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Everything posted by Sooty

  1. "A lot of us don't want to be associated with that view of what the scene is. It's never been about tat merchandise, line dancing steps by numbers or a ridiculous uniform and I don't like the fact that the once private, cool and secret scene image has been hijacked and booted out of the window by people who don't even care." Try being brown in a white society....AND a Northern Soul fan...!x Never worn baggies when it wos 'in'....yes worn a badge when we printed our Soul Club one on a Fred Perry in the 90's....but have never danced like 'Northern Soul' but do me own thing....and happy with it!x It still don't stop folk suggesting in my nearly 40 years of following the scene/music that I like The Snake...do back flips....and wear Levi's tops and Crombies......oh and have a beer towel around me waist!x So....when being called a Paki....which I ain't...or a Black B....as I ain't...i'm a brown one.....then I am reminded that 'sticks and stones will break my bones....but words will never hurt me'....unless said by someone whose whacked me on the head first for being a Paki and saying and adding 'and Norvern Soul is sh*te and the Snake goes on too long'....whilst i'm recovering to consciousness!!!!...which has never happened to a Soulie as yet....I don't think?!x We choose our influences by Channel. I doubt anyone watching a 'Cultured' show...on BBC 2....will have been mobilised to react like the Kyleite Brigade can passing the cider and butts around whilst being mesmerised by the spectacle of embarressment....! If there are any....they'll announce themselves on Facebook rather than face to face....and from my persepctive...they can come visit......the tune below sez it all......init!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjbXnUzP-mU
  2. During my intense learning curve in the 90's...I only came across 1 person who was on a 'script' for Dexadrine,,,,and I'd known him 3 years before me first all-nighter and I had never taken any! He said it would help me stay up all-night! He weren't wrong and it served me well during the next 8/9 years when I needed such support. Being the last DJ on at a Nighter....ritually at Tony's Empress......and being 'with' the people all night dancing meant I needed to be 'on it'....all night as it were! 3 would suffice me without causing grief to anyone through waffling and the like! Unfortunately It didn't do my good 'soul mate' that service anymore after 20 years of daily use. By the time he knecked his last 5 each night....to make his prescribed dose of 60.....YES...60 a day.....he was ready for kip....and slept like a baby. He liked 'Soul' with Geno and Edwin being his guru Soul idols...and indeed friends of his!! He flirted with Northern but veered off towards Pink Floyd/Hendrix as many 'original' Mods did from the 60's! His story I have touched on in SS before... he was prescribed 60 since the early 70's....and managed to manage himself to require 40 a day.....and swapped the rest for weed.....the only thing that gave him a 'hit'.....! He passed away several years back as his bodily functions caved in eventually. He was a victim of the good work the NHS/Research does. After being paralysed in a scooter accident in the mid 60's aged 15/16....he became a 'guinea pig' for researchers at Stoke Mandeville. During his lengthy coma they had him on a 'speed' drip to assist his body during the 'sabbatical' the coma induced. When leaving in a wheelchair in 1970....he was given a token script to compensate his need for it which he'd developed....naturally! After a few months....he was caught with 1/2lb of gear of sorts trying to get Amphetamine to support his addiction! The Judge in his wisdom ordered he be re-assessed for his addiction.....and afterwards was prescribed...60.....a day.....until his early death in the Mid 2000's.....RIP Dodge...X We travelled the Country together from 1990 to early 2000;s as football fans. Him driving at 90 cracking 5 dexys in 1 hand at a time everywhere AFTER i reminded him to slow down each time! Most Saturday afternoons were spent having this experience before leaving him and jumping into a 17 seater mini-bus to drive us to a Nighter somewhere in the Country! As a comparison.....on weed.........at football...with me mate....was more of a 'buzz''...of sorts....than any all-nighter i had on Dexy's.....!!!!! Hand controls....at 90........and me listening to Dr Hooks 'White Rabbits' on his tape player him humming it..........Northern Soul??? No DJ or Soulie captured my interests or attention as Dodge did down the M11 on matchday.... Lightweights.....honest!!!hehe!x @@ ~ So yes Ady......they are out there still....but only in extreme