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Everything posted by Sooty

  1. Gordon...your comments here are fair mate...and sensible aimed at me...for once....and I hear you friend...X I bow to you and your input/commitment and continued support of the scene and music throughout your life.....sincerely...X When I put me head above the parapet as a 'newbie' in the 90's...I wished an apology for not going to Wigan...St Ives....and all these other fine venues frequented by todays 'hard core' back in the day....would have been accepted. I wished I had been there......I respected and still do all that did.....but I couldn't and can't magic that truth away!x What I have continually done tho'...is pay my respects to those who were there.....unreservedly....X Let me use this analogy to explain my approach...X Since 1975 I have been a football fan of Cambridge United. I knew all the 'hard core' and lead the singing as we trekked through 3 divisions consistently in the mid 70's. It was a 'family' experience and bonding thing for us achieved at the same time you were all having the same experience/togetherness at Wigan and around the UK. That was for a 3 year period of 'excitement'.....and I can name virtually every one who was 'there'!!! Since then.....when us who were there ever meet....35 years on.....we don't need to say owt....we just hug.....and enjoy the occasion whatever that may be. Like 'veterans' init!x However.......the reallll hard core consisted of perhaps 40/50 folk who went everywhere and 'lead' the rest. Out of those 50....there are perhaps only 4 or 5 that like you Gordon.....are 'committed' still at the level they were back in the 70's. I am one of those. In recent years....since falling into the Conference.....we've averaged 2,000 crowd. That has just gone up to 3,00 average since we have been unbeatable......or until Southport last week....nice 1 Gaz!!x I know about 15 of those 50 'hard core' are turning out too...first time in donkeys. But....1,000 have 'joined the bandwagon' if u like! Gordon....throughout my 38 years of supporting Cambridge....I have seen fans...like Soulies....come and go. BUT....not 1 of them can I 'write off' or treat different to me or any 'hard core' out there!!! They are 'the' Community!x It get's betterer than that too.....24 and 23,000 went to Wembley. If I siaid u 20,000 'part timers...handbaggers....glory hunters'.....ain't serious........well.....i'd be shooting meself in the foot....Ratner style!!!x We are all different....we go to the game/gig for different reasons. I personally have never gone to watch football!!!! On the other hand....I have always enjoyed listening to every tune!!! My 'commitment' to my football club has been the same towards the Soul Scene. In 35+ years I have always said NORTHERN SOUL to anyone when asked about me favourite music. I still after listening to 100000000'ssss of bits of vinyl from all genres find that Northern 'does it' for me! I've been to every Premier Club in the land.....gimme terraced football anyday....X My 'commitment' level in me own way has been the same towards the scene as yours mate.......just because I wasn't 'there'....doesn't mean i'm not 'serious or genuine' with it!!!x My love of the music is stronger today than it has ever been! I've collected over 150 tunes since me last gig....without speaking to any of you for 10 years!!! My choice....cos I love it...init!!!x Therefore Gordon.....whilst I concede that my 'physical' input has only had 10 BRILLIANT years of my time....effort....marriage.....cash.....and stuff....it doesn't mean that I wouldn't have stood by your side...if asked....since 1975......just like I would me football mates....X LUV SOOTY X .....ooops.....erm....I ain't been to a home game for the past 4 years 'officially' either!!!x I'd hate to think any of the 'new' hard core....the singers/travellers every game goers would consider me not 'hard core' anymore!!!!!! Otherwise...they'd have nowhere to go.......honest!!x That's anuver story!!x U try being committed to summink you can't be part of.....!!! On that basis Gordon.....there is nobody in this scene now...or ever....who can look me in the eye and tell me I ain't as committed as you.....whether I go or not to doo's!!!!x BUT...I will be the first to admit I know nothing......like football....I know nowt about it. BUT...the common denominator between the 2 'scenes' are????? PEOPLE. Football fans....Soulies.....same thing.....to me. When people are involved.....I take things serious. It is why I have responded in kind Gordon to you this morning....I care.....and hope you can give me some slack to be accepted as a 'hard core' who hasn't been able to make all the games for one reason or t'other!!!!!!....please?!x @@ ~
