself at some point in the future........X https://youtu.be/6XceSH-5430
  3. HAYES COTTON — BLACK WING'S HAVE MY ANGEL.........Big Scotty.....spun at Blackburn and most major venues by him thru the 90's.......made me night every time! .............WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!TUNE!!!x NEVER heard of most of your set Sean....Goody 2 shoes would get me off me chair....different init!...!x Tina's tune is tame for her but I see the appeal! The Hevtor Rivera tune is groovy too but as a 'dancer' I still prefer this Hector tune which i spun at the 100 Club xmas party...!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXy0fW0jnAw You have come a loooong way since your 90's re-commitment and proud of u mate....X LUV SOOTY X Thanx for posting Seans or anyones play list...I appreciate the education and information....especially from those doers out there......!X
  4. ...hmmm.....I have 2 'hats'....a DJ one....and a Northern DJ one! They are different approaches! As a DJ doing weddings/functions for 25 years....I can start as early as 2pm on a Saturday afternoon.....and finish at 2am....12 hours...non-stop.....and could have carried on until 8am....obviously!!!x In that scenario....I wouldn't dream of letting anyone else share the decks......it don't work....and there's a bigger thing to cater for.....someones 'special' occasion....not a casual waiting to hear or spin summink of interest....it's a different 'gig'! I control what i play...and when I want them to dance...or chill....'manage' the occasion...thru the music......always to a crescendo! It's a huge responsibility which I do not pass onto anyone else.....and never would!x However....as a Northern DJ and promoter...my approach has been this over the time.... 1 hour sets...on the Northern Scene??? In general....suffices. I say that because there was....was...during the 90's many 'DJ's...that weren't 'DJ's'....and lost the 'flow' of the occasion irrelevant of what was in their boxes...and often didn't 'care' about the occasion.....be it at a nighter or night.....and it was a 'killer' all round. That hour....seemed hours...! When we kicked off The Maltings and re-launched St Ives under the 9 Clubs banner...9 DJ's did 2 x 1/2 hour sets........as mentioned in the thread. It was a super success...I felt....a 'buzz' throughout for DJ's AND Punters! It also ensured the DJ's participation thru the night.......! How many stroll in...do their bit....and walk out the door straight after leaving ure floor and crowd unsure about life???? There is an analogy I can use to explain my feelings on that one.........I play 5 a side each Tuesday night....have done for 9 years. On occasion I am short a player or two. There are loads 'hanging about' hoping for a 'freebie'. I let them play....they don't pay.....and they go 'hog' the ball...shoot at every and any occasion....no 'team' approach....then walk off the pitch without even saying thanx.....! It's the same feeling for me. So...I had this 1/2 hour approach....and EVERYONE had the same attitude towards the night...which helped the ambience of the room and dancefloor!x As a DJ....I could give any venue an awesome night....for as long as you could handle it.....31 hours is me record to date! Done that for Charity 7/8 years ago! However...as a Northern DJ ;fitting in'....an hour....is good....when 'managing' folks of all skill levels and music interests be they a 60's/70 oldie or newbie.....'DJ'....it gives enuff time to enjoy the occasion as a DJ....and for the floor to have an 'experience'! Sometimes I recall wanting a 'rest' after a DJ's awesome spot!!! Then Len would follow and I could go have a kip to recover..........hehe!x @@ ~ LUV LENSGROUPIE X ....erm......I had this extra approach for the 'big' occasions too........only dancing DJ's....got on the bill.....! THAT was MEGA....and had promoters of Soul Clubs nationwide on a list waiting their turn! Another thing we had at St Ives in the 90's was......you would never be considered for a spot unless you'd been to the venue either.......! Who do u fink u r creaming 'our' efforts and success???!!!..........it was a Northern gig.......and I wouldn't have Soulies pretending to be Soulies in my space.....especially when picking up the tab and collateral on occasion!!!! Go play elsewhere.........hehe!x I learnt that when at me first few nights i promoted......a 'named' DJ with qdos from 'back in the day'....I invited as 'star' DJ.He insisted on £60....AND a flagon of Cider.....which I agreed too....and ended up paying it out of my pocket at the time! I never got paid that ANYWHERE in 9 years! He waltzed in with a bunch of mates...20 minutes before his spot.......took the £60....and Cider......and did the same the 2nd time. He never got a 3rd chance.....with me. The Len's and Shifty's of this world took his 'spot'...and the rest is 'recent' history......and should do every time....I reckon...X @@ ~