cases i've found!x As for going to a doo 'straight'....done it loads of times.....as a Promoter at St Ives.....I was straight EVERY TIME. It weren't a 'party' for me as i;ve said before......it had to be 'business'...or.....folk would have gone home unhappy without my focus and perhaps I could have brought the scene into dis-repute and attract a tag or 'story' that it didn't deserve. But that was my approach. Hated every spot I did...didn't get into it....and yes.....the best memories I have......where when I had no responsibility other than to dance...and entertain you all....which was easy when I was 'launched'...no effort or thought required.......and none of us can remember what I played.....or where we wos....it just 'happened'....and soooo glad it did!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X and yes...it is a different experience when on 'gear' I found!...and offer my comment as a result of being able to look at both sides of the debate!x Dave....we have spoken on here before re Dodge....and I repeat again mate....thanx for your input into this serious aspect of the dance scenes that does affect lives when drugs are involved....both positively...which tbf has been my experience...and indeed the extremes of it as my mate Dodge and you Dave have witnessed/experienced.....respects friend...X ..Edit......oh....and I gather my new found knowledge that we learnt dancing from Bruce Lee has little or no real foundation....! Bu**er........I been practising for this week-end...!!x
  3. ...u talking to ureself Manus??!!!hehe!x I think the footage we work with is up to 100 fps.....and i;ve been told we have a camera that does up to 1000 fps........! Don't tell Peter99.....he'll flog his collection to get one.....HD job....Head Doer....hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...i'm gone......loooong time ago....X
  4. ...just think of summink unconnected like sport.....like when u know u gotta see the doc about summink personal.....sitting in the waiting room to find its a Lady Doctor taking his place....and u think of everything sensible to make sure its all 'normal' before u go in.....Sport is good....!x ...right!....getting ready for Edinburgh trip....and will read up when I return!x Have a good week-end all....and yes....it was a good week for Northern Soul out there this week...I reckon! Thanx Paul Mason/BBC et al...for the memories the show inspired...and for generating sensible debate that has ensued.....nice 1!x ......and the person who supplied the valium for Shakey.....well done!!x All is calm....last seen reflecting on life.... @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  5. ...I may have been thinking of aircraft models at the time Manus!!x We use Sony VX2000's for digital capture in general and Adobe Prem for editing....done so for 10 years and stick with it...! Like me vimyl....when u know wot ure doing u don't mess!!x The technical aspects I leave to those who know better!x Peter will be happy to know there is more frames per second for him to manipulate....he's got a 2 second piece that he's making a movie out of at present.........he must be knickered...I mean knackered...!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  6. ...it covered Sue's knickers adequately tho' Peter....hehe....wot wos u hoping for.....bra to match.....???!!!hahaha!!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...argghhhh.....Shaaaaaakey...take that axe outta me head.....hehe!!!x @@ ~
  7. Facebook Shakey????? If you go looking in sewers....you'll find sh*t...X Don't go there....kids sh*te...TBF...LOL...LUV OVO SOO OTY!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  8. The Barn at Braintree....'77/8...I had 6 months 'freedom' when leaving a kids home and on bail waiting to go to prison. I went to The Barn at Braintree twice.....RAMMED...and dancing to Funk all night...until 2pm anyway!! Then the scraps would start! Many soulies frequented it i'm sure as some were dancing Northernish styles I remember!x War's Me and Baby Brother was a then anthem and it kicked off dance wise every time.....and a tune that I remember being played I also remmebr being spun at me school youth club disco a year or so earlier among the Northern.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7iSk3b-lPg ...both of which I have still proudly in my collection!x The 1 tune from that era that i've played to both genres Northern folk at Party's and Funky doo's...with equal success....is this...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt4Kw3s_t_Y As mentioned above about being late with fashion....I remember attending these 2 Funky nights in me mams idea of it....8 button high waisters with flaps 2 deep each leg.....pin striped brown...2nd hand...and I was happy in em tbf among all the trendy Funksters in flares....!x Nearest I got to Wigan I suppose...!x LUV SOOTY X ..infact...I think th DJ at the Barn played Jam-Jam-Jam off an acetate from the US at the time or summink as it hadn't been released over here at the time! The whole dance floor was like a sea swelling and swaying....awesome memory and 2 nights! Right raver eh?!x @@ ~