  2. No I can't Steve!!!x Since 1975....a 'Soulie' to me was someone 'into'...in whatever capacity or commitment level....'Northern Soul'. Dunno why....but that has been my understanding! I used it throughout the 90's as a reference to 'us' and nobody said owt ever!!! All me newsletters referred to the people as 'Soulies' without flinching! So...forgive me for being genuinely surprised at this announcement that it ain't to be used for 'us'! It isn't a tag/label or badge either. It incorporates ALL...be they casual...collectors or just plain folk like me who LOVE the music! Oldies...newies....R&B....Midtempo....Stompers and Rare Soul followers are included too!!! All encompassing.....anyone into the music Northern Soul/Rare Soul includes in its genre!!...ah...Doo Wop dabblers are welcome too....I like that style meself and yes some has been accepted/embodied within the Soul scene....by....decent music lovers!x I ain;t being funny.....but I am having difficulty in taking you all serious over this!! What 'collective' word is there to replace it? Genuinely interested in any answer!x PogoPaul suggests 'modernist'....I genuinly feel the word is 'traditionalist'. So...what's the replacement for this 'general' term?!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X EDIT...SORRY...Steve Smith...NOT WINNIE!!!! (Thanx Steve S!x).....if u hadn't have got on that train i'm sure I wouldn't be in this predicament 40 years later...........thanx!!!!!x @@ ~
  3. Okaaaaaaayyyyy.....so 'Soulie' is out....but 'decent music' follower is acceptable...of all sorts. Well...that fits me no problem too!x I have a decent collection of Rock N Roll/Rockabilly/Doo Wop...Disco....New Wave...Rock...Funk and quality pop classics from the 50's/60's and 70'! Oops...I also have a decent collection of Northern decent music too. Fine!....no badge needed just the vinyl....which I have.....i'm in!!x LUV SOOTY X ...we're off.....YEEEEHAAAAAAA.......cooomeeee onnnnn u decent music lovers.......now we've amalgamated anything is possible......we can...erm....can....!x
  4. ...off to play me 5 a side now Gordon so will read your answer later tonight.....but what 'term' is someone who luvs Northern Soul/rare Soul supposed to be called these days?????!!! A simple question! I try and keep it simple under 1 banner....a 'Soulie'...! Never known owt else!!!x Steve G has had problem in answering....have u got a dictionary to update me on??? Willing to learn!x LUV SOOTY X
  5. Whilst it may be a tongue in cheek comment Ted...that is an astute observation which today a DJ can take into consideration as a positive methinks!!x In the 90's...most 'newbies' were oldies coning back for the first time since Wigan etc aged 35 ish. Their kids had grown up and out smashing windows so they came to 'dance' and reminisce. I noticed the stark difference when attending the 2 gigs I did t'other week up t'north. Hard core everywhere that i knew from old....and I was astonished at how many sat around at both gigs merrily tapping away all day/night....and perhaps got up 2 or 3 times during the night....and went home ecstatic...as they did in their 30's I recall!x As a DJ back then....I played to 'entertain' with perhaps uptempo tunes up the playing order....! But today....I believe perhaps more 'quality' midtempo....did I say that???....erm...not so stomping gear....can be played! Much of which I couldn't have played back in the 90's.....or suffer the backlash of many chewing chums...hehe!!x I believe there is more of that 'unknown' to be spun than the other these days....so it should be a 'dream' for any DJ having a go today....I reckon!!x LUV SOOTY X ...at a 'normal' disco....birthday/wedding....3/4ers of the tunes I play are to entertain the folk sat doing nowt except listening. I play me 'quality' stuff then....to satisfy all. That wasn't the option back in the 90's on the scene when I wos there......as said....LUV IT!!!x @@ ~
  6. ......handbagger..............................????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x @@ ~ hehehehe.... LUV SOOTY X
  7. Wot's the new words for us then Steve??? Honest?!...has there been a new top 10 names developed since I stopped frequenting gigs? Wot am I...or others who go...or don't then?!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....have I been promoted to a 'collector'???? Shifty and Len will pi** emselves at that prospect...!!!hehe!!x @@ ~
  8. ...agree with you 1000% Gordon!x Personally...I travelled more than any Soulie I knew back in the 90's. It earnt me respect as a then DJ and Promoter on the scene. I wouldn't dream of earning that 'respect' from a fellow Soulie any other way today!!x But...fortunately...being a 'Soulie'...ie into the music.....then that membership hasn't had to be renewed or proved to anyone when at kids homes...borstal...prison....or in me car for 15 years before going to a proper doo!x I learneded the term 'Keep The Faith'....back at a youff club circa 1975 when The Champion was being spun and I watched Mick Hutt in his reaaaaallly wide baggies spinning....and hoped one day I could have some trousers like that and dance as good! I never did either.....but....''kept the faith'.....to this day. ALONE too with it for many of those years.....but still kept it....when it counts!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...we'll get on.....we are of similar foundation mate!!x 'Hard core'....end of!!x