  5. Like Len sez...we all have our preferences in preparation rituals and are or should be aware of different venue policy's likes/dislikes....BUt....if your newbie DJ Mike is unaware of his next spot....just goes on 'faith' en route to a nighter sort of thing....then my approach would suffice....or it did me...here it is! You'll get to spin say 23/4 tunes during your spot. I have used one of those plastic tool boxes u get from the garage for 20 years on the Northern Scene.....it holds 100 records perfectly with the mic and me sooty puppets in the front of the tunes!. I section them up like this usually an hour before I leave...go through all and put up to 100 in there! I could get away with 30....but.....the space is there!! Here is the usual make up....20/25 'breathers from the 60's...Four Perfections/Teardrops kinda tempo.......then comes 20/25 'stompers'....The Dynamics/Younghearts sort! The next section I have consists of around 25 Motown tunes....all tempos....including the 'I Wonder Why's and Midnight Johnnys ...and summink by Edwin of course!x After those come 5/6 instrumentals....of which I usually play 1 somewhere in the set! At the back are the '70's! Normally about 20/25....all types including stompers...shufflers and floaters! Behind them......is usually 2/3 records.....that I know......in me bedroom....they is right.....BUT....is the time right....or place......and for 1 of those tunes....it is!x Ah.....if this young protege is happening to end the night....then at the front of me box...is 4/5 enders! Jimmy and Dean have resided there for 20+ years....if required....but usually finish with one of the other 3..........before paying the last STOMPER to end!hehe....I cheat a bit!!.....old school!!!x There.....I coulda said in 1 sentence....'sort ure box out'.....but.....it doesn't help really does it?x What I do know is this....with that approach....in 9 years on the Northern scen UK wide....I never got stuck being a starting DJ...following a DJ or being the ending DJ.....cos there was a tune for every occasion....subject to circumstances! As for tunes being played/repeated??? 10/12 throughout a Nighter may have been played outta my 100 MAX before I got up at 7am to finish....I recall! Listened/danced to every tune to know before me spot!!x LUV SOOTY X ...the epitome of the above is that I DJ'd at Lytham 12-1.....then Blackburn 7am-8.03...then kicked off Wigans 'Temple of Doom' dayer at 9am-11am....in the same weekend...and only played 1 record 3 times due to demand....a 2nd record twice...again due to demand....but the rest.......I played a different set in each spot......and 'had it away' at all.....! Did it most week ends for 7 of those years!!!x I had Northern in me tool box.....end of!x The tunes aren't the problem.....it's in ure head!!!x If your up and coming DJ is brand new Mike....then 100 is for someone 'on the road'.....30 tunes would suffice and I could take him/her to any venue in the World spinning northern....and we'd 'rock it' and not double any tune...no probs!x U just need Northern in the tool box...and apply it....end of!x @@ ~
  6. .....in an emergency.....when lifting the wrong arm of the tune playing.....and the heaving dance floor stops dead in mid spin.....and the silence doesn't impact you.....but when looking up....your eyes tell you ure a donut.......then stay calm....smile at them all.....wave if u like......then lower the arm back down remembering to lower the volume as u do to bring it all back up to 'normal'.........and gesture all to carry on.......it works!x LUV SOOTY X Eventually the Blackburn crew realised I wos enjoying meself so joined in with such occasions with whistles and applause....EVERYTIME!!!!hehe!x @@ ~
  7. Take your own Mic/Headphones in your box.....as routine. Was advised that in the first weeks of DJing by legendary figure from Cambridge Max Rees. I've never actually used headphones meself I watch the cue lights and 'see' the music......! But in 20+ years of DJing....since that day Max told me HIS best tip when I asked him.......having a mic......saved looooads of venues nights and ensured i had all i needed to do the job in my box....self sufficient!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  8. Co-incidences.....amazing!! Forgive me whilst I talk to meself!!x I've just got in....and having a cuppa and put the telly on.....and a Beach Boys proggy is on.....and Brian Wilson was being featured!! The co-incidence? This morning I popped into a wind swept drizzly Boot Sale en route to a days business......and looked along the sad looking 14 stalls......and i found 1 tune.....and thought I had never heard it......until half way through playing it!!! I never twigged it was 'it'..the music was 'funky'....and I just didn't twig!! I bought it for a £1...mint demo....and it was on 'Big Tree'....which I have come across in me time and had some good tunes on the label....some i;m sure being Northern?! So perhaps I was thinking 'soul' when i looked at the label....saw 'Brian Wilson' written....bound to be a relative of Frank or summink init??!! Then put it in me bag to come home too! That was 7.30am this morning!! Anyway.....played it about 20 minutes ago as I walked in....whilst putting kettle on.....and turning telly on.....and there he is...Brian Wilson singing 'Forever'...! Then the proggy sez it was him who was behind the 'You are So Beautiful' tune recorded by Billy Preston!!......so yeah.......it's no co-incidence I picked the tune up......the man had soul.....and this ain;t a bad take on the mans work either.....i'd say! .............and just thought i;d share me findiings today....which has learned me loads....!