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Everything posted by Hooker1951

  1. Sorry Sooty I Played it first Tony,s Blackburn early 1993 I remember the response very well hope your keeping well thanks. Mick Lyons
  2. NEIL CLOWES gave me a copy of the White Reconsider record when I was D J ing for him at Keele in early 1993 I started to play it out straight away being a brilliant tune. Thaks Neil.at that particular time not so many jocks had it by the middle of 1994 a good few had aqquited it. GOD BLESS MICK LYONS
  3. Sounds like Rose st John.."
  4. when mods used to ride their scooters around in the 1960's their were 100's of parkas riding around with them mick L
  5. Ben E king with his band live at the empress ballroom Wigan Casino pre the all nighters early 1972 he was at his best.that night he sang all what we recognise being NS full strings and brass section. Mick Lyons
  6. They will be listening to Cleo Laine next.
  7. Just a footnote it was said tommy Neal was a member of the majestics and possibly the four pros pre Going to an Happening. Mick L.
  8. I bought going to an happening Tommy Neil in1968 from a manchester record shop to play on Silcocks waltzer on which I worked in the nw the punters used to call it the soul castle because 95 per cent of all music played was soul and tamla. It became a massive record in all the proper underground soul clubs of the day along with a host of top northern soul tunes who people say they discovered years after.a top atmospheric sound a timeless tune. HAPPY DAYS MICK. l
  9. Were you there when I Iost an average about 500£ a month promoting tony,s Empress ballroom Blackburn 1991 till 1994 .three years till I even started to break even I,m not moaning about it and I didn't, say it was wrong. I must have touched a nerve though. Egos again best promoter this best Dj that. who said i meant you anyway.., god bless
  10. ITS quite obvious even to those who don't want to see that some promoter Dj,s from the 1970's northern scene went missing in the 1980's and early 1990,s and only came back when money signs appeared. I am not saying this wrong, just stating facts whereas other promoters and Dj,s soldiered on regardless to keep what they loved going until today. N. GOD BLESS M.L
  11. Well said Jocko proper Dj,s sounds very condescending As I stated earlier their have been many Dj,s since 1981 who in my humble opinion were far superior and promoters who loved to keep the scene they loved going not for profit but because they loved what they were doing.Believe me I am one of those promoters and I know that their a lot more like myself as long as I know that I am happy promoting and Dj,ng .if the Soulies are happy I'm happy. SIMPLE,33years have passed those years have not been forgotten to the soul people who know the truth ie,100 club ,Bradford, Blackburn.Keele. To name but a few and all the new venues today everybody has their own piece of the soul jigsaw Less egos, Less ballyhoo, more good soul music more good times. GOD BLESS MICK LYONS
  12. let's get things in perspective with this TV programme NS clubs and the NS scene did not start with Wigan Caino or Stafford in the 1970's it began along time before that.There was a vibrant soul scene a good 10 years before that playing what you would term NS and good R n B all through from what I can personally remember I myself went to my first allniters which ran every sat at the room at the top in Wigan which ran parallel with the wheel from 1965 onwards besides other clubs in theNW.It seems to me that certain people including some well known DJ,s act as though they invented the scene which had been bubbling already for at least 8 years before their where Dj,s before them and hell of a lot after Let's just enjoy the music dance, listen and have a good time less egos, would be a good start. god bless.
  13. just what is happening with this snake job is it some kind of secret cult.. Snakes in Bolton, making their way to Wigan.escaping from houses in skemersdale,opening the commonwealth games. Could Russ W. Be behind this cult it's very worry,ing send for the Soul Patrol before it's to late.
  14. where,s Steve Irwin when you need him.
  15. Reports of a giant snake in Bolton slithering around with people following it doing strange body movements.
  16. I had the good fortune to see bobby and family 30 years ago live at the Apollo in Manchester they were truly amazing live .I,ve seen a great deal of top artists during my life and believe me when I say Bobby Womack was up there with the best. Your suffering is over know Bobby it's time to rest in peace in Soul heaven good night and god bless mick Lyons.
  17. Jimmy small weren't as quick as joey small he never got over the wall.
  18. Came out in the spring of 1969 fairground speedway record.
  19. Hi dave it's mick again I started tony,s ballroom allniters the first week in October 1991 and ran it monthly until April 2003 through its most successful years.It was only stopped because of health and safety.Little Scotty helped me with this venture. it had been open previously for a short while but was unsuccessful. happy memories. Kind regards Mick Lyons
  20. The legend of soul tour at St. Helens theatre royal was a fantastic show considering their ages ,their talent, personalities and of course their vocal range shone through god bless all of them.you might not get the chance to ever see a line up like this soon .well done david gest for putting these lineups together
  21. One so called big shot Dj bragged to me that he had got 16000 records my reply was try playing them in a one hour spot it's not the jokes it's the way you tell them that matters and its the same with music.great collectors don,t always make good entertainers don,t forget the punters instead of trying to impress other dj,s Simple.kind regards

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