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Everything posted by Sooty

  1. ...Ian adds.......10 years ago.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKtReivY750&feature=c4-overview&list=UUzdEGZLeRkfvIw3TDiAnhKw @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X .....has there been a 6th copy found since?!x
  2. Never had the pleasure of the DS's company in me time! The one occasion I should have....I got an apology instead! Around 1994 a friend went to Amsterdam. He posted a tape cassette to me! Wrapped around the spools was 'solid' rolled out like a sausage...or pencil....and wound around both spools....and put back together again! This parcel arrived....with tape and stickers on it! They were from C&E saying they had inspected the package as routine and apologise for any inconvenience.....! The tape weighed about an ounce......obviously not right.....but they sent it anyway! No...for u para lot....they weren't waiting around t'corner either for me to open it........never heard a word.....and it smoked even better I recall!!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...tape collector.................!x Edit....I forgot!! There was this one time.....and i'm sure she won't mind me telling it!x I was arrested for possession in Stansted.....another funny longish story which I will tell another time......but as a result....I was in a cell waiting for the Duty Inspector to get their lives together.....I had £75k cash in me suitcase and had to be in Belfast in 3 hours....end of! Whilst waiting for them to sort their lives out......my home was attended by 2 police officers! My ex Mrs answered the door...they explained I had been arrested in Stansted and was there anything at the house that shouldn't be? She didn't panic.....nope....in her innocent way she replied.....'yeah....he's got a plant growing in the garden but it hasn't budded yet so it ain't illegal init....'......! Weeks later I met the young Constable in a professional manner.....and he said he did all he could to not laugh.......! I still laugh to this day.....she was that innocent...and why I loved her....and yup.....will never stop loving that about her!x @@ ~ ...due to PM demand....i'll tell it now.....for u PT!!x I was commuting to Ireland./..North and South each week for a year 96/7. Each Monday I flew out and returned Friday. The Ex would put my bit of personal in my wash bag in me suitcase. Enuff to last a week of a few on the evening. No problems ever. Then....one day I arrived at Stansted to find me flight was delayed. I had a new tin of duty free Golden Virginia which I had been buying on me trips and opened it for me first cigarette out of it whilst waiting for the plane. Had the roll up....announcement was made that the plane was ready for check in....so went to the desk to checkin! Got to the front.....bag safely over the counter......then there was this tap on me shoulder.....I turned around....and there was this HUUUUGE bearded copper stood brandishing a machine gun asking 'excuse me Sir....is this your tobacco tin?'.....YES....sez I....loose me head if it weren't on me shoulders' was my reply as if said yesterday! He then added....'do you mind if I look in it for any devices'?......WTF???...Devices???...!!! Was I brown or summink??hehe! Of course not I replied.....he lifted the first flap as I had to make me first rolly.....then he opened the second flap......and sitting there???....yup....me lump of solid....! She decided to put it in there.......for the first time in a year.....!!! Dunno why.....still don;t to this day.....but that then lead to her assisting me in getting out of this predicament i'd been put in by sharing her knowledge of gardening.....! U gotta laff init?! I had too.......!x @@ ~
  3. I think what Jordirip is trying to say Pete is that 'the lurrve'...or 'soul' isn't in there as such in the presentation!x DJ's DJ without showing any soul too I have witnessed....but it don;t mean they ain't got any as the floor tell no lies...and i've danced merrily for hours to some of the most perceived miserablist!!!hehe!x We all show it through different things.....Ian has done it with his understanding of 'Northern'...and done it well on record. Visuals....is another 'love'...and passion...which I think me and Jordrip touch base on! I've made around 40 music vids....2 of my lads are now touring with album topper groups making their vids as an independent outfit.....so am proud of what we have achieved over time. But...it has been successful because we 'feel it'...and 'see it'....not everyone does....I find...as does Jordrip...I gather...X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X I collect film up to 100 years old....and learn from it all. I think stuff can be debated in context without it getting personal! My comment is based on an approach to film....not content! Any capture of our history and culture is important....irrelevant of ts presentation....ultimately...X
  4. The Utube version above is definately not as 'beefy' or succinct as the vinyl copy I have as featured above Sunnysoul...X It appears to be a discofied version of the 'original'. Possibly 're-mastered'? I rate the vinyl copy as high as carrying it among around 15/20 70's that would ram any floor Nationwide and would happily dive for in an emergency...knowing it would pack a floor no probs! A 'quality' Chuck Jackson 'modern' tune...and muically bang on for that genre...I reckon...X LUV SOOTY X ...found it....this is what I played....note for note...!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcByD5rm89M
