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Rick Smith

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Everything posted by Rick Smith

  1. Just seen it. FFS!!!!!!!!
  2. Some great tracks. Particularly love the Lee Fields - Magnolia track.
  3. Please not again
  4. True, and a quality tune, shouldn't right the show off until it's been on. Just hope all the predictable overplayed stuff doesn't get pulled out again though.
  5. From the trailer its going to be the predictable stuff, tainted love, long after the night is all over etc etc Can't say I'll be making a point of listening. Bah humbug and all that.
  6. I hope they don't use the press plant that did the Motown 7's box sets!!!!!
  7. I'm sure the shows were 1,000% better than the Northern Soul show that's going out on New Years Eve aftternoon on Radio 2 with Charlene Spiterie. From the trailer it has all the old chestnuts you would expect. Zzzzzzzzz
  8. Since most of us will never spend thousands on a single 45 I guess it doesnt really matter to most.
  9. People's Choice - If You're Gonna Do It (Put Your Mind To It) Andre Maurice - Cream Of The Crop Lou Edwards - Talkin' About Poor Folks Johnny Guitar Watson - It's A Real Mother For Ya Crown Heights Affair - Streaking East Coast Connection - Summer In The Park Instant Funk - It Aint Reggae (But It's Funky) Prince George - Wrong Crowd Mighty Clouds Of Joy
  10. Leonard 'Lil Man' Kaigler - You Got Me Believing In You Haven't heard that for years. Not sure it was massive in its day though.
  11. Well bugger me I thought this was a bloke for all those years!!! Live & learn.
  12. Johnny Moore - Walk Like A Man King Davis House Rockers - Baby You Satisfy Me Kirst Allan - Walk Tall Like A Man Just a few I remember from the aerly days at Wigan. Not sure if they originated at Wigan or were Mr.M's tracks. All a bit fuzzy, Wigan, Cleethorpes, Mecca Samantha's........ can never remember where I heard em first.
  13. I got Box 1 which was fine but Box 2 was warped, sent them back and the next lot was the same. The manufacturing quality is just abysmal and they should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this poor quality of goods to be sold. Whatever happened to quality control? They shouldn't bother applying for ISO 2001. Content great - quality crap.
  14. I think their researcher spent all of 10 minutes checking out which tunes to play. Should be able to sue for defamation of northern soul scene.
  15. I think you are spot on with your comment. Obviously it depends a lot on who the guest DJ's are but generally it's pretty much the same regurgitated tunes. Haven't been to the Repossessed night yet, maybe that's better. Must give it a try but I think with it being the week after the normal NS night and the venue on Leeds Road Huddersfield on the same night I'd be interested to know how well it's attended.
  16. Superb play list. Brings back some great memories.
  17. Here's one I bagged on Ebay Item title Price P&P price Quantity Item total 1970s Lansay Buggy Mange Disque Portable Automatic Vintage Record player orange ( item: 141454169281 transaction: ) Paid on 11-Nov-14 £75.00 £17.00 1 £75.00 Standard Delivery from outside UK Estimated delivery: Tue. 18 Nov. - Mon. 24 Nov. Not a Discatron but just as good. Works a treat.
  18. I'll be sorry to see Alan go. Top guy, I'm sure he'll miss the place. Anyone know who the mystery new owner is? It's a brave man to take on a venue like the Ritz. Apart from the Northern Soul night which I understand is the biggest earner of all and the Motown nights I recon the rock and roll and ballroom dancing folk must be a diminishing return. I suppose the NS night has to be good for a few more years as long as they don't bring in a policy banning zimmer frames.
  19. I thought it was ok. Some cringeworthy bits and quite a lot of inacuracies but it was a work of fiction I suppose. Not everyone had carrier bags full of gear on tap, most of us bought week to week and I never saw anyone cranking up. Most of us only ever dreamed of going to the States, we couldn't affor Benidorm never mind Detroit or Chicago. The only real violence I witnessed was when those vermin that hung out in the entrance to Mr.M's who used to tap everyone up for money evenually got a hiding from the bouncers. A good result which put a stop to that. Like I said, it was a work of fiction, but I've been surprised by how many younger folk at work have watched it and have made comment. Most I thought took it a bit too literally, as if it were all fact. It has highlighted some great aspects of the scene in the day but for a lot of 'outsiders' I think it did put a bit of a negative spin on it and as someone earlier said I can't see it having a massive effect on numbers joining the scene. Good effort but I won't be buying it on DVD.
  20. Just notice that it's available on Virgin Media on demand.
  21. Some sellers refuse to alter the cost on the shipping label which is a bit annoying and can make what was a good buy a pricey or average one. I get them delivered to a relative in Atlanta and then have relatives bring them back. Bit frustrating if no ones coming and going for months.
  22. I've often wondered if the baggy pants brigade wear their outfits when they just go to the pub. Each to their own but I do think they look ridiculous and I'd love to see the reaction if they walked into my local. I find it embarrassing when someone new to the scene comes along and they think WTF is that all about. The music may be the same as 40 odd years ago but I don't see the need to prove that I was there 40 years ago by dressing as we did then, but then again I don't care if you turned on to NS yesterday its the music that endures.
  23. Four days to go yet!!!
  24. By the sound of it you only need a dozen folk, you'd probably get them drifting in from the pub upstairs, curiousity alone. Nowt to lose really but I cant see it becoming a massive hit.
  25. I kinda like the foisty scruffy venues, a bit nostalgic I think. After all, most of the original nighters were scruffy dumps. After saying, that I really enjoyed Bridlington, superb modern venue and no damp smelly seats.

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