I thought it was ok.
Some cringeworthy bits and quite a lot of inacuracies but it was a work of fiction I suppose.
Not everyone had carrier bags full of gear on tap, most of us bought week to week and I never saw anyone cranking up. Most of us only ever dreamed of going to the States, we couldn't affor Benidorm never mind Detroit or Chicago.
The only real violence I witnessed was when those vermin that hung out in the entrance to Mr.M's who used to tap everyone up for money evenually got a hiding from the bouncers. A good result which put a stop to that.
Like I said, it was a work of fiction, but I've been surprised by how many younger folk at work have watched it and have made comment. Most I thought took it a bit too literally, as if it were all fact. It has highlighted some great aspects of the scene in the day but for a lot of 'outsiders' I think it did put a bit of a negative spin on it and as someone earlier said I can't see it having a massive effect on numbers joining the scene.
Good effort but I won't be buying it on DVD.