Hi All
Had this message today about our web site (www.topdogrecords.co.uk). Haven't given the persons name as this isn't a shot at him, but a genuine request for feedback.
Ey up Dave,
No disrespect but I think your website could do with some redesign to make searching easier. Can't speak for anyone else but I find it a bit too time-consuming having to scroll through hundreds of pages to find something of interest. Its a pity because there's some cracking records hidden in there somewhere.
Here was my response
Hi Mate
Had nothing but praise for the site. You really are the first, everything is alphbetical, there is a search function by artist, lable or title. We have then sub divided by genre for those that have a particular taste. In fact our site was designed to work in a simular way to most of the other major sites, ie Manship, Craig Moerer etc, so that there is some sort of industry standard.
Plus we put every bit of stock we have on the site, no things hidden for those 'Special people', everyone has a chance at everything we have, but that does mean that we have over 8000 titles listed.
I have come to ask you guys as the site is designed to work for you, if it's not working then we need to change it. As I said above, we have had nothing but positive feed back until today, but always ready to listen, but would be helpful to get a collection of feed back so we can take the average of the comments.