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  1. Hooker1951's post in Wigan Casino badge was marked as the answer   
    Hi Julian
    if it was running weekly from September 73 to May 81 that would’ve been around just short of 400 nighters, but they did run a few Friday nighters wether it added up to another 100  over that period is another question, It weren’t my cup of tea anyway I stopped going to Youth clubs in 1965 and visited real nighters from then on
    cheers Mick
  2. Hooker1951's post in What is crossover was marked as the answer   
    A loose term for a foot in each camp Soul music , sometimes works, sometimes  doesn’t , sometimes sounds good , a lot of times sounds a little weak doesn’t quite get there, because when you walk in the middle of the road your not getting anywhere fast, it’s become over the years a sweeping statement on Soul music that in my interpretation is much too generalising and simple to explain, Just like all Soul music there will be Good and Bad Crossover whatever it is LoL,

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