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Everything posted by Sooty

  1. ...whenever i've used others equipment Russ....b'cos of the sound level difference on records...I always have 1 deck turned up a bit more....and put me quiter redorded tunes on there with room for further adjustment! If you do that and remember which deck you've done it with......things should be 'equalised'...!x LUV SOOTY X I learnt that early on when me first DJ set included boot legs which bummed out and went quiet across the room.........hehe!!!x It was only 7pm....nobody there....but I thought the deck had gone down.......and faffed about with stuff and made it all sound worse......! Developing DJ personified!!hehe!!x @@ ~
  2. Pointless taking a handbag to the 100Club Ady......nowhere to put it without it getting stomped on shirley??!x Sorry I can't make this one......but am definately coming to the December one and will leave mine at home safe!!x Have a good un...X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....Lifeline....from what i've read it sounds the new Winsford/Congleton of the 90's which to some degree was home from home regarding the 100Club at their beginnings!x I din't get clear until 4am Sunday and was in Daventry unexpectedly which meant going home from there. I do look forward to going tho' and visiting any venue who dare to use the word 'progressive'......!x
  3. ..thanx for your reply Greg!x I like to know what a DJ is about and u are as Soulful as any devoted person i've ever met......praise music!!!x I get your drift about the uncovered small issue/rare stuff of this genre...every small alley wayed Church were putting songs to vinyl...and yep...easy to figure the 'market' available for such searching to be going on....and exciting!!x Thanx for the education mate!x LUV SOOTY X
  4. ...it's sounds from a similar stable Dave...and I hadn't heard that track!!x Nice 1!x Here's another instru that most Soulies must have danced too in their time...as kids at least....I did!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj23_nDFSfE
  5. ....I took that back to a kids home among a dozen records me mate lent me in '77. Pain In My Heart The Poppies...Youre Ready Now...Silvetti....was among em....and it echoed around the gym on this record player as 4 or 5 of me mates listened.....AWESOME Russ!!x I used this as a 'link' in credits on the forthcoming DVD...one of me all time Northern instru's....and only got it about 8 years ago.....so ain;t played it at a Northern doo yet!!! Poo!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...this will 'echo' around any room too....I reckon...!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsdE3zwfTqU
  6. I've never heard much Gospel Greg...in fact i've heard more on here via yourself and such than I ever have!x I like the vibe...!x My favourite 'Gospel' is still Oh Happy Day'....and it still makes me arms tingle when the choir 'give it some at the end'!x Can I ask you a personal question tho'?!x Do you believe in God as well as being passionate about the music? Are the 2 connected as such? Do you play Gospel as you feel it's summink to do with a calling.....or because you like the music anyway?x There are messages in it all....and I listen to the lyrics of all tunes!x I like your style....whatever it is based on!x I have a good friend who gave me a CD with some tunes on that they sing/dance too at Christian Camp week-ends...all uplifting 'soulful' stuff....'modern'...but it's .massive' among his Worldwide congregation he belongs too...they sell millions of copy's and stuff!! So...from a DJ perspective...and as a Soulie loving me music...I am genuinly interested as to what is behind your music...for you!x Nice 1 mate....X LUV SOOTY X
  7. NEEVER KNEW...or remembered what that was called Pete!!!!x Heard it several times at gigs...u know wot it;s like!!!x TUUUUNE!!!x I do have a Sliced Tomato story to go.....! I was at this village disco circa 1977. This lad was chatting up me girl friend....and I was trying to be nice. I asked him what this record was called playing on the deck at the time....he said 'Sliced Tomato'....and walked off. We wos kids....a scuffle broke out after the disco....and I do recall looking for him to give him one for taking the pi**....!! Not for chasing me Lady.....but for saying such a stupid thing and expecting me to believe hit......derrrr....!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...I got it the next week.....and haven't told the story often.....!!!x
  8. 2 others that i;ve played at more Scooter orientated doo's.....and as a backdrop to musical chairs....!z Here's one that you can get for 10p anywhere at a boot sale....and have always liked it! B side of Catch Us if You Can.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeL1XGLnuoY ...and another by Dave Clark....but u won';t find for 10p.....first!!!x If you can find one....they've sold for around £50....and theiir best... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7ybJkEgp6I LUV SOOTY X
  9. ...TUUUNE.....and played this to much acclaim at Blackburn and elsewhere Gogger when 'stomp time'!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXBOGc5iZIs @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  10. For you keeno's out there who know better...I said Hawaiii five o by the Champs...it ain't it is by Chiquita...but the Champ boys Tubular Bells is a good instru too!x I also said me mam had a Shanana album and The Shadows....which she did...but I meant to say The Ventures...guitar instru folk from the States!!x All good influences tho'!x I've just scooted thru me instru's as they needed cleaning/dusting!! I found these few 'odds and sods' which I felt could have hit Wigan at it's heights.....if 'unknown' or not commercialised' or on telly as a theme elsewhere! Altho' at it's end I understood anything went really? Joe 90 I luv'd...and still doo!!!x Here's a good instru I like to hear anytime....by The Gallants...a rarer version......and a 'dancer' if ever there was one...!!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LRq7pJ101E Lalo Schifrin's 'Jaws' I just thumbed past too as a 'Northern' shuffler that graced many a Youth Club I recall!!! Mason Williams...Classical Gas I was told has been spun in the scene's time too!!x But here is me pick of my bunch...found at a boot sale for £2...with 4 other instru's... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O541DrQPf68 ...this was the 2nd... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os9mKBoNxtk ...and the 3rd was this....a MINT DEMO on British RCA Victor...Neal Hefti's 'original'...!....and was I excited that day.....ABSOLUTELY!!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvJ3L8VXhg4 ...and the 4th....this version...on Warner Bros Demo.....all for under £10........WOOOOHOOOOO!!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChJDm57SAUc I have Link Wrays version too...on US....for comparison!!x There Gogs...the more the better you say!!!ehehe!