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Everything posted by Hooker1951

  1. Make sure you take good gear the music will pitch up without altering anything and sound better too trust me KR ML
  2. Hi Roburt Yes the Canadians backed Chuck Berry at the Cavern in either feb or March 1967 I went to the show I remember thinking who was this backing band, anyway it was a great show. ML
  3. Some good answers above but some above I rest my case me me me , brigade cut out the snobbery and elitism we are just human beings playing someone Elsie’s music some better than others some a lot better than others it’s as simple as that KR Mick
  4. Jimmy Saville Clunk Click suck my? Only joking. ML What does best DJ mean , ?who discovered best records , Who could fill a dance floor and keep them there? Who was user friendly to the punters without thinking they were peas above sticks, there,s plenty of them . ? Who has 10,000 records and only 60 minutes to play them? Who is the most consistent? Etc etc, Etc, There are far to many faces to Northern Soul to make a judgement as profound as that, the Soulie who likes to dance or did and sweat of his trolley will have a completely different view to a Soulie who is a collector and who is only interested. In a DJ who finds rare soul only , although the two can cross over sometimes it’s rare, I salute the DJ who has discovered new and undiscovered sounds to our ears played them , but that does not make a complete 1 hour set and playing them in a manner that keeps the crowds interest for the full hour,, so for me it’s an unanswerable question, Give credit where it’s due that’s all you can do. ML
  5. Keyboard bullies that’s all they are, leaves of a tree ML
  6. I know I worked n the door there Robert, met Ben e king. Jimmy Ruffin, Edwin Starr, William bell, Arthur Conley, Johnny Johnson etc etc , way before 1973 first all-nighter, who ever was on at Wigan Casino also played at Bolton Casino sometimes on the same night same owners till 1972 when Gerry Marshall took over Wigan Casino as sole proprietor and changed the Wigan Palau’s to Mr M.s after of course is surname , I painted the place LoL, Mick Lyons
  7. Following on from the Room at The Top original Soul club Market square Wigan open from 1964 till 1969 regular All nighters every weekend and Sunday all dayers 1965 till 1968 running parallel at the time with the Wheel, Geno Washington and the ram jam band regular live act there, never gets a proper mention I was there it happened 8 years before Casino all nighters kR Mick L
  8. When your feeling it dancing is magic for your soul and your body and your spirituality and I believe you give an aurora of energy and presence that’s visible to people on the same wave length as you, that said it doesn’t have to be gymnastics by any means you’ve either got it or you haven’t I’ve always felt it that way with good music and of course good company. keep on Dancing ML
  9. You’ve got to feel it not pretend to feel it or it looks pretentious and false just going through the motions was never enough for me, if your feeling it you are enjoying it wether your a good dancer or not it’s your thing nobody else’s KR Mick L
  10. If Teds records are to be recovered it will happen because of the support of the NS fraternity , keeping ears close to the ground and willing to tell it like it is if they hear anything hopefully will lead to a positive result for Ted, The Police I’m sorry to say are useless and clueless with anything these days, you have got to do the job for them or it doesn’t get done. I had my record box 300 plus singles in it stolen from my car about 27 years ago, Luckily I sent word out that if they had robbed the box being opportunist thieves and returned them I would understand if they didn’t I would never stop looking for them ,and justice would be done, they appeared with apologies and with a bonus, otherwise they would have probably ending up being frisbees or sold to some pretend DJ, It’s a sickening blow when this happens when your young but it’s a lot worse when your 72 years of age , good luck Ted if I hear anything you will be the first to know KR MickL
  11. This guy is definitely doing too many drugs and staying out too late, he needs help from a knowledgeable drug councillor before it’s too late LoL, ML
  12. What a voice, what a singer, what a Legend, Original and will never be forgotten a True Soul Man, just hope it isn’t true KR ML
  13. Sorry to hear about Wayne he was a good lad and loved his music , my thoughts go out to his family and friends R I P Wayne God Bless Mick Lyons
  14. A great artist and a great songwriter, Money was a RnB anthem that every early RnB and rock n roll group in the early 1960,s tried to emulate but his version the original will always be the best. He was up there with the best at Tamla. another unassuming Legend gone but what a legacy when you dig a little deep RiP Barrett Strong Mick L
  15. I was thinking more like 10.30 LoL,
  16. Some good honest answers to my topic I hope LoL, No I applaud anyone who can truly enjoy an all nighter without any help from chemicals, especially those used to have help and do it without now, Never quite reaching those magic highs that they experienced before, I’m still of the opinion if your out for the night go for it, halfway house never did it for me, but everyone is different, and different again as life goes on , the main thing is if as long as your still getting the happiness and buzz out of the event that all that matters. Don’t forget If you like what you do keep on doing it, KR Mick L
  17. I’m not going to take the 5th, my excuse or good fortune you might say is that every Soul night , all Dayer, all Nighter I visited or Dj ,d at I was spiked, I think whoever did it must have noticed that I seemed to enjoy it and carried on doing it. keep on trucking Mick L
  18. You can take the 10th Karl I still won’t believe you .LoL, Mick L
  19. A bit of honesty and truth required here, but can you honestly say that in the past or today you could thoroughly enjoy a full on all-nighter without a little help from souls favourite chemicals, I know we are all getting older and hopefully wiser , but I thought it would be a interesting topic to find out? Only honest replies please, LoL, best wishes ML
  20. Merry Christmas to Mike and the crew still a top site keep up the good work. ML
  21. What a guy spearheading along with Sam Philips at Sun a melting pot of music in Memphis, I wish I could have been there and witnessed it in Person , these are special and gifted people with fore sight and ambition and they should never be forgotten. RIP Jim Stewart ML
  22. I understand my comments are about the truth being told and who wants to believe it, I love the truth it makes you strong and free, and along with that general contribution I’m afraid came a general ripping off and that’s my opinion based on true facts let’s leave it at that like I said if people have a happy memories who am I to steal them kind Regards ML
  23. We will have to disagree here I know he reinvented history I was there. KR ML
  24. Real people always find the truth it frees you up and you can move on to better things, for some people birds of a feather stick together and they remain stuck in a made up world from years ago and they don’t move on, Like attracts Like if that’s their thing let them have it that way, but your right everybody as their view of things and events that happened, but it becomes difficult for some people to accept a new version when something has been ingrained in their brain for years it’s their own personal choice what they believe and what’s really true. ML
  25. Frank Wilson Dily has become another Snake sadly because of over play overhype, and false history from Boffins of Ballyhoo from years ago who have milked their version of the story for the past 45 years, every body knows who they are without being named and shamed, I could tell you a lot more about the truth of the start of the Casino all nighters but somethings are better left unsaid,They know, I know that’s what matters. KR ML

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