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Everything posted by Sooty

  1. Personally I look forward to anything relating to the scene...and this film i've read about is one of them!x I have no foundation to reflect upon as my only involvement in 1975 was to attend a local school Youth Club on a Friday night aged 14 1/2 and heard Northern played which was all new to me! The Champion...The Snake...Pain in My Heart.....James Fountain/Bounty....all vivid memories still...but that's it! I didn't go to a proper Northern doo until 1992 my first Kelle A/N which was xmas....and a fantastic memory in which I recall Keith Minshull having an influence on that night from my perspective!!x So...he has been 'entertaining' successfully to that point for 20+ years...and did the job for my next 7 or 8 being full on whenever our paths met behind the decks!x Well done Keith...time served...!x As for authenticity....I have read the discussions about the film since joining SS. I can only say this and agree with the post above that we all have different memories of the past! I saw the new Lady Di film recently. Watched it twice in my privacy. I was there at Southport when she broke down in tears at a Charity function. I know the truth of that day....from my perspective. Does the film reflect my truth? Nope...it reflects another truth....those who were onlookers and not participants to events. From that recollection...everything is as was perceived and reported Globally. So...we all have different 'truths' about an event....and we all can be right!x A recent re-acquaintance with an old school friend going back to '75-77 has enlightened me more as to how 'selective' we are with our memory's too! He has recounted numerous events to me latley about our happy days together....that I have completely forgot....and wouldn't have remembered the occasions as he has! Indeed it made me feel sad that some of my friends happiest moments for him....were forgotten completely by me...yet he beleived we had 'shared' them! Perhaps if we'd have gone to Wigan during our friendship....I may have clapped because of the 'euphoria' I was in irrelevant of the crowd or song....and he wouldn't have clapped because he'd be off outside before the tune finished for anuver smoke......or summink! He said he'd been at that since those days....which i never knew....until 35 years later!x So chill with 'the detail' as such I would suggest!x However....'factual' comment as offered by Pete S is also valid....and of interest to me as I know how things can be forgotten......and it is good to have a record of sorts to refer too....and not rely on others interpretations as 'fact'...be they film makers or punters who where there....yet possibly non compus mentis at the time???!!!hehehex @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X P.S....when thinking about it....I have always clapped a DJ after I have danced to a tune! Besides dancing to show my respects to his choice of music I automatically feel like thanking them for it too! Yeah....always done it and would have done in 1975! Not many people have that impact on my life to take control of it and make me do things that go against my better judgement! I am the one who has had to deal with the collateral such 'control' brings on the Monday....and nobody is around to put deep heat or owt on my aches and pains!!! Self flagellation...and I applaud the folk encouraging me.....!....mad mefinks....but true!x @@ ~
  2. I nipped into a restaraunt today to see a friend for 5 minutes...whilst waiting my partner Abs witnessed this squirrel scurrying back and forth from a tree to the right with 2 of these...greengages??...Plums??!...in it's mouth at a time!!x It had made about 5/6 trips in the five minutes I was gone! Captured on her Iphone and whilst I moan that they are ott for peoples needs as far as cameras go.....perhaps I am willing to concede on this occasion the resolution did give us more insight than perhaps my Kodak throw away may have done....!x @@ ~ 4 years ago I parked my classic BMW735I in a driveway at a Country bolt hole I have. It was there throughout the summer and didn't move. After about 4 months I had the need to go into the boot....opened it....and couldn;'t bellieve my eyes......it was full....10/12 conkers deep......3 wheel barrow fulls!!! I estimated it must have taken them weeks at the time....but.....considering how busy this one was......I believe that could have been achieved in 2/3 days?!x Nature....never ceases to amaze....init?!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...the conkers were level with the badge.....!x