  9. When you speak with Mick next Pete...say hi for me and give him my regards!x I apologise to him because when thinking on comments i've made about the DJ's I met or shared the decks with...i've failed to mention Mick...who was quite influential to me in the 90's!!x He always frightened me to death tbf!!!hehe!x I loved his music...and approach....but always held an air of respect for him and perhaps stayed away and didn't get as friendly as perhaps we could have!x I'm sorry about that....he may have been happy with it?! We never fell out or had a cross word.....but that's how it was I recall for us!x Given my understanding....I understand his feelings about it....but....with all respect to him....and the show....without watching it all...in context....then any comment can't be taken seriously...I feel!x As for the 100Club....which is where we shared most time together....my memory in the 90's was that there was always this large 'crew' of young...Moddy...different looking Soulies giving it some at the front right all night....dressed to impress in a manner I never saw Nationwide.....!!!x Luv'd seeing them every time and danced alongside them often. Indeed they were the ones who heaped praise on me when I mistakenly played a 70's track....on me first ever spot.....din't know it wos a 60's doo as such...!!hehe!x But they were definitely 'different' and perhaps in 20 years...if picked out on footage....may be given the same critique that Mick is making of those presented on the brief bit of the show he saw!x I wos there....and don't think it strange...or weird....and....couldn't say on reflection I was embarrassed by the 100club crew or those on the show either!x Mick appeared to me to be reserved in his way...and I respect that and have done......and hope he finds it in his wisdom to feel the same towards others whose modus operandii may be 'different' to his. As i've said before....Northern Soul...it takes all kinds...and has all kinds...and I love em all...!x LUV SOOTY X
  10. Back Street Blues sez...."don't remember seeing solatios til late 76/77?" Bang on BSB...!x I remember my mate Alan Warboys had a shiny pair as I arrived in Cambridge! Never seen the like and wanted a pair! However....me Mam always hit the shops when the old fashion went cheap...so wore bags when drainpipes were in and flowery shirts when stripes where in....and never got round to owning a pair of Slatios!x Proper gear back then and i'm sure they woulda done the job on any dance floor!x Luvly memory BSB...thanks!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  11. ARGHHHHH...I forgot....as an addendum and after thought to the above comments....I have taken drugs since 2000....I call it MDF...but mda or summink? I went with my partner to the V festival as a 'punter' for a change instead of business a few years back! Time out....and this was the result of that experience.....! ..I ended up directing folk in me Community Service jacket that I was given by staff when completing me 300 hours as a token of their appreciation for my input....I jest not!x Not 1 person questioned my 'authority' as I guided them to their spot...all on heavier sh*t than me obviously....hehe!x Daren't do that 'out' anymore either.....but happy with that experience...!!x Had best seats in the house......left a space for us init!!!hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  12. I was a football follower in the 70's Ian and never came across non-alcohol drugs of any kind....until Feb 1980...4 days before leaving prison aged 18...and had me first joint! That's a story worth telling in itself...and will do another time!x When me 16th birthday came....it was a Sunday....and me Mam opened me bedroom door and threw a Durex on me bed and said 'now your old enuff make sure you use 'em.....and whatever you get up too don't get involved in drugs!' I was still reeling and cringing under me covers from the Durex comment and didn't quite take in her 2nd comment at the time....but......as a Prostitute all her life....'quality' one...a Lesbian...married 5 times.....and never touching drugs or alcohol that I knew of.....I did take them 2 bits of advice serious!x By 1992/3...at 32 I was a 'free' man...economically and mentally. I had my responsibilities covered and wondered what to do with life. I had missed out on me youth from '75-80 as I was in