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XbVv616DEo What does it all mean????....God or Muhammed and beelzeebub only knows mefinks!x nite nite...X LUV SOOTY X .....and a 'appy birfday Mrswoodrules.....ure a cheery chappy and so thought i'd say so to keep it so....and soulful.....or Mike will gimme grief...hehe!x @@ ~
  9. Congratulations Backstreet Soul Club!!!x Mark...'Changy'...deserves the cred and success along with Kev Laws...Mobbsy....Kev Fev and others!x Changy was a great supporter of us back in Cambridge as we got started under the Cambridge Stompers banner in the 90's. I went several times to the 100 Club with Mark and Fev on occasion and was always in great company which i appreciated...X Lawsy....Mobbsy and Fev all DJ'd at gigs at my end and were always apreciated by Cambridge crew...X I learnt loaaaads from these guys.....in history terms as far as the scene in East Anglia was concerned and indeed about music!!! Be they established tunes...and....'newbies'....in which folk like Fev....were 'revolutionary' back in the 90's...in my opinion!x I had the privilege of DJing at several Backstreet gigs in Norwich during the 90's and am proud to have contributed towards its continued success over them 30 years....X Thanx Changy and all....for 'keeping the faith'...X Xmas '95........ LUV SOOTY X Manusf3a......I haven't seen or spoke to Fev for a couple of years. I lost his number along with thousands of others 18 months ago.....but have popped in to see him and his bro Andrew whenever in Naaarwwhich since leaving the scene promoter/DJ wise in 2000.....and they were fine!x Fev has his 'magic box' always ready.....and amazingly.....like the Tardis.....it always has summink 'new' in there from some corner in that box.......!!!! It's the same one i've looked at for 20 years......but.....I ain't heard them all yet???!!! As you say.....a super guy and certainly 1 of the long term friends I gained through my intense association with the scene through the 90's...X I did their heads last time i popped in....took em to the chippy in a limo......and had the Hyperions...Kell Osbournes Quicksand....and David Bowies 'Golden Years'...his bro's 'idol'....boooming out in the back of the limo as they sipped champers en route to the chippy!x Fev introduced me to the tunes mentioned....in '93/4.....he felt as though we'd 'arrived'....and was smiling like a good un as I looked in the rear view mirror before he even got his chips...!!x Happy days!x @@ ~
  10. I went to Keele Xmas '92 as me first ever All Nighter! Danced to Too Many People Bobby Goldsboro....first and last time.....had a wonderful night....and came home deciding to put a gig on. April '93....and we were 'off'....! Every venue deserves to be respected for summink!x Never got to DJ there.....and for a while was dis-appointed......but....becoming a 'resi' 7-8am DJ for a couple of years at Tony's in Blackburn 'Hard Core' nights made up for it and more.....and never thought of playing Too Many People...as there were too many people danicng to hard core....!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  11. Listened to as many as are available on Utube Greg.....AWESOME sounds on the whole and never heard any of them..............!!!!!!! Charley Wynn ‘Action time’ (Jim Gem).................TOP OF LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!x Thanx for sharing Greg....X LUV SOOTY X The nearest I got to any of this stuff was this....played it at St Ives 96'/97;...Blackburn and a few other places!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuXqzhOZRZ0 .......and me fav 'Gospel' tune of all time....although your Charlie Wynn is knocking the door.....is this....most versions are good including the Duprees...Booker T's and The Originals takes...but this one being me bestest arm hair raiser....X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly7bW5_wewk
