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Rick Smith

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Everything posted by Rick Smith

  1. Thought it was a great show and particularly on a Saturday night when it's usually crap. Beverley Knight was superb, Booker T Green Onions was brilliant, but I must say I thought Eddie Floyd sounded pretty ropey. Still good to see the original artists in the flesh performing some classics. Not sure TJ brought much to the party. He's a great voice if you like that kind of thing but maybe not a Stax singer. Still could have been worse, that bell end Bono could have muscled in on the action!
  2. A bit like some of those hideous pieces of crap Simon Suosann used to knock out, haha They were BAD Now this is a bloody comedy sale - Northern Soul my arse https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/The-Electronics-Love-Love-Love-7-Vinyl-Northern-Soul-US-Press-/152656724062?hash=item238b0cc05e:g:MasAAOSw5U9Ziy17
  3. A bit like some of those hideous pieces of crap Simon Suosann used to knock out, haha They were BAD
  4. Yes but they are using 'real' instruments!!!!!!!! WTF does that mean? are there some other instruments that aren't 'real'? Maybe virtual instruments ?
  5. Didn't spot it was for 50. Take it back.
  6. Had the Aliza boot from the days of Selectadisc and it never occurred to me whether it was actually Eddie Parker or not. A cracking record either way. Looking on Popsike it's not the most expensive record to buy an original Mutt & Jeff, better buy a copy before someone actually starts playing this again. So many great records gathering dust that are rarely or never played in a time when we are subject to same old 'classics' week after week. Let's hope we start hearing it played out some more.
  7. Ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ORIGINALS-Suspicion-FRANK-WILSON-Do-i-love-you-NORTHERN-SOUL-7-LISTEN-/322384271197?hash=item4b0f99975d:g:M1IAAOSwX~dWsPqz Frank Wilson £70.00 with 2 days to go Entire box set £60.00 Derhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Looking at the crazy rices boots and re-issues are fetching on ebay and the rest I recon at £2.00 a record there's money to be made by someone. Just look at Comedy Sale Of The Day in look at your box. We're all laughing at whoever paid that for a pile of crap but i think the dodgy dealers out there will have a field.
  9. Wish I could contact the sucker, whoops I mean buyer of that. I've a load of old crap I could do with off loading. At those prices I could retire! Unbelievable the amount of mugs out there paying top dollar for boots and cheap re-issues.
  10. Who cares? Great record either way!
  11. William Bell - Happy
  12. Johnny Taylor - Friday Night
  13. It seems to me that the scene has been reduced to a source of advertising material and elevator music. Sat in a restaurant the other week and in the background music, Ann Deandre and Al Wilson. Is nothing sacred?
  14. It's a lovely book and worth having for reference and guidance. If you're looking at anything expensive there's always Popsike and of course SS to get a realistic check price. Helpful as a quick check to see what the original label is and other related label information. Not sure Manship prices are too low though, from my experience they are usually pretty high. If you can afford it, I would say get it, it'll keep you busy for the next few years.
  15. My collection will be going to my daughter who lives in Sydney. There's a healthy appetite for NS out there and quite a lot of the followers seem to be quite young with of course more than a sprinkling of old wrinkleys. It doesn't matter what age you are, you know a good tune when you hear one!
  16. It's good to have a more up to date price guide as the last one was way out in some cases but I don't think the boot guide is as good as previous edition.
  17. Mine are pretty much like the volume one set and where more than half are badly warped. It took three attempts before I got a set of the 1st set that weren't warped. Where do they get these pressed? Ronco 'My Mums Pressing Plant? Just to put the tin hat on it the download doesn't work either. Overall - piss poor!
  18. Hi Looking for nice copy ofLarry Laster Go For Yourself. Please PM me with price & condition. Thanks
  19. Jimmy Hughes - Steal Away
  20. Little Richard - I don't Know What You've Got, But It's Got Me
  21. Do you still have the Harold Melvin for sale?
  22. Monitors - Crying In The night
  23. I can't believe the amount of sellers on ebay describing absolute tat as 'northern soul classics'. Just an absolute joke. I though those bankers were c***s but these robbing sods are just as morally bankrupt.
  24. Cam across this little beauty on ebay today - NORTHERN SOUL - NOSMO KING GOODBYE £30.00 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NORTHERN-SOUL-NOSMO-KING-GOODBYE-ORG-B-SIDE-PYE-DEMO-/161937376725?hash=item25b43845d5:g:QM4AAOSw5dNWip16 You've got to laugh though. FFS.
  25. Here's my fun fact for the day https://youtu.be/HucOdgey9NE

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