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE9Q9evNMes @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  11. ....ARRRRGHHHH...memories BSB!!!x In me first colloection purchase...I obtained about 10/12 'Sue' British records. It was before me first ever DJ spot Northern wise. Allme records before as a normal DJ had middles in 'em. Now...for the first time...the majorty didn't....so for ease of DJing purposes....yeah....I pushed out Billy's Bag...and 10 others from that 'series'....!!!!! Poo!!x I think Jackie Day's Before It's too Late was in ther too...?! Thanx for reminding me....hehe!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X 'Ere Ted....I was blown away when hearing that Bird Walkin'....with a 'voice'....after knowing it since 1975-1993 as an instru!!x I remember it as yesterday.....ahhh I sez to meself at me first 100club....I know this...first 1 of the night!!! Kept on the floor...then the voice!!!! Done me head in!!!x But...the memory I have of this forever now is this...i'm sorry to say!! Butch left me with it at the 100club 1 night........I luv'd it....as said....and as he refused to say who t was when I asked him.....I said when taking over...'Thanx to Butch and his Aunty singing Bird Walkin'....! He copped the nark with me...or I assumed based on his look he gave me!!!x My minibus crew took the storyup T'norf...Fudge telling everyone I said it was Butch's Nanna singing.......stirring tw****t....banter???!!! Jeeezzzz.....hehe!x @@ ~
  12. ...another one which I found 'forgotten' in the 90's was one that perhaps got more exposure in the 60's undergound as opposed to the 70's? I played it a few times as it was on me tapes! £1 at boot sales...B side of Soul Finger...which is as listenable too!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAMB69nKq1c LUV SOOTY X
  13. ......!!!!! DAAAAADDDDD.....u must be.....it's in the generooves!! I played at me Soul Nights but daren't take it 'national' at the time as 'newbies' were telling me it wos pop.....ARGHHHHHHH!!!!x TUUUNE Martyn!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....I had 1 ultra hard core Soulie....he was adamant instrumentals ain;t Soul.......except for Bari Track.....????!!! He will go unananed....but he taught me all I knew about new stuff back in 1993...or laid the foundations for me!!!x Shifty.....another 'Soul boy' who loved his singing...he also LOVED playing it when he kicked off playing at A/Ns....! Don't get me wrong...I love em all...but why has this trak become a Bari for everyone???!!!??x @@ ~
  14. ...The Champion...Law of the Land-Alfie Kahn...Hawaii 5-0 The Champs....were among the first Soul instrumentals I heard in 1975. Along with Bok to Back...The Spy....and other 'classics'. I considered them 'northern' danceable music!!x I had been used to instrumentals as a kid. Me mam had a Shanana and some Shadows LP's......and as a result I have over 100 45's in me collection from acrooss the board today. It is the music that makes your body move....and a voice...or a trumpet...orpiano....can 'grab' you just the same! How many tracks 'kick off'...before a word is spoken...and folk hit the floor at the 'rallying' call!!! Hopes N Dreams...that mouth organ starts.....job done!! So it's the music first....or just as important...as any voice i've heard...I feel!x LUV SOOTY X The 1 track that has confused me is this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ1Fb4JsRZE ...whenever I played it....'hard core' who danced to the instrumental in the 70's...said the singing din't exist?!x I could never have played the instru without the singing on this one!!...that's if it existed?! It did on my copy!!!x?! EDIT...the first ever instrumental I remember which I identified with as Northern was Green Onions....Booker T. I didn't know it...but remembered hearing it at Grimsby Town during half time when i;d have been 11ish!! I liked it then....and still do all these years later...and perhaps prepared me for Northern instrumentals nicely....!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQgftmOeK_c
  15. ...Mark.....the media were waiting for both. I...SET IT UP. I wanted the story continually front page...so did my media friends who cared about the Community. I was the 'fall guy'. I went there to confront the threat Rolls had made to stop me because he said he could....for no reason. The press were waiting. I was refused entry.....bolted thru the gate....got 'caught'...and removed to the pavement outside the ground....my mate from the local rag clicking allll the way. Job done. Some folk put a tyre around em and set alight to it in protest. That'd hurt...!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  16. Last one from me on this side frivolity GOOD...X LUV SOOTY X ...parking???....they couldn't start the game.....had 3,000 on me back......!!x Sometimes in life tho' Maslar....you have to be there for folk before they can be there for themselves. Not 1 U's fan...or sensible fan in the Country would support him or could have compassion for George Rolls...'today'. I had it from day 1. It was there at his end too. I was his worst...and best friend. Takes some doing that mate!!x I put up with the few moans whilst i'm focused on proper stuff.....like saving football clubs and ejecting irrelevances such as a Rolls. But did it with 'love'....and hope I meet you soon so that we can enjoy it's pleasures too!!x ...and as long as u don;t do crack....turn me academy kids into gamblers or try to nick me heritage....we'll get on....whatever your music tastes!!x @@ ~
  17. Cambridge Maslar....the Center for Education. Proud of that!!x You;ve remembered....and I ain;t forgot u either mate!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...and no....it was this day....I weren't prepared for the first 1....'dirty' tactics!!!x They only put m on the pavement off the premises!!x 2nd time when I blocked the ground off wiv me limo's....I was dressed for the 'national' occasion Maslar...which me....and others...had masterminded!!x Brill stuff init!!x