  12. Tezza sez....."Its a really strange concept to me that people can dance to records they don't know. You have no idea where and when the breaks will occur or any little nuances that may be written in. Unless of course the music you are dancing to is that predictable as it follows 'the pattern'." ....I can dance 'in sync' to any tune you put on.....'naturally'....any genre any tune. Dunno how or why....but my body moves 'automatic'.....and can 'predict' things in a micro second....when I think about it!!! It's a good job too or my trekking around the Nation hearing new things every time for most of the night would have been 'pointless'....and i'd have looked silly stranded on the floor often........not that' i' have bothered about that bit.....but me mate Fudge woulda took the P all the way home if it had happened........but not once in 7 years was he able to tell me off about me dancing........proud of that......but he's still a tw***************tttt.....hehe!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  13. Where Next "musically"? ...to a gig methinks....check these 'good times' out!!!x Got a newbie to bring lenny....but I will insist she leaves her handbag at home ok!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...ere Penny.....SOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooome People say a maaaan....I got that and The Wanderer on a 78...as well as 45....'quaity' gear.....along with this....which i;d have loved to have played at the 100 club.......i;d have danced.....no handbag required.!!!!xhehe!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOSGEEswmqQ
  14. Nelly from Bridgewater get's the Jimmy Ruffin tune...and your welcome mate...X LUV SOOTY X
  15. ....well bu**er me.....there's Elvis written on the B side.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hehe!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X I found a copy of the French EP which everyone was going on about in the 90's....forget the track that's on it! I was in France and found it! Got £200 worth of swops at the time! I'd have kept it....but finding that run in groove at 7am in the morning seemed toooo much hard work for me at the time...hehe!x That's why I don;t do LP's....i'd forget to switch the revs.....and do a pinky and perky job!!! Mind u......I think i'd have filled the floor with such at Tony's in Blackburn......I got away wiv anythng!!!Happy days!x @@ ~
  16. ...on it Stevie!x I have an old old mate from Halifax...Phil Webster,,,,about our age possibly a couple of years older?! He was a local lad and lived in Halifax in the 70's...ain't seen each other since....but i've asked at any opportunity......know him???!x He ain't a 'soulie'...as such....more of a wayward youth back in the day......but then again....perhaps he might have been....hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....PEEEETE....u jest shirley???!!!!hehe!!x The pleasure is in finding them mate...as i;m sure you appreciate...X No money replaces them as such. I did make a decision to collect demo's of the 'classics'...through Boot sales and the like......and have amassed about 70-80 in the past 10-15 years.....probably paid about £100....150 in total for them all.....!x However.....IF it means it gets 'swapped; for a record that is higher up on me play list....and could shuffle sideways into me Northern stuff....then......perhaps!!! BUT...it would have to be 'good'....the Kiss N Run...to me...is Norvern!!!!x Like you say....i've never seen one....and probably won't again! I met Helen too....at the Abbey Road studios....by accident about 10 years...nope...15 years ago!! I was taking some 'tourists' to get the classic pic on the zebra crossing....and she was there doing some publicity stuff outside....! Luvly Lady and one of Britain's greatest assets from that era methinks!x I better shut up.....i'm talking meself back into keeping it......it has 'memory's attached'....and I could get it signed.....!!!! Would that 'kill it'....if I did??...in your book Pete??!! Or would it mean that Shrine tune is winging its way to me without fuss.....?!!!hehe!x How much is it worth would you say????.....out of interest.............! But ure not having it.....I don;t think..........i'm outta 'ere.....you'll have em all off me....like they did in the 90's........hehe!!x @@ ~
  17. ...managed to get to a Boot Sale for a quick buzz around on Saturday....and was so glad I did!x It is usually held on a Sunday...but they are trying to launch a new Saturday one to partner it.....and attract 'new' folk. They did...from a Boot sellers perspective! Many new faces and stalls.....so had to look at EVERY one...no 'oh yeah it' s him or them'.....all new! Super!x It is said and I believe it that we...'become a product of our environment'.....and after reading threads in here during the week...it did influence my approach to looking...I found!!!! Dunno whether to thank you all or wot???!!! You decide!!!....hehe!x Within the first 10 stalls I found this....a version of a 60's hit by Goldie & The Gingerbreads! Never heard of 'em....but knew the tune! I obviously had taken the 'covers' by 60;s bands a step further.....!! I have liked the Hermans Hermits version....but this....is betterer methinks!! Priced in me Record Collector 2012 book @ £15.....I paid 50p for a mint copy on UK Decca...! The interesting thing is....they 'toured'...with the Beatles...Rolling Stones...The Kinks and many more 'hip young bands' of the day.......an all Girl group.....wot 'stories' eh???!!hehe!x Would i have bought it.....without this sites influence....i'd like to think so...but...?!