  3. "we have just this minute, come from a emergency meeting with the easington wefare committee, and from now on the welfare have agreed to put a security on the door,one to start with,then see if we need two..& a sign will be going up, no addmittance after 11pm.." Bob...X I had a Pub as part of my business interests several years ago. I had nowt to do with it really....just supported a good friend. Part of what I did do as a consequence was to attend the Pub Watch meetings and understand stuff from that perspective. Based on that involvement and experience gathered...I would suggest 10.30 last entry! That extra half hour is when the 'chamcers' looking for more beer...will 'go for it'! When promoting anything...I am focused on the followers....be it Soulies...or a wedding disco on an evening! If they are going...and are 'family'...Soulies....then they'd be there 9.30...10 at the latest. Finishing @ 1am?? Why would anyone want to get there at 11....to hear just 2 hours?.......folk don't turn up at weddings that late....! Done over 300 'party's' in me time and they....including the dipsticks...are there by 10......! So....be proud.....IT'S A NORTHERN SOUL NIGHT.....GET IN. Personally....I would be looking to close me doors 10.30 latest....and lett he party commence! From a group dynamics point of view....it lets folk relax....feel amongst their own....and know it ain;t gonna be hi-jacked! I watch folk at functions.....and they are creatures of habit and like to cuddle really! My type of doo!x Whilst I am suggesting it for you as you are assessing your approach....it ain;t a bad approach for any Northern function! Be there...or pi** off.....PAAAAAARTYYYYYY!!!!! Ity worked for us our way anyway.....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X p.s....Dave Evison....!x What's he like???? Is he getting his slippers on already?????!!!!hehe!x He was the one who I let eat my time up the most when taking over!!! I;'d always let him play an extra 2...! He'd turn to me and say he's putting 1 more on...on the hour.....and then i'd say....do anuver Dave.....and his face would light up with joy instead of apologising for his last one!!! Luv'd seeing him like that!!x Luvly fella and a joy to share the decks with anytime...X I'll get him a pipe for chrimbo.....!!hehe!x @@ ~
  4. Hi Bob...X Well done on your successful Soul Nights and time dedicated to serving the people....which goes beyond that night I know!x I made a comment in this thread that I never allowed any drunks into any of my functions I was responsible for. Perhaps being sold out at my Soul Nights prevented such happenings over the 5 years I did them monthly!Like you....in 7/8 years of trekking every week-end through the 90's...I never once saw a fight....or had th-*+-e need to address undesirables. It's one of the things that attracts me to the scene....no bo**ox. can see how on this occasion logistics weren't able to cover the dilemma...and sh*t happens!x Your response and approach is more than adequate for any Promoter and indeed this should not in any way represent or reflect your 12 years of sincere effort as gleamed from your post!x Respects mate and I would gladly go toa do promoted by anindividual with your ethos and passion...X Thanx for sharing and have a good un next time...X LUV SOOTY X ...security? Russ...when doing functions around my way...and all Councils have their own approach......but usually it is 1 security guard=50 people! However....when you throw Northern Soul in there....the response I had from Police and Councils back in the day....was that 2 would suffice...at St Ives...with up to 1200 in there at iits peak! Raves?? My mate put on a function at the St Ivo when we were doing our A/Ns.....he had to have 20 bouncers for 800 folk....or no license.......!x Chalky did make a serious point too.....which should underpin all dooos!x A 'promoter'...isn't a Soulie...DJ...or dancer....first and foremost. You willsee Ady....Little Scotty....Len......welcoming Soulies and having an eye on things....at all times...first and foremost!x It is your responsibility as a Promoter to do just that. Anything else is a bonus! Did I enjoy St Ives??? Nope...not really! My 10 hours was usually spent making sure everyone else was ok! I may have had a dance or two...and had a spot to finish the night.....but even