  9. ...awwww jeeez Steve...CHILL mate!!!x We din;t have computers...email....and most din;t have mobiles back then either!!!x I made card records...every one hand written and in a likkle box of indexed cards!x ALL FRIENDS......I don't allow tw*ts in me databases. It's mine see....I do as I like wiv me friends....and they've always appreciated it!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X EDIT....but you are right mate....computers...the internet....yup....I remember the forerunner to the net...'Prestel'. I became a millionaire thru it first time from '85-90. By 1990....the system had been compromised. That technology was morphed into the Internet development circa 1991. I was part of it working with BT's development end as the most successful 'commercial' operator on Prestel in the 80's!! So yep....the net....is compromised and anything confidential is....not!!! I knew that in 1991...and it was why I wrote me cards out in '93-2000..and still have no 'confidential' info from my 'networks' near any computer 'on line' today! I also have a T2 uplink that bypasses the normal lines used by the majority!x But no harm in reminding any newbies Steve......!!!x @@ ~
  10. I'd never seen the top 500 list until the thread appeared on here yesterday Daz..X I have had perhaps 400 of them in me time. But...I DJ'd at a Dayer t'other week....a 'classics' venue really....and so I took 'party' music for the occasion. EVERY ONE would have been considered a 'classic'...yet....when I review me tunes I played....only 3....are on that list!!!!x For me...they were 'obvious' tunes!!!x Bob Brady...'Everybody's Goin' To The Love In'.....and it rammed!!!x If you'd have asked me before hand i;'d have guranteed that was in the top 500...but it ain't.....!!!!x There are 100's as u say of unplayed classics outside of the 500.....and innocently...I played 8 among a 16 record set!!!! Yet....'hard core' would have lambasted it as an 'oldies' obvious set.....i;m sure!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  11. ....so I need to modernise me database....hmmm.....well i'll just tap their fones then Steve like Rebekah and Murdoch do. Can't keep up wiv all this data collection and protection......!!!x No trouble here mate!!x LUV IT!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  12. "As a dj do you always play what you want?" At a 10 hour wedding/function/disco Gogs....I play what I like throughout....across genres and mix old n new....BUT...am mindful of 'entertaining' the people throughout. IE...let's say a wedding is at 2pm...they arrive at the reception for 4pm. I play background stuff which gets Nan and granddads foots tapping early evening....but they aren't all ready to dance until 7/8pm...if ure a good DJ! I have seen weddings just kick off for the last hour when folk have got pi**ed enuff.....!! x As a Northern DJ.....ALWAYS have entertained first....educated 2nd....at a Soul Night. At a Nighter.....played what I wanted and fit in 2 or 3 requests which were tunes I was known for playing. At the 100 Club....Winsford...Blackburn....Congleton...Bretby....Cottons Stockport...and other 'hard core' nighters.....I played what I liked......but kept them entertained with it!x DJing has been 'natural' for me. It isn't for everyone I have witnessed. But...your questioning and request for advice....is the way forward friend!x Those who think they know all.....are the ones that leave the floor empty...and play tunes out of order....in play order or tune wise!!! The scene is full of them....or was! But as a DJ....I luv'd having them around....it made sure I had an easy life when getting up there......!!!x Some nights....folk were chewing the cud for several hours 'waiting' for my spot for it to 'kick off'.....!!!! It was a psychological thing! Me reputation went before me I suppose and folk always anticipated a 'happening'. That is what I enjoyed...the 'expectation'....and as a DJ...when u deliver.....it is the most rewarding feeling you can have as a DJ anywhere!!x A good tip is this......put ure 'unkowns/risky' tunes together in your box.....play one....when the floors been busy to a 'classic'....and if it holds say 20/30% of the floor....then go back more 'obvious' with the next....! I call it the yoyo effect....and ultimately.....when u play it the third time at the same gig over time....the floor will stay!x It happened like that with Carla Thomas 'I'll Never Stop Loving You....Brenda Holloway's Reconsider....the 4 Tracks Like My Love....The Drapers-Your Love Has Gone Away...and a few other tunes that were 'new' back in the 90's!!! Cleared the floor virtually at the beginning....I believed in the tunes....persisted...and today.....'classics!x DJ's have to 'go through it'...that ar*e wobble when putting YOUR choice on......but do it......if you believe in the tune!x My DJing was based on being a Soulie and lover of the music....and it always got me through no probs!x Keep away from the matrix numbers and stick to the groove..and I believe Gogs....you will be agog at the response!