  5. ...ignorance is bliss....I can confirm!!!x Read on..... When beginning DJing on the Northern scene circa '93....I knew nowt....apart from 100 records put on tape in '75. Weakspot...LJ Johnson etc were all on there! Now...in '93 I began gathering knowledge.....learnt about the 'disco' era...and the 'quality' 70's. However....it seems someone didn't educate me on the 80's...!!!! I got a copy of Chuck Jackson's 'All Over The World' after hearing it at Kings Lynn/Boston Soul Nights. I also think it was played at Wellingboro regularly in the 90's. Rammed wherever......so I took it with me on me A/N travels....and had the same success with it among me 'I'm So Happy' and 'Let's Spend Some Time Together' section! That was until 2000. It wasn't until 5 minutes ago that I read the above thread and realised it's year....and who was behind it...........!!!!! I recall someone saying it was a Levine tune......which mentally i'd put in the 70's era and an all time classic then along with Weakspot and LJ....init!!!! As said....ignorance is bliss.....but on this occasion....i'm glad any pre-judging etc wasn't applied....pure innocence and folk danced.....irrelevant of who or when...or where....! Happy days...no nightmare for me.....!x Now...like others say above....the man has had involvement with folk many of us would have loved to have had the chance to meet.....I 'respect' his ability to have achieved those things...X Musically....as i've been involved in making tunes....then yep.....he's got it right and in the groove.....Weakspot...LJ and Chuck remain firmly in my collection today.....they reflect my childhood dancing in me bedroom and innocence as a DJ which packed floors Nationwide with some of his music....and am grateful to Ian for the experience and 'happenings'...X But...we are all good at some things....and better at other stuff....I have promoted Ian's better stuff.....here is his innocence in other matters.........and claims 10 years ago of his film making attributes........! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvM1Xup37MU ...my opinion....?.....as a film maker of over 100 docs n stuff.........yep...he coulda done better in the presentation of his tunes I s'pose...given any ciircumstance........but music....not Politics...is definately his game....I reckon....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Edit....upon reflection....I wouldn't care how he presented it....but personally....I would have rather interviewed him for an hour on his life and Dr Who.....and I would have listened and respected every word he had to say about it.....! Yep...he interests me more for that part of his life than Northern....! I like Star Trek too....!x @@ ~
  6. Morning!x Went to my regular Saturday Boot Sale....spoke with 50+ folk as I do.....which included around 7 'collector/dealers' whom buzz around for those profitable tunes! As usual...not phased by 'competition'....cos I ain't got any! I'm after being surprised.....not looking for anything....just what takes my fancy based on the label info or past experience of the artist! It means I take gambles.....if u consider splashing out 20p/50p.£1 a gamble!! Because I know many stall holders...then the newbies stick out! I always make a point of 'welcoming' them to the event in my own way and make pleasantries! Whilst doing that at 1 stall....the luvly elderly couple were pleased that I was interested in their tin of needles for a 78rpm player! I go through about 20 needles in an afternoon session so am constantly looking to replace them! I asked the couple if they had any records still at home....with that....the old fella jumped off his seat and said 'oh yes...I forgot i;d put them back in the car an hour ago because of the sun....and I haven't put them back out!" Good news to my ears on 2 fronts.....a 45rpm will 'die' at a boot sale within 15 minutes if direct sunlight is on it I have witnessed...and the previous hour or so I had been nodding at the dealers as they buzz'd around....and had all gone by now.....so 'fresh' pickings left behind.....wonderful!! They say 'the early bird gets the worm'....well.....I collect records.....not worms hehe"x It's good to talk....to stall holders.....I consider my ability to do so an asset!!! A Walkers crisp box arrived with about 20 78's....a couple of magazines.....and 7 45's from the 50's/60's tucked to the back! I didn't know 1 of them....but knew a few of the artistes...and 4 were instrumentals according to the old boy...and so when prompted to take the 'little ones' for a hesitant £3...I went for it and gave the Lady a £5 and suggested she buy herself an ice cream with the bonus as her husband wouldn't due to their on going 'banter' as to her diet effort...or lack of!!! He cursed me...she smiled.....u can't please all....all the time!!hehe!x I got home and spun them/checked the RC 2012 book for prices....and this was the playing order i'd go for if DJing with this 'collection' at a chilled party.........as Kev Fev would say......'like this'.... ..kicking off to get folk off their seats....one of my favourite singers across genres.....since aged 11....Gene Pitney.....but here he is singing in Italian...!...never 'erd it...STOMPER......! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjZUaBv6KhE My copy is on Italian United Artists....and flies along dunit?.....bellla!x ....next...to keep those 'launched' by the first tune 'busy' then i'd follow up with this burster of a B side by The Flee Rekkers on Pye called Shiftless Sam from 1960....booking @ £20....! Never heard of them or it...altho summink rings familiar in the background somehow....?! I have about 100 instrumentals in my collection....so it's possible it's a cover or remix of summink from the Glen Miller era?? Found this excellent clip to go with it from the vinyl era....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m7uZq0aW1A So let's have a 'quality' breather tune to get ure breath back...! Back to vocal....and tune/s i've never heard....! BUT...this singer was the 2nd artist introduced to me as singing a 'Norvern Soul' song in 1975....by my mate Wayne who went thru his then 100 tunes as we bunked school 1 afternoon! Don Fardon...and Indian Reservation was played....luv'd it then as a tune...and still do 38 years later! This tho'.....never seen or heard! BOTH sides are decent...in their own way! I utubed it.....and......this came up.......!