those spots weren't me at me best'...as I weren't 'there' as I would have been at other peoples doo's! In fact I did take myself off some of my functions to concentrate on ensuring the night was a success! So Bob....if applying Chalkys point to your scenario....perhaps you should have forgone your spot?!x Harsh mate I know....but....priorities!x It's a valid criticism but given your track record.....and the circumstances....nobody can condemn you for it mate....but.....because you weren't 'on it'....as you say....it was 'sods law'.....!x A good thread and hopefully serious food for thought to improve punters...and the scenes nights...with lessons...albeit harsh ones...to be learnt....I reckon!x Don't take my word for the doormans approach to your nights....listen to one.....!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScggtRF2lsI .....erm....and whilst we were talking...2 heads crept in........possibly the 2 pi** heads...........simply done init/!x @@ ~
  5. As a punter....hated them around on the few occasions they were allowed in to gigs during my tour in the 90's. As a promoter....I never ever took anyones money for the money. It was a Soul night...for Soulies. I don;t know any genuine Soulies who go to a doo to be a drunken idiot.....and never had one dare attempt to come thru my doors! I'd have ooofed em out personally....end of!x LUV SOOTY X
  6. ....bu**er me Ady...that must be twice you've felt like an idiot in your life.....!!! Now...and when i;d finished me first spot at yours....shirley...???!!!..hehe!!!x Super stuff mate....am all ears...X LUV SOOTY X I swopped me Lester Tipton on Grapevine at Blackburn one night....walked in all excited.....got this dealer rush up to get me to hear this 'new' tune...an instrumental.....and he said it is raaaare...and it'd be awesome for that night to spin!! A straight swap he said.....I had the whole Grapevine collection....and he wanted Lester or Al....and I let him have Lester for a straight swap after i';d heard it on headphones! I played it during me set......got away with it...sounded awesome....and went home! That was about '96! Well...the next week....I went to a Boot Sale. I found a record by the same group on my instrumental......and so I turned it over....and there it was.......on the B! The tune? Train To Nowhere...The Champs....B side of Tequila........and.......and...I see it for 20p EVERY WEEK since at boot sales. I hope your moment of idiocy doesn't haunt you like mine has...........siiiiighhhhh......every flippin' week i'm reminded....not fair....it just ain't!hehe!x @@ ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgd17TXJ93M ....the only person going anywhere was the dealer steaming off wiv me Lester......poo!!!hehe..X Folk did dance tho'....they did...!x...and this won't change......!x
  7. ....sorry for the delay Tony...been away but it's clear your still enjoying yourself mate!!!x Nice 1...!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  8. Well I never Roger!!!x I have just seen a tune on your list that I think I bought off you in the 90's....!x Hope you are well....and great to see you still 'at it'!x Many happy nights spent sharing the decks with you Roger and certainly you were responsible for much of my aches and pains on a Monday morning due to your tunes.....awesome mate!x Now...the tune...!x Johnny Noble — You’re So Smooth — Veep £20.00!! I think I paid £15 for it in the 90's...! But....whilst it was a personal favourite....I only ever spun it once at a do!!! At the same time....I got another tune in a similar vein....Educated Fool...Billy Storm...and it went down a storm wherever I played it! Then I got the Richard Berry Have Love.....and...and....it just kept getting knocked back! Each time I wanted to put the Johnny Noble on....but went for the 'obvious'....thru customer demand...whimped it!x Seeing the tune reminded me of those days....and thought i'd share it with you!x Thanx for the inspiration and education mate...and in my opinion...your smooth...I reckon!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuJ_jgtBSvQ ...I aslo got the Precisions...'if This is Love'...on your recommendation...!!! It was 'ok' I thought.....but played it....and to be perfectly honest....in '94/5...it was the biggest requested tune from the people who came to dance to me stuff......as said.....reaaaal smoooth u is...thank you!!!x @@ ~