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  13. It wos a rocker Crocker that dance floor......luv'd iit!!!x @@ ~ ady croasdell, on 01 Nov 2013 - 10:52 AM, said: I understand your angle but I won't reinstate members only. I was turned away from the WAG around 1980 because I was wearing the wrong trousers or summat, all I wanted to do was see a bleeding group. I have never wanted to discriminate against people I don't know. The door turn away the obvious idiots and if any develop that way as the night progresses it just takes a discreet word to me or the door staff and it's sorted. All the best fights happened when we had memberships! ------ Your comments re Membership Frankie are valid...as are Ady's sentiments as to why he doesn't have membership anymore!x Personally....I have always liked memberships to venues within the scene. I feels it helps generate that 'togetherness'....folk feel they will be among their own....and...it collates info from a promoters perspective for future marketing and in keeping it together!!x As a medium...at my A/Ns...Members got in for a £1 discount on entrance fee....advance purchase of tickets for future dates....and received a newsletter posted keeping them all up to date on dates n stuff!! 'Temporary' members who joined on the night didn't get the discount when joining but did give their name/details before entry and paid the £2 fee membership fee extra to get in. That act by them showed some intent to do right....and also let them know we knew who they were and could be followed up in any event. I never had any 'problem' at any Night I promoted throughout the 9 years of monthly/quarterly functions. However....if I had a venue in London....Oxford Street....with it's unique 'movement' through the night and available punters...or in Manchester....Birmingham or any major City.....then I may have a different approach! My venues were 'local'...known by locals and supported by known Soulies and 'locals' within a 50 mile radius. The 100 Club....doesn't have a 'local' customer base and perhaps never has really! Therefore....I would have to be more ;'liberal' with my approach and yes...in Cambridge....casual punters arriving @ 2/3am....would be pi** heads....end of. London/major City's.....not necessarily so!! It is quite 'normal' for me to take 'sober party goers' out at 2am in London!!! That's when they start their chillout......yet back in Cambridge most folks nights would be coming to an end.....before the 5 mins wiv the mrs giving it 'I luuuurve u....burp' and all that!!hehe!x Different social habits and demographs.....which I would have to take into account. Whatever Ady has done over the years...has worked....he and the 100 Club are still here.....for which i'm grateful and as said look forward to attending the next one!x LUV SOOTY X P.S....I collected nearly 900 folks details via membership....nearly 15 years ago. I would say up to half of those details are still valid. If....IF...I was to put a doo on.....15 years later......I have a starting point.....init!!!....thanx to membership!x Dunno about you all...but when I was promoting as a Soulie...the Soulie bit....is for life......and no membership is required for that either for me....or my members.....I have found!!!x @@ ~
  14. SUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEE MEEEE!!!! YEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAA!!!!x Proudly displaying since 1993!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...in fact...I made a record box in 1976 whilst in a kids home. I painted it all red and put a silver fist on it. I also wrote Shoana 4 Me in me mad half hour of artistic flair. Unfortunately....I was late in the woods that night and I was 3rd in line...and walked back distraught. I'd run outta red paint....and it stayed on there with me silver fist until I sold the box at a boot sale in '81 with about 30 tunes i;d gathered in the 70's...! I luv'd her I did....for 1 night...10 minutes.....I did!x....................if only i;d have been a few minutes less doing me hair....i;'d have been first....she'd have agreed to marry me and I would have been the dad of many of me mates kids happy forever init!!!x Shoana....where r u now eh?!x I digress...I lay claim to using it since '76....but I ain't Spartacus....she'd have waited for me if I wos....I reckon.....!x @@ ~
  15. ...and it has to incorporate the old adage that music is a preference John.....aaaaand invokes memories!x I went to me first gig after 13 years t'other week....an established 6th Anniversary doo....and heard Sliced Tomatoes.....and the floor rammed....!!!! Yep....'surprised' I was too....but....it brought back many memories for me whilst watching the dancers 'ave a go!!x It was a party...and it is party music....and yup....the 'majority' of 100 soulies in the room at the time had no problem hearing/dancing to it I witnessed....therefore....it would make their 500.....I assess!!!x It would make mine....but waaaaaaaay down the list....for nostalgic reasons!x LUV SOOTY X 20. Taylor, R. Dean — There’s a Ghost in My House ...another B...504........and....TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNE still.....I reckon!!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTEr27s_wr0 @@ ~