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgVg74N4KmU The 2nd tune I found...well 2 at the same stall...came from a Lady whose husband had dabbled as a DJ in the 70's....but had passed away 4 years ago and she had just sorted the loft out! She had brought about 20 tunes that a friend had said were 'worthless' to start. They were obvious 'classics' when I sifted through...'Reet Petite' on Coral....'Hey Baby' on Mercury....real obvious stuff....but then....2 nuggets together...the first...by The Impalas on UK MGM...'Sorry'....which is brilliant late Doo Wop! Knew the tune but never seen it!!! The band are interesting too....and their story touches the 'covers' thread in a different way! Whilst all the UK bands were 'white' in the main doing black singers songs.....the Impalas are credited for being the first...or certainly second...(Some dispute as to which!)...'mixed' race band to get aired in the USA!!! The vid is absolutely fantastic....that 'walk to nowhere' Dance is spot on!!!!x But the tune is marching on forever methinks.....and no apologies for saying so....except here is a 'sorry'..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j0NXdt6ZdU P.S....the 'oh ooooh' at the beginning was an apparent mistake he made when not ready for the first take.....the producer apparently decided to leave the 'mistake' in....and rightly so!x The tune that partnered this....I had to 'save'! It was Jimmy Ruffin's 'What Becomes of the Broken Hearted' on UK TMG. As said...all real obvious.....buuuut....this is the 'first' issue copy! (Or I was told it was in the early 90's!!') This issue has a tremendous 'B'....which Len may recall I played at does throughout the 90's......and would do still today! Priced in RC 2012 at £18.....and I don;t see this issue often...say once or twice a year in me travels.....and worth every penny! I didn't pay for this or the Impalas. Mandy had £1 each on the tunes for sale...I gave her Grand Daughter who was helping a £5......and as we all got on then I am going round Mandy's tomorrow night to help her price the rest and buy what i want for my collection......about 100 she says!!! So...'what becomes of the Broken Hearted'....???...they weep....because Baby....i've got em.......hehe!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO.............!!!!!!!!!!x @@ ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXoDTbGyxAA Mandy may well be reading this as i told her I would mention her late husband....Sam....who certainly had an ear for music from what i saw he had put together....and can't wait to see how 'tuned in' he was in the 70's!x R.I.P Sam...and as Mandy said....sh'e's just glad someone appreciated them and will play them as he did....and I do....and will...X (Change of deal mandy for this tune!!x) I have said i will buy what i want for my collection and help her get the proper money for the rest. I 'saved' this tune....it was hot...sunny.....and in the open. I;ve seen vinyl 'die' in that environment within seconds.....! I have it on a mint Demo and issue already. So Mandy....whoever messgaes me first....can have it....for FREE!!!x Sharing the joy of good music!x It has a label tear on the A side...but the B plays fine and looks good.....and anyway....it's in 'the groove'...which don't crackle!x First PM gets it....post and delivery free!!!x The 4th tune I got before leaving the Boot Sale....is those in the freebasings forums fault......!!!! I have been influenced BIG TIME....but....am happy wiv it...!x I read every comment....then said....wtf am i reading this thread for....?!!!!! I don't even do 'em....for yeeeears...! I didn't contribute to the thread.....but...it has left an impression on me...subliminal.....and has lead to me getting an ABSOLUTE MINT DEMO copy of the below on MUMS records......for £1....sitting on it's own leaning next to a lamp shade!!!! I 'saved' it........and I can't get the flippin' thing outta me head.....and has shunted itself into me 'hippy' section in me collection.....!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMz_YyXYpeU ....thanx to all you 'spotters'....u got me steaming ahead ...but on the wrong track.....Billy Butler would be wincing.............I reckon!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...the first PM by time will get the tune and i'll announce it here who has it!!!x Sharing the joy.......X