  9. R U RAVING MAAAAAD TOC????!"!!!hehehe!!!x They ain't mine mate...they is Shifty's!!!x But as we've bumped his hits up by 50% there may be a deal in the pipeline...!x If I sell up me Northern...how am I gonna do the 6th.......unless u got a karaoke......never done it....but I will give it a go!!! No probs!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....give him a call Toc...he'll post it!x He'll tell u I nearly killed him whilst trekking around in a mini bus....but I swear...it wos only once...the other 2 times weren't my fault....honest!x @@ ~ ....u eat me out of house n home....kick me kids outta their beds so u can doss....and now I'm earning ure keep...........20 years of it....when will it end........sighhhh.....X @@ ~
  10. ...erm...wot about this then?! Are Re-Edits And Mash Ups Killing Soul Music? ...my mate Pete...a.k.a Zombie Boy record Producer....new to Northern.....is genuinly keen on your opinions....!x Me...not bothered on opinions on music really...I think it's brill....and music is a 'personal' thing...however it is derived!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYzllwmxmEo I just called him to say bye for a few days and he asked what response we'd had to the Fred's Rap since I put it up above......and told him 'none'....! We both had a moment that if together....would have produced a 'let's roll one' moment....!!!!hehe!x But we ain't together...so he said offer you all more to reflect on...and satisfy his curiosity.....! He's put about 300 solid hours into it over a year....his genius he questions often....I don't!........!!x There are 8 more Soul/Northern based tracks he's sampled/mixed for pleasure too.....he's blown away with the 'energy' of the music...and he had his success with the rave scene in the 90's.....so Northern is 'on it'....is he?!x I look forward to reading honest comment upon my return....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  11. "Un-issued as a 45."................! What did I have Dave?! I swapped it with a Vicar called Tony in '95....!x LUV SOOTY X ...and thinking about it....it could have had 1973 written on the date by hand! Had somebody Emidisced it or summink? I am ignorant of these things! It had plain uncut vinyl on the back and was heavy!x
  12. Steve Chadwick....? Len? I think he came along towards the end of the 90's....and had him DJ at a Soul Night.....i'm sure I did! Perhaps at the Duke 'rare' 50 capacity venue? Dunno how I met him....or where he'd come from....but he came to our St Ives and a few gigs around Cambridgeshire I recall....and yup....I remember he had some tunes too!x LUV SOOTY X I did a laser copy of a shrine tune...put it on a piece of vinyl....showed it quickly to a couple of 'key' folk close to me at the time......on a Tuesday evening I recall! No mobile phones back then.....but by the time I went to DJ on Saturday at Hollinwood Working Mens Club and on to Blackburn A/N......EVERYONE was rushing up to me asking to see it.......!!! I did it to my mate Fudge....he always took the P and it was only ever a proper tune according to him if it was on a Shrine label or rarer.....!hehe!x He went for it.....and I sorted him....haha!x I gave it to him to frame.....he slung it outta the mini bus on the way back down the M6.........imagine some Soulie picking it up.....hehe!!!x @@ ~ Edit....Found it....!x 4th Anniversary bash.....had it at a venue that was closing down.....that night!!!! Supposed to have been a Soul Night finishing at 2am.....I did the supposing last hour.....and went thru till 8am....!.....cos the staff...owner....din't give a toss and were still dancing with each other at 7.45am....yet they'd never heard of Northern!!! A.super Anniversary for all! Was in 1999....the last S/N Anni doo I did.....happy days!x That's Tommy in the middle and what was the name of the lad to the right Len facing right? I think he came to all our does...!x Erm....who was Jim Ross?!!!! Honest...ain't got a clue who...or why...he's on the bill?! No memory of him whatsoever...yet he's on the bill that I sorted..........huh?!x Help?!x
  13. ...walks in......gets on knees....takes up subservient pose...avoids eye contact.....builds up courage and begs for forgiveness as I ask....'u gonna let me have that Edwin Starr 'My Kinda Woman' cos u love me and feel like blessing me or wot?!'x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....silence ensues and I lay waiting for my Guru to speak..............I am worthy..............!x