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlIboR5H7hQ American Youngblood on British books @ £40 in the 2012 RC...! However....it get's better....as BOTH sides are EXCELLENT.....double bubble.....2nd track coming lata! Now ...let's put a 'floater' on! I like me instrumentals and The Shadows were it as a kid! They taught me how to play the air guitar in me bedroom! I have perhaps 20 shadows tunes many which aren't 'obvious'! This one isn't! I'd never heard it in 40+ years of liking them! It's called Maroc 7...and was a film I understand! However....whilst the tune is superb booking @ £10....and joins my Man From Uncle...The Saint....Mission Impossible section.....the most interesting thing I noticed was the label! It's got BIG letters! Never seen that on a British Columbia! Indian...Australian.....yep...big letters....but I ain't got 1 Brit Columbia like it?! Anyone know the craic on that?!x I put this clip up to play as it features a cinema ad run in...! I have a few of these including Shirley Bassey's Diamonds are Forever on a demo with Brit Emporial voice doing the cinema intro....great stuff.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5yTQ5_nr5U The B side is Bombay Duck which is also 'neat'....and is available to watch 'live' by The Shadows on Utube!x ...ok...u 've had ure fag and caught up on whose banging who....time to dance again.....!...................!x Take it away Don....walk....don't run or Mr Fontana may kick ure butt......hehe!!x B side....Keep On Loving Me...! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMZixaN7iCg ......and for all u travellers who have come to the gig......the next ones for you......it packs a beat....and is....The Packabeats with Gypsy Beat....YEEEEHAAAA.....TUNE.....booking @ £20....get ure shuffling shoes out.......!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yROlUvkwG68 The B side 'Big Man' is worth listening too as well for those keen on instrumentals! The bonus...? Both tunes made in 1961....the year I was born....which I always find as 'nice'!x Ok you shufflers...stompers....and floaters.....kick ure shoes off...hug together and join me with the final tune...!x As always.....it's the last tune on the deck that leaves the impression.....I saved it to play last myself....and wasn't dis-appointed...Sammy Turner on London...booking @ £20 inthe RC 2012 edition....and worth every penny too methinks....never heard it......enjoy....Always........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBCEVRQNW1o I can only find US Big Top clips of it!! Super tune......and worth getting out of bed for on its own!x Drink up folks...drive safely....and look forward to the next......what?....that's only 5 outta 7?! Ok...u got me....shoes on.....let's groooove...those not dancing then sing along with the guy behind Shirley.......!!!!!!! London copy books @ £6....but who cares.....PAAAARTYYYY.....!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jfVpizj1Uk @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...the 7th wonder??...erm....i'm still wondering!...The Playmates.....What iIs Love on Columbia....under a £5er I suppose as not featured in the RC book! I like their Beep Beep tune which I have....but.....look at the write up on this utube clip....'Suzy Parker'??? Is this the Suzy Parker Dance of Love Suzy? Willing to learn....!x @@ ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_L_y5vWV0A What is love if it is not shared??....thanx for reading....off to get some worms....for fishing! What else would u be up at this time of the morning for..........hehe...........enjoy your day...!x @@ ~
  7. ....thing is....there was this echoing silence and then a derrrrr that came over the speakers......and we all danced....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  8. ....errr.....I went thru perhaps an Oz of weed each one Barry......din't do much hopping....and me hips hurt sat in the chair for ages...but wos focused....for hooooours....!!!hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X It took me 3 hours to decide which cow to put on the front lawn of the Maltings flyer I recall......dunno why.,....it just had to be right!!! 20 years later......Damien Hirst reckons he is the guru of cows........he jests shirley?x
  9. Len sez....."In the past, all of my flyers were complete 'one offs'......because I was using Letrasets, and a 'humongous' Blue and 'Hearing Aid Beige' photo copier that needed two people to carry the damn thing! This also left a 'unique' black shadow on each and every one! " ...from that sentence Len.....we've been there...!hehe!x Cut every pic....scratched every letter and around 8 hours a flyer minimum I reckon!!! I had a kids typewriter to make sentences which I then cut up and put on the flyer! I cheated by going to Staples with my finished 'original' tho'! They look psychedelic too as I used all different colours and things to make the flyer as they were printed black n white so it din;t matter.....but look......20 years later.......have we got some Picasso's on our hands.....??!!!hehe!x The remains....recycled for new flyers init!!x I know Russ Vickers is about still...but....is it strange that the 2 names still on that flyer that are current promoter active??!! Spooky eh?!x ....i got some jazzy letrasets from the Boot Sale circa '95....so things got more 'pro'!! ...but xmas wos an extra effort.......Argos/Freemans/Grattons and Tesco's leaflets..........sorted!!!!x ....never got a present off any of em......bah humbug...!x Computers eh Len?.....takes the human side outta it methinks.....X LUV SOOTY X I used Jackie Wilson shouting the date often....I think it's Jackie...!.......but like Len....all my flyers were 'original'......proud of it too....old school Lenny.....we should book into the same retirement place and get some origami or summink to be happy wiv!!x @@ ~