  18. ...u jest Mark!!!x I'm still signing autographs in Tesco's for that one!!x I was the only 1 who was trying to remove the Patsy George 'gambling man' Rolls!!!x Some 'gangsters' had a hold of me club through the back door. Put him in place...banned me....and thought they wos home n dry with me ground i'd frequented since age 14. I was slightly peeved. The outcome? Chairman x 3 on the trot removed. Ground bought by friends....gangsters disappeared. George Rolls? Iast spoke to him as he stood outside of the FA's office awaiting his outcome for being the Patsy for several clubs players gambling habits....managed by their Managers and placed as a consortium through Rolls. George is 'local'. Nationally...I was is only 'friend'. Mad world eh? Cambridge....is my home Town. So...not every picture tells the story does it?!x The fella on the left. Told me his life's troubles. Din't like being a hired hand for gangsters....none of them did. They were no different to 'Bouncers' in Police uniforms. I was the only 1 prepared...and able...to confront it all. I did. The Police Liasion Officer who had 'run' the ground for several years...and mates of these 'gangsters'...was removed also. I insisted...X Next?!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  19. Steve...those flyers are 20 years old mate!!!x Many of the folk turning out it was their first time back since leaving the Mallet...St Ives...and Wigan in the late 70's....!x It was many folks first nostalgic trip....folk like Sean Chapman....who would have danced to every tune featured back then....guaranteed!!!!x I knew the 'local' market....and Nationally...folk knew I spoke thru' me flyers. Killed both with 1 poster.....job done!x I couldn't feature my stuff!! Nationally...I was playing Cards on The Table-Dplomats....King Colemans Down In The Basement...That's My Girl-Dee Clark...Mel Torme-Comin Home Baby...Richard Berry....Jimmy Hughes....the vocal version of Jimmy Frasier which locally...at St Ives in the 70's...only the instru was played for a while!!! So...all 'new' stuff to the majority piling in!!x In context...the tunes on the flyer were bang on....and the venues did pack and rock....so.....'success'!!!x I was told the below tune wasn't Northern when i played it at me Soul Night...and at The Maltings 2nd night. It was going down a storm at 100Club...Blackburn and most 'hard core' doo's. These...like Sean...weren't 'hard core' back then!!! We all gotta start somewhere...and somebody has to be there to 'ease' them in too....it worked for 'us'!!!x I could have just put this label on a flyer.....and not bothered sorting a doo out for them......and just got off me head and be selfish and just play to the 'in crowd' around the nation!x But...being a Community minded person through life....I wanted to bring folk along with any 'excitement' I find.....in life!x Don't get me wrong tho'....when Kev Fev put this on a tape for me with a load of others in '93.....I sh*t meself......I liked it...but.....but.....'extreme' at the time!!! But hey....if you don;t like it....i'll tell u wot u can dooooooo....and they did....eventually!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z10oGEFeFCU @@ ~ Mark S sez... Read your response Sooty cheers still dont get why you advocate and encourage exposure to the wider world the vast majority of Northern Soul fans dont want it . We are patently aware that it is out there and hate it and all the tat and shite that goes with it . There are so many threads at the moment about the discontent on the scene so much of that discontent has been caused by over exposure . We have always had politics/rivalry mostly good natured but this is taking a different path . If you want to save the scene then I suggest that you tell your media freinds cutting edge people (whatever they are !) to fook off we dont want or need them we never have . 10/10 for Shirley and Jessie though old Mecca play . Mark...I heard the Shirley & Jessie tune via a media mate. He explained his knowledge of Northern Soul. He said his mam had this played at her funeral. I'd never heard it......and didn't know it was Northern Soul until I said it sounded as tho' t should be! It was on a CD in his car at the time!!!!x His Mam had been a co-ordinator for a Charity that worked with some US foundations Shirley/record firm had in her time in the 70's/80. They were all given a tape in the 80's with songs on....gospel stuff mainly....whilst in Ghana!! It was on there. It was my mate's mams favourite tune. She liked Strauss otherwise. Not 1 DJ had shared that with me...or Soulie...since 1975. I had to have one. I take my input from anywhere. I also don;t close any doors.....or i'll miss out in things....like hearing that super track!!!x Wot r u lot like?!x I heard it from the press first........!!!!x Well....'musically' guys...I can't be far out. I put 2 tunes up after all that....and when it counts...at the death.....u danced outta the doors.....!!!!x DEEEEJAAAAAAYY....sharp one at that....or WOT???!!!hehe!!!x @@ ~ LUV...and I mean that sincerely guys...XX SOOTY X
  20. Tim...I need your love i spun during me time as well as that JJ Barnes B Pete...TUNE...!x It was the track i used to like coming round on tape 3 track 4 of me 4 tapes with 100 tunes on I listened too for 15 years before playing them.....I got excited at EVERY tune I could play and see folk dance too after listening to them all that time...on me own!!x Proper stuff!x Here's afew 'cheap[ies' based on my experience in playing them.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAeVOWIaL1I ...I played it at Soul Nights around the UK.....and at Blackburn/Winsford/Bretby...AND...the 100 Club Xmas party....RAMMED every time. I see it 10p most week-ends at Boot Sales...!x That's a 70's...a Motown 'cheapie'....again 10p at boot sales as the B side to What becomes of the broken Hearted of which there are looooads of copies out there! I always liked playing this at 'quality' venues who appreciated quality dance tunes...with 'angels' accompanying!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXoDTbGyxAA 60's Northern? I was in Max Rees's shop he used to have bak in '93. We wos old friends and i'd just got 30 odd records from Rob Smith....'classics'. He said...take this...a 'double A' he said! Love Love Love on 1 side...which I knew from 1975...but....I played Bread when i got home....and played it the first time at the 100Club in '96. Nobody on the floor knew it.....!!!! Thanx Max....X Possibly 50p....if the seller knows the Love side....init!!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__9X1R3CC8Y £1...and 3 guaranteed floor packers...how cheap we talkin'???!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  21. I have found an hour this morning whilst i'm busy and supposed to be 'internet free' for the week-end to respond to your comments which I thank you all for...X The thread has dried up and appears waiting for my input/answers....so...here they are!x Before I do that...some 'perspective' for all you reading this now! How looongggg is it??? This 'conversation' in this entire thread we could have achieved during standing at the bar waiting to be served...casually. I've just read it all again to familiarise meself with every word said...it took 6 minutes...reading. Apporoximatley 1 minutes max of 'chat' between us all. Why haven't you all solved the worlds problems during a 10 hour All Nighter??? In 40 years??? The world don't get put to rights at functions....does it? You want surface chat??? Go to Facebook or chew ure mates head off at a doo and remain engaged in the periphery of life. You want to read my stuff? Read it...in a forum for such things...where 'debate' and