  14. Sorry to butt in Greg and u Gospel specialists...!!!!x I'm in need of your help!x I had a tune in the 90's on a studio acetate by Thelma Houston called 'Stealing In The Name Of The Lord'. Hand written and I think it was dated '74? It was done in an British recording studio too if I recall the info on the label....a kind of session spot it seemed? I loved it...her voice is awesome on it 'full on' and the tune has a real bouncy/happy 70's feel to it.....great all round! I played it twice on me travels as a personal choice among me set...it was that good!x Each year from '94 I made an 'anniversary tape' featuring the tunes i;d played around the UK and gave it to my Soul Night attendees for the Anniversary who may not have heard these tunes whilst I was all nightering it....I put it on there and have that here. However...I let the record go as it wasn't prominent in my play box for the job at hand I had Nationally.....so it went! I have looked for it on Utube......it's nowhere! The only copy I have found which is the tune is this....by Paul Kelly... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy7xhuTxZhM ...is the Thelma version 'rare'.....or wot.....?! Never heard or seen the record to this day since '95 until playing Pauls version just now!x Genuinly interested as I wouldn't mind getting that version again...!x LUV SOOTY X
  15. Found it on Fontana at a boot sale just outside of Grimsby en route to Louth about 8 years ago! Took a chance....50p......liked both sides and put it in me 60's blue eyed soul section of odds and sods! My Record Collector 2012 book sez £6.......!!! I learn something every day here on Soul Source!!x Thank you!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ..as for it being a 'rarity'....yup....never seen another one in 20+ years of boot sale searching!x It sits next to this which I found among a load of Country & Western singles in a junk shop in Hastings 10 years ago! They are 'there' as far as Northern........but.....but....I just can't put them into me Norvern stuff yet....and certainly not in me 100 playbox......but I do like them!x Spun for you Gareth for enriching my life....and me collection...!!!hehe!x @@ ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXDlB0NEdWQ
  16. .....hehe....Dekka.....ure a good poster and I enjoy your stuff mate......but your response here is unexpected....!x It has made me laugh tho'....so thanx for that!!!x @@ ~ Orotavo... On a personal level....fortunately I have never developed the desire to 'have one'...! I can afford any tune available on the scene or considered Northern.....without it being a drain on resources really....but choice is what has stopped me from doing so! My choice...is 'music'....and at the 100 Club or anywhere...I played £2 tunes next to £200 out of my box. I became the last DJ to finish the night at many A/Ns during the 90's....nobody wanted to follow me really...so had to dig deep.....but most left the forgotten tunes that were 'bread and butter' back in the day....which they left for me!x Soulies would wait 9 hours for it at some gigs...! The Ritz....which I never did.....I could have followed any DJ with £2ers and had it away.....tis in the groove....not pocket for me!x I did witness 2 'serious' situations which are akin to gambling/addiction which led to financial ruin. In essence...the guy got £100k redundancy money.....within 3 months he'd spent most of it on records..........the other on drugs........and he went to heaven happily within 18 months of the windfall......RIP P...X The records were sold by his family for about half of what had been paid a year earlier..........and they went to Disney for 6 weeks and blew it all within 2 months of returning. The 2nd was a mate who decided to collect the British Motown series....from No1 as they do! Over 4 years I see him lose his job...then wife...then kids.....as his 'addiction' ran away with him. He still has them....and waits for someone to pop round to see them on his front room shelves of the dingy flat he has after his Mrs threw him out of their 3 Bedroomed house 20 years ago. He smokes pot all day and plays X Box or makes Airfix type models! I saw a thread about such things last week.....but didn't add anything as my mate whom i'm talking about has 8,000+ unmade kits....in his flat.....!! I see them regularly.....and know loads about em thanx to my mate! We was in the Air Cadets together '74....and we made them back then together....he's never stopped....indeed had a model shop in the 80's/90's but frittered the profits on tunes!! The