  10. Lifted the arm off the record playing to a packed dancefloor at Tony's....could hear a pin drop until the whistles started....which made me look up.....realise woot i'd done....did big grin to all....and put said arm back down and motioned to carry on....which they did!!! Never forget that silemce.....and I din;lt hear it!!!!hehe!!!x I've always said....when i'm messing up...it's because i'm happy and chilled. In 25 years of DJing....like Dave Rimmer sez....i;ve done everything to cause meself grief and followed others trying to inflict grief through tampering!.....yawn! A 'DJ' is in control....end of.....even if it is chaos....it's organised or dealt with...or should be...!X LUV SOOTY X Phoning a friend at Blackburn........ 'i'm scaaaaarrrred and me ba**s are making me ar*e tingle...dunno wot to dooo'..........."get off the stage then tw*t!!"...i'd hope would be the reply!hehe!x @@ ~
  11. "Love the camo outfit Sooty, is it to fool colour blind Zebra so you can sneak up on them and catch em to add to your collection of exotic pets. Love the stories , Keep them coming." Steve ....for me sins Steve....I owned a pub with a good Lady friend several years back called The Zebra!!!x I can't say I ran it b'cos I wos barred....! On the occasion I popped down....(cos I don't drink so it's pointless init?!)......then I would get behind the bar and help the staff serve! Usually a Tuesday night as I did the quiz......my kind! It used to be rammed....but....I always got the biggest queue....indeed other staff would be stood idol whilst folk gladly waited for me to serve them! Here's why.....i'd do the drinks....add a bit on the optic after it'd emptied once....cos it din;t seem a lot and it took ages to wait for the drips to finish.....then if the bill come to say £5.23.....i'd round it off to a fiver.......friendly pub and landlord init?! I got the sack twice....once from the bar Manager and then when she'd grassed me up to me business partner....she barred me too.....!!! I think they wos jealous of me building up a clientelle.......!x I woulda shared me tips but I din;t get any...............! @@ ~ ....never got a Zebra onesie.....wear the Devil one quite often tho'....especially when rounding up Hen's @ 3am in the morning......u should hear them 'cluck' when me pitchfork goes up their jacksie.......animals....pah....X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X .....and when talking of 'animals' of a human kind........alllll my experience tells me......a Hen will cause me more grief than a Stag ever will.................I reckon!!!!!!x Married over 300 of them off......as a DJ or Limo man in me time.......gladly!!!!!hehe!x ....edit! For the frustrated PMers...hehe!!x Thereheizzzzz....................!!x
  12. ...i've always had an affinity with the natural world Peter...X I go back to basics as often as I can! I've just realised me Northern T shirt was worn that quad night....!x I bought it 10 years ago when making the DVD at Kings Hall. The badge is wonky i realised when getting home....doh.......but I take it with me when going au naturale. It could be camping...fishing....or quadding. It brings me as close to me roots as possible! Lidl helps too!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....no bull...in the last 4 years......the silly cow next to me has made sure I pay more attention to wildlife......she wants to squidge...shooo.......trap.....every 'mate' of mine!!!!!!!!x Screams like a guuuurl when I get her to hold owt.....YEEEEHAAAA!!!!hehe!x
  13. I returned this week-end to find a swan...the dad of a family of 2 this year....had been killed by a 15 year old frequenter of our village. He threw a plant pot at it apparently. Me and Abs have watched the 2 kids grow up along the same strip of river as stated in me post re the seals. I waited for this 'youth' to arrive in the village last night. I walked up to him and his 3 'mates'.....he knew I weren't happy about it as I walked towards him and he began bleating...'Sorry Sooty.....I din't mean......."....and it was as far as he got as me hand gripped his throat and me other hand went around the side of his head....! His head rocked so much it hurt me wrist holding his neck straight. I swivelled his arse and gave him a kick on it as I threw him in the direction of the village he came.....said nowt....and he kept walking. I looked at his 'mates'....they all said in unison 'we din't like what he did either Soot's....'......and I left them saying...'it's our wildlife...village....and environment. If we don't look after it...the Poles won't.' Their attention span lasted until I left. They all seemed relieved that the 'action' had stopped. Job done. RIP the Swan....and squirrels...X I came to post about a different 'muscle' in this thread...but had to share the swan after reading the squirrel story!x As a kid living in Hull/Grimsby in the 60's/70's.....my memory's are filled of walking across Cleethorpes...Whitby...Redcar....and east coast sand flats with me nan...grandad....and looads of Uncles and Aunts and cousins....cockelling...winkling and musselling!! I left Grimsby in 1974 and recall the beaches being closed for cockling around that time for the first time due to pollution. The pic below is Hayle Beach in Cornwall. You can ride for miles when the tide is out.....and at the end of the normal beach are these rocks......full....teeming...with fat large British mussels! Home grown stuff.....yet NOBODY picking them.....?! Has those 'bans' on beaches that hit many resorts in the 70's/80's killed off this past time? There is no 'ban' on collecting them at Hayle...they are 'perfect'! But not 1 family....kid.....or Eastern Block person to be found! I went most evenings to get a saucepan full.....saw no one except sunbathers/surfers nearby!!! Don't get me wrong....i'm glad about it as all the big ones are left for me.....but......back in the 60's......you'd have been using your muscle to get the big ones before others did....!hehe!x Like strawberry picking.....mad dash for the biggest init!!!hehe!x I was in natural ecstasy in this pic....'arrived' sort of! However.....don't be fooled. Look at the left tyre....I wish I had! We stopped....got some mussels.....and began returning along the 3 miles of beach back to the van. The tide was coming in and the sand gets soggy! I began to realise I had a puncture......and by the time I reached the end of the beach....it was flat. It had took me 2 hours to get a 'grip' to that point as it was the drive wheel!! Then....at the end of the 3 mile....there is a steep climb up a sand bank...........and I couldn't get any drive into the wheel! 