considered comment prevail....not 1 liners and lols. The idea is to 'interact'...respond/ponder/discuss....or consider what's said. It ain't about 'me'....it's about what YOU think about what I said. So don't moan about how much there is to read or owt...just....DON'T READ IT...simples....BYE!!!x If you can't spare a minute of your leisure time.....to read folks comments.....then I ain't interested in your negative approach to mine!x So...'context'...it's been talked about in here. Reading this so far has took 15 seconds. My way of speaking is 'unique' across the Electronic Highway since 1985. I have a following....many have joined here from around the UK of various interest groups. Often I elaborate for their education and stimulation....we have a 'history' together. My posts are considered 'Sootification' by them. If i spoke the Queeens own....then Latin would be my choice...how quintessential do we all wish to aspire too? Having said that....i'll cut it down where pert...ok!x This post though is answering several individual comments made in this thread above and waiting a reply. Therefore...they would be several seperate paragraphed posts if i hadn't been away from the net for the week-end. But they are here in 1.....grab a cuppa....and ponder....X U screamers as Len calls u....take some deep breaths and make ready for a big girrrrlllieeee one.......u'll lurve it...!!!x @@ ~ mark S-"Sooty why on earth would you invite music industry folk or cutting edge people as you call them they dont need educating they dont get it they never have and never will" Folks....somebody has'got it' and ensured over the past 20/30 years that Northern has had 'exposure' in the Media. From cat food...'You've Been Away'...to the KFC 'Soul Food' campaign. Currently...Richard Berry's Have Love Will Travel tune has featured for 4 years on daily telly. Mel Torme...the same. TV programmes galore feature Northern in their backing/links/synching. This is also 'the music industry'at work. Another angle? Amy Winehouse...Plan B...Adele...Rhianna....Duffy....Dizzy.....ALL NORTHERN fans. As is Norman Cook and many other folk going back the past 20/30 years who have hit 'the front' of the music industry tune wise. You can hear it in their sounds. I deal with the 'reality' out there and it's a million miles away from the 'they don't care' rhetoric Mark! This is the reality for all...on a 'grand scale'.... the group effort of those who have engaged with that industry over the years achieved the biggest exposure for Northern it could ever have achieved...on the Worlds greatest stage!!! 26 MILLION poeople in the UK heard 'Northern' influenced music as the final note at London 2012...which resonated GLOBALLY. Who could have imagined that? Not 1 Sliced Tomato thrown either. Be PROOOOOOOUD!!!x But your both right Mark/Chalky....i've worked with these folk for over 20 years around the World in different capacity's....and they are clueless 'music wise'...but they can be educated and made to care! Like I was in 1975...and again in 1993....and yet again in 2013....like re-hab init!!!hehe!x It is never too late to learn folks!!x It takes an Ian Levine...a Kev Roberts...a Tim Brown...Richard Searling...Ady Croasdell and the like....to make it happen. They have....XXXXX I can 'assist' in me own way. National exposure....benefits us all....I believe. Not business for me....a pleasure!x Rather than go convince 'em on stuff.....i'll let the music do the talking. As a fantastic salesman...it's a dream job!! I believe in the product....and let it speak for itself.....I'm confident in that....and have been since first hearing Northern in 1975. I know when to shut up. When they turn to me sweating....euophoric...I will just smile...give em a hug.....and job done. Just like I did with hundreds who turned to the scene in the 90's. They 'got it'....just like you all did in the 70's. Everyone can be assimilated as a Soulie...RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.....unless new membership closed back in the 70's? If so....then we'll start a new 'club'...like I did in the 90's....no problem!x Next? Who are they and why the 100Club you ask? They are Media friends based in London...and 4 others are coming down for the week-end from Manchester....BBC connected folk....all friends....mid 20's-30's. These age groups run ure telly. So they are joining us for a 'Night Out'. The Northerners don't even know they is going.....as said...an 'education'....and they'll pass the exam...i'm sure. We've inspired them already with other tunes. Music wise??? I'd take them to ANY NORTHERN VENUE in the UK. I enjoy the occasion...simple as.The Company I keep...ain't invited if they can't do simply that. It ain't a 'music' decision. It's a logistical one. Having said that....when I take anyone to Keele/Kings Hall or other 'mass' supported gigs.....then the deal will be the same. Enjoy....or eff off. Ain't got time for bo**ox!!!x I treat Hard Core Soulies the same. My space....my choice....they filled it with enthusiasm throughout the 90's...with interspersion of Len's midtempo.....!...X I could equally justify my choice of the 100Club because of it's promoter. He was one of the most approachable/amicable and 'hands on' promoters I met in the 90's....and that...I enjoy the Company of and will support anyday. Ady can also play the rarest next to the poppiest. Mick Smith playing 'good' Pop??? He learnt it from Ady.....humble folk indeed...my type...X He was my friend back when I was hacking it...and nothing has changed that during my sabbatical. I look forward to shaking his hand and having a hug to thank him for my memory's and his 'support' of our excitement back then. I choose me Company....Ady will do...anytime...X Ted Massey suggests..."don't you get it its all about Me". Jokes are one thing Ted...but you don't know me...I don't recall we met as such but we may have shared Winsford/Congleton/Bretby...etc...can't remember...u know wot it's like!!x But...I knew of you...from early days entering the scene. Not via the net...or ure tunes....but through other folk....who praised your DJing input through the time. You...Ted Massey....was in this list in my head of 'Legends' out there. Cambridge folk and surrounds all spoke well of you mate. I know nowt else.....until joining this site!!! I look forward to finding out why you earnt that reputation which I was left with. Speak to folk who know mine Ted....who were 'there'. Lenny's level headed....sort of!!x I haven't accused you of using your 'me status' and 1 liners to give it 'large' cos of who u are....and don;t think your of that ilk Ted.....so....let's be more judgemental on facts...not thru a 'virtual' world in here aye?!x The truth mate? I'm a Legend out there irrelevant of the Soul Scene. I don't need that status/attention in here or on the scene Ted....never did back in the 90's!!x Granted....I get it naturally. Like you....put