stock from his shop he lost has graced his flat for 20 years.....!!!. He's dead proud of his model kits as he is his Motown......and he has me......and that's it really these days!x We knew each other at school and were good mates before I went in kids homes. We didn't see each other until i started promoting Soul Nights in the 90's 20 years later. By then....it was too late to salvage his family situation or his potential...he'll tell you that himself....like all mature addicts will!X Whilst i'm here....whoever it is mentioned as 'collecting/trading' model kits....then my mate would love to talk to them!!!! I mentioned the thread to him...he don't do the net....and he got all excited and would love to sell a few hundred or trade!!!!! I wasn't going to get involved as i've been busy....but...i'll gladly put you both in touch with each other and u can trade away!x He'll spend the money on weed.....he has the Motown collection he required I understand....at some cost......obviously!x However....the models are up for sale.....not records!....that's still his first love....and possibly last!x @@ ~ I hope those stories satisfy your curiosity on whether folk have 'blew it' on tunes Orotava!x LUV SOOTY X ...a tune for u Dekka.......for making me laff...!x @@ ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1E-wcMUdvU
  17. They don't do em like they did Mark...I was told that in 1994 from folk who were about in the 70's....!x Glad I weren't about back then.....I would have died.......wiv a smile and back flip....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  18. Many happy nights in Stockport Paul throughout the 90's. Lots of locals piled in and made many friends your way...X I wish you every success with the concept and it deserves support from all....super idea...X I would gladly support a future night with pleasure for free as an old 'outsider'!x LUV SOOTY X I still use this today as me main middle if me fingers are picking me nose or summink....!x Presented on an Anniversary Night which was another fantastic memory...I think....!X @@ ~
  19. ...my first ever A/N...Keele....xmas '92....and danced to 'Too Many People' by Bobby Goldsboro 3 times as it wos spun 3 times!x Never erd it! Indeed I ain;t heard most of what I heard that night...yet all 'obvious' to the majority I suppose!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Dis-claimer.....erm...anuver first was me taking 5 script dexis cos I wos told that would help me get thru the night by me mate....who spent the rest of the night laffing at me...?!!........i'd have danced to Bobby at 4pm Sunday afternoon too I think......and the mrs weren't laffing at 11pm Sunday night either!!!...!x I figured 3 wos suffice after that! Heeeey....perhaps new promoters should give free dex.................or perhaps thats a utopian night....or Wigan...!hehe!x Right or wrong....I had a happy night and will never forget it...no regrets...!x Let's spin it for old times sake...!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk-4xXijocw
  20. I agree with all....some stuff cannot be improved upon.......however.........at ure mercy's....!x @@ ~ ...pop.... The original.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0TQ2lSXxyo ...our remix.......... https://www.matso.tv/zoots/bumblebeesnrudeboys.mp3 ...and Soul wise..this cannot be bettered....I know...me hairs on me arms tell me so 35 years after first hearing it.....but.....but.....our remix has its place in me heart too.....!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdEap9c7sU8&list=TLzNx1Xan4aXCixa97l5Abtxg6ErE6eWIz LUV SOOTY...& ZOMBIEBOY...a.k.a The ZOOTS COLLECTIVE! XX
  21. As a promoter in the 90's...I sat with my local Constabulary over a coffee and 'talked' with them about my plans for The Maltings and St Ives. It was a mature debate with real 'street wise' chat used and shared. It comes with looking for an A/N license! The Cambs DS had no interest in 'policing' Northern Soul gigs....end of. The St Ivo manageress was the same one who was there in the 70's to witness the 'reality'. She endorsed my view wholeheartedly. The scene...Nationally...has had this approach from Law Enforcement of this kind. You are considered 'mature'....and 'sensible' with drug use. Like anything...it's there to use or abuse....and Soulies have developed a decent track record over the years of positive use....is my understanding. Doormen Nationwide love you too.....!x Jack would be proud of us all....on the whole...I reckon!x LUV SOOTY X