2 further hours of trying....and exhaustion....darkness....we slept in the van overlooking the quad from the cliff top! We had the mussels on a camp fire overlooking the beach and sunset....luvly. 5am next morning......went down to see about getting it up the hill again! I'd tried Abs's quad to tow it up the hill.....erm....and had burnt her clutch out the night before! So...tried some long run ups from the river estuary....got bogged down a few times...dug meself out.......and then after 4 hours non stop.........9am......my mate the Coastguard arrived on a shiny Big Red.....hooked me up........and we wos sorted in 3 minutes................................sigh. I needed the day to recover.......but after all is said and done....it's the joys of musselling.....!x At least me wrist din't hurt.....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....."oh u been away.....how wos the Hotel?!".........sez interested human.......... ...there were bugs everywhere....no services....reception.....not a person in sight. I couldn't recommend it....or any of the other 10 or so 'resorts' we go to in a year around the UK in the sticks. These places are going back to the middle ages....honestly! I can see why folk stay in 5* resorts around the world init! I done that for 20 years.....and realllllly realllly miss it.......cough. 'Was the weather good?'....naaaa....pi*8ed it down a couple of days.....all we could do was go canoing....surfing....fishing..........and skinny dipping. 'Awwwww wot a shame'. I know sez i......see ya. @@ ~ Some other friends whom I like to associate with when escaping humanity's routines.... Chuck.......found abandoned in one of my bolt holes driveway! Saved.....1-0!x Bobbette.....the Robin! Made a nest in me letter box...had 3 babes......all flew off.....wiv a bit of help!x Frodo....lives in me barn for me limo's! Batman meets monkey boy!!! Found in me window sill asleep....! Forgive me dress and dirty hands Ladies....I was tiling...in me monkey onesie....as u do!x ......oh....and 'him'.....'Mouse'! We had this friendship see.....I promised I wouldn't forget him...so every time there's 'pet' talk...I have to mention him. We played games together......Where's Mouse?!x ...a rare find.........some of natures wildest......at rest.....in a bolt hole away from human activity...... ....and this uncaged beast was found walking across a Norfolk fen......! .........blending in.......!x @@ ~
  14. Me and Merlin...my 'wmd' as opposed to HMV pal...congratulate you on your considered purchase!x Well done all in assisting Mark in making a sensible acquisition!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  15. Captured on a phone this week half a mile from my 'home'! I have seen this family over the past 6 weeks whilst sorting me boat out testing me British Seagull engine and stuff! The Dad is in the second pic! I also see looooads of different 'foreign' birds along 1 mile of this river than I see at a Boot Sale! Amazing shapes....bills and plumes! It's been a joy 'mixing' with it all!x |Over the past 5 years I have had a big white Barn Owl fly 15-20ft away at 30-35 mph as I come home in a Limo at unearthly hours in the night! We have run this Country course several times together as he returns to a disused shed at the end of the fen drove I use as a cut thru! It's been a personal experience that is hard to share/write about....but i'm sure some of you folk can relate to my privilege in seeing our wildlife in such ways....X LUV SOOTY X ...ooops.....he wouldn't forgive me if I din;t give him a plug....here's my mate 'mouse' who shared a 'bolt hole' I had 3 or 4 years back....!x Hand fed him twice and he used to do somersaults into me waste paper bin!! I had Robins nest in me letter box next to the front door too......luv'd it!!!x Nearest neighbours I have had at my homes over the past 6 years have been a mile either side of me minimum.....so I enjoy meeting these local characters.......!!!x @@ ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph93_qRGX6Q&feature=c4-overview&list=UUzdEGZLeRkfvIw3TDiAnhKw Edit.....the seals are 50 miles inland by the way!!!x They come each year to raise their pup/s apparently!!x
  16. I ain't messing...deadly serious!x I collect...or seem too...vintage gramaphones. I have 4 at present. This stock pic on Ebay is the exact model I have from Decca....in as good knick too!x This is my experience....on occasion over the past 10 years during summer Sundays I have taken a strecth Limo to a Boot Sale/Fete....I set up a stand with me Decca on it in front of the car.....spin me 45's/78's......whilst folk have a sit in the limo and collect a leaflet! In essence....earning dosh whilst spinning tunes for free! Busking kinda...hehe! The people love it and so do I! Point is....it has never let me down whichever player I take! If I ever considered flogging records at a doo...which personally I never will....I would not hesitate to take this particular model.....as it does the job!! I sharpen the needles to a finer point....adjust the speed to suit.....and as said...job done! You can pick one up for about £50 in good working order....robust....ready in an instant....aaaand those tunes that need an extra rev or less a rev or two.......sorted!!