ure head above the DJ deck and u get noticed...init!x I had me...and was happy with that before entering the scene!x Still have!!x YOU...have that 'status' on the scene...as far as i'm concerned...it's YOU that counts to me more than me in here Ted....don't fu** my beleif or excitment in that...please....?!....i;ve nurtured it for 20+ years! I won't write u off on 20+ seconds of comment...ok!x Len brings some perspective...with midtempo musings...!x "Sooty is a f*ckin’ good salesman / businessman - I love it when he says his soul nights were a sell out every month, and the All-nighters had 1000 people! (They were very busy mind)……This (as you called it Chalky) ‘bravado’ works with some people (the masses) I have never met anyone like Sooty before ref his ‘selling’ - he tackles it with an ‘American Selling’ approach, and gets results." I have earnt that appraisal Len...not based on friendship...or loyalty....but thru hard graft and miles put in that you witnessed....X Thanx Soulmate....it's nice to be 'recognised' fairly for my effort and commitment...X I will tho' offer this Len.....the 'american' approach?? Dynamic...yep....but.... me best sales assets? Holding a hand out and saying hello. Listening to folk from all camps. Communicating with them regular. Generating 'togetherness'. The biggest complaint I heard consistently was that the 'personal touch'...from Promoters...and DJ's....and big venues had gone. Everybody used to run in the doors back in the day.....and all were 'one'...instantly. That...is what my approach offered. The folk came for it in droves. That weren't any 'american' influence or approach....it was a 'human' one Len...being a 'Soulie'....and share good music....together. My biggests surprise was how many had forgotten that simple thing....just being a Soulie!x That's what they were in the 70's. It's Americans who have took some Soulies focus away from that!!!!! How many records/labels have Soulies been influenced to buy/spin and talk about...rather than enjoy/dance too or appreciate it's merit as a TUNE!!!??? How many of these labels/singers are American????!!!!! My approach was British....without the yaaa....and with no detail on these Americans....except whether the groove sounded good or not for dancing....and sharing...together!!!x Quinvy quotes.... "Just following on from what Chalky has said. Many have come back and tried to pick up where they had left off. It will never happen." I ain't coming back to where I left off Quinvy...X That's done and finished!! It was a 'chapter' in a book of the endeavours the scene has witnessed and recorded!!!x I carried 'responsibility's' back then too which are no longer considerations. It was heavy sh*te to smile all week-end and then be sad....each week....for certainly 6 of those 9 years! Was that like Wigan?? Waiting for the week-end.....? I certainly relived my lost youth init!!x This time.....i'm FREEEEEEEE!!!!! Mentally...emotionally...and financially...to concern meself with any peripheries anymore!x New start....for me!x "You can't recreate the past. The ethos was always listen to this, it's fantastic, and you can't hear it anywhere else. er not anymore. They don't make 60's records anymore, and we've heard all the northern. Don't get me wrong, if you could find some unknown 60's northern, people would come. In fact I think that's how Ady keeps going at the 100 club because he keeps unearthing gems. Well that and the mystique of the hallowed venue." Not looking to re-create the past mate...but to help shape the future. Through Rare....undiscovered gems....??? I leave that to those who know better and are keener collectors than me Quinvy....and respect and admire them for it...and will happily dance to thieir tunes I will never have!X I am forever...a willing student. But DJing....with good music? I'll follow anybody.....IN THE WORLD. Such is my confidence in the music I have gathered. 20 records you all fret over in here from a DJ perspective!! I'm used to doing 10 hour 'sessions' alone...which means I got to keep em going with over 200 tunes hand picked and keep the floor......non stop. I can do it with ANY of YOUR boxes too at any gig in this Country. I need 30 bits of Vinyl from the Northern Scene.....END OF. Len sez it...."at least he’s not trying to tell folk (or believing himself) that he is, or ever was a ‘Top’ D.J……It was funny as hell to see Sooty ‘bounce around’ the Soul Scene - some people really couldn’t handle his ‘bold’ approach - It was against the rules!" ...and many established folks ego's Len. Understandable. But....how do you 'hold back' when ure up there???!!! Never have been able too. I didn't the other week at the dayer!! The best compliment came from another competent DJ who said 'you really put it out there don't you'? YES.....I don't give a sh*t if u dance or not when doing a Northern spot...never have....i'm dancing and singing behind the decks....I look up...and the floors full.....your welcome!!x Derek Allen was my hero! (RIP...X) The other week....I played Everybody's Going To The Love In...LOOUUUUD. I used to do a back flip on me bed and bounce up and do a forward one during the piano breaks when I was 15. I started to hear whistle's and stuff.....in me bedroom?? Then looked up...and remembered I was DJing at a gig.....to a rammed floor who wos showing their appreciation. Eutopia....or wot? 38 years in the making. That...is the only time it's about 'me'....when i'm sharing my love...for OUR music... I can't have that approach to a Disco....!!! Bouncing along in the Northern scene...yep...with me eyes closed yawning.....but enjoying more of every second of that 1 hour than I do all 10 hours of a disco!!!x So...just a DJ....nowt special...but competent and confident...and am happy with that...as always!!x Folk never came to my gigs for my records...naaaa....just to share in the joy! They did again t'other week from far and wide when i did me 1st spot after 13 years....nowts changed...and neither has my approach to music and it's pleasures...!x "However, when I went to the 100 club a few years ago, I was very disappointed. I even went for a second look, just in case I had gone on a bad night. But no, absolutely nothing going for it except the social aspect. Sorry if that offends anyone, but I'm entitled to my own opinion, and to me it doesn't deserve it's reputation anymore." I felt the same at me last A/N Kings Hall in 2003 when I made me film Quinvy. But will go again...!x As an ex Promoter/DJ...I will do a write up of EVERY place I go to from now on...and put it in here....i'd enjoy sharing that!x So...100 Club first...and we'll compare notes friend!!!x Gordon Russell sez....gobsmackingly..."Because it's always been a bussiness venture to sooty nothing more nothing less......" OMG OMGG OMYYYYG....Gordon!!!!....if it was 'business'....I'd have your a** mate BIG TIME!x Your statement is perhaps the most liabellous