  22. ...let's sing in harmony....!x @@ ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyzlCH3Z2HU LENS LUVCHILD X
  23. I started small....Soul Night holding about 120-50 comfortably. We played all and it didn't seem a problem when only 8/10 were dancing to the then unreleased Carla Thomas 100 Club Anniversary single 'I'll Never Stop Loving You'....which 20 years later i'm sure is considered a 'classic' and would interest 90% today!!!x As a collective...several Soul Clubs 'united' to provide a bigger night for all. That venue was The Maltings...it held 350 'officially'. We maxed that out at the first and each one of 3...! Shifty who was a 'newbie' then DJ'd his first A/N there.....played stuff that didn't hit the Ritz for another 2 years!!!! Some of it cleared the floor...I have it on tape....ohhhh yessss....and left about 20/30 dancing I recall......but didn't 'kill it'....! Therefore....it's about the 'quality'! If 10% ain;t dancing to the tune.....perhaps its the tune....!hehe!x The 'marketing' of the new night gives the impression too for what is expected.....here was ours! EVERY recordfeatured in print on the flyer....was among our collections collectively!!!!x However...if the venue you are describing is 'old school'....a 'Stomper' type of venue......then Norvern is wot I would expect.....hand bags and all! Keele...Kings Hall....all epitomise that kind of doo. The environment/design can dictate the folks reaction! When we went to St Ives as we'd outgrown The Maltings....we needed at least 50/100 on the dance floor to make sure 'negative' din't go out there Nationwide that it was a cr'p night/empoty dancefloor!!! Fortunately there was only Len that did that too us.....so 1 hour outta 10 was wivin the 10% allowable failures.....!(Luv u too mate...X!) @@ ~ Here is the first review of that first night....the one where the decks didn't come on until 2 minutes to go......! I've given a link to a bigger pic for those wanting to read it proper...X https://www.skooters.cc/images/manifesto.jpg The St Ivo became a predominantly top 500 jobbie....and rightly so. It's a 'rave' init....not geared up as a college or owt!x What I did do to satisfy those eager students was this....set up the smallest venue I could find! The Duke of Argyle in Cambridge! A room above a side streeted pub! Held max 50....dark....dingy....and the DJ could sit behind a booth with a hatch in front of them....which they could hide behind when tunes got reaaaaaal iffy!!!hehe!x To be sincere.....these nights were some of the best nights I had whilst being active throughout the 90's. I heard more tunes and learned more stuff at these nights than anywhere else in the UK. Horses for courses I suppose i'm saying Dean!x Choose your product....know the market interest....and find a suitable venue to 'flog it'....supply and demand!x Use the 10% rule for 'mixing it'....and I think Bob will be ure Aunt and u'll have a super night wherever!x The above tunes were played at that do in '95 to a packed....5/6/7/8 folk...dance floor....and EVERYONE enjoyed the music and occasion! Sold out months in advance!x DJ's from around the UK featured! The Manifesto report suggested a few 'big names' would assist in the promotion of my nights at the outset of the St Ivo...but I never used 1...in all my promotions. Yes some featured....BUT...it wasn't about them...and never needed any of their 'qdos'. My nights were to promote/reward new folk....new music...and 'togetherness' of all that had gone before. It worked. It was the blue print of the 'Togetherness' concept. Kev et al took on the wisdom of our experience gathered in the 90's....and invested it into Kings Hall after we'd finished. The only thing missing...is the newbie DJs/Soul Club involvement....oh.....and oranges!x Hopefully some thoughts for your future efforts Dean and u newbie promoters...X LUV SOOTY...Lens bestest mate....!x X @@ ~ For u folk with Business degrees and the like....figure this..... 10 hours....divided by 10 Soul Clubs=1 hour each. Initially....50 tickets to each Soul Club that usually accommodate 100+ at their own does to sell to their own!! Their investment meant this new network could capitalise on it. 10 x 50=500 folk in attendance.....irrelevant of the Nation....yawn. Ipso Facto....no marketing really required. Observe the masses....and do the opposite. It's a Sootification app...which a figure cannot be quantified for....sorry as ure equation won;t work without it...it's the X factor......I reckon!x @@ ~