  16. ....503....... 163. Fuller Brothers — Time’s a Wasting (Soul Clock) Played it at the 100Club and never ever considered playing owt else in the 90's...!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHeazeapUg4 I think it's possible to make a top 600 outta the 500 bits of vinyl....!!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  17. It ain't far off base either Pete!x I had 4 tapes with around 100 tunes on made in around '77...and they are all featured in the list above!!x Number 76 is interestiing tho'! I always thought The Tams 'Hey Girl Don't Bother Me' was an underground tune in the 60's and became 'pop' in the 70's?? In 1977...my mate Wayne put both sides on me tape.....and to be honest....i'd considered the B side 'Northern' and the Hey Girl the handbag side...!x played the B in the 90's too and not many knew it even then!!x Tune methinks...and makes me top 501!!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXiG1D62k6k @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X EDIT...erm...502......! Mentioned this a week or so ago...and I ain't got through the first 100 tunes yet.......I better stop....hehe!!x @@ ~ 67. Hebb, Bobby — Love, Love, Love (Philips) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__9X1R3CC8Y
  18. ...thanx folks!x I actually thought it was another track by Al Wilson singing another take when listening to it on the telly at the time!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  19. Just caught Dr Who from 2006 Xmas edition as I was flippin' channels....and stopped as I heard this 'familiar' track being played at Catherine Tates wedding....or I thouht I knew it...and there is summink fishy if not slippery going on....!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8IpQbszyUI Probably an old discussion i've missed but can't find anything about it on here......but it definitely sounds like The Snake re-written...!! Anyone enlighten me further....?!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  20. Morning!!x I found this tune albeit a bit crackly a while back at a boot sale....but found another mint copy to replace it yesterday on British London...and it sounds as brill as it did to me the first time I heard it years ago!!x A double sider with 'Our Day Will Come'...on the B....which is nice. I think the Moonlight side has 'class' tho'!x SUPER piece of vinyl and worth me first trip to a Boot for a few weeks after consistent wash out week ends!!x £15 in the 2012 RC book.....and purchased on both occasions for £1! Dedicated to those due to leave the 100club and any A/N venue soon....and 'perfick' to be climbing the stairs to civilisation or heaven methinks!!x Have a good day all...off to see if I can find some more 'jewels'....which is a romantic thought and will leave you with a Ruby who definitely is a treasure in my lug holes!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRkgNaeqV8U @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ...have a happy day all!!x
  21. An Antidote To Handbags?...erm...the 100Club!!!x After reading the thread....it's gone full circle!!!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X ....when on the Ritz floor I did a spin or summink that took me feet off the ground for a sec....and I definately recall the whole floor disappearing below me as it 'tilted' and I felt as tho' I dropped back down 2 or 3 inches as I landed.....AWWWWWESOME!!!!x Those 'nobbles' on the floor at the 100club....I used to love 'working' around em wiv me moves. HAAAAAARDDDD COOOOORE....or wot?!x Underground....and fit for sounds like below booooooOOOOOOOoooooming around ure lug holes....which I loved spinning there........I reckon!!!x @@ ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMmAVFqeRII ......and am looking forward to me December trip down it.........and I know I won't trip once down there......not like we did in the 90's anyway.....sigh.....!hehe..X @@ ~
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BZ3ysYvc58 ...found this lurking in me instru's....!x Have a happy day all!x @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X
  23. Hearing that Halloween tune and the harmonica.....made me think of these 'obvious instru's....which went back to me bedroom days....! Mighty Mouse being me favourite piano break of the 3...but all have their merits and have featured in most of ours 'Soul' career...I reckon!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD8JfkD9jm8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_0YRrV5TeM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMe_GG7L6OM LUV SOOTY X ...off to clear the party mess up!!!x @@ ~
  24. Just finished a kids Halloween Party....and I played virtually EVERY track featured in this thread....AND...The Lurch....and Igor's dance was played twice....through kids demand!!x I played this twice......got it a while back....and there;'s a time and a place for every tune....and this had it's moment tonight!!!x Thanx again all....SUPER night filled with 'proper'...different tunes!!x I found a youtube clip that features 20 1920;s/30's/40's horror tunes for halloween...and there's some brill stuff among it all!!x Thanx again for the inspirational tunes!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhW_QXH95I LUV SOOTY X Hope you had a good un too Soul Hull...X ^ ^ @@ ~
  25. Just finished a kids Halloween party and found this to play.....which is suitable for the thread methinks!!!x @@ ~ HAPPY HALLLLOOOOOOOOWEEEENNNN!!!!!x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBNZDrqyuQI ^ ^ @@ ~ LUV SOOTY X

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