untruth construed by any Soulie i've heard an opinion from in 20+ years Gordon....well done!!!x Hang on....stands up...adjusts wig...."I demand that remark be stricken from the record M'laud....complete conjecture with no foundation or substance....an atrocious attempt to undermine my clients untarnished reputation and unblemished contributions in this scene.....MIIISSSTRIIIIALLLLL....case dismissed.....brunch anyone?!!" Good job you put a disclaimer on it that you don't know me Gordon!!! It's your saving grace mate!x Precisely....you don't...obviously!x Those who do...will be waiting to read this response....honest!!x NEVER business for me Gordon...the Soul Scene....EVER. Still isn't, But it doesn't mean I have to leave me brains and experience behind whilst enjoying meself or assisting in promoting the scene...does it? I did leave me savvy behind often in the 90's tho'...when pricing the cheapest A/N tickets in the land....paying for QUALITY sound Equipment as essential...giving Tapes/Badges etc away....the numerous Minibus petrol/hire shortfalls I made up...oh...and £20 for the oranges at each function for all......and a real smart move...getting £40 for Djing which cost me often £150 to do?!!..nobody could consider me a sensible businessman back then Gordon! Honest!!!x I refuse to have that period against my excellent Business Track record i've earned entered into the record....I wos an utter failure as a 'business man'...!!x "like a lot of others when it didn,t work he left...". !!!!!!!!!.....gulp...I left...when it was FULL OOOON Gordon!!! Wot u like...???!...a never ending tirade of outright abuse of my history and truth you spout forth Sir!!!!!hehe!x It didn't work any longer mate...because I stopped working it....end of. I couldn't keep returning back home to a warm bed after an A/N that I hadn't slept in the night before. It weren't the 3 bears making it cosy either. Sh* t happens. But it was a positive for me. I 'quit' to focus on resolving my failed/doomed marriage and be there for my kids for their last few school years. From 2000-2005 I made my sacrifices there. When the kids had left and gone to college...I said it is over and I am leaving...first time in 28 years i'd ever said it! She wanted to leave each month....but never did!!!hehe!x Nowt to do with 'failure' on the scene. If anything...the success of my involvement with the scene hastened the inescapable ending of our marriage which I should never have begun....28 years earlier. So...we all have a price to pay Gordon...for success...and failure. I paid for mine in the right ways...as far as this scene is concerned... I failed you all...yep...and left. But...succeeded on putting right a wrong that I had not dealt with for 28 years since aged 18. So...given 'the facts' Gordon....I don't look for an apology or fee or your record collection cashed in for slander and deformation of me person and such....but I don't expect to be come at with these casual remarks again mate....based on...???....not knowing me??!!!x That's not business like...or friendly....but forgiveable...this time!x (Take his name off the 'easy touch' list T....fank u!x She's the Lady that looks after me ar*e out here in virtual world...she's 'real' tho'!!x) Bu**er....i'd like to have acquired your tunes too Gordon.....sigh......too kind I am....always been me downfall.....X Steve G 'chips' in with..."Just looking at the Sooty selections On the flyer, is an immediate turn off "I walked away" says it all!.....No thanks would rather spend an evening watching Miranda :lol:" ...erm.....read the flyer again Steve G!"!x It was an 'in' thing among us all....I spoke through labels....as well as music!x Here's the first 1. Not a record shown...but there they are....in print. That followed throughout any promotional flyer....read your one again.... ...of Hopes...to fill The Maltings...Dreams fullfilled...300/350/420...and Tombstones...it's finished....ended...kaput...all future dates cancelled. "BYE BYE BABY...I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU...I WALKED AWAY...WHAT CAN I DO....? Turn the flyer over.... RUN FOR COVER...!!! Northern Soul At St Ives,,,THAT'S WHAT I WANT!! JUST A BOYS DREAM.....YOU REALLY MADE IT GOOD TO ME.....I know....sigh. Dunno if they all got played or owt. I was talking on the flyer...not DJing....X Soz for the confusion mate....but as said....they all got it back then...'in crowd' sh*t......but u have the code and are 'in' the 'catchphrase crew' now...Mr Chips!!!!hehe!!x Just say wot u see.....not wot u hear!!!!! I never spun owt....it's in ure head Steviiiiieeeeee!!!!x....doooodledooodooo.......!x People collected 'em as a 'work of art'...seriously!!x @@ ~ Pete S...slides in wiv..."I Was thinking about what you said there. I'd also look at "I Walked Away" and think - Zzzzzzzzzzzz But then I thought, if I heard that at a big allnighter and everyone was clapping, my God it would be utterly fantastic! And thats the trouble - we get bored of all these old records but when they're heard out, they take on a different dimension completely." The truth was Pete.......I played it...it rammed as it should when played at the right time...I remember it well. I have it on video.....a lad actually spins himself into the ground thru euphoria....actually collapsed arms stretched as a crucifix as he went....looked up....and went backwards and laid there absolutely Eddie Parker'd.....never ever forget it...sung to every word to the last note as he went...AWESOME...X I'll find the clip!!!x Little-Stevie offers some large tips..."The trick is to go about your plan in a quiet way Sooty, get your team/ venue in place and then go pow!.... A premature ejaculation will alert those that would wish you to fall on your arse......." What plan mate??!!x All i've announced 'publicly' is that i'm actively looking to get active again!!x There are only about 11 key folk that know of my ultimate plans within this scene that are currently in my head. Only 2 of them are involved in this scene at present. They only know half of what I have in my head too. None of those frequent this forum....or should I say 'contribute'. There is nothing to say...yet. Except we...are excited!x I...me...ain't putting me name or owt to any 'venue' either....! As said....i'm focused on folk Nationally....regionally...and locally. I ain't asking anyone to come to 'me'...for anything! I'm coming to you...all of you!!x Each to their own which I fully support and have done all me life. My 'plans'...and efforts will be going behind every venue...promoter...DJ...and Soulie...we can accomodate all. The music...will be a bonus. No different approach than the 90's...except this time I have a ready made team of devoted folk already in place to work with and support to help make things happen...Like the Len's...Shifty's....and several others were back then!x "As i said in another thread.... Less is more...." You