  24. ...in defence of us 'amateurs' exposing our misfortunes...I offer this to those 'techies'!x St Ives A/N...re-launch '95. We came from the Maltings which held 350 'officially'.....and so I decided we needed bigger kit for the St Ivo venue with a hopeful 1,000 to kick it off! Brought in a now good friend upon recommendation! He came with big lorry 8pm...2 hours to go....4 helpers.....and asked me to stay outta the way as they set up on the stage! £400 worth of 'support' and it looked impressive! As back in the day.....a queue was forming outside our very first St Ives.......and we were due to open the doors at 10pm....yet no sound had come from the stage since the techies arrival with half hour to go! I wandered in.....leant against the stage arms folded head resting on them..........'any luck yet Chris?'....sez I innocently.......him sweating profusely....his lads running around checking stuff........he shouted...SOOTY I'M ON IT OK...???!!!!'.....and so left again to wander to the doors and wave confidently at friends in the queue....9.50pm..........not giving away any worry....kept smiling! 9.58.......go back to the stage......lean against it in standard non intimidating pose......Chris next to tears now.....silence......and I allowed myself a quick bury of my head into me arms.......as I did so.....I looked down and saw a socket on the front stage wall.....it had a plug in it.......coming from the stage! It was off........so I switched it on........and a warm...deep...re-assuring humm echoed around the room as the deck lights flickered on Chris's soaked forehead......!!! Chris looked up from the deck.........asked 'WTF DID U DOOOO???'.....I said....'turned the mains on'.....! Doors opened....1146 Soulies poured in.....and I never lost a drop of sweat before 10pm.........I managed my 'stress' and danced looooads off afterwards in relief....! Techies.....pah!!!hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  25. Hi Ian...X Hope your well and thanx for your effort in putting the podcast together with us SS folk in mind!x I don't know the history betwixt ureself and this site....and tbf...I ain't interested either. However....don't be too harsh on us 'all'! I'm an independent and speak as I find. I appreciate your time served and again thank you for your tunes that impacted my life in a positive way....such as Weakspot...LJ...Chuck.....and The Exciters....all bread and butter stuff to me back in the mid 70's....happy days...!x However...as a 'neutral' i've paid you the courtesy of listening to your podcast....a rareity as I don't do music....only when playing it meself!x In fact I possibly upset a lovely Lady in here a few weeks back by not accepting her kind offer of sending me her DJ CD....cos I don't listen to music other than at dooes!! Therefore....consider yourself privileged from that perspective!x I scooted through it....and The Startones....Loving You....was me nugget.....end of!x Perhaps i've been spoilt! There is a guy around Cambridge way called Chris Brown. He was DJing aged 15 at our Youth Club circa '75....and went into local Commercial Radio and has had huge success with 'soul' over the years as a DJ Nationwide However....like your podcast.....Chris went mad for the 70's....after loving the 60's....and followed the 'modern' course throughout the past 30 years really. Most of what I heard on your podcast.....had his 'sound' throughout! Unfortunately....not my thing!x Too laid back for me to listen or dance too most of it! I flirted with the Funk scene but was never a 'floater' as far as Soul goes......ar*e kicking stirring stuff....is 'soul' to me! It also reminds me of 'session' stuff that i've heard much of.......recylced recycling...in my mind!x Forgive me basic vocabulary but I don;t know the proper music critique terms!x 10 years ago you said to me that you considered it important to 'entertain' the crowd and not play 'rareities' to each other.....on that basis....I look forward to what you consider 'Northern'...obscure or mainstream.....and would give you the courtesy of listening to it with pleasure...X LUV SOOTY X .....as a side point mate.....you must luv this site really...! It motivated u to put at least 5 hours of your time together for it....!x Direct motivation only comes with feeling Ian....and its appreciated by me whatever....without passion.....it's pointless.....X @@ ~

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