kids homes/borstal or prison through those times and under scrutiny each week-end in some way! So nipping off to Wigan wasn't there for me to do! The few times I did a runner was to go to a football match to be with the only mates I had had!x With hindsight......i'm thankful I missed Wigan or the scene in the 70's. I was 'vulnerable'...a lost soul....and I believe I may have found 'something' at Wigan.....and if i'm honest....could well have fu**ed me life up forever............I feel!x To compare what I actually did.....over 2 seasons 76/7/8...I was arrested 35 times at football matches Nationwide.....'a record' of sorts around my way!!!x I wonder what deeds would have replaced that 'anarchic' and reactive response to life....via the Soul Scene back then? Drugs can be used or abused. The majority use them wisely....millions have a few pints and are no problem to anyone. Same with having a joint....many doo and are no trouble. However...go beyond those tipples...and indeed lifes's experiences tell me unless you've got a grip on life....they will grip you!x I had that grip in 1992/3....and looked forward to the experience of speed....for 'the craic'! I took 2 script Dexis from me mate.....and had 1 more through the night...3 in total.....and as i've said...Keele...Bobby Goldsboro....is still fresh in my mind as a genuine heartfelt experience.....drug assisted...but not enthused...the music definitely did that for me!x I had never done Nighters in me life apart from work here and there which kept me up all night....all done unassisted. But I found I couldn't do a nighter.....without some assistance back then!!! I took them to be able to keep up....not for the 'buzz' of the drug as such. The music and scene was my focus...and drugs came 3rd....and everyone will tell you that who offered me bags of this...or pills of that...FOR FREE...as I walked in to venues to DJ Nationwide! I looked after meself...maturely...and did me thing. At 32.....I was able to control that and did. At 16.....i'd have been lost forever.........I reckon....and quite happily too....i'd say! However....my 32 year old personna....would have been sad about that 'loss' to meself...and indeed to those around me.......and yes.....glad I missed the scene at its most 'ravey'....if i'm honest!x I remember in 92/3 when arriving upon the scene that Speed was the preferred drug of Soulies....'hard core' Nationally still. However...through 94/5 E's began arriving.....white Doves @ £20 each.....and I recall them lasting ALLLLL night.......but....I never ever took one at a doo!!! I DAREN'T! Being a free man and free...I took a couple of these home for me and the then Mrs to try! We farmed the kids out one night and went for it! After that experience....neither of us dare take them outside of our 4 walls....in case we became rabbits running free across a dance floor....!! They were that potent...and effective! I have to be honest and say that those nights we invested in ourselves and relationship monthly/6 weekly were great.....in the beginning! But....by 1998....I was arriving at A/Ns to DJ and the same folk who were taking 1 or 2 for the night....were now taking 6-8....to have the same 'buzz'! We never used them for such purposes...and our Marriage was over and so those nights dwindled as we prevaricated in dealing with a required divorce for another couple of years. So that was my 'drug' experience whilst busy on the Soul scene. Haven't took anything since 2000 beyond smoke Mary J as a chill out when I feel like it in my own company and privacy. I had an overactive thyroid when making the 'Togetherness' film in 2003....and was taking pills to calm me down before me operation to sort it! If I stopped taking them.....I went hyper...! I didn't take them that day....made it to Stoke...and coasted through the night au natural!! In essence...I was probably the only one in the room who stopped taking a drug to get high...observe the masses and do the opposite literally...!!hehe!x I know drugs are synonymous in the scene for the reasons you put forth....and has gone hand in hand with dancers as far back as the 20's....when coke was the preferred choice of the Gentry back then when dancing....a legacy left by the Victorians....! My experience with them during the 90's was a positive one....and I couldn't condemn or complain and certainly can't object to their use....when done maturely and with sense. I think the show reflected the drug aspect fairly...from my perspective. It was...and has been part of the scene....but I would be the first to say it's not what it's about these days......and that point perhaps wasn't made in the show. It was a show reflective of the past tho'....and from that angle...they were perhaps bang on from my research and knowledge gathered...X LUV SOOTY X ...I quit the worst drug on the dance scenes in this Country aged 18 in 1980....alcohol...and never needed a sip since!x Proud of that...X @@ ~