are right every time you've said it to me mate....X...but on this occasion.....I have a hanky for you...or a nut to go wiv that bolt?....hehe!!!!x @@ ~ "Just a thought...." I have thoughted on it....and I can't say any less than wot I have....!!!x However Little Stevie....I ain't 'concerned' about those whom you suggest may want to see me or any good intended Soulie fall on their ar*e...I ain't got time or reason for it. Besides...they were out there back in the 90's....wherever I went!x They are in life too! But....i'll tell you what I found out....not 1 of them....if indeed they really did exist...I wos on drugs at the time....so...you know...dooodledooodoo....but if they did....not 1 had the decency to identify themlselves in person or say so to me face!!! I'm approachable by anyone!x EVERYONE smiled....and still do! So...I haven't got a clue who they may be now...if any...or back then Stevie....but.....nothing I have 'planned' would cause them concern....on a personal or business level.....negatively! It ain't 'business' for me see....pure pleasure! I deal with life and death outside of this scene. I have it in perspective Little Stevie...X I genuinly believe there isn't 1 DJ/Promoter or Soulie that has forgotten there is a war on...and folk are dying....being abused and used out there in everyday life. I don't for one moment. It is that reality I deal with each day.....that ensures I won't get upset about anything in this Scene mate......it's for living.....and leaving death...and misery....behind. I WON'T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY!!!x....and neither should any of you....I reckon!x Co-operation...togetherness...partnership...is my diction.....fame/ego's/confrontation/condemnation...Politics...moi?? Behave...i'm on that 24/7 out there. This scene...it's me chill out zone...always has been.....and thanx for the super warm welcome back i've recieved from you all.....X Nothing has been said...or spoken about in these forums to make me feel different either. You can't! If I felt that way.....i'd switch u off....click of a button!x Did it all face to face last time....this is convenient....but I prefer the hands on approach meself...with a smile we can all see!x I hope i;ve replied to each of you to your satisfaction...!x I will be back on line Monday for any further discussion...banter.....and yes....abuse.....I can handle it!!!!x Have a great week-end all....and there may....may...be a small chance I can pop into Lifeline tonight as I end up at Birmingham Airport late tonight!x It's in me head as a possibility....but i'm not in control of the times or schedule for the day at present...just chilling with it.....so i'm hopeful to hear your stuff Chalky and all....and a birthday hug for you if so....and I'll do me first write up.......about YOU...and ure tunes!!!......I wonder if Ted will read it???!!!!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Now Len's screamers.......start SCREEEAMINNNGGG!!!!!.....Sooty....has left the forum......uh huh.....!x....get's shades.....walks into lampost.....MEEEEDIIIIICCCCC....no.....JACKET N PSYCHIATRIST....S.............there's looooads of me...and my type out there...I reckon.....!x ....that flippin' permanent ink marker chest took 3 weeks to dis-appear...and the point on me forehead??? .......tis why I wear a hat...15 years on...doh!! Folk talking about their 'influence' on the scene???? WOT??? This scene ifluenced ME........tis all your's fault!!!!....!x That's my reality.....face yours!x Here's an extended take on it all...which is all too rare.........X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LNfjjgZv4U ....and mine also ends with this last sincere comment.....I LOVE this scene...it's people's approach to life...and it's music...that's all anyone can tell you who was there when I shared it last time. Can I get a witness to that? My ex Mrs....whom I loved like no other woman I had in me life for 28 years...said...'you think more of them than you do our marriage."................GUILTY. Won't do that again to another relationship. I'll deal with any relationship first. I have. I'm back... Nobody can do owt about it to stop me....even if they wanted too....I reckon....!!!x Why should they? @@ ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfCvBWNonSo
  22. CHAAALKYYY...!!!!x I should have gone 15 minutes agooo....flippin' Candy and all that!!!sheeesh. Look...Back Street has it figured...X We can discuss the problem....for ever. But there are solutions. I found them in 1990. 'New' folk...new DJ's...new inspiration. I;m back. Just a pure Soulie....and nobody can say different......luvly init!x I can't go to the 100club on the Novemebr one which I have read somewhere your going too. But...I am DEFINATELY going on the December one. I have invited some music induustry folk...cutting edge people...to come and be eduacted. Pete me Producer mate is going too.....for 'the craic'...and inspiration. It's the 'buzz' word out there....Northern!!!x If you are going...I will gladly sit with you and answer anything you wanna ask!x LUV SOOTY X ...definately gotta go mate.....X
  23. ...just slap me MrC.....I is human is me only defence.....X @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ..the bu**ers cost me about £50 each flippin' Halloween....how can I forget?!!!Doh!x It takes me night up.......answering the door with me special effects lightning in their eyes and me Devil outfit meeting and greeting with blood everywhere........loads cried last year when I opened the door and screamed WAAAADDDDYA WANNNTTT!!!! LUV IT!!!x I have a speaker in the front garden....a football stadium speaker....playing spooky stuff....hear it from about 10 miles across the fens last year I was told....! Any excuse to play music....to the masses......wonderful!!!x @@ ~ I'm outta 'ere.......thanx for the chats this week everyone....enjoyed it all....X @@ ~
  24. Harry....I just logged out as I have to go....but had to log in again....i;'m intrigued!!!x Why you put the Astors-Candy in there??!!! Is it a 'joke'??...nightmare tune for u or summink??!! Honest....clueless!!!x Bu**er!!x I have an extra interest because I played the B side...'I Found out'...regular!!x I was told that Candy was played back in the day....but I listened to both sides...and that was 'it' for me in the 90's!! LUV IT!!x LUV SCURIOUSY X @@ ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv2NiPSHdXk ...hopefully get the answer in next 10 mins.....or it'll bug me fror the next few days as I have to go.....poo!! Been here before in here.....Harry's a fella's name tho......chilll Wiiiinsssstttooon......hummmmmmm...!x EDIIIITTTT....CAAANDY!!!!!....like a sweet.......argggghhhh....just sussed it when i saw Apples Peaches Pumpkin Pie.....grub init!!!!....now where's me edit edit button.......!!!!x DOOOOH.....but at least I know where the TOP button is......cough.....!x Have a good week all!!!x @@ ~