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  17. ...it was the first time I had been to a nighter....took speed.....and dance all night! I danced to 'Too Many People' 3 times as i;d never heard it and was blown away!.....! Never played the record throughout my time personally....but that's what happened!x My goal when leaving was to use some of my spare time to revive that kind of experience back 'ome! We did....and I then set my sights on Keele itself! But Neil who promoted it then....ensured I never achieved my 'ultimate' dream! For the next 7 years folk went up to him....30+ in a night and asked 'when is Sooty getting a spot'....and he held his reasoning! I am accurate with me figures cos i'd send 20 + to ask the question....!hehe!x Little Scotty and Mick Lyons took up the excitement instead and took me to Blackburn where I became a virtual in house DJ for several years having the last hour to get mine and dancers rocks off! Happy days and I thank all those who went on that 'journey'....it was a buzz.....X You'd have jumped on me 17 seater G....and we'd have had a 'craic'.....I reckon!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  18. ...Hi Gareth.....we just missed each other mate!x My first attendance to a proper gig was Keele xmas doo 1992....which inspired me to promote our first Soul Night for Easter 1993!x I should qualify my comment mate.....I have never had an opinion on boots...CD's...or LPs.....! It's all irrelevant to me in the grand scale! It was a tongue in cheek comment as I recall some DJ's frowning upon LP spinners! It all made me smile then....and still does!x Keep spinning whatever makes YOU happy!x 45's do it for me....LP's I forget to change the knob as i've never been 'technical' with me DJing....so for simplicity I stuck to singles...at 45rpm...a safe speed!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X My all time favourite LPs which I can listen too anytime??? Holst Planet suite!x The 1812 Overture comes a second best especially with real canons with Beethoven's Pastural symphony coming 3rd!x EDIT:....Citizen P... Paul Harris's local do at Bradford Brookesy's local do at Burscough Sid Jones's local do at Denton Derreck's local do at Bury/Prestwich Our own local do at Rochdale....... ...and... However, BIG NAMES and BIG NIGHTS Do not guarantee the BEST NIGHTS... Len and myself are 'converted' to your ethos and opinion Citizen P!x I went to all the major nighters in the 90's. Keele...Blackburn...100 Club....Winsford....Stockport...Bretby....The Ritzy and The Ritz....and others! I DJ'd at them all except the Ritz and Keele. The best one enjoyed by the majority of Soulies at the time??? 'Ours'...when re-launching St Ives! NO 'big names' just 9 'selected' Soul Club representatives at each gig....a 'peoples' doo! No ego's or 'mates' malarky...or owt! It was the only A/Nighter that oranges segments would arrive at your table at 2/3am too for refreshment of all! After trekking to all venues...sussing out 'the people'....we gave them what they wanted......job done! I may be bias as will Len i'm sure as we were pivotal in making that happen along with Shifty...Kings Lynn crew...Boston....Peterborough and 'local' to us doos promoters. The list you provide above would have featured 'collectively' on one of our nights no problem! The only requirements we had was that you'd been to the venue....was a promoter....and ideally danced too! I felt it a 'reward' for those promoters who back then weren't really appreciated by the 'moguls' and indeed it ensured several new 'names' came onto the scene too! It was revolutionary at the time....and explains why we walked into venues with 50-100 people when venturing up t'norf for 'time out' at other gigs!!!x Such 'power' did influence others....and we forced our way onto what was becoming a stale system! That happening was a major part of the resurgence of the scene in the 90's.....!x Proud of my part in that as i'm sure Len....Shifty and many others who 'wos there' will confirm too!x My 'reward'....presented to me by Ady Croasdell on behalf of the said happy Soulies as a token of their appreciation...which is still proudly displayed in a house which I rent out to Celebs as a 'safe house'! It always generates 'chat' about the Northern scene....and i'm proud to tell all about it.................your welcome!x @@ ~ Playing CD's...from a Laptop....or LP's....weren't part of the scrutiny! Being a 'Soulie' was the only qualification required......and they rammed it!x
  19. It was never discussed back then though was it mate? - It simply wasn't an issue.......and that is the difference to todays 'Scene'...... All the best, Len Fortunately Lenny it wasn't a distraction available to us vinyl junkies too true mate!x I do remember CD's coming into Soul Nights and generating debate....but that was it!x LUV SOOTY X I think the MP3 fingy has taken the spot that us 45rpm DJ's said about LP spinners.......ouch.....that's gonna kick off anuver chat....sorry Mike...i'm back!!!hehe!x @@ ~
  20. I better add me tuppence worth in this debate as I have said some 'direct' comment regarding vinyl in other threads....so i'll qualify it!x As a 'DJ'...out to entertain tthe masses....then yes.....at a wedding and stuff I may play 4/5 CD tracks as being current Chart toppers unavailable on vinyl UPON REQUEST...and play it to satisfy the folk....which £350 PAYS FOR.....my rate for a 12 hour non-stop doo if u start background music at around 2pm at a wedding reception till 2am finish! Cheap init! The pleasure is all mine!x However....at a Northern Doo.....or my understanding of Northern doo's....is like Pete....I would play vinyl only and on original.......BUT....at my soul nights I would have played re-issues as long as another guest DJ din't have the original!! I never ever played a tune at a gig if I knew a DJ had the full monty copy....out of respect...to their investment and to uphold what I thought was the 'ethos' among 'hard core' Soulies!x There is this 'hard core' element to address tho'! When on the scene throughout the 90's....I only ever DJ'd at 'hard core' functions.....! None of those venues /promoters