  13. Patto......we will meet...I promise...X I couldn't fill a Limo with like minded folk friend......honest. That's after 45 years of looking after people since aged 5 when me and me little siss were on our own really. YOU...are welcome and i'd gladly sit in the back with you anytime.....which I never do!x I will take this opportunity to thank Mike too...for 'tolerating' my meanderings....!x There have been numerous folk out there who have joined the site since I became 'active' on here. They are from various interest groups. It is my chill out zone of choice....but have to be mindful of their interests too at all times. So forgive my 'scattiness'...but it makes sense to some out there.....who also count!x @@ ~ Thank you Patto....for making the effort to speak up and show your appreciation of my input which is and will be 'unique'.....your 1 in a million......perhaps in 3 million over me time....soulful stuff...!x We should celebrate with a BIGGGGG PARTY....i'm thinking on it.,,,and been further inspired......I reckon!x LUV SOOTY X
  14. I would not have been able to do what Paul tried without music to 'dance' too! I leap off me seat automatic and me body moves when its right....no thinking about it!x I think he did well to do a move of any kind just 'moving'.....it ain't dancing is it?....with passion!x Ure Mrs sounds that she's tuned in alright Swifty.....nice 1!x LUV SOOTY X
  15. ....the knickers have to be flown proudly...I reckon!x I smiled and chuckled with respect not embarressment as they swirled......and I feel that as exhibitionists....WHICH WE ALL ARE who take foot or ar*e to the floor.....then we should be proud of our confidence and passion in shariing it with each other. NOOOO...put ure clothes back on Len....what I mean is.....we all go to see the spectacle and be part of the spectacle. I love the different characters....dress.....and individual 'things' that go off at a doo. I cannot think of anytime I walked out of a function and felt like taking the pi** out of anyone for their clothes or personna......luv'd it all....and the knickers.......were brill methinks!x Believe it or not....that very 2 second flash....may well encourage many other Ladies who are confident dancers to return or come for the first time to a gig. I work with many stage performers...dancers and the like. They would have loved her confidence throughout the program......end of! We are all different...and it takes all sorts. Northern Soul...luv it...X LUV SOOTY X ...oh yeeah....I HAD NEVER EVER EVER HEARD THIS....and was worth me license fee for the year....TUUUNE.....I reckon.....thank you BBC!!!!!!!!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm6YGGDDMbw
  16. ...observe the masses and do the opposite Len....I remember saying that to the 9 clubs who assembled at mine when I suggested we do our thing.....and it still stands....X What also still stands is i'm gonna get Nina to slap u......no harm in keeping u in check is there?!x Next thing u'll be hiding new vinyl in ure box and tellin' her you've had it for aaaaaaaggggesss....and it's a downward slide from there mate....and I care about yer....so slap it is...!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....and stop scratching....u'll hurt yersellf.....I ain't figured it since aged 5.......and neither have 20+ psycho's......but they're all better for the experience....!x @@ ~
  17. ...I see all those terms of reference as relevant and proper Phild.....but i;ve only ever said 'Northern Soul' and used that reference when explaining myself or the scene to anyone....which for me...sez it all!x Proud of simply that....all encompassing...and as i've said...I think the show last night captured that 'Northern Soul' spirit I choose to represent and purvey....'togetherness'....full stop...X LUV SOOTY X
  18. ...good subject Winnie! Got me engaged whilst sitting here editing some bits for upload relevant to the show last night!x Since coming across it on me mates wooden Schweppes box in 1974 and falling for the music...I don't think i;ve ever said it!!! I only recall 2 lads actually saying it to me in me travels too! Now you've jogged me memory.....they were both super dancers.....and i mean super.....and both dressed 'traditionally' and were badged up!x Loved them both...and they followed me everywhere and still would! Perhaps it's a different 'faith' than what i;'ve achieved?! Never could dance like them ever....wouldn't attempt it! Perhaps it's an inner crowd that have reached that level of 'heaven' that some of us just pay homage too and admire?! I do anyway!x Back to me editing.....nice 1!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  19. Super stuff Rebecca!!x Get ure ar*e to a gig...u'll luv it!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  20. Soulman...I respect your opinions friend....but you can't say after 35 years....he didn't 'have it' still? It hasn't left him....a true soulie....I reckon...X LUV SOOTY X