  25. "I dont know you sooty but I do admire you're positive and enthusiastic nature and not wanting to be a nay sayer but unfortunately your rose tinted specs are way out of focus. 2000 at a do covering all bases in the cambridge area. Sorry mate but wakey wakey" Things ain't changed then Andy!!!x I had well intentioned folk...friends...the then then Mrs...genuine as yourself say on our return from my first ever gig...Keele xmas 1992....after i;d said I want to do summink....they said "naaaa...Cambridge ain't got enuff to get a regular Soul night going anymore. Besides....XY and Z already have it 'sown up' with Mallet Re-Unions and the like. On top of that Soot's....you've never DJ'd proper either.....and got no records!!!" My then Mrs giggled at the prospect. Within 3 months...had a sell out first night. I put meself on at 7-8pm to learn the decks and play me records i'd bought from Rob Smith...all crackly and popping....u get wot u pay for!! BUT...Rob certainly see me right value and groove wise for me first purchase of about 30 'classic' tunes. Then....8 months later after having sell out Soul Nights and trekking to other venues and saying hi to folk...I said I was gonna do an all-nighter. Len will tell you...he was there. I had I think 10 Soul Club promoters come to a meeting I arranged. All unconnected and independent. The only commonality was that I had made friends with them all in the 10 months previous. A few knew each other and 'worked' together events wise....but that was it. NONE of them really believed what I said would happen. I said we'd sell out a 300 venue for an all nighter 8-6am. We had 3 there....before we bust outta the joint thru sheer demand....here's the flyer to commemorate that momentous 'happening'....in Cambridge....since the Mallet and St Ives finished in the late 70's early 80's.... The true figures were this....342 paying at the first....30+ got in free. 411 paying....38 free. The final....484 paying....we had to close the door. The 'advertised' figures were to appease the Local Council....and other 'agencies' that were keeping a close eye on developments. Reason being....I announced we wos re-opening St Ives. By then...I had developed new friends/contacts/clubs around the UK....and all wanted to be part of this 'excitement'. I therefore had a 'national' focus as opposed to a local one. So much so that this is the figures regarding the attendance and make up of those who came.....only 15% came from Cambridge and say a 20 mile radius of St Ives On average....120-180 folk outta 1000. I can name those that left at 2am too. You're right Andy....I figured in 1994...Cambridge couldn't 'support' such a venue....but the Nation could....!x That...and they...were my 'market'. You suggesting I can't get 200 to a doo from Cambridge....today???!!x I get that at me house Party's!!!!x So....2000...IF...I was contemplayting 'promoting' around Cambridge. I ain't as far a St Ives is concrened...as it has an established doo occurring which came outta the ashes of what we left behind in 1999...and they are welcome to it....X I'm National Andy.....a different perspective mate....hopefully i;ve restored your confidence in my 'belief' and potential of you all out there!!!x Thanx for the pep talk tho' mate....it's always good to remind meself of what's gone before......no net...or phones back then either......!!!xHonest...2,000....would be a start....today!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X Chalky.....X Like my comment above...I have a different 'take' on things usually. I blame me upbringing...X Music...wasn't...and never has been....my priority. The people were....and still are. I had 893 members signed up to my Soul Club and St Ives in the 90's. I went through them as I still have the index card file box I made for them all!!! I know every name....spoke to most personally....and certainly I considered them 'Soul' mates as you do. I knew enuff about them en masse to know they didn;'t come for the music really either. They came for 'the craic'. No different to a football club. At any club...you have a hard core. Cambridge United have had about 200 consistently over the past 30 years. Yet the average attendance is 2000. Most would stop there....but I can't. When we went to Wembley...24,000 and 22,000 turned out 2 years on the trot. THEY...are my market too...as a 'club'. The hard core will have me changing Manager every months....if I let em!!!...but.....there is a middle view....which suits the majority. That's what I worked with....and lov'd the extreme's of it...be they ultra rare Butch type....or Handbaggers who turned out for their annual pi** up to celebrate dancing to summink at a Youth Club in the 70's. They are all common in 1 thing....they are people. I work with that....not their music tastes...or owt. It worked...and it will always work. This scene is ripe for expansion...inclusion....and for sharing all that is...and what has gone before. I am working on making that a reality. I decided....I can do it...and nowt to stop me....except me!x Reading yours....Gordon...Byrneys stuff....we'd all get on ....guaranteed....WHATEVER is playing. But...as I said...today...based on the wiiiiide scope of knowledge and proliferation of tunes via Utube/Putes etc......it is BEGGING for it to happen. Split??? Yep...there will be....and always will be. But at my gigs back in the day.....'attitude' is what it was all about. I do come at it different to most of you. You had your euphoria in the 70's....and none of us will ever 'touch' that.....sadly...X However...I missed it...and caught up with my lost youth as a 30 year old....going on 15/16. I had those 'natural' reactions to tunes that many of you had had enuff off. I heard stuff that nobody had heard....and it done the same. So...the history....was irrelevant. Musically...it was about what what was in the groove....end of! That's a natural fingy DJ's share....never had to think about it personally!! I don;t know wot i;m gonna play until the previous DJ hands over!!! So....I am optimistic and see potential for 'the scene'. It's our 'last fling'. I think in the 90's we caught a lot of folk who were rid of the kids aged 13/4/5 and had free time to go back out again aged 30ish+. Many of them had their 'last fling' during that era...I can name them...X It will be similar today after all the recent exposure the scene has had in ways and means. 50/60 year olds...want to come out.....and party...instead of Bingo.....i'm sure!!!x They were these 'kids'...back in the day. I believe we can make it 'magical' again for them....and share what wisdom YOU have all been keeping for them.....have faith....it is there to do!!x Sorry about the 'Bag of Wind' post Steve G...hehe!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A26PJeSOdqg ...FLYYYYYINGGGGG....be back in a few days!!!!x

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