  18. ...after just returning from the City of 'dance'...Rio.....then i am pleased to see 'we' have it in perspective when reading this thread to update meself as to how you all feel about Northern Dancing!!!x I agree with the essence of the majority.....it don't matter what you do or how you 'do it'...I reckon!x Good job too....cos' i've never been able to do what would be considered 'traditional'!!! I've always done me own thing....different to each tune....wotever it makes me do......and happy with it!x The dancing Lady on the first clip was 'in touch'....but...there are also many dancers whom do nowt of the kind....whom I could watch all night....just doin' their thing....which i think is marvellous!!x Here are some more 'individuals'...Northern Soul Dancing Part 2...(Dunno why the clips don't show in the posts anymore???...Mike??!x) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vYnFRZCsOQ&feature=youtu.be LUV SOOTY X ...'ere Len....just played me new 45's...the flips and all....cheapies every one....and are now my copys......they don't make John's book....but are proper....and are going in me box.....you'll be proud of me Lenny!x Will share them all later in me Best Boot Sales thread...!x ...now.....where's me bike clips......off to London............... oooOOOOOOOHHHH........ BOOORIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS.........................the Boys From Brazil....are back......hehe!x @@ ~
  19. ...wot Len sez!!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...the cameraman I took this night had never been to a Northern gig in his life. He was absoutely gobsmacked that everbody danced alone!! He had seen a film as a kid....and thought that's what he was coming to watch and film......the film??....Grease!!! Jiving is wot he was looking for!!!hehe!! As a then 24 year old.....he went home totally content and considered the below one of his favourite captures!x Nice 1 Matt...X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDLhOcFA_lo ....Edit....can't get the utube to show in the post....dunno why?!x Soz!x
  20. I apologise folks!!!x I hadn't heard the track 'Point of No Return'....by Gene...or amyone! I have heard all 3 versions including the above....and musically...for raw music...Georgie...Louis...Gene!...and 'voice'...for this tune......first Louis....Georgie....then Gene!!!! Out and out Pop song for Gene......and apologise for making a presumptuous judgement without doing me ear test and hair raising arm experiment....job done and survey completed!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...it's been mentioned above...Don Fardon.....back on 1974/5.....it was about the 8th 'Northern' record I heard in me mate Waynes bedroom! I remember it being played at the school Youth Club on a Friday night '75.....and I LOVED IT!! Still do! NEVER heard it played out anywhere since 1993....but have heard it on the radio a few times over the years! it sits proudly in me collection and i've put the Mr Custer song next to it as featured in the Best Boot Buys thread!!!!x Was it played at Wigan??? How did it become part of my mates collection of 'Northern'???
  21. ,,,here's a rareity....Dutch 60's band....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...they have a decent version of Do The Dog on Utube too!!x Gimme Lloyds version anyday.....but they is groovy in their own way methinks!!x
  22. ...i'll Karaoke over me John Barry instrunebtla copy....he does a good job.....and I like to think I do ok too.....MOOOOOOAAAANIIIN'...MMOOOOOAAAININ'...YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH......MOANIN' ALL NIIIGGGGHT LONG.....brilliant! Apt too....gotta go to fix the hole I put in me boat yesterday....!!.......been MOOOOOANIN' all night long.....just preparing meself to face it again!...On it....and i'm up for a copy if u see/find one in your travles!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  23. .....THAT's IT!!!!!!! Mark London!!! Was it issued???!!!x TUUUNE!!!x It was on a Pye metal disc 1 sided!x Ain't ever seen it since or i;d have me a copy!x LUV SOOTY X
  24. ....any bit of it would be nice Pete!!x I had a Pye acetate that 'the vicar' Tony took off me in the 90's that I din;t get a recording of....well...just one on a tape! 'Moanin' by....by.....I can't remember! ABSOLUTE stomper!! I think tit was issued too on Reprise??...but can;t remember who he was or wot the full script on the tune was!x Swopped it for Cards On The Table......I din;t know how to play it at the time!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  25. ...like to hear that Drifter Acetate Pete!!! As would we all???!!! Any chance???!!!hehe!x Roburt....perhaps me judgement is impaired....!x Gene McDaniels for me.....can't be bettered!!! Walk With A Winner was a 'Sooty Spin' throughout the 90's.....and luv the tune and his voice still today. Georgie Fame.......from my perspective....just can't come near it!!x I Llike Georgie....but have never considered him 'competition' with any of them...or comparable! The Jools of his time!!!x Music tho'...'sound'...an individual taste!x I respect yours and appreciate the info for me to explore and say wot I say! I like this tune better than the original....and tell 'the boys' every time we have met over the years....hehe!x It ain;t as 'amicable' a discussion as we've had i assure you......... FIIIIIGHT NIIIIGHT.....LUV IT!!!hehehe...x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Thanx for the 'education' folks....lap it up!!x Indeed i've put a reply regarding 'education' to Krissii in the members freebasing forum to explain why I 'love' this scene!! It's.innocence for me....personified!x My 'Wonderwall'....!x Thank You ALL!x

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