  21. I'll say it because it needs saying....and is pert to the BBC's approach to the scene as witnessed last night!x Yesterday morning a good 20 year friend of my Producer friend and now mine was having a meeting with the BBC Executives that deal with placement for music across the service and channels. In his bag he had some of our music which i've shared with you in here. By pure co-incidence....our friend has been a good friend to Ian levine over the years...dares to say he's been his 'guru' in such matters which Ian would acknowledge he has said! It came out in discussions we had when first meeting about our album. From my perspective it was great....somebody 'knew the craic' about Norvern and was out to promote our music and by default the Soul scene....which has always been my intention! I haven't been wrong! Anyway....his feed back after a lengthy discussion is that folk in the BBC are MAD...about Northern!!!!!x It bears out too. I hear quite often tracks backing trailers for this and that.....and ater last night I think because of Paul's approach and truth....I think it can only build better ties with the scene from within the service!x We already do brilliant with Sky! Regularly Northern tracks back football montagues.....feature as links to shows...and all kinda bits and bobs. Soccer AMs Max Rushden and the show ownerTim are Northern fans....and loads come through that medium too. Max is a Cambridge United fan...we worked together often before he got the job....(Sorry Ian!xhehe!x). I had a cable show in Cambridge which he watched ritually back in 2001/2 and we used Northern stuff to our program every week! Lovejoy took on board some of our ideas.....even had Chris Kamara doing cameos of stuff I did on our show! So...the 'influence' has been there for years!x ITV? Advert after advert feature Northern! Those folk like our mutual friend who deal with the Commercial aspect of telly.....are 'switched' on to it....indeed it is the 'buzz' word in the industry.....hence the super reception we are getting with our music....for the modern era!x One of the hats I wear is as a media man and self styled journalist....I notice these things......and felt the need to share it!x The scene is in a good place at present.....it needs capitalising on and invested into the future....by all who have time served and something to give.....I reckon...X LUV SOOTY X
  22. That's your lot then Godzilla,,,,,,,hehe!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  23. When the assertion was put forward as to why we all dance as we do......I pi^^ed meself and had to stop the proggy whilst I recovered.......and after I had.....took it serious!! Never figured that.....!x In fact...when I was living in Grimsby and moved to Cambridge in 73/4...my mates reckoned I looked like him....North and South!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X From a film makers perspective....and thinking 1/25th of a second...or frame at a time....and given the 26 minute window.........I believe the time available was maximised with the most positive comment/imagery and reflection....as could possibly have been given to it. From that perspective.....I think it was great...X
  24. Paul....as i'm sure your reading this...as is Elaine....and all of you who took part....thank David Arthur for me....the Editor...X As a film'documentary maker in me time...and Soulie.....who edits his own stuff......I couldn't have asked for a better representation for the masses than what you all gave ...and showed. I laughed...felt emotion....and certainly related to all. That 'Togetherness' the scene has nurtured for the masses over the years...was captured and shown by you all. You said it Paul.....it's in you still....and anyone who has experienced it....can't ever forget......your always welcome...X I haven't read any opinion above. ...just watched the show and came and posted as a direct reaction...and post as i have. Thank you all...X LUV SOOTY X Edit.....and thank you for informing me/us of the Wigan Young Soul.....never 'erd of em.....but will get to know more!x ...ah....1 absolute nightmare it brought up......that 3 star jumper.....never ever went to a proper doo until 1992......but I had one of them.......in 1974...hand knitted by me mam........destiny methinks!!!x @@ ~

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