My kids are now 15 and 23, have traveled to soul events with me all their lives. From early Southports to Allniters in Scotland, we traveled as a family to just about everything. Has it damaged them, in their veiw, not mine, no. When it was their weekend to be with me, they and I wanted to be together and not with a baby sitter, so they came. Many people on the scene know Roxanne and Che well, they never played up or cramped anyones style. They saw the good and the bad around them first hand, and discussed it with me. Now in later life they have a much more level view of drugs, drink and everything else related to the club scene than many of their friends.
This is not saying that's how other should bring up their kids, but to say I see no problem having young kids around. I've traveled with them to big dance events and Glastonbury, where lots of people take their children and we've had great fun. But there again I've always been an old hippy. They still come from time to time with me and have great fun and now bring their friends as well.