or fellow DJs would have accepted CDs/MP3s....boots or re-issues....I recall! Or...one wouldn't have left the building without some 'chat' of a frowned upon nature being said! So...I never dared become part of that 'chat'!!hehe!x On that basis....perhaps I was spoilt or 'blinkered' as to my approach.....or put it another way...I feared any backlash!!x Today....if I was at a general gig as advertised in this thread.....I wouldn't have a problem! My focus would be on the DJ's selection!! When active....I drew upon around 300 records I had considered Northern. If I was using a laptop....which I never have and actually laugh when seeing general DJ's using them......most present a detached approach to 'entertaining' I have found....and none have ever danced behind the decks that i've witnessed!! Therefore...if I was at a Northern doo....and listening to a laptop......i'd expect it to be the most brilliant bestest night i'd have been too.......given the scope of music available to the said DJ! Anything less....would be a waste of my time or.....a reflection of a DJ who didn't have Northern at his or her heart!x On this occasion being discussed....the dance floor appeared busy...therefore I assume the DJ knew his laptop and folders....and had Soul....somewhere!x Not offended or feel it 'wrong' to use a laptop....but......for me.....it will never happen! I LOVE flipping thru me tunes...looking for the next tune to play.....know every ridge in the run in grooves....and know every word as it spins....to any of my collection!! I haven't found a laptop DJ that has the same feeling or enthusiasm when searching folders!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....dis-claimer! About 15 years ago.....I went to a friends 60th at a Scout Hut in a village outside Cambridge. A Scout leader and his 2 young kids were doing the DJing....from a laptop! Nobody had danced....and it was 10-10.15pm...with the doo ending at 11.30pm! So....I hi-jacked them....! Went on stage and the man was sweating profusely! I said I was a DJ.....and knew the type of stuff these 40/50/60 year olds wanted! He had been playing current chart toppers from CD or Laptop...for 3 hours...with no response!! I said....if I name a tune....could you cue it up!!! He said...no....shouted...."NO PROBLEM"....and made way for me as his saviour!!hehe!!! I asked for 'Baby Love'....to kick off....I took the microphone....and announced 'let's dance'.....and this poppy/disco.....worst ever version of Baby Love kicked off.....!!! But....the floor rammed wiv handbag crowd....they'd been frustrated for 3 hours init!! It got better from there! Hi Ho Silver lining and Hit The Road Jack all came piling in....and we wos away! Now I have to say this...cos it's true! It was one of the bestest enjoyable times I DJd'! Those who have witnessed me doing me thing....know I play every instrument and dance as 'standard'! Me air guitar of I'm A Believer i've got down to a fine art....and the piano rendition during Great Balls of Fire has never missed a key! On this occasion.....I was able to dance...play....chat....and just enjoy 'djing'.....whilst others searched the tunes! Perhaps that is me way forward when in me old peoples home at the xmas party i'll host.........at some point in the future!x @@ ~ Bottom line.....If i thought I couldn't 'entertain' successfully with my record collection....whatever genre....I wouldn't offer me services. Overall...I have never needed to go to CD....or MP3....at ANY gig...by choice. I would consider it an insult to every piece of vinyl and singer I have amassed!x
  21. Morning!x Whilst being away for a while...my partner decided to get me a pressy from the Boot Sale for my return! Now...I collect my own records as I don't know wot i'm gonna get next!! But...through general chats my partner Abs knows a few key records i'm still seeking on me travels! One of them being Ernie Tennessee Fords 16 Tons original....on a 45rpm....! I have it on a 78....and on an 'old gold' re-issue which i've used for nearly 20 years when DJing on the occasion it needed playing! That's testiment to my liking for the tune...but also for the 'rareity' of it on an original 45rpm....when seeking it via a Boot Sale! So...it's been on me top 10 'wants'....for 20 years! That is what Abs knows. She found it last week-end....! I returned on Wednesday and couldn't wait for this 'surprise' which I would be excited about.....so It was said! I got the tune in me hands.....and couldn't believe the copy....clean label....middle still intact....in fact as good as one could expect for a near on 60 year old piece of vinyl!...But..hang on.....it sez 1965......whereas the tune was done in 1955.......errrr.......! So...on the deck it goes for its first ever spin....and this was what I heard....for the first time ever...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jhA5zUonNw .......it's the 'Go-Go' version apparently!! I've since read about it....but....nobody who is selling it sez 'it ain't 'it'....!!!! I have been here before as i'm sure some of you have! Two Northern/soulful tracks I have been pursuing caught me out so to speak! The first time this has happened was with a luvly tune I came across whilst visiting a friend who collects Jazz! He played me Brook Bentons 'Kiddio'....powerful....catchy.....marvellous accompaniment.....just had to have one! I've had 3 copy's to date....not 1 of them sounds as good as my mates 'original' 'promo copy'!!! indeed...all 3 copy's on different releases sound different and he sings it different....none of them being as good as the promo!!! POOOOOO!!!! The nearest I have got to my preferred version is this copy.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCqF57f6fm0 The second great Soul swindle was Garnet Mimms....As Long As I Have You.....! I had it on the Warm n Soulful album for a while.....and went after the single...got it....but it weren't! It was a 'live' version of it! £30 AND me warm n soulful album down the swanny about 18 years ago....and a box of Kleenex to go wiv it....sigh...! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc2y9X08tN8 As far as Ernie Fords 'Go-Go' version.....yup....it's 'nice'......but not BRILLIANT....me feels!x My partner was dis-appointed it weren't 'it'.....but delighted she'd only paid £1 for it......! It's going in me collection for musical chairs and stuff....and have added to me knowledge base as a consequence which is all good......aaaand found this whilst doing me research on the tune....which was a joy.....and dedicated to my partner and all you well meaning Ladies who look after us fellas.....or try too!!!!!hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSpcsKpn6h0
  22. If you would like a CD of my play lists just drop me a PM. Thanx Tracey for your kind offer....X However....I do not have 1 Northern Soul CD....!!! I have 1 scratched one which was left in a limo about 18 months ago by some Soulie friends! It sticks on track 5 and I use it to test me CD decks in me music 'shack'......when I have guests! That's it....I have never ever listened to music in a car...or in me houses for the past 10/12 years!......or anywhere other than when I am going to a do! I have had to listen to ALL kinds going off in the back of me vehicles over 25 years....be it Northern....Disco...Jungle...Hip Hop....Rave....or Grease...Mamma Mia and ABBA's greatest for the umpteenth time.......all I want to do is listen to people talking....'normal'.....!x Send me a list of your top 20 tunes Tracey...and i'll gladly chase them up with me cuppa on Utube.....but it would never hit me CD decks......I just use them for kids musical chairs games and stuff at family parties.....EVERYTHING I play...or listen too....is on vinyl...or on Utube.....and I stick to it.....it's me hobby!x Besides....every time I put me needle on em....it slides off.....!!x Mad invention mefinks......I bought a Betamax video player and learneded then to bide me time for the next bestest fingy that's popular.....and nowts beat vinyl yet....for me!x!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  23. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Knew it......pah!!!x I've either matured or on different drugs...!x Had that for 7/8 years and played it everywhere....Cottons in Stockport was always a joy for it!x I musta played it to meself.......but honest......when I utubed it....it's as if it wos the first time i've ever heard it....! Mad stuff!x As said Tracey....thanx for the re-education...X..and thank u Romulus for ensuring I felt like a Celtic peasant.....hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....Veni...Vidi....and forgot wot I had dun and heard!!!x @@ ~
  24. ....being a Gentleman I spotted your thread Tracey....and thanx for the education!x Only knew 5 of them....3 of which would make my set anyday...Sunday....Justine Washington and Nancy Butts!x 'Quality' music all round and given the occasion and time I think those priviliged to hear the sets were priviliged...x Thanx for sharing Tracey...X LUV SOOTY X .....never heard the Jelly Beans tune......but took their 'stomper' around the UK with me throughout the 90's....yet enjoyed this mellow side too....nice 1!x Don't tell me it wos the B side??!!...?!x @@ ~ ...fella's....wot do we know??...hehe!x I know u got 'Soul' Tracey....and that's good enuff for me...and hopefully for you!x
  25. WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!! Found me a nuggett.....a BIG one!!!x I don't do LP's as i've explained in this thread....but....on occasion....there is only the LP! This is one of those occasions. It is so momentous....it will go into my LP collection gathered over 40 years since being given Gene Pitneys Big Sixteen in 1970 for me 11th birthday.....and now total 9 LPs.......so......it is 'mega' to join such a 'rare' collection!!! I went looking for it about 5 years ago....and it has eluded me since....unless I wanted to pay £100+ for the original....which I didn't...! A 45...yeah....cos i'll play it....but an LP...would sit with Gene for the next 35 years really!! But I have found it.....for £10 yesterday at a boot sale!!!!!! It pi**es over anything heard at Glastonbury done by 'the originals' i'm sure! It also exposes how very little was done to it by those who have more 'verve'...! Here it is...! Done in 1966 by the then Manager of the Stones...Andrew Loog Oldham just before they went to the USA and went under Bert Berns/Russells 'influence'!! Although all are listenable too on a chill out Sunday afternoon...my 3 best tracks are Satisfaction...Play With Fire....with 'The Last Time'....being the ultimate...which none of you can say can be bettered......shirley????!!! https://play.spotify.com/album/26knLyb6ZpI9eUyMvjOrUh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1nvAeoq9Yc You can see why Richard became a 'dick'....and got nowt for his troubles....init!x Sometimes...the 'original' can't be bettered I feel....and when thinking about it.....for them to come up with Bitter Sweet after 30 years of 'thinking' about it.....then it's pretty 'lazy' really.....whilst being 'momentous' and uplifting all the same....like the original....I reckon!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60qB_1M3koY Off to find some more 'nuggetts'...have a happy day.....!x LUV SOOTY X I got this in a collection early 1993....and had never heard the 'vocal'....and played it at my Soul Nights....but was told by 'old school' there was no such record???...But I had it in me hands....!! SUPER addition...as was The Verves vocal....but this effort blows the Verves addition away... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ1Fb4JsRZE as does this....for 'comparison'.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx3Ys0ldsxw .......and blew me away when hearing the end vocal result.....which Bittersweet still can't 'hit' me like these 'additions